OS X Mavericks :: How To Recreate Recovery Partition
Nov 30, 2014
Replaced my HDD in my Mac Mini. Restored Mavericks from Time Machine Backup. OS X Recovery partition is missing. How can I recreate the OS X Recovery partition on my HDD?
My iMac (27-inch, Mid 2011) came with Lion installed. I deleted the recovery partition when I triple booted with Windows 7, Ubuntu and Mac OS.Â
Is there any way to re-create a deleted recovery partition in Lion? I've read that you can download Lion from the App Store & write it to a USB using the Disk Utility.Â
I am currently dual booting with Mac OS X Lion (10.7.4) and Windows 7 (installed via Boot Camp).Â
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), iMac 27-inch, Mid 2011
I recently experienced trouble with my iMac Late 2012. As a result of this I was wanting to do the step of reinstalling the OS completely. Complete with Time Machine backup and so on. So far so good.
As I tried booting into recovery holding R nothing happened. Tried again booting with options hold down. It then only showed me my hard drive to choose from. With another Mac I made a bootable Flash Drive which worked perfectly in my MacBook Air. So tried booting to the flash drive with my iMac by holding C and then again with options and again I was presented only my regular hard drive. Â
I already did this terminal thing { diskutil list; echo; diskutil cs list; } | open -f -a TextEdit and the result showed that there is no Recovery Partition installed. Still no problem. I did research and found out that it is possible to reinstall it by reinstalling Mavericks. No the only problem is: It won"t let me reinstall anything. I only got prompted a message that it can't be installed on my hard drive.
So now my question: Â Is there any other possibility to get rid of anything there is on my hard drive and do a clean fresh install of Mavericks?
it's embarrasing to say that somehow it turned out I erased my recovery partition. Some weeks ago I was trying very hard to set up three OS's in my MBP, installing and reinstalling many times Windows 8 and Ubuntu, in one of those reinstalling I saw the recovery partition from Windows, I didn't want this to be visible, but being so tired of trying I erased this partition, I don't remember if from Windows or from Mac Disk Utility or from GParted, but I erased it because I wanted to "see" the partition system very "stable", without any odd partition seemingly "useless" near there. After reading a little I realized it was the partition OS X uses to recover the system, I don't know if to reinstall the whole system or only to recover it. I want to reestablish this partition in order for everything to be fine. How to do it? If possible I know I would have to resize some partition because there is no more 600 MB partition, I was left with an 128 MB unallocated partition. I put some screenshots of what the whole disk partition looks like, in Disk Utility and GParted.
I am trying to reinstall to Factory settings, it keeps promting "the item is temporarily unavaialable"..Alternatively trying to recover from "Recovery Partition" it prompts "The DiskIS Locked"..Why dies apple make it so difficult to reset to "Factory Settings"
I am trying to recreate partition map for one of my firewire drive that has partition or directory information lost. I used testdisk to find partition information, start and end point, and it asked me to re-create same partition by using pdisk, problem is when I use pdisk, it said it does not support Intel mac, and always gave me: Error message: No valid block 1 on '/dev/rdisk0' All my partitions are HFS+ I guess I need a tool that works for Intel mac not ppc to recreate partition?
I'm on a 2008 model Mac Pro 8-core system for work. For whatever reason it doesn't have a recovery partition. I read that if I don't have a recovery partition, I can't make a recovery USB bootable drive....so how do I make one? And no, I cannot reinstall the OS on here, that would be beyond detrimental to what's going on here. (too many details to get into)Â
Alternatively, can I make one with my 10.8.5 MacbookPro at home and run it here on my Lion system?Â
I had to reinstall everything from a time machine backup yesterday and now my recovery hd partition is gone. Everything is working ok but i would like to know what happened to the recovery disk Also i was wondering if i could reinstall my apps from a time machine backup if i had to reinstall lion from internet reinstall
After updating to Lion 10.7.4. the recovery partition is away or not accessible.When i try to start up whit CMD-R my Macbook Air 13" late 2011 goes on the internet.
I have a Mac Pro 1,1 with 6 GB RAM and a 1 TB HD. After installing Lion, every reboot fails to work properly. Instead of simply booting the machine, it goes into the Recovery Partition and runs Disk Tools. Once in Disk Tools, I Quit, select my HD as the boot drive, and reboot again. THEN it runs the normal System off the HD. It seems a flag of some sort was left turned on that makes the machine thinks it's mid-install.Â
I recently installed a new Hard Drive in my Early 2011 Macbook Pro, and I was wondering if there was any way I could out the Lion Recovery Partion on it.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I am trying to download the Lion .dmg image using the Lion Recovery partition. My connection is flaky, and keeping a connection for the number of hours the downloader indicates is pratically impossible. Everytime If restart the download, the installer throws away what I downloaded previously. How can the downloder be made to resume a previous download? (This is a pre-installed copy of Lion, so the App Store is not an option)
I installed a new hard drive to expand my disk size for a late 2009 MacBook Pro 15". I used time machine to "clone" the machine to the new drive. However, I noticed while trying to set up Boot Camp that I no longer have a Recovery Disk partition with Lion. How can I set this feature back up on my new hard drive?
Info: MacPro, Mac OS X (10.6.5), MacBook Pro 10.6.5
I give up. I can't find the answer to this. So, I'll just ask and hope.I have a mid-2011 mini that was upgraded to Lion. However, it had a Bootcamp partition running Windows 7. Apparently, whoever upgraded my machine didn't create a recovery boot disk before upgrading. So, I have no recovery partition and apparently no ability to create a recovery boot usb without one.
I was doing a routine maintenence and Disk Utility is telling me I have a few block counts askew. Everything seems to be working fine ( on the surface of things ) but like to be anal and would like to do a repair. However, I don't have a Recovery partition and the App store has decided that I haven't purchased Lion although I did, I can show you the bank statement. I installed a new hard disk not so long back ( I guess this is the reason why the App store decided I didn't purchase Lion!? ) and reinstalled from a Time Machine backup it wasn't seemless but I'm techy enough, to make it work, just not a big fan of spending my days learning terminal commands.I have a mid 2009 MPB so can't do internet recovery, the Recovery Disk Assistant won't let me create a Recovery Disk on an exernal drive since, yes you've guessed it, I don't have a Recovery Partition.
Am quite happy to reinstall as long as it doesn't compromise my data but can't find the 'restore my purchases' button on the app store else if there is a less than obtuse ( and none-sketchy ) method of creating the partition HD.
I have completely erased my macbook from '11 and am wanting to start over. I'm trying to reinstall osx using the recovery partition. But it keeps poping up a waring saying that I'm not connected to the internet. Yet if I click "get help online" with safari It loads no problem. I even bought a Ethernet cable and hooked up direct with no success.
I restored from a Time Machine backup and then setup boot camp (and removed that partition a while back) and now I don't have a recovery partition. (Can't enable File Vault and bash-3.2# diskutil list /Volumes/Macintosh HD /dev/disk0 #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme *120.0 GB disk0 1: EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1 2: Apple_HFS Macintosh HD 87.4 GB disk0s2)
My new MacBook Pro didn't come with any CDs. Apparently I need the recovery partition to reinstall Lion from the internet. "Recovery HD offers on-disk recovery tools, allows you to restore from Time Machine backups, reinstall OS X Lion over the Internet..." The recommended solution from Apple seems to be reinstall with your OSX 10.6 CD (which I don't have) and then upgrade to Lion (which seems like a PITA). Info from : [URL]
What process should I follow to restore my recovery partition and apply the current state of the machine from a backup? (The process should not involve anything I don't have, like USB memory sticks, Lion CDs, etc....) Supplementary questions which are only relevant if the answer is "you can't" (which would seem to be a major bug!) Or is there a clever method to install a recovery partition onto an existing disk (which clearly has space for it)?
I have searched for it but all the results I found have either not mentioned that it works without reinstalling but look like it's needed, or do say "reinstall". If I install Lion to an external disk, can I boot from that and use the recovery disk assistant tool to restore the partition to my internal disk? (Which I assume I'll need to do to get FileVault to work)?
I am having problems with booting my wife's 2010 iMac. It never boots completely. I gets to a point where the screen flashes over and over a message something about opening (or not) windows which were open when I shut down.Â
When I hold the OPTION key at startup I get the 'option' to start up with my system hard drive or Recovery 10.9.1.
What happens if I click on Recovery 10.9.1?Â
Info: Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), late 2013, Aperture 3.5.1
Good backup is working when needed. My OS X is ok , bet I want to check the readability of my USB backup ext drive. IS is it possible to boot my iMac with the bootable OS X Recovery drive just to see if it's ok and then stop continue the process ?A Time machine backup will be made before any action.
after i ereas all of my HDD and I try to reinstall OS X it show " you have to download maverick.app from the app store " how should I do I have into this computer
When I try to upgrade my Macbook pro (Late 2011) from lion to Mavericks, the computer restarts and begins to download the new OSX, but then I get a message saying the download failed because OSX can't be installed because a recovery system can't be created. What can I do in order to get Mavericks to work on my computer?
 I have Mavericks installed as the OS on a MBP 2011. I had some hangups with my encrypted harddrive. After using disk utility from an account to verify and repair the disk I was instructed to boot in recovery mode (by pressing command and 'R' after reboot). I've now used disk utility in recovery mode, the hard drive is repaired, but when I restart the computer I get a folder with a "?" on it that flashes. Very different from the password screen popping up within seconds after booting (since it's encrypted).Â
I also verified and repaired permissions and am wondering if that could have affected the order of things during booting. Since the HD is encrypted I know the password needs to be entered before system can use any of the information on it, including the OS.Â
I prefer the idea of not useing time capsule since I believe I'd need to repair the HD again. The idea of unencrypting after a backup and then encrypting after repair doesn't sound appealing either.Â
How do I reboot the system so I can enter the encryption password and allow the system to boot as normal?
Pressing Option key during start up bring Internet recovery instead of Startup Manager.My issue is that after hard shut down last time, my mac sticks at question mark screen at booting.Â