OS X :: Manually Removing/replacing Audio Drivers?

Jul 16, 2009

Does anyone know which files I would need to delete and replace � I think my audio drivers are corrupted and want to replace them.

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Final Cut Pro X :: Removing Events / Projects From Library Manually

Jun 26, 2014

Removing either Events or Projects from the Library manually (deleting from package contents on drive)?

Any reason there could be a problem?

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OS X :: How To Manually Update Video Card Drivers

Jun 14, 2009

Back in my PC days, I used to have to manually update my video card drivers ALOT due to the many games I played on it. I know that Apple has the update software feature, but I never seem to see any video card drivers for the 9400/9600 chip. Can I update this manually from the Nvidia site? Or trust that Apple will update drivers when they feel the need. BTW, I'm not having video issues on the OS X, but just wondering.

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Windows On Mac :: Drivers Doesn't Work When Manually Installed

Aug 5, 2009

All the drivers don't work, this is when I try to install via the BootCamp Windows Installer.

However if I manually install all the drivers it doesn't work?

PS. I am a complete newbie at MAC.

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MacBook Pro :: Turn On/off S/PDIF Optical Digital Audio Output Manually?

Jun 11, 2012

My sound card seems to be meesing up. It switches back an forth from "Internal Speakers" or "Headpohones" to "Digital Output". For some reason the optical source keeps getting flipped on and is really annoying. I tried blowing out dust to see if that was causeing the comptuer's confusion, but that didn't work. Until I can make time to go to the apple store, is there anyway for me to turn off that certain connection through terminal commands or something?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: Audio After Removing Headphones?

Apr 7, 2012

Basically, I'm using a Macbook with Snow leopard (version 10.6.8) and in the last week or two (though it couldn't happened previously and not been noticed) whenever I remove my headphones from the macbook and go to listen to some audio, the mute and volume up/down buttons on my keyboard do not respond to changes in the volume.  

So when I'm in itunes the only way to change the volume is by pressing pause in itunes itself and to use the slider, the keys F10, F11 and F12 to change them don't do anything. It's the same when watching youtube videos - the audio can only be muted through the button on the website and not through the audio buttons as I can do usually.  

This problem goes away when I restart the macbook. Obviously it's not a massive issue, but restarting after finishing with my headphones just to have easier control over audio is annoying, and I was wondering if anyone else has this problem or has dealt with it?

MacBook (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Applications :: Removing Audio From Video - IMovie?

Jan 28, 2008

I'm sure there used to be a way to remove the Audio from a Video in iMovie 06, but in this 08 version I can't seem to find it. I'd rather not use ffmpeg if I can get away with it, anyone know any other ways to do it if not in iMovie?

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MacBook Pro :: Cant Get Unibody Audio Drivers

Dec 9, 2009

Can someone please point me to working drivers for macbook pro unibody 15" 2.66 for Windows 7.

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Mac Pro :: Using Boot Camp - Finding Optical Audio Drivers?

Jan 23, 2008

I tried to ask this in the speaker thread but I think it got passed over, and someone else was curious as well:

If I get 5.1 speakers and use the optical-out port on the Mac, are there drivers for Windows that will support the optical out and let me do 5.1 as well? I'm curious as I intend to do some gaming on the box, and this greatly influences the speakers I would buy (2.1 vs 5.1)

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Windows On Mac :: Audio Quality Is Very Low - Reinstalled The Realtek HD Drivers

May 18, 2009

I have Vista (yeah, yeah, it sucks. Really. Just testing the Ati card) on my brand new iMac 24 and the audio quality is VERY low. Worst than the macbook speakers. The strange thing is that in MacOSX the quality is good and even in Vista with earphones. I reinstalled the Realtek HD drivers but it didn't change anything.

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MacBook Pro :: Audio Won't Work - Can't Find Drivers Online?

Aug 26, 2009

I installed it fine everything is perfect. I cant get my audio to work need the drivers and I cant find them online. can someone point me in the right direction?

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Power Mac G5 :: Leopard And Processor/NAP/CHUD Settings/m-audio 410 - Finding Drivers

Dec 7, 2007

I've got a G5 DP with the infamous white noise problem coming through my speakers that was only fixed after downloading the chud tools and disabling the NAP settings - does anyone know if I'll have the same issues if I install Leopard? Want to upgrade but don't want to waste my money if the noise comes back and I can't get it to work. Also, I'm using an m-audio firewire 410 that doesn't have drivers yet; has anyone used the Tiger drivers with success on Leopard?

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IMac :: Windows 7 Working With All Drivers (video Audio Magic Mouse)

Dec 3, 2009

I managed to successfully install windows 7 32 bit on the imac with all drivers. I thought I should post this as I couldn't find any information on how to install the audio drivers, and how to get the magic mouse scrolling functions to work.

Here is how I got everything installed.

For all files you use before installing them you must right click on them then properties then compatibility,

check the run this program in compatibility mode for windows vista service pack 2

For video nvidia
install bootcamp/drivers/nvidia/nvidiagraphicsmobilevista32/setup.exe

For audio
install bootcamp/drivers/cirrus/cirrusaudiovista32.exe

For chipset drivers
install bootcamp/drivers/nvidia/nvidiachipsetvista32/setup.exe

Install all the software/drivers that is in bootcamp/drivers/apple BUT if you are using windows 7
NOT THE FOLLOWING BOOTCAMP.msi because your oamputer will freeze

For the bluetooth download and install the drivers from [URL]

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MacBook Pro :: Removing Underside Of MBP 17 - Pop Sound When Removing On Cover Normal?

Jun 30, 2010

as an extension to my question regarding RAM utilization, I've decided to upgrade my RAM. I went through the process of removing the underside of my MBP. After taking the screws out and mentally marking which slot they came out of (some are of different size), I pulled the lid up at the black trim area (the "neck" of the display mount) as this was the easiest way to get a non-damaging grip on the metal underside -- read: I avoided using a screw driver on the lid. As I started to lift, I was surprised at the amount of force I needed to use in order to remove the lid; something near the center of the cover was still holding the lid to the underside of the body. In fact, the amount of force I needed to use made me pause to question if I missed an important step other than simply removing the screws. I decided to "go for it" and applied more pressure while pulling the lid up and away from the body and heard a "pop" noise.

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MacBook Pro :: Windows 7 Not Loading NVIDIA Drivers / Requires Bootcamp To Load Drivers?

Oct 19, 2009

I recently installed the 64 bit Windows 7 Ultimate operating system onto my MacBook Pro 13 inch. I have the most basic Macbook Pro 13 inch with nothing fancy added. Whenever I load up the Windows 7 OS on my Macbook, it never utilizes or even realizes that I have the NVIDIA graphics card in my laptop. It instead believes I have some integrated graphics card that cannot even run the most basic of PC games. I know my laptop can run these games because on OSX it runs multiple games with higher requirements than these games I am trying to run on Windows.

Basic question: How do I get bootcamp or whatever else to make Windows 7 realize I have a NVIDIA card and drivers. Sorry if I am coming off as stupid or confusing.

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Install NVidia Drivers / Drivers Not Compatible With Hardware

May 27, 2009

So i am trying to change my apple boot camp drivers to nvidia's, but i think i must have downloaded the wrong ones, or done something wrong. I tried to install Geforce/Ion driver release 192.62, (from nvidia's site, i selected gefore 8 series) and when i ran the setup it said: 'nvidia setup program could not locate any drivers that are compatible with your hardware' . My questions are:

� Which drivers should i download? a link would be great.
� Are there any pre-requisites i must do, such as install version 170 first?

I am using an iMac 24" with 4gb ram, 500gb 5400 rpm HDD, and 8800 GS 512mb.

The reason I am trying this, is because when i play some online games, i often get bad lag spikes, but that chat is still running. Someone recommended me to 'update my drivers'.

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MacBook :: Unable To Install Windows 7 Drivers / Old Drivers Are Installing

Oct 11, 2009

I have a Macbook plastic, 2.4 GHz intel core 2 Duo with 2 GB of ram.My Mac is currently running on OS X, i used to have a 40 gig partition Windows XP, a couple of friends of mine where talking about how much they liked Windows 7 and finally i had had enough blue screens to say, sure ill switch, why not?... assuming it would not take longer then lets say a day at most, i set off on my quest.

FWI, im running an older model Macbook that was bought refurbished (not sure if that has anything to do with my problem). anyway i removed my previous partition, then using Boot Camp Assistant i repartitioned a 40 gig section for Windows 7. Then ran the installer. I have a copy of Windows 7 ultimate 86x. The Windows boot screen turned up, i had to reformat the partition so that i could install, no problems there. after all said and done the installation worked perfectly, up to a point... First problem that appeared was the lack of sound. i fixed that by downloading Realtek's High Def sound drivers.

Then it was the rest of the drivers for the macbook. heres where i run into my problem, i have the Mac OSX install discs 1 and 2. inserting the first disc the option of the auto run of the setup popped up i clicked run. and instead of the same old install drivers option all i have is the option to install the software that lets macbook airs share cd/dvd drives... needless to say i got frustrated and to put it lightly pissed off...

unsure of wtf was going on i looked it up online and really couldnt find anyone with the same problem, i found a web page saying that i should have the windows auto update itself and that should fix the problem. it did not. i dont know what the hell is going on. and im about this close to reinstalling windows xp and telling windows 7 to go **** itself...

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Applications :: Windows 7 Drivers - Unable To Find Drivers

May 4, 2010

I can't find the answers I know its been asked before.

Its the 2010 MBP 13"

I have Windows 7 Professional 64bit running through parallels 5 and it seems to be missing alot of drivers (wireless most importantly, but also audio etc). Where can I get these, is it the same as bootcamp drivers( are they on one of the disks that come with macs?).

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Windows On Mac :: Finding 8,1 Drivers - How To Install Drivers

Sep 17, 2010

I've installed a legit copy of Windows XP, SP2. Nothing works, not my webcam, not my internet, not even the full resolution. The first time around that I did this, I had the DVD that came with my iMac, I installed the Windows drivers stuff off of it, and everything worked perfectly.

Can anyone point me in the direction of either a replacement for that DVD (.iso image or something?) or simply the required drivers that will let my iMac 8,1 connect to the web?

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Windows On Mac :: Widows 7 Drivers - Cannot Get Drivers

May 20, 2010

I boot camped my Macbook Unibody 13" (bought early 2009) with windows 7. However the bootcamp version was 2.0. I now cannot get drivers from the 3.0 bootcamp update.

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MacBook Pro :: Audio Not Coming From TV / Moshi Mini DP To HDMI Adapter With Audio Support

Jan 13, 2011

I want to hook my Macbook Pro up to a Sony Bravia (not sure of the exact model). I went to the Apple Store, and was given these two items to hook it up. Moshi Mini DP to HDMI Adapter with Audio Support. Belkin High Speed HDMI Cable - 6 feet

We successfully hooked it up last night, and the video worked. I was told in the store that this setup would not transfer audio, so I already knew there would not be sound coming from the TV, rather from the Macbook instead. My Q is: What's the easiest way to get audio to come from the TV? I'd rather not buy external speakers to plug in, if I can help it.

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Applications :: Audio Visual Info Keynote Always Seems To Prematurely End Audio Part In Powerpoint

Apr 25, 2009

When I use some powerpoint presentation containing audio-visual info keynote always seems to prematurely end the audio part. Have tinkered with it a little, but can't seem to sort it out

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MacBook Pro :: Random Audio Pops On I5/i7 While Playing Audio Through External Speakers?

Nov 3, 2010

Trying to figure out if something is up with mine and a buddies machine specifically or they are all buggered....

Please post if you have an audio pop or click type sound that is intermittent (every few minutes or couple hours) on your i5 or i7 machine while playing audio through external speakers.

If you have it, please describe your situation as it occurs so we can perhaps isolate it:

I.e. Plugged in / on battery, programs running, usb plugged in, etc.

Mine happens whether on battery or not, iTunes, games, movies, Locked in video card...

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Applications :: Convert SWF Files To MP3 - Free Audio Extraction Or Video / Audio Converter Exist?

May 29, 2010

I want to convert some video files (specifically swf in this case) to audio files so I can listen on my iPod. I looked everywhere and can't find some free software that does that. There are tons that have trial periods with lots of limitations (like it won't convert anything larger than a 5k size file) so I don't want those because I won't know if the thing works well unless I pay for it. I'm not opposed to paying for a converter IF I know it works awesome on a Mac.

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Applications :: Audio Will Not Play In VLC - Mpga Audio Codec Needed?

Mar 7, 2010

I have searched a lot for this question and have not found an answer.

I am trying to play a .avi video on my MAC that was originally in .rar compressed format. I opened it in VLC, and the audio wont play.. so i checked the info and saw that:

video codec: XVID

audio codec: mpga

I have perian downloaded.. it doesnt seem to be doing anyting. I dont know if i've missed something in my extracting process of the .rar file.

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Mac Mini :: No Audio When Connecting To Sony TV With VGA And Red/White Audio Cable

Apr 28, 2012

I have attached my Mac mini to my Sony TV (to use as a moniter) - there hasn't been any trouble with the picture but I cannot get any sound.  

I am using a VGA (I know that doesn't send audio over) plugged into the 'PC In' port at the back of my tv, and I am using an audio cable with a normal headphone-type jack on one end (going into the headphone port on the back of my mac mini) and the red/white cable going into the HDMI-in red/white ports on the back of my tv. I can't figure out what is going on - I tried plugging the red/white cables into all the input ports on the back of my tv, just in case, but no luck. 

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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Applications :: Won't Work With Audio / Audio Skimming In IMovie 09

Apr 1, 2009

I'm using iMovie 09 with the very latest updates applied and I am having trouble with audio skimming in just one of my projects. The project is only 8 minutes long and is just a collage of pictures to music.
The audio skimming button is toggled to on but no green bars show in the equalizer when I skim over the video. The audio works fine when playing the project and in other windows around the project such as the event viewer. I have plenty of free hard drive space and the thumbnails slider is set to '5s'. ALL of my other projects skim no problem.

Now this is the strange part. If I click to enter the precision editor on any part of the video and then click done (even without altering anything) the skimming comes back. It thus disappears if place a new item in the timeline until I go back into the precision editor where it re enables itself.

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OS X :: Audio Not Working On Macbook, Tried The Ol' Audio Jack In/out Fix To No Avail

Oct 13, 2009

- Volume is at max
- System Prefs>Sound>External Speakers>Volume Max>Not Muted
- No red light coming from the headphone jack
- Tried inserting and removing headphones, no sound in speakers or headphones
- Restarted computer while holding down ⌘ + OPT + P + R , no sound made
- A very very faint feedback, like when you plug an electric guitar in to an amp, can be heard when the first sound (the mac start up chime) is supposed to play on restart
- USB headphones work

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Mac Mini :: Multiple Audio Outputs - HDMI & Audio Out?

Aug 4, 2010

With the new Mac Mini models, you can have audio out via HDMI or the line out. I am thinking to hook the mini up to an LCD TV/monitor via HDMI (sound on the monitor) and also to my other TV/sound system via the mini DP and audio out.

I assume when the mini turns on it'll activate both displays (if they are turned on), and from what I understand you can have two displays running. I'd only want one at a time so I'd have the other display switched off. But can the mini output audio to either both, or whichever system I am using? I've read a lot of posts but can't find a definite answer. I only want audio (and video for that matter, but can turn off other screen) to one TV at a time, but do I have to go into the OS audio settings each time I want to swap between the two?

I'm also thinking of using Plex and keeping it open at all times, just sleeping the mini when not in use. Can the mini only output to one source, requiring manual switching to the other (i.e. going from HDMI to audio out)?

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Software :: Firewire Audio - Downloaded The 10.4.11 Driver From M-audio

Jul 19, 2008

The volume controls aren't working well. I'm using a M-Audio Firewire Audiophile external sound device. There seems to be a headphone level control on the left which sort of works (its continuous so you never know where you are in its range) and a "Level Controller" on the right which doesn't do anything to the sound yet it controls the sound bar in Sys Prefs/Sound. I downloaded the 10.4.11 driver from M-Audio.

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