OS X Mavericks :: Why Does Notes Save So Many Times In Gmail
Jun 23, 2014
Every time I use the Notes app on my iMac, Gmail saves a large number (20-30) copies of the same note, and these copies exist even after the original note is deleted.
I have never used Keychain. I posted elsewhere herein that I deleted my cookies and now, tho' I am logging in to all the online password-protected accounts, despite selecting "remember me" or "keep me logged in" I wind up having to log in every time I attempt to access.So I thought I'd try using Keychain to hold the passwords to make things a little more efficient until I (if ever) solve the cookie problem. I deleted the old keychain and created a new one. When I restarted the computer, since I have Goggle Notifier, the first thing it asked me was if I wanted to store the Gmail password in the keychain which I created—yes—no problem with Gmail. I went to the other accounts and logged in, assuming Keychain would ask me if I wanted to store the password for that online account in Keychain as well, but I got no screen enabling me to do that.
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.4.11), Safari v. 4.1.3
I've set up Mail to use Gmail perfectly, except when I send emails from Mail it won't save them in my sent folder, and it hasn't collected my old sent messages either.
I did a search and found a few people with a similar problem but that seemed to be attributed to the fact that they were accessing IMAP accounts. Anyone know what the problem could be with Gmail?
The only instruction I didn't follow in the instructions was that I told Gmail to keep copies of my emails in its inbox rather than archive them.
Not sure why this is happening, but each time I try to use my "notes" app on my Mac... it crashes. It simply will not open. I have no issues using "notes" on all of my other iOS devices (iphone, ipad)... but simply will not work on my iMac computer.
I'm using a Mac, Mavericks 10.9.4, a few days ago I deleted my outlook account (of my previous job), and now I can not find any folder that may contain the files. now iCloud sync was done...
Other threads suggested the following paths such as " ~/Library/Containers/com.apple.Notes/Data/Library/Notes" but none of them seemed to work (the library folder is not to be found!) ...
I have been using the same iPhone 5s, iPad mini, and Retina MacBook Pro since at least October of last year (when the 5s came out) and have had no problems syncing notes until recently (not sure of the exact date, but at least a few weeks).
Mac is running 10.9.4
iPhone is on 7.1.1
not sure what the iPad is on, don't have it with me right now but it is syncing fine.
My problem is that my notes are not syncing to or from my Mac. They sync to and from the iPhone, iPad, and iCloud.com perfectly, but the Mac is not doing anything. I have deleted and signed back into my account on every device and the notes are sill not syncing. The iCloud account is also the only notes account on the computer. I use notes frequently and need them to sync between devices.
How to synch notes from my phone to / from my Mac..
I went in to iCloud and it seems to insist that I create a new email account (....@icloud.com)...why do I need to do that?I already have iCloud synching of addresses on my address book without this?
I've looked at the Apple support site and all it says is "You can sync with the Notes app using IMAP or iCloud. Syncing Notes using iTunes is no longer supported on OS X v10.8 and later."...
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.5)
I have a question about notes. I use notes a lot and they are synched between my Mac and iOS devices via iCloud.
I can I restore a note from a previous Time Machine backup? If I open notes and then TM, it automatically opens Finder Window and the Note App is hidden...
Is there a way to have the same result as Mail, for which I can surf my old email in TM?
My son's school wipes the hard drive of their computers every year when they upgrade. I made a copy of my son's entire hard drive (10.8) before turning the MacBook Pro in to be "updated" (wiped and everything replaced with 10.9.4). Now my son has told me he made Notes he needs. what files do I need to replace from the backed up version of his system? I need to know how to locate the old files that I can not access by holding the option and going to the library etc because the old system files are on an external hard drive, not an active older mac.
I assume there is more than one file. We have not made any new Notes, so I'm OK to completely overwrite the new notes files with the ones from the older version. if there is any way to simply open the notes so I can copy and paste into Word, that would be fine too.
Every time I open Notes application in OS X Mavericks it moves windows around. Every time, i have to make Notes look the way i want it. This is annoying, as i use the app pretty often.
Here are the images before and after i have to move the window around:
Notes is not syncing to my iCloud account, but to an old MobileMe account which I cannot remove. The MobileMe account does not show up anywhere else except in Notes. In Settings I confirmed my iCloud account is logged in. I feel like this is more of a bug than anything else. Can I reset Notes or reinstall Notes? The computer is an older Mac Pro and has gone through many software updates...
can anyone suggest an mac os x app (or mac os x-supported software like OpenOffice et cet.) that will allow me to create marginal or anchored notes in a text document?
i am not interested in MS WORD, not out of any ideological dislike of gates or ms word, et cet. (although i do not like word), but i am tired of paying steep prices for it and upgrades and wish a simpler program for someone who writes, period. i do not need 90% of word's features (although it, and openoffice alternative, does have the "insert note" on reviewing toolbar i like - see below)
if anyone is familiar with what is called "critical apparatus", it would allow me to add what are essentially footnotes in a visible (Jer's Novel Writer) or invisible (WORD and OpenOffice) notes to the text. (btw: here is what i mean: [URL] and click on screenshot at bottom right of screen)
such a feature would be immensely helpful for some translation projects i am doing as well "to check" reminders within creative projects, from essays to novels.
i may be wrong but i don't think bookmarks are what i want and i prefer to avoid footnotes or endnotes (yes - i am selfish. i want it all) although a footnote is not so terrible a work-around.
i have looked at following options in respective apps:
postit/stickies type note - openoffice has a WORD type feature (like the critical apparatus popup window in url above) which is accessible but i would love to have a smaller simpler program to do this
marginal notes - i love Jer's Novel Writer for this but if you write a long note or lots of notes anchored to the same small stretch of text, these marginal notes become cumbersome and piled on top of each other in the margin, unless there is a way to do this i am doing wrong. (am open to suggestions how to use JNW better. i have not written to Jer - maybe i'll do this)
flags: supernotecard has flags but limits them to one per card where a card is funtionally synonomous with a paragraph. thus one can not annotate multiple words in same paragraph with individual markers
links: i am using DEVONthink more and more as a word processor with its multiple windows, database/search/concordance capabilities and extremely rewarding flexibility. i could use their links to separate windows but don't like this as much.similarly voodoopad does this well but same objection
separate windows: many programs facilitate a new window that could hold my notes. they are not anchored or easily tied to the text in question without altering the text, e.g., DEVONthink, Smultron, et cet.
i think i have looked at almost everything, i think, e.g., supernotecard, notemind, nova mind, tinderbox, notetaker (which i love), ulysses, avenir, z-writer, scrivener, smultron, textwrangler, subethaedit, mi, copywrite, bean, textmate (a great "project format" for composite documents like journal or book with chapters), mellel, mariner, JNW (which i also love), nisus, tex-edit plus, all the omnigroup apps, journler, storyist, writeroom, abiword, but may have missed something. programs like curio (which i like, along with omnigrapple pro) and mindburn are not really what i need either.
i guess if i knew enough i could write an applescript within some of these programs. but i am not very facile with scripting and do not want to take the time to become so. i do not think TeX et al. are the way to go and the same comment about time versus learning curve applies.
When trying to Save a document, I am presented with the Save As dialog. The file name has a serial number added to the old file name and the default destination is the Documents file. This happens whether I have tried to save using Command-S or using the Save option in the File menu. This started after I upgraded to Mavericks.
My Macbook Pro mid 2009 beeps three times after having change the ram from 2x2(4 Gigs) to 2x4(8Gigs) of RAM. Both new RAM modules do not work either together or by themselves. They do however work with an old RAM module, originally to have been found in my MacBook. What I need to do to make both new RAM modules work?!
My MacBook Pro Retina, Mid 2012 at Mavericks 10.9.3 is freezing up several times a week -- often happens, but not limited to, using the Application Window key.
The app Store asks for me to install iTunes 11.2.2 and Pro Application Update 2010-02 multiple times. Each time it will install without errors. Here is a screen grab showing the multiples.
I have just upgraded to Maverick (OSX 10.9.4) and have lost the ability to select alert repeat times. Previously I could choose 5/10/15 minutes or 1 hour/day/week. Now I can only snooze for 15 minutes. Where have the options gone? If I want to repeat the alert in 1 day it is difficult to have to click on snooze every 15 minutes.
I am trying to sending an email to one of my contacts groups. Some of the contacts duplicate themselves 10-15 times in the address filed whether I use to To: or BCC: field. Then, I can't delete them out of their. Only course of action is to delete the email totally. I have MAC OS X v.10.0.4
I have several email domains all managed as aliases by gmail (e.g, me@aaa.com and me@bbb.com). Mac Mail appears to allow me only one signature per account. So when I set up Mac mail with multiple email addresses in the address field (me@aaa.com,me@bbb.com) it separates them into "smart" mailboxes nicely, but those mailboxes cannot be associated with a signature as far as I can tell. it is a very common requirement, since many people use google to host multiple domains.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I've been using the Apple Mail app for many years, to access gmail. I almost never access gmail with a browser. But the gmail account is a POP account, which, now that I have an iPhone, is pretty frustrating.
I understand how to convert the gmail account (disable account on Mac, change account type at Google website, create new IMAP account on Mac). But this will sync my Mac to the mail Google now has. And since I've been managing the whole account from the Mac, and email deletions on the Mac have no effect on Gmail, Gmail has vast amounts of mail that I've deleted from the Mac. How do I switch to IMAP and get the server to match what's on my Mac?
I recently updated to Mavericks. Now I'm getting an error message from syncing with my Yahoo! calendar. It keeps saying that Yahoo! won't accept the change. All I wanted to do was dismiss the message from my mac, not change anything on Yahoo! Very annoying.
Also, for the past few months, even before I upgraded to Mavericks, I've been noticing a problem with events that migrate between my cell phone and my computer. The cell phone is a Samsung Android. It purports to sync with my gmail calendar. ical also purports to sync with the gmail calendar. The appointments do migrate from calendar to another, but the messages don't. It doesn't do much good to have an appointment in my calendar if the program doesn't give me a message warning me of the event.
Yes, unfortunately, I have both Yahoo! and gmail calendars.
I've seen this problem documented elsewhere, but none of the "solutions" seem to work.
I have two-step verification enabled on my Gmail account. I generate a unique application password for Apple Mail, which I enter into the password field in the Mail application.
Inexplicably, anywhere from 5 minutes to 1 week later, when I attempt to send an e-mail I will be prompted that the password is "wrong." It isn't, because I HAVEN'T CHANGED ANYTHING. The only way I can get the message to go away is to revoke and then re-generate another unique password.
Interestingly, I can receive e-mails into the account with no problem, but it seems the sending part is where Mail gets wonky. I have tried:
-Removing the e-mail account entirely from Mail and setting it up from scratch
-Deleting all traces of the old password from my Mac, including from Keychain Access (did this combined with the above).
I am getting tired of this and am two steps from ditching Mail for a more functional e-mail client.
I keep reading that this is necessary in Mavericks Applemail, but is it? The All Mail folder in gmail has nearly 90K messages and takes an age to load, impeding the rapid update of the current inbox.
How things can function with the show "All Mail" in IMAP turned off from the gmail side? Running both in Maverick and Yosem B2 ....
Info: MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9), Second Mac on Yosemite B2
I have been unable to use Mail for over a year now due to the fact that no matter what I do it asks me for my Gmail password every two minutes. I thought I would give it a try after upgrading to Yosemite Beta and I see it is still the same situation. Hard to believe that after YEARS of this known issue there is still no fix. Mail is unusable in this state and it forces me to us ***whisper*** Outlook ***gag***.
At least on Mavericks I could use Google Chat in Messages but that functionality is broken now in Yosemite.
I have deleted every Google related item in my keychain, deleted and reinstalled the account, said really nice things to my mac and it still won't cooperate. Now when I try to add the account In Yosemite it will only connect with Contacts and Calendar and can't even make the connection with Mail, Messages or Notes.
Strange because my Google Drive sync works just fine!