After the most recent mavericks update, I could not open my mac mail. Whenever I tried to click the mac icon, an error message will always appear stating that 'Mac cannot open because of a problem'.
I have OS 10.9.3. The past few days when I start up my computer in the morning, Apple Mail and my Chrome browser open by themselves. I do not have any startup items in my account except for Dropbox. I do not leave any apps open at shutdown. I have quit those apps before I shut down at night. I've looked through some of the support discussions and none of the solutions apply since these apps are not in my startup items and I don't leave them open at shutdown. I can't find a reason for this.
I am on mac laptop OSX 10.9.2 using Mail 7.2. I tried to open a "Mailer Daemon" message and it is frozen, not even open but a grey colored blank "message". I've tried: closing the message unsuccessfullyForce Quitting the application (reads "Mail (not Responding)") when I do. (4 times)Turning off the entire computer, letting it rest and rebooting. (3 times)Opening up my server on the internet and deleting the offensive message "mailer daemon"Turning off the computer again. soon as I open mail, the grey "message" is open. I can click on the Mail Viewer window and have that come forward, but all is frozen.Just did it again and it hasn't changed. Had to force quit again. Never before in 8 years of using the Mail application (different computers). The rainbow wheel of death spins and spins.
I open mail and it launches since it is showing in the dock and the mail menu is visible. The main mailbox window is missing and most all of the menus are greyed out, even in the window menu where it allows you to select a window to see the main mail window is not showing up.
I have manually rebuilt the mailbox database and that did not work. I deleted the "Account.plist" file from the ~/library/mail/MailData/ folder and this seem to work. When I launched mail after I deleted this file the Main mail window was there with all my mailbox folders and emails. The only thing missing was the inbox for my main email account. Mail required that a new email account be created otherwise it would quit, I create the email account and everything was fine, until I quit out of mail. The next time I launched it again i was back to not have the main mail window. The only way to get it to come back is to delete the "Account.plist" file again and created the main email account. The only work around I have at this point is not to quit mail.
I launched Mail as I ordinarily do. It opened up, but the header bar was grayed out. Finally I managed to open program via Message/Go To/ Inbox, but no messages appeared in any of my mailboxes (even though I had several still in there from today). Nothing is happening, I even can't quit teh mail program.
I have a Macbook Pro. It has OS 10.4 The mail program will open and the circle will start spinning like it is trying to "get mail." it will spin and spin and eventually close. It will pop up and say mail quit unexpectedly will show that report and reopen box. hen mail is open and the circle is spinning, you can send mail and it works fine. It just will not load new mail.aNy ideas? The mail is version 2.1.3
Had my iMac for two years with no issues. Didn't change any settings, nothing.Tried to open mail. It bounced like it was going to open, then nothing. I've tried several searches for info with one involving opening in safe mode, but I'm not sure if I did it right and, needless to say, it didn't work.
I need to copy a set of email addresses and paste them into a spreadsheet for uploading. Using Mail's copy function I get the result "mailto: (address)". If I just copy that as an address Mail doesn't recognize it as a valid address. Is there a way around this?
I Have two Microsoft exchange mail one mail works properly, but the other has developed problem from past one week. Mails are automatically getting deleted every day, sometimes every few minutes. I have to restart the computer to again download the mails. The mails only get deleted from my computer and not the exchange. Also, would like to inform my MAC pro book got infected with Trojan.gen.2 virus. Which I discovered with Nortons antivirus software. I installed this software as I doubted if my mails are getting deleted owing some virus. Although my MAC is free of virus, the issue with one exchange mail remains and emails still gets deleted.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
How may I create Distribution lists for mail. I need to set up a series of groups with a number of mail addresses, I don't want to input every mail address every time I send a mail!
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
Seems when Apple Mail checks for new mail (Mail provider is Google), it does show up in the All Mail folder that Google provides, but the new messages are not showing up in the Apple Mail inbox.
When I check this in the Google mail web client, mail appears as normal.
I'm missing messages, so this is something I'd like to figure out what's going on.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), MBP 9,1 8gRam
I have been using Mail on the Mac for 3 years now and it's mostly worked great. Now it does not synch properly. I can see new emails on the web version of gmail, but they never show up in Mail.
Not sure why this is happening, but each time I try to use my "notes" app on my Mac... it crashes. It simply will not open. I have no issues using "notes" on all of my other iOS devices (iphone, ipad)... but simply will not work on my iMac computer.
I was working on a document in Pages when I got the dreaded 'spinning beach-ball'. I had to 'Force Quit', and I subsequently can't open it again. I have done 'Repair Disk Permissions'.I have just downloaded the latest software update to 10.9.4. Still no good. When I 'Spotlight' 'Pages' it shows two : the one with the 'inkwell and pen' icon is v.4.3, located in iWork 09 folder in Applications the one with the 'paper page and pen' (the same as the one in my dock) is v.5.2...Is this significant ?
I have some movies on MKV files that work on a MKV program that I have but every time I open the file it opens a file file converter program that I have. Is there a way to make it so all of the mkv files open in the mkv program without left clicking on each one and setting it to open in the MKV program each time?
Info: Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), 32gb of ram
I am trying to edit my login items as apparently from what I have been told that is the only way to get my Belkin n52te speed pad to work with OS X Mavericks, however when I click on Users&Groups in System Preferences I just keep getting "Preferences error: Could not load Users and Groups preference pane" I have tried rebooting, I have tried going into terminal and showing hidden files to see if there is a corrupted duplicate of the system preferences file.
None of the fixes I have found by Googling the issue to find posts about it have worked. As I said in the beginning I have a belkin n52te speed pad that I cannot change the keybindings for because Mavericks will not recognize the device as being plugged in. When I run the keybind editor program and from what I was able to find about that issue online it has to do with editing the login items to include a file from the installer and then rebooting and trying again. I could just hook into my windows PC since that actually works but its difficult to have to unplug the pad and hook it into my windows PC anytime I need to make any changes to the keymaps, so getting my mac to work.
In only one of my folders in pictures, a random selection of photos cannot be opened (this happened recently). I get a prompt telling me to use "Get Info" to change the permissions, but even when I go there and unlock the file/change the permissions, I still cannot open the file.
I installed Mavericks yesterday and find that when I receive an email with a link or go on another site with a link, it opens in the window I have on the screen instead of a separate window. Sometimes I need to transfer pictures or copy to a different page and cannot do that now.
Processor: 3.06 GHz Intel Core i3 Memory: 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 Serial number: YD*****DAS Software: OS X 10.9.3 (13#28)
When I try to open a Word document I receive the following message "Word cannot open this document. The document might be in use, the document might not be a valid Word document, or the file name might contain invalid characters (for example, /)."
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), 2 GB DDR2 SDRAM
I've just updated my MacBook Pro with the latest OS X Maverick and now I can't open my iPhoto as it says the app is not supported on my Mac. All my photos are there.
I cannot open a downloaded pdf file. The error message reads: "The file couldn't be opened because it isn't in the correct format." But, of course, it is a pdf file.