OS X :: Stuttering Flash Video (YouTube) On IMac G5
Dec 31, 2009
I'm trying to make an old iMac G5 (17" 1.8ghz non-iSight model) of mine useful again and am giving it to my mother, but after adding another 1gb stick of memory (making it 1.5gb total), putting in a new 7200rpm 500gb HDD and upgrading it to 10.5, I'm experiencing stuttering youtube in Safari and general sluggishness.
Could it be possible that Leopard, although supporting PPC is slowing it down? Maybe, then, downgrading to Tiger again might fix things. Mostly, I'm confused at why it would be struggling to play YouTube clips in Safari (and in the newest build of Webkit, even).
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Sep 8, 2010
my MacBook runs like ****. It's constantly hot (CPU is always above 70*C), it can't get through one youtube video with out stuttering and overheating, it can't run my external sound card (Audio 4 DJ) in conjunction with anything else, and it can't play AVI files without freezing and bugging out. It's a 2nd gen Black MacBook with 2ghz processors, 2 gb of ram, and an upgraded WD 320 GB HD. Is this thing about to take a dump on me? Is the motherboard on its way out? Is there any chance of fixing this thing? It seems the only thing my computer is good for theses days is doing light browsing on the internet. (read light browsing = no flash and no html5.)
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Nov 8, 2010
During video playback (itunes, vlc...) stutters every 50 seconds or so (no exact interval) and the video currently playing pauses for a few seconds, the audio however continues on. After the short pause it skips a few frames ahead. It doesn't seem like a big problem, yet it's very annoying while trying to enjoy a movie.
Also, I'm not sure if these issues are related, but every minute or so my magic mouse jumps around the screen for multiple seconds (not only during a film, all the time...). Also very annoying, as I work with Photoshop & Illustrator, meaning I do very precise work with my mouse.
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Jan 11, 2009
I'm just watching videos on Youtube in HD, and Hulu. I'm even noticing when I'm typing quickly the computer lags behind at times and almost stutters. My iMac is 2.4 ghz with 4 mb of ram and I haven't had this problem before.
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Mar 10, 2009
I desperately need to capture some video from the below site: [URL:...] does anyone have any idea how to capture it, not sure if the standard youtube focused ones will do it?
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May 11, 2012
Since updating to 10.7.4 yesterday, I've noticed that YouTube and other online Flash videos stutter, stop and continue playing, or pause frequently. Has anyone else noticed this bug? I'm using the newest version of Chrome but tried Safari as well and noticed the same kind of bug.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Nov 14, 2010
So I tried playing a few 720p/1080p flash videos on Youtube and Hulu in fullscreen mode and the videos seem to stutter quite a bit. Is that normal? I am using Firefox on my ultimate MBA 11". I thought the 320m gpu could at least handle HD videos.
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Jul 2, 2012
There is a lot going on about the new macbook pro retina and stuttering/scroll lag. I'm also experiencing this problem and i've found out that if you remove adobe flash from your pc the stuttering / scroll lag in safari is almost gone completely.
If you have Adobe Flash installed and scroll down to the comments the browser starts stuttering and everything gets sluggy.
MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 13, 2009
I am frustrated to a point of dumping my iMAC. I am running OX S 10.3.9 on my iMAC. Lately I can't find any damn thing that would run on 10.3 all software even plug in want 10.4 or later... I can't view Youtube. I can't download flash (it ask for 10.4 or later) I can't download Safari or Firefix that would work..
So I tried to find 10.4 or 10.5. I can't find it People selling restore CDs but I don't know if these will work I have a 20" iMAC Power PC 1.25 GHZ 1 GB RAM This is more than enough for what I need to do with this MAC I do not use any other stuff I just want to be able to run my program (music software) and use browser. is This too much to ask from Mr.Apple? No mater what you MAC guru says... Windows rocks despite of all problems Microsoft doesn't screw you up like this and force you to buy propreitery every thing. Sorry folks I am frustrated and need help.. before this MAC sees the dumpster.
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May 26, 2010
whenever I'm listening to music or watching a video after a while the audio will drop out, stutter, or become horribly distorted. If I pause the video or music for a second then start playing it again the output will be okay for a few seconds to a few minutes then stutter again. If I leave it stuttering the output will either eventually go back to normal or just stay stuttering or muted. Once or twice I've got a 'you need to restart your computer' kernel panic error (log attached/linked to below) and twice my computer has seemingly randomly restarted itself.
I know it's not an issue with my connection as it happens on locally stored files as well as streaming media. I know it's not a hard drive issue as I've had the problem across two different hard drives (I used the Migration Assistant to swap my stuff from one HD to another, presumably bringing across whatever causes the problem). I've had it with two sets of RAM as well. It happens whatever web browser (for streaming media) or music/video player I use for local files. If I restart the computer I get a longer period of time before the stuttering starts, and it gets more frequent the longer I leave my computer running - a RAM issue maybe? These screengrabs where taken either during or shortly after the stuttering had taken place. This top output is after a particularly bad stutter: and here is a log following a kernel panic: [URL]
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Feb 9, 2010
watch Youtube vids using H.264 MP4 codec instead of flash. As most of the videos I watch are recent uploads (last year or so) they have SQ and HQ H.264 version available. As Flash eats up system resources worse then anything I can think of at the moment, I am trying to find a way to force the videos to play in MP4 format. I know ClicktoFlash has this option for Safari, but I am trying to find out if there are any other ways to do this without user input (for playlists). I use YousableTubeFixURL for Chrome and Firefox which has the option to do this, but no matter what option I choose, it always plays using Flash. I know FF doesnt have a built in MP4 player, but I though I heard of a way to get VLC or Quicktime to play it.
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Apr 11, 2009
I occasionally need to slow down a youtube (or generally, any on-line) video. I am not able to locate software that will do this for my iMac. I did come across something for Windows called Enounce.
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Apr 15, 2012
Flash Plugin failure on Youtube with 5.1.5 and Flash
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 3, 2012
Why is the video stream on YouTube choppy, while audio streams smoothly?
iMac (17-inch 1 GHz), Mac OS X (10.5.8), Apple extreme base station
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Aug 27, 2014
I have a late 2011 iMac (21.5") that has worked pretty well since purchase in November, 2011. However recently I started to experience severe lagging and even major skipping when viewing Flash video content on a number of different sites. The behavior exists in both Firefox and Safari, and I've tried a clean install of Flash twice now with no improvement. I also upgraded my router to address intermittent wireless outages that I thought were contributing to the video performance issues.
I was previously using an old Airport Express, and purchased a new Airport Extreme. That improved my wireless performance dramatically. Constant signal drops disappeared, and my speedtest.net speed went from all over the map with an average of 5Mbps to a smooth steady 50Mbps almost every time. However the video issues have persisted. Yesterday I downloaded temperature monitor to see if overheating was an issue. Here are my readings after about 40 minutes of running flash content:
I just purchased an APC UPS (something I've been meaning to do anyway) but I'm doubtful power fluctuations are the culprit. I'll try plugging directly into the router of course, to see if somehow flash content is causing some wifi signal variance that speedtest doesn't pick up. But I'm beginning to worry that my GPU is the real issue here.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jul 8, 2007
I want to create a simple flash movie (I don't yet own or know how to use Adobe Flash). Pretty flowers in the background, inspirational music, passages from the Bible or something fading in an out... you know the schtick. Maybe convert it to a screen saver.
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May 25, 2010
Well I got rid of the quicksilvers since they died. Power supplys gave out and took the motherboards, So I sold what was left on EBAY.
My G4 Ethernet was sold to a co-worked and he is quite happy.
And I got this off ebay today:
Dual 1.8GHz PowerPC G5Procs
Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-117D
Samsung HD160JJ/P 160GB SATA HDD (not apple labeled, not original to this system)
(1) Power Cord
pci106b,9 PCI Ethernet Controller
Well I didnt' read the fine print and BAZINGA! I noticed that it comes without a video card.
So For video editing, watching hulu and youtube and netflix What do you guys recommend.
I do have a PCI GEforce at home with 512 megs for PC and I was wondering if I could flash it and if so, does anyone know of a good walkthrough?
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May 8, 2009
i have a powermac g4 sawtooth. it stutters on youtube videos and other videos so i was wandering whats a decent video card thats compatible with it?
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Jan 16, 2010
It must be some ad blocker or something, but I can't view videos. I can't seem to find what's causing it. I can go to YouTube and watch a video, but when someone posts a link, I am unable to make it play. I'll get a site with a black rectangle where the video is supposed to be. Happens on links from tweets too. Safari and Firefox both. I tried the Flash uninstall/reinstall/disc permission/restart routine twice.
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Aug 15, 2009
I have a Quicksilver running os 10.2 and I cant seem to install any app since it requires Java 1.5 or higher. Also, Youtube wont work in Safari after I installed the latest version of Adobe Flash.
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Oct 14, 2007
if im viewing a website and they have flash video i want to save, how will i do this. i cant right click and get info there specialized player wont allow this.
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Aug 6, 2009
I ordered NFL game rewind so I can watch all of last years games. I was wondering if anyone knows how to save the videos I watch. The videos are in flash, but when I view activity monitor there is nothing being downloaded.
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Sep 26, 2008
Seems a little bit better. Well try it yourself. But remember to uninstall the current flash version first before installing the version 10. Links:
Uninstaller: [URL]
Version 10 Installer: [URL]
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Apr 17, 2009
Lately I've been having a lot of trouble watching flash videos.
I've tried emptying the cache, resetting Safari, repairing permissions, restarting my MBP and rebooting the router. Nothing works.
Basically, the videos play when they feel like it.
I press play and nothing happens. Videos just do not load.
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Feb 12, 2010
So I enabled html5 on youtube but it's still playing everything on flash. not just the ads but all videos.
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Apr 1, 2012
Suddenly today whenever I try to play a youtube video on Chrome or Safari (the only browsers I have installed) I get the message "The following plug-in has crashed: shockwave flash" in Chrome and "plug-in failed" on Safari.
At first I thought it was Chrome so I reinstalled Chrome, tried disabling the chrome native flash plugin in about:plugins (then the other one) but no joy, then I realised it was happening on Safari too.
So I downloaded the Flash uninstaller for mac and uninstalled > reinstalled and still no joy.
I'm running the latest version of both browsers, latest lion updates and flash version on a Macbook Pro (Dec '11)
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Oct 31, 2010
Since the new Air ships without Flash, this is a good time to mention these alternatives for Youtube videos. These extensions use HTML5 to play all Youtube videos, without gobbling up your battery like a buffet. Safari users [URL:...] Chrome users [URL:...]
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Apr 22, 2010
Heres the thing ive been using Click to Flash for a while now and have been downloading some videos from youtube as the program allows you to do on safariBut now i noticed that with the new Youtube Layout whenever i click to download a video a new video pops up with the click to flash player just playing the video.I checked for updates my software is up to date i tried reinstalling it and still nothing.Can anyone tell me if they are experiencing the same thing and how can i fix this?
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Jun 17, 2014
I have been trying to download adobe flash player so I can use youtube. I install it, open it in my downloads, Click install adobe Flash player, and then click open when it asks me if I want to open application downloaded from the internet. After I click open I put in my password, click next, then as adobe trys to download it will get to 50% the stop and say Safari needs to be closed to continue. However safari and everything is already closed. I am able to download Adobe Flash Player.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), Adobe Flash Player
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Feb 12, 2010
My PowerMac plays most small videos (640p) on YouTube just fine, as well it does an OK job at playing slightly larger videos in Quicktime. I would like to not have to worry about Flash any more. With the new 10.1 beta 2 I notice a nice boost in performance, almost tolerable. If I install a graphics card that supports Core Video will it free up the CPU? How can I tell if a card supports Core Video? As well, what cards do you recommend? Is it difficult to flash a graphics card to work with OS X Tiger in a PowerMac G4?
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