OS X Mavericks :: 10.9.4 - Jerky And Stuttering Graphics On Mac Pro

Jun 30, 2014

After installing Mavericks 10.9.4, the graphics on my new Mac Pro are jerky and stuttering. The dock, scrolling in Safari, etc. I've installed the new CUDA but haven't restarted yet.

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Mac Pro :: Jerky Quicktime Playback On Mac Pro 3.2 Ghz

May 28, 2009

I generated a full HD 1920x1080 mp4 video file and tried.playing it back using Quicktime. The playback was very jerky.The same file played beautifully using VLC. So I don't think.it is cpu horsepower issue. playing back mp4 HD materials using Quicktime? Any ideas?

Mac Pro 3.2 Octo with 10 GB Mem and 4.5TB diskspace.

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OS X :: Jerky Video Playback On Mac Pro 2009.

Apr 10, 2009

Have tried both quicktime and vlc, put video playback seems to be jerky on any panning shots on videos.

Have tried some 1080p trailers from the following link, especially apparent on the new ice age trailer.

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Mac Pro :: Jerky Browser Scrolling In Bootcamp?

Mar 27, 2008

I just installed XP Pro using bootcamp on a separate drive (bay 2) in a brand new mac pro. However, things seem a bit jerky all over- especially when browsing using either firefox or IE 7. I have been trying to figure out whey and can't . It is particularly bad when browsing. its almost unusable.

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MacBook Air :: Why Is Airplay Image Jerky On TV

Sep 10, 2014

I am watching a TV show that is running on my computer but projected onto my TV through Apple TV.  The image on my computer is fine but it is jerky on the TV, often freezing and the sound goes in and out.  How do I get a smooth image and sound on my TV?

MacBook, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.1)

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MacBook :: Trackpad Jerky Movement (Sometimes Unresponsive)

Aug 24, 2010

I've had my trusty aluminum MacBook for around 18 months and recently I've noticed that the trackpad is sometimes unresponsive, it's as if it's registering another press elsewhere. Moving the cursor across the screen it 'jumps' around from time to time, this is becoming more and more of an irritation. I'm loathed to take the machine in as I really need it for work at the moment.

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Applications :: Scrolling In Firefox 3.06 Slow Or Jerky?

Feb 12, 2009

Has anyone else experienced slow scrolling or jerky scrolling in Firefox 3.06? If so how did you fix it?

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OS X :: Wireless Mighty Mouse Slows Down - Little Jerky

May 12, 2009

When using my iMac, all of a sudden, my Wireless Mighty Mouse suddenly slows down. So if I move my mouse across the screen, it lags behind and appears a little jerky/erratic. It seems as if there is something hogging the system resources and that is slowing down the movements of the mouse.

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OS X :: Mouse Movement Jerky Under High CPU Loads?

Oct 30, 2009

2.2GHz Macbook Pro, OS X 10.5. I've only noticed it for the last few months.

Whenever (usually) I do something which causes a high CPU load, my mouse cursor movement because extremely jerky. For some reason, even ejecting my USB hard drive (which takes about 20 seconds from when I tell it to eject to when it actually removes itself from my Desktop) causes my cursor to start going jerky.

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MacBook Pro :: Scrolling Through Webpage Using Trackpad Jerky

Jul 17, 2010

I had a Unibody Macbook, the newest rev. I decided to upgrade to a 13" MB Pro today at Microcenter for $999. Biggest reason was honestly I hated the white and I decided to not get a iMac but instead pair a 30" HPZR30 to the MB so went with the Pro for aesthetics and small processor bump. I took the Kingston SSD out of my MacBook and put it in the MB Pro, reset the PRAM/NVRAM and it boots right up. Everything works but for some reason the scrolling through a webpage using the pad is a bit jerky. Comparing it to my Macbook which I put the 250gb drive from the MB Pro in its perfectly smooth. I can reload the system if I need to but how is the scrolling on others '10 MB Pro's? I can tell a huge difference in the keyboard, its much more solid on the MB than on the MB Pro, I assume because they left some gap/spacing for the LED back lights.

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MacBook Pro :: Momentus XT - Have Lag Stuttering Options?

Sep 1, 2010

I have two 500GB Momentus XT drives in my i7 MBP. each filled to 60-80% capacity. But when I'm doing anything from typing to playing back HD video in FCP, it lags and stutters, then catch up to itself. I did the firmware upgrades to the hard drives, and I have 6GB of RAM. What on EARTH would be causing this? It's driving me crazy! I ordered a Hitachi standard 7200RPM drive to swap into this to see if it's a hard drive issue or a RAM issues, but I'm guessing it's the Momentus.

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Mac Pro :: Stuttering When Maximize / Minimize App Window

May 7, 2009

Every once in a while all applications that are open will stutter when I minimize or maximize them. I can't really explain it other then the fact that the animation in not smooth. When I restart the computer everything goes back to normal and is smooth. I notice this happening after I install or update a program. This usually occurs right after I see the color wheel spinning.

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Applications :: Safari 4 Stuttering While Scrolling?

Jun 10, 2009

While scrolling in Safari 4 the windows stutters or tears. I didn't have this problem with Safari 3, and I have reset Safari and cleared the Cache. I also get "Keychain Not Found" popping up when I load a new page. It IS out of beta right.

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MacBook Pro :: Audio Playback Stuttering On I7?

Jun 3, 2010

Is anyone else having an issue which the '10 MBPs have problems with audio playback in iTunes? It happens on all songs a couple of times every song (even purchased from the iTunes store) whether it's the only application open or not. I'm not having other problems with iTunes video, it's just stuttering playback.

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Safari :: Running Slow - Page Scrolling Jerky?

Apr 6, 2012

Scrolling pages is jerky. It can't even keep up with my typing speed. When I am done writing a sentence, I wait and watch it type back to me. This list of websites that don't work completely correctly also is growing. These do not happen in Firefox...I hate to abandon Safari and lose all my bookmarks. What can I try to do?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X :: Tiger Randomly Skipping/stuttering/freezing?

Jan 6, 2009

Usually my G5 runs smooth as baby's behind but lately its been a bit jilted and has been freezing for a few seconds at seemingly random intervals.

I don't think it's a hardware problem, Windows seems to be working ok.

When I'm performing a simple task like typing in a URL or dragging a file to another location it will sometimes stop responding and give me the spinning beachball.

It doesn't stop running alltogether; iTunes for instace will keep playing during this period, and I can move the mouse around etc.

I notice it the most when I'm watching flash video like on youtube... the video - despite being completely loaded - will sometimes freeze and then resume a little further into the video. Very annoying.

I know this is a pretty broad problem but can anyone offer any advice? I havn't really done anything to it lately apart from install a security update.

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OS X :: Stuttering Flash Video (YouTube) On IMac G5

Dec 31, 2009

I'm trying to make an old iMac G5 (17" 1.8ghz non-iSight model) of mine useful again and am giving it to my mother, but after adding another 1gb stick of memory (making it 1.5gb total), putting in a new 7200rpm 500gb HDD and upgrading it to 10.5, I'm experiencing stuttering youtube in Safari and general sluggishness.

Could it be possible that Leopard, although supporting PPC is slowing it down? Maybe, then, downgrading to Tiger again might fix things. Mostly, I'm confused at why it would be struggling to play YouTube clips in Safari (and in the newest build of Webkit, even).

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MacBook :: Crap - Can't Get Through One Youtube Video With Out Stuttering And Overheating

Sep 8, 2010

my MacBook runs like ****. It's constantly hot (CPU is always above 70*C), it can't get through one youtube video with out stuttering and overheating, it can't run my external sound card (Audio 4 DJ) in conjunction with anything else, and it can't play AVI files without freezing and bugging out. It's a 2nd gen Black MacBook with 2ghz processors, 2 gb of ram, and an upgraded WD 320 GB HD. Is this thing about to take a dump on me? Is the motherboard on its way out? Is there any chance of fixing this thing? It seems the only thing my computer is good for theses days is doing light browsing on the internet. (read light browsing = no flash and no html5.)

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MacBook Air :: Stuttering While Playing Flash Content (720 / 1080 P)

Nov 14, 2010

So I tried playing a few 720p/1080p flash videos on Youtube and Hulu in fullscreen mode and the videos seem to stutter quite a bit. Is that normal? I am using Firefox on my ultimate MBA 11". I thought the 320m gpu could at least handle HD videos.

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MacBook Pro :: Stuttering/scroll Lag On UI Caused By Adobe Flash?

Jul 2, 2012

There is a lot going on about the new macbook pro retina and stuttering/scroll lag. I'm also experiencing this problem and i've found out that if you remove adobe flash from your pc the stuttering / scroll lag in safari is almost gone completely. 


If you have Adobe Flash installed and scroll down to the comments the browser starts stuttering and everything gets sluggy.

MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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IMac :: Stuttering During Video Playback - Magic Mouse Jumping Around

Nov 8, 2010

During video playback (itunes, vlc...) stutters every 50 seconds or so (no exact interval) and the video currently playing pauses for a few seconds, the audio however continues on. After the short pause it skips a few frames ahead. It doesn't seem like a big problem, yet it's very annoying while trying to enjoy a movie.

Also, I'm not sure if these issues are related, but every minute or so my magic mouse jumps around the screen for multiple seconds (not only during a film, all the time...). Also very annoying, as I work with Photoshop & Illustrator, meaning I do very precise work with my mouse.

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MacBook :: Audio And Video Stuttering - Distortion And Kernel Panic

May 26, 2010

whenever I'm listening to music or watching a video after a while the audio will drop out, stutter, or become horribly distorted. If I pause the video or music for a second then start playing it again the output will be okay for a few seconds to a few minutes then stutter again. If I leave it stuttering the output will either eventually go back to normal or just stay stuttering or muted. Once or twice I've got a 'you need to restart your computer' kernel panic error (log attached/linked to below) and twice my computer has seemingly randomly restarted itself.

I know it's not an issue with my connection as it happens on locally stored files as well as streaming media. I know it's not a hard drive issue as I've had the problem across two different hard drives (I used the Migration Assistant to swap my stuff from one HD to another, presumably bringing across whatever causes the problem). I've had it with two sets of RAM as well. It happens whatever web browser (for streaming media) or music/video player I use for local files. If I restart the computer I get a longer period of time before the stuttering starts, and it gets more frequent the longer I leave my computer running - a RAM issue maybe? These screengrabs where taken either during or shortly after the stuttering had taken place. This top output is after a particularly bad stutter: and here is a log following a kernel panic: [URL]

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IMac :: IMac Video Choppy / Stuttering?

Jan 11, 2009

I'm just watching videos on Youtube in HD, and Hulu. I'm even noticing when I'm typing quickly the computer lags behind at times and almost stutters. My iMac is 2.4 ghz with 4 mb of ram and I haven't had this problem before.

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MacBook Pro :: "Intel HD Graphics" Vs "Intel HD Graphics NVIDIA"?

Apr 13, 2010

What the heck is the difference between the integrated GFX card in the first and 2nd 15" MBP?

I can't figure it out

EDIT: Nevermind, it's not even worth figuring it out. It's a $60 difference for the higher spec'd MBP after student discount difference ($100 vs $150 off). I'll pay $60 for that

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Mac Pro :: 802.11G Or 802.11N Graphics Card

Apr 23, 2009

I bought an early 2008 Mac Pro, and I am wondering if it will have the 802.11G or 802.11N graphics card, is there a way to tell?

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Mac Pro :: Graphics Card ?

May 1, 2009

I replaced my macbook pro last week with a MacPro 8 core.

For the last few days the GT120 graphics card was connected to two 24" dell monitors (2407 and 2408).

The 2407 is my main display and was connected via the display port to a display port to DVI-D adaptor and then to the DVI-D port on the screen. The 2408 was connected using the DVI-D on the graphics card straight to the monitor. This setup was great as I couldn't even tell if my mac was on or off because I couldn't hear any off the fans.

The only problem was that when running full screen video (EyeTV/Quicktime), the picture would sometimes stutter. After looking at the apple store website, a new GT120 was �99 for students so I picked one up yesterday.

The original GT120 is in slot 1 and is connected to my 2407 (main display) via DVI-D, the second GT120 is in slot 2 and connect to my 2408 via DVI -D. Now the problem is noise! I can now hear my mac whirring away all night (MacPro in my bedroom).

Any idea what the problem could be? When i run iTunes visualizer, both displays average at about 63fps and there is no stuttering of the picture. One thing I have noticed (using hardware monitor) is that when play itunes visualizer on full screen the GT120 in slot one uses 22% and the GT120 in slot two uses 99%.

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OS X :: What Does Graphics Card Really Do

May 3, 2009

Like is having a higher end GPU only good if you play games? Will it still boost the computers performance even if I do stuff that doesn't involve videogames?

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Mac Pro :: Which Graphics Card For 1,1 Is Best

Jun 17, 2009

I have two issues with my present X1900: it's not going to be OpenGL compliant come September, and more pressingly on a day to day basis, for some reason Eve Online, the game I'm rather addicted to, doesn't like me using two video cards - a stock GeForce 7300 and the Radeon.

I haven't been able to troubleshoot my way to confirming why I have the issue (and I've posted on Eve online forums - no one else seems to have the issue) but I get really odd graphics glitches when I have more than 2 screens 'detected'. Rather, when I have screens on more than 1 video card. I think it has to do with an ATI/nVidia conflict while running a Mac port of the Linux Port of Eve.

So I was hoping to get the 8800 perhaps, but they're getting pretty hard to find. Any other suggestions? Performance-wise I've been happy with the X1900, don't really *need* to upgrade, but I'd like to maximize OpenGL and solve this confilct issue so I'm not constantly climbing in behind my desk to unplug and replug DVI cables - I now run 3x monitors and a projector.

Price counts for me, I'd like to keep this upgrade as cheap as possible - don't use 'Pro' apps. I'm not afraid to flash a PC card if there's decent instructions around somewhere. This is actually a PC X1900 with a custom fan/heatsink fitted (Xcellero X2 or something? It's been a while).

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MacBook Pro :: Does Have 256 Or 512 Graphics

Oct 8, 2009

i recently purchased a 15" macbook pro on ebay, advertised as the 'NVIDIA GeForce 9400M + 9600M GT with 256MB' model.

so when i opened up system profiler to check the specs, under graphics/displays i see 2 video cards:

Chipset Model:NVIDIA GeForce 9400M
VRAM (Total):256 MB

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Mac Mini :: How To Use New 09 For Graphics

Oct 26, 2009

The duo mini is actually a pretty nice machine for a web designer or print designer. It may chug a bit with high res files, but it is a pretty great option if you already have a monitor.

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