OS X Mavericks :: How To Change Security Setting So Java Will Run
Aug 26, 2014
I need Java to run an application on a website. I downloaded and installed it but now I get this message: Your security settings have blocked an untrusted application from running.
How do I change this. I tried under System Preferences - Security and Privacy but didn't see anything there ....
What has been released to install as a security update? I seem to be clicking on one web link which takes me to another and nothing to actually install. Typical Apple. Really wish I hadn't bought this MacCrap Air - I do miss my PC.
I am running OS 10.5.8 on an iMac. There is no security update issued for this operating system - it only covers 10.6. Is my comuter vulnerable? Do I need to do anything?
Im trying to change apps that control my computer but I can no longer get access to privacy settings in "security & privacy."Â Â I couldnt remember my old appleID password so just changed which means I cant update the login password in the general settings either.Â
I just updated java for MAC OS X 10.6 which is a security update. I have no idea whether I am using java applets in my web browser. I am unwilling to disable the java web plugin in my web browser until I know what I'm giving up.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6)
I am trying to view a webcam to watch my dog at daycare, when i try viewing it i am told that i need to upgrade my java. did that java told me i downloaded it and ready to use.Â
but everytime i log into the site and click on the webcam i get a blank screen. i then get a message that my security is blocking me from using java.Â
What my security should be set at in order to use java. as far as i can see i have everything right. But still cannot view it on my macbook pro. i have OS X 10.9.3. I can view the webcam on my iphone and ipad but i need to refresh every couple minutes. When i sign into the daycare it ask me if i want to use JPEG, GIF or 3G. which is the correct one.Â
When Flash Trojan was announced Apple sent 2 software updates. iMac downloaded and installed them via software update. (see attached graphic) Mac Mini did not and only advised that "that there is no new software and that software is up to date".
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
After we set up a security password on our router, my G4, OSX 10.4.11 will no longer connect to my network/internet. I keep getting the error message There was an error joining the Airport network "XXXXXX". My MacBook and all our other pc laptops connect with no problem. I don't have an Ethernet card working. The card went out and I would have had to replace the whole Motherboard, so we had an airport installed. It's worked great for 4 years now.
setting up my environment to develop on java 1.6.after trying to set my etc/launch.conf like so setenvJAVA_HOME /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home/lsetenv CATALINA_BASE /Library/apache-tomcat6020 setenv CATALINA_HOME /Library/apache-tomcat6020 setenv CATALINA_TMPDIR /Library/apache-tomcat-6.0.20/temp
I'm not too cool with the idea of having my Mailbox accessible by whoever from my desktop. How can I secure it? Is there a way to enter a password after clicking on the mail icon at the bottom?
I'm researching into setting up a home security system consisting of several cameras recording directly to a Mac.What I need is a PCI Video input card. Any recomendations for a setup compatable with a G5 PowerMac, and can accept video input from 8 cameras?
Q1: how can I delay printing? This was possible in OS9.
I have a thermal printer wich permits me to change the ribbon (Black, CMY, CMYK). If I have a mixed type of files to print, I'd put on hold (in the "print" window) the files that requires the unloaded ribbon while waiting for the other to print.
Of course, I can print all the CMYK, wait until it's done then print the B/W ones but I don't find it practical. Or I can also rush to the print center and hope to have the time to suspend manualy the ones that need it.
Q2: Once a printer is created, how can I change the associated ppd? This also was possible with OS9.
Q3: It is possible to change the printer name once it is created?
I have problems since applying the latest security Update 2009-001 and Java 10.5 Update 3, I have 10.5.6 on the new unibody 2.4ghz and have completely lost the ability to connect to my wireless access point which is an apple airport extreme base station.
I can sometimes se the base station but cannot connect to it and sometimes cannot see it at all. I have three other apple computers at home all less then a year old running the same build of 10.5.6 but have not updated them and they all are fine.
This one was perfect untill I applied the update.
The machine I am having problems with is partitioned with windows 7 beta on it which has no problems connecting to the base station, which indicates that its not a hardware problem but more then likely the update which is causing the problem.
Is there a way to uninstall the last update or delete it? Any one with a similar problem or know how I can fix it, I have googled but cannot seem to find anyone with similar problems.
I have tring to buy stuff on itunes and they have been asking to answer sercurity questions. I dont remember what I put down for my answer is there a way I can change my answers?
I have recently begun to use a fios router for my home network. When originally set up by fios they set the security to wep, and I set my network prefences as such. Since then I have changed the router to wpa security My network prefences still shows that wep encryption is being used. It still connects to the net but I can't figure out how to change it to reflect wpa security. Or since I am connecting to the net , is it necessary.
I recently got a letter from apple that my apple ID birthdate/security questions & answers had been changed. I think this was because of a previous letter that told me I had to update my account with the new security features, but I don't recall.Â
Anyway, I decided to check on the appleID site, got logged in, changed my password successfully, but I couldn't see how to change the security questions or answers - and the answers I did try submitting weren't accepted.Â
So now I'm stuck: my account is OK, my password is OK, but I can't remember the security answers and can't see how to change them.Â
these options in the Security Preferences screen.Â
Firewall. Does the average person need this activated? Â
Firevault. Is this necessary for all? Â
I don't have the Missing Manual for Mavericks yet. So I often look up topics in the MM for Lion. He mentions something on page 510 about "closing the backdoor" so hackers can't 'Ping" an idle or sleeping computer. The Security Preferences in Mavericks don't seem to address this. Has the new OS got built-in security for this. Wiping an HD clean, installing fresh OS and then restoring preferences from a TImeMachine backup.Â
my HD that DiskWarrior detected. From the error messages, I erase the HD and install a new system. would it be save to Restore my old Network and Kechains and System Preferences from my TM backup?
Info: Aperture 3, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), running an iMac
Ever since I upgraded to OS X 10.9.4, I do not see the padlock security icon on the screen when I am going to purchase something. Am I missing something very obvious or is there a way to make sure that the icon is visible?