OS X Mavericks :: Tags Do Not Work After Migration?

Jun 26, 2014

I've bought a new computer and I've restored my Data using the migration utility. Even thought both computer were running the same IOS version (10.9.3) Tags does not seem to work on the new computer... How do I make it to work?

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OS X Mavericks :: Tags Don't Work Anymore

Sep 8, 2014

I have OS X 10.9.4. 

For a couple of weeks now, when I click on any of my tags, nothing shows up; but my files seem to still have their tag when I go to "my documents".  It is the same thing when I click on "all my files": the window is empty.

MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013)

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Applications :: ITunes Automatically Replaceing Custom Tags With ID3 Tags?

Jan 22, 2009

I recently ran into a big problem where I had to completely erase every ID3 tag in my library to restore aobut 5% of my library (confusing, I know). This was no big deal because my iTunes XML file contained all song information.

Everytime I click a song to play it, my custom iTunes song tags for that song are replaced with the "updated" ID3 tags. I am losing all of my song information each and every time I play a different song in iTunes.

I've already tried deleting all songs in my library and re-importing using my backed-up XML file, but to no avail. The songs are imported with their correct custom tags, but they change when I go to play the song.

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OS X :: Does Editing Tags In Itunes Edit The Tags Of The Actual File

Aug 2, 2010

Does editing tags in itunes edit the tags of the actual file.

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Search For Coloured Tags

Sep 2, 2014

I have often been amazed by the speed and accuracy of Searching for Files on my MacBookPro. 

As powerful as this SEARCH facility is, recently I wanted to search for a file that I knew had a RED tag assigned to it. 

I couldnt find how to do that, it sounds so simple, but, as far as I can see, it cannot be done !!! 

I would have thought that it should be easy to do, it is quite an important and useful thing to do, to be able to add coloured TAGS to files, so why can't I search for them, by colour ? 

OS X Mavericks (10.9), iPhone 5S, wife has iPad2 and my 4S

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OS X Mavericks :: Tags Transform Into Tiny Dot On The Row Instead Full Row

Jun 4, 2014

I recently upgrade my mac to Mavericks, but I found that the tags tranform into a tiny dot on the row instead a full row color. Can I make the tags in the old way???

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X Mavericks :: Tags Via Cloud On Word Documents Not Visible

Jun 30, 2014

I am a Mac user under the latest software.

We are using via the google cloud word documents that we can share with PC users.

I marked on my mac in the cloud the tags to different documents. I see them visible next to the file once in a time in the color that i used. If i look under icon tags on my toolbar i see the color label active.

All my other users work on windows, and they do not see my tags. Is there a way we can make that happens for everybody and that the tags stays next to the document file. 

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OS X Mavericks :: Possible To Organize Email / Assign Tags In Mail?

Aug 21, 2014

I just realized that I have never seen an option to organize mail in the Mail app on my Macbook. Is there a way to do this that I am not seeing or is this another feature that Apple has to implement? It seems strange to add the tag feature to documents on your mac but not to integrate that with your email.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: IPhone Migration To New Mac

Jun 5, 2014

I purchased a new late 2013 13" MacBook Pro with Retina.  I am trying to get the iPhoto Library from my old 2010 MacBook Pro into the new one.I go into the new one's iPhoto and go to File, Import Library. I see the file on the old MacBook but it is faded out and can not be clicked? 

Mac OS X (10.7)

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OS X :: Migration Assistant Didn't Work?

May 23, 2010

just bought a new iMac. I have been using a MacBook and have faithfully backed up my hard drive using Time Machine.

I hooked up my external hard drive/time machine disk to the new iMac and selected this option in Migration Assistant. It transferred over my applications, but none of my photos, music, or documents transferred over. I did leave every checkbox checked for what to transfer.

Any idea what happened? How do I get my itunes music and iphotos transferred?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Migration Assistant Won't Work?

Jul 3, 2012

I am trying to transfer everything from a new mac mini to a new macbook pro.  Both are running OSX 10.7.4 but neither can find the other computer.  I have verified they are on same wireless network.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Migration Assistant

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Software :: Would Migration Assistant Work Across OS Versions

Jan 30, 2009

I'd like to move all data from my old powermac with 10.4.11 to my macbook pro with 10.5.6 and begin using the macbook pro as my primary computer. Would Migration Assistant work across OS versions? All iCal and iTunes would transfer over? Both computers have the same account names set up if that makes any difference.

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MacBook Pro :: Migration Assistant Didn't Work?

Mar 14, 2012

We updated Migration assistant on the macbook... We activated the Migration assistant on the new and old computer.. 

the new one is a macbook pro...it ran all day, and then said it had completed the migration. But we can't find the files, or nothing really got transfered..

MacBook PRo, Mac OS X (10.5.8), NA

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OS X Mavericks :: Migration Assistant Exits Without Error?

Sep 11, 2014

My main 3tb iMAC is in the shop getting a new fusion drive as it died.  I have to use one of my other iMacs temporarily.  This other iMac as a 1tb HD but its mostly empty.  I have a Time Machine backup on my NAS drive of my main iMac.  I want to copy some of my backup files from the NAS to the 1tb iMAC. But I am having issues trying to copy files. 

Basically I launch Migration Assistant, it goes through the steps and I pick the user I want to migrate.  It start the process then says that the users files are too large for this iMac and so I have the option to go back and pick specific folders to copy.  I unclick enough folders so it fits on the 1tb iMAC, I click next and then the Migration Assistant just exits and I am returned to the login screen. 

I see the problem on two different iMacs - the 2014 one with 1tb and an older 2011 iMac with 2tb.  No error, it just exits.

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Change Permissions On Volume After Migration

Aug 30, 2014

On attached volumes I cannot save files. I recently used OS X migration assistant to move to my new iMac but the volumes that I used on the old system will not allow me to save to them (the os says it's a permissions problem). Short of renaming the new computer the same name as the old one.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6)

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MacBook Air :: Microsoft Office 2011 Does Not Work After Migration

Nov 4, 2010

I recently bought the microsoft office for my Macbook pro, but I just got a new MBA and did the migration assistant thingy. Now the microsoft office on the MBA does not work. There seems to be no uninstall option for the Office 2011.

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Intel Mac :: Migration Assistant Does Not Work - Error Occurs On Pc

May 14, 2012

I'm trying to transfer files from pc to mac using migration assistant and an error keeps occurring on the pc.

iMac, iOS 5.1.1

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OS X Mavericks :: Migration Assistant Stuck At 1 Minute Remaining

Aug 30, 2014

I'm attempting to use the migration assistant to migrate from one MacBook Air to another. It has been stuck on "less than 1 minute remaining" for over 18 hours now. If I look at the network, there is a large amount of traffic between the two machines, all of it TCPv6 going from the migration destination to the migration source machine, port 1024. 

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OS X Mavericks :: Migration From IMac 10.6.8 To MacAir 10.9.4 Causes Safari To Fail?

Sep 1, 2014

Having bought a MacBookAir running 10.9.4 I wanted to migrate files etc from my imac running 10.6.8. Since then safari will not connect and the screen remains blank. The timer spins for a bit and then stops. Unable to connect to any website. Internet connections are fine. Mail works

MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: Migration Assistant Crashes While Examining Directories

Aug 29, 2014

M friend migrating from an old MacBook (with Snow Leopard) to a new one (with Mavericks). The old MacBook is connected to the new one with a firewire cable and is in Target Mode. We can see the disk and folders fine on the old MacBook, but when we try to use Migration Assistant it crashes while computing the size of the user accounts on the old mac (i.e. before we can even start migration). Disk Utility says there's nothing wrong with the old mac's disk. 

I checked the crash reports from migration assistant on the new mac, and it turns out that it crashes in the same way every time, and the backtrace looks like the following. My guess is that there might be a file with a strange/wrong name somewhere on that old mac. 

Thread 8 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.root.default-priority
0   com.apple.CoreFoundation            0x00007fff860f547f CFStringGetCharactersPtr + 15
1   com.apple.CoreFoundation            0x00007fff860f5767 CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation + 55
2   com.apple.CoreFoundation            0x00007fff860fe8f6 _CFIterateDirectory + 54

[Code] .....

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Will Migration Assistant Work With An External Hard Drive

Apr 17, 2012

I have a new SSD which I am trying to use instead of my HDD.I have looked at options such as cloning softwares (CCC, SuperDuper, etc) but people seem to recommend doing a clean install of the OS and everything else.That said, if I manage to install OS X and the Applications CD to my new SSD, could I then boot into the SSD via USB Hard Drive Encloser, and copy my data over from my HDD?If not, what other methods could I use to effectively copy over my applications and files over to my new hard drive?ALSO,What will I be missing on my new SSD by using Migration Assistant? Any program data? Finally, will my registered applications have to be re-registered? Meaning if I had used a serial for these programs, will I have to re-enter all of that stuff, or will everything be the same?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Air :: The Search Command Does Not Work Anymore Post Migration From Another One?

Apr 25, 2012

I successfully migrated from my previous MacBook Air to my brand new one with OSX 10.7.3. using the migration application. Fine, except the Search command does not work, in Finder, Outlook, Word, PPT or any other application. The files are all there, but the search seems to be applied only to very recent file.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Get Migration Assistant To Successfully Migrate Between Two Desktop Machines

Jun 30, 2014

I spent 4 days trying to get OS X Migration Assistant to successfully migrate between two desktop machines, both running Mavericks 10.9.3. 

The two machines were connected by an ethernet cable, and all migrations would fail after 16-24 hours, with the progress bar stalling out at "Less than one minute remaining". 

Before every failed transfer, Migration Assistant would inaccurately show "157 KB selected" for transfer if the "Computer & Network Settings" option was checked, or "0 KB selected" for transfer if only the "Applications" or "Documents & Data" options were checked. 

I finally realized that the migrations were failing because I was opening and clicking through Migration Assistant on both the source and target machines at around the same time. 

The eventual solution was to open Migration Assistant on the source machine first, and click through as far as I could until the source machine was actively looking for other machines on the network. 

As long as I waited until then to open Migration Assistant on the target machine, it would correctly calculate the size of the files to be transferred and the migration would succeed. 

So, the order in which you open Migration Assistant seems to make a big difference: source first, then target. 

My problem is solved, but only after several days of hassle, so I wanted to post this in case other people had a similar issue. 

(I tried many suggested fixes that did not work, included reinstalling OS X on the target machine, running disk repair and fixing permissions on both source and target, changing file sharing on the source machine to include the whole drive, trying to migrate Applications and Documents & Data separately, turning off wifi before the transfer, etc.)

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OS X Mavericks :: Dual Boot With Mountain Lion And Migration Assistant

Jun 6, 2014

I have a Macbook Pro Retina which cam with Mountain Lion installed, and I want to upgrade to Mavericks. However, I have a need to run some apps in Mountain Lion, as official support for those apps will not go past 10.8.5 (Avid's Pro Tools 10) and I need to be able to open archived projects. 

I also wish to clean install both operating systems fresh, and do a stripped ML partition, with bare bones essentials, on the smallest partion possible. Mavericks will be the main system, and ML won't host user data, only the legacy apps. I am fine with erasing my 500GB SSD. 

My current process is to install ML from the recovery partition, and use disk utility to partition before I do, then install Mavericks from a bootable USB (already made). 

So my questions are these: 

For ML: 

1. What size partition is the minimum necessary to install ML, plus the apps and run without hitch? The legacy apps will take maybe 4GB.I want this as small as possible. 

2. When I do a fresh install of ML, what apps can safely be deleted without affecting the system? 

For Mavericks: 

When migrating my old user account to Mavericks, I don't wish to migrate the apps, just the user settings and the data. I will make an entire backup of the user directory on a separate drive before I start this process, as well as a Time Machine backup. I then plan to migrate the account settings and data, but manually reinstall the extra apps. The reason for this is I have a lot of third party apps, and some are trials I decided to uninstall, and they all leave junk behind. 

3. If I import the user account settings and data only, what cruft or orphaned files should I be aware of? 

4. Are there options to cherry pick the settings that are migrated? 

5. If I manually copy, for example, the mail folder, iCal or messages folder in my user library, and place it into the appropriate user folder in the new account in a worst case scenario, will there be any drama I should be aware of? 

Lastly, a question of Apple ID's/iCloud: 

6. Before doing this process, should I deauthorise my iTunes account, or will that be fine when migrated anyway? 

7. What will happen with my iPhone when I sync to a fresh install on mavericks, will it attempt to wipe my iPhone, or is that part of the user data that is migrated? 

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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OS X Mavericks :: After Migration Assistant ICloud Asks For Password After Restart

Jun 20, 2014

My hard drive crashed therefore I needed to transfer my data and files from my backup via migration assistant. I believe t did something wrong and cause me every time I reboot the machine, a window pop up asking me to input my iCould password. I understand it only asks me once, but is there anyway to solve this 

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Keep Getting Kernel Panic Error After TM Restore And Migration Assistant Won't Work

Feb 2, 2012

My computer broke down so I had a repaired and the original software was re-installed and it worked perfect. Whenever I restore from Time Machine, I get the kernel panic error. I have to reload the original software and it works perfect again. I tried using Migration Assistant, but it fails every time after 30 minutes of saying 1 minute left to transfer documents. I go in to Time Machine and view my external hard drive and all my stuff is still there, except I noticed my applications are crossed out. At least the non-default ones. That may just be because they're not currently loaded. 

What can I do from here? I was using Lion before my computer went down. I'm now using the OSX install DVD. I also have the Snow Leopard, but haven't tried that, if it even makes a difference.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X Mavericks :: New IMac Is Stuck On Grey Apple Screen After Restart From Migration Assistant

Sep 10, 2014

New iMac is stuck on grey apple screen after startup. It is a 3.4GHz Quad-core Intel Core i5 running OS 10.9.4. The problem occurred after a migration from my older 2009 iMac which is running Snow Leopard 10.6.6. When the restart occurred from Migration Assistant, the new computer will not boot up to the login screen. Disk utility did not solve problem.

iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Air :: Undo Migration With Migration Assistant?

Apr 9, 2012

I got a MacBook Air a few months ago and finally got around to migrating data from my MacBook Pro. I am seriously not happy with the results (all I really wanted was to move my iTunes and a limited few apps, and it seems that I got nothing that I wanted). I used a Time Machine backup from an external HD for the migration. Is there any way to undo the migration?

MacBook Air

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OS X Mavericks :: Delete Second User That Migration Assistant Has Made Into Primary User?

Jun 28, 2014

Just got a new MacBook Pro, wanted to transfer my data from the old (2010) MBP. I've done this dozens of times before, but always manually, via Finder copies from external hard disks, etc. This time I decided to try the Official Method, using Migration Assistant. After numerous tries, I couldn't get Migration Assistant to work between the two MacBook Pros (both running 10.9.3), even with Apple's assistance. So I decided to try it with a MacBook running 10.6.8. It worked (though poorly; Migration Assistance needs some serious repair), which was useful (now I know that Migration Assistant works, and it's not a problem with the cabling I was using, but something in the old MBP).  But now I have two user accounts on my new MacBook Pro, which I don't want, plus the added account has now been made the primary account, with (some) data from the previously primary account moved to it. 

So I want to delete the new, added, now primary user and return the MBP to its former, pristine state. So I have to go through all the data (fortunately there isn't much; both the new MBP and the MacBook were only recently set up) that's been moved from the original account to the added account, move it back to the original account, then delete the added account (if I can). This was somewhat complicated by the fact that the ~/Library folder is now invisible by default, but I figured that out. However, what I'm wondering now is, when the second, added account was made the primary account, did it assume all attributes of the former primary account, including its number? I know that user accounts in Mac OS have numbers, like 501, 502, etc.

How can I see the numbers of these two accounts? And if the added account is now number 501, when I delete it, how I can I restore the number 501 to the original account? Or perhaps I should just return the new MBP to its factory state, and start over? But I can't, since it didn't come with any Install DVDs (nor indeed, with an optical drive). (I've been out of touch with the Mac world for several years due to illness, am only now learning about the changes since 10.6, which I'd been using until less than a week ago.) I can wipe the MacBook Pro and reinstall 10.9.3, but that might lose some information specific to this computer that came with it. 

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OS X :: How To Edit AVI Tags On Mac

Aug 3, 2010

I have been looking around on the internet and can only find software to edit avi tags on Windows...nothing for mac...is there a way to do this on a mac?

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