Intel Mac :: Migration Assistant Does Not Work - Error Occurs On Pc
May 14, 2012I'm trying to transfer files from pc to mac using migration assistant and an error keeps occurring on the pc.
iMac, iOS 5.1.1
I'm trying to transfer files from pc to mac using migration assistant and an error keeps occurring on the pc.
iMac, iOS 5.1.1
My computer broke down so I had a repaired and the original software was re-installed and it worked perfect. Whenever I restore from Time Machine, I get the kernel panic error. I have to reload the original software and it works perfect again. I tried using Migration Assistant, but it fails every time after 30 minutes of saying 1 minute left to transfer documents. I go in to Time Machine and view my external hard drive and all my stuff is still there, except I noticed my applications are crossed out. At least the non-default ones. That may just be because they're not currently loaded.
What can I do from here? I was using Lion before my computer went down. I'm now using the OSX install DVD. I also have the Snow Leopard, but haven't tried that, if it even makes a difference.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
My main 3tb iMAC is in the shop getting a new fusion drive as it died. I have to use one of my other iMacs temporarily. This other iMac as a 1tb HD but its mostly empty. I have a Time Machine backup on my NAS drive of my main iMac. I want to copy some of my backup files from the NAS to the 1tb iMAC. But I am having issues trying to copy files.
Basically I launch Migration Assistant, it goes through the steps and I pick the user I want to migrate. It start the process then says that the users files are too large for this iMac and so I have the option to go back and pick specific folders to copy. I unclick enough folders so it fits on the 1tb iMAC, I click next and then the Migration Assistant just exits and I am returned to the login screen.
I see the problem on two different iMacs - the 2014 one with 1tb and an older 2011 iMac with 2tb. No error, it just exits.
Window Migration Assistant fails immediately with the above error. OE runs fine on the PC.
Window Migration Assistant, Windows XP, error 0x80007114
just bought a new iMac. I have been using a MacBook and have faithfully backed up my hard drive using Time Machine.
I hooked up my external hard drive/time machine disk to the new iMac and selected this option in Migration Assistant. It transferred over my applications, but none of my photos, music, or documents transferred over. I did leave every checkbox checked for what to transfer.
Any idea what happened? How do I get my itunes music and iphotos transferred?
I am trying to transfer everything from a new mac mini to a new macbook pro. Both are running OSX 10.7.4 but neither can find the other computer. I have verified they are on same wireless network.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Migration Assistant
I'd like to move all data from my old powermac with 10.4.11 to my macbook pro with 10.5.6 and begin using the macbook pro as my primary computer. Would Migration Assistant work across OS versions? All iCal and iTunes would transfer over? Both computers have the same account names set up if that makes any difference.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe updated Migration assistant on the macbook... We activated the Migration assistant on the new and old computer..
the new one is a macbook ran all day, and then said it had completed the migration. But we can't find the files, or nothing really got transfered..
MacBook PRo, Mac OS X (10.5.8), NA
I have a new SSD which I am trying to use instead of my HDD.I have looked at options such as cloning softwares (CCC, SuperDuper, etc) but people seem to recommend doing a clean install of the OS and everything else.That said, if I manage to install OS X and the Applications CD to my new SSD, could I then boot into the SSD via USB Hard Drive Encloser, and copy my data over from my HDD?If not, what other methods could I use to effectively copy over my applications and files over to my new hard drive?ALSO,What will I be missing on my new SSD by using Migration Assistant? Any program data? Finally, will my registered applications have to be re-registered? Meaning if I had used a serial for these programs, will I have to re-enter all of that stuff, or will everything be the same?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I'm having trouble using Migration Assistant to migrate my old iMac PPC G4 with 10.4.11 to my new iMac Intel i5 with 10.6.4. I used the option to use Ethernet or Wireless since the new iMac only accepts Firewire 2.0 and the old Mac is Firewire 1.0. I connected an Ethernet cable between the computers AND both are connected to the same network.
Using Migration Assistant on the new Mac, it brings up the screen that it is looking for the other Mac and gives me a passcode to enter when prompted on the old Mac. Using Migration Assistant on the old Mac, it brings up the screen that is it "Searching for other computers..." and does nothing else.
On the new Mac, migrate option "From Another Mac". On the old Mac, migration option "To Another Mac".
What can I do to make both Macs play nice?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.4), 2.8 GHz Intel Core i5
I am trying to transfer music and photos from my Windows laptop to my new iMac.
All the files are stored under my User name on the laptop, but the Aisstant Manager only showes files located on the C: drive. I can also see the boxes Users and Administrator, but they are both empty.
How do I run the Assistant Manager so that it located all the files on my laptop?
iPad 2
The PC keeps saying "Waiting for your Mac to Connect" and the Mac keeps saying "Looking for Computer" I have no clue what to do.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), "Waiting for Mac to Connect"
I am trying to transfer my information from my dell pc onto my macbook pro. My mac locates my pc and says "You need to verify that this passscode is displayed." However, while running migration assistant on my pc, my pc is stuck on "waiting for your mac to connect."
MacBook Pro
I transfer my music using Migratio Assistant, but I can't find it on the iMac.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have 2 iMacs (intel).
On one (10.5.8) the screen died but the computer itself is fine. I have it connected through another computer so I can continue working (pain in the butt). My boss bought me a new one (10.7.4). I need to migrate all my old software and files to the new one but Migration assistant tells me I need to open migration assistant on the old one. Obviously I can't see to do that since my screen died.
Is there another way I can migrate without having to open it on the old computer?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 10.5.8
How long should transfer of information take from MacBook pro to iMac using migration assistant?
I have a Maxtor One Touch 4, 250 GB external hard drive, used for PC backups with about 230 GB of data. I have connected it to my iMac, using the USB 2.0 interface cable, and I can see all the folders and files on the drive through Finder. I can even open them up with Office for Mac, etc. However, I want to migrate these files onto my iMac using Migration Assistant, but Migration Assistant cannot find the drive it seems. It just sits there spinning forever, and never finds the drive.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I just bought a new Mac Mini (Late 2014, ships with Yosemite) to replace a defunct MacBook Pro (Late 2008, last ran 10.8.5). I have a local administrative user account and some server and network data that I want to migrate from the latest Time Machine backup of the MacBook Pro to the Mini. I don't want to copy anything else to the Mini. Neither Setup Assistant nor Migration Assistant will let me deselect anything though. All the check boxes are greyed out. Clicking on them does not uncheck them. This forces me to copy everything from the Time Machine backup to the Mini. Then the Mini won't restart. It won't even boot into safe mode. It just gets stuck in a reboot-loop until I enter recovery mode, wipe the system drive, and reinstall Yosemite.
Mac mini (Late 2014), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
Transferred data from older Imac to new Imac using migration assistant with firewire. ITunes library (music) did not transfer. How to?
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), iOS 5.1
I set up my new air and now want to transfer my info from my macbook pro and I seem to have missed the boat and want to go back and do it . the computers are in different names with diff. passwords.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Using Migration Assistant, I'm trying to transfer back-up files (whole system) from my Western Digital, External HDD to a new-to-me iMac which I've just purchased used. The External HDD has all my files (hopefully!) from my recently stolen iMac. As you can imagine, the circumstances are a bit unexpected and unsettling.
I've followed Apple's instructions for using MA with an external drive, but get hung up like others before me when it comes time for my new (used) computer to locate the disc from which to transfer the files. I've read the replies to others who have posted with similar difficulties using Snow Leopard, but resolving the issue seems to be just out of reach.
Original computer is now unavailable (stolen); it last ran on Snow Leopard, 10.6.3 to 6.8.New computer is used, and also runs on 10.6.8.Both computers are iMac 2009, tho slightly different versions, if that has any bearing on things.I created a temporary account on my new-to-me computer to make the data transfer, so that there wouldn't be an accounts conflict, as others have suggested.Western Digital External HDD, "My Book, Studio Edition," 1TB. I'm using the FireWire 800 port on the iMac. If I need to erase the hard drive on my "new" computer, I'll need a little instruction and hand-holding on that one.
iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I transferred about 400 gigs of data from my MacBook Pro to my new iMac using Migration Assistant, but can't find any of my data on Finder. I'm thinking that the data got transferred but not cataloged. Finder shows about 400 gigs of my hard drive being used, but the files it shows don't come anywhere close to 400 gigs. How can I find out what is really on the hard drive and how can I access my MacBook files I transferred?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI got a MacBook Air a few months ago and finally got around to migrating data from my MacBook Pro. I am seriously not happy with the results (all I really wanted was to move my iTunes and a limited few apps, and it seems that I got nothing that I wanted). I used a Time Machine backup from an external HD for the migration. Is there any way to undo the migration?
MacBook Air
I have a Canon 780 installed which seemed to print fine for a while, but now when I try to print I get:Error Number : 306 A communication error has occurred. Make sure that the printer is plugged in, powered-on, and properly connected to your computer. Then try printing again.The printer is connected via a USB Hub, but plugging it directly into the USB Port doesn't seem to help either. I've also made sure I "woke up" the printer, plugged, replugged, etc.If I mess around plugging and unplugging, it eventually will work.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAll the sudden, after switching to iLife '09, one of my three websites WILL NOT publish. I keep getting this error: An error occurred while publishing file ?/private/var/folders/f5/f5VPsmN0HJWofkTRS0SYmE+++TI/TemporaryItems/ Try publishing again later.
View 2 Replies View RelatedGot my new IMAC and set up the Migration Assistance from my Old Macbook to the IMAC... it finished migrating sometime in the middle of the night and the IMAC automatically shut itself off..
I try to log into my IMAC now and get the error You are unable to log into Account (xxxxxxx) at this time / account failed because an error occurred.
I don't run a Server configuration... and all the help in the community I can find is based on Client/Server
The MacBook is OS X (10.5.2) Leopard
The IMAC is OS X (10.7. ??) Lion
This was out of the box migration, so have never had the IMAC up and running prior to this migration.
How do I get into my IMAC?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
I've a MacBook, and I'm trying to get everything onto a new to me MacBook Pro. It's the 2.4 Aluminum one, but does not have Firewire.
Any ideas what to do? Can I use USB? Or do I have to go through the network and spend 14 hours?
My ability to bring up web sites from safari is inconsistent and random. Could this be a DNS error?
Mac mini (Mid 2011), iOS 5.1
I have a late 2009 Mac Mini with 2.26 ghz core and 2 GB memory running Lion 10.7.4. I wish to restore my computer to factory settings but when I put in my Snow Leopard disc I continue to get an error message that reads "You can't use this version of the application Install Mac OS X with this version of Mac OS X. You have Install Mac OS X 23.1.1." I wish to restore my Mac to Snow Leopard and then redownload Lion from the App Store and start fresh with 10.7.4 on my restored Mac but I am finding it incredibly difficult.
Mac mini (Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Now comes the anxiety of getting all my "stuff" onto it. I've dome some searches regarding the use of migration assistant but have discovered some diverging opinions. I've heard to use it for everything. Some have suggested using it for prefs and settings but not hard files. I've also heard NOT to use it if I'm migrating from a G4, which I am.
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