OS X :: Mac Suddenly Not Picking Up Files When Searching For Them?
Sep 13, 2009
Goal: Find song "x" in computer.
I type said song name in the search bar in the Finder, but it doesn't show up at all, and I made sure I didn't make any sort of typos. I can still get to it, but I have to manually go through folders and find the file myself. Why is this suddenly happening with new songs I'm acquiring?
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Sep 17, 2008
I'm not talking about a tool like Onyx, which is "excellent". Definitely the best, most simplest maintenance tool/utility.app for the Mac.I'm talking a simple tool for searching, editing and deleting both specific .plist files and cache files on an app-by-app basis. Is there one?I know of PrefEdit, but that is only for .plist (preference) files, and leaves out cache files:
I need, well desperately want; one that does both.Yeah I could use AppZapper, but I would prefer something that is designed for this specific purpose. Anyone?
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Oct 13, 2010
How do I search for hidden files and system files like .plists? I have made hidden files visible in Finder but it still doesn't search for them.
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Jun 27, 2012
I work in a graphics department and we finally switched to macs after using PCs forever (we got 27" imacs with i7 processors). All of our files are stored on a server which the entire company is connected to and is PC based. There are a few folders that contain excel files that I need to be able to search the contents. However, after the switch I am unable to do so. If I drag a few files from the folder to my desktop and search for something I know that is in one of those two files, it comes up immediately. I've already tried the app EasyFind, but I didn't have any success with that either (unless I had the settings wrong).
Also, the macs are pretty slow to run on the server, is this normal for a PC based server? Are there some settings I can have the IT guy look at and tweak to better talk to our computers? At first I thought maybe our computers were just indexing things, but we every day our computers restart, it takes a while to open certain folders again with many contents.
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May 15, 2012
if i am in the r&b albums directory, if i type 'usher' in the top right search box, surely it would make sense to only search the directory i am in (r&b albums) and any sub directories within that (2008 folder for example), like windows explorer does? why does it do a system wide search? i can do that in spotlight if i wanted to.I only want to find the results in that folder and any sub folders contained within it. basically whatever folder i am in, i want that to be the ceiling folder, i dont want the search results to go beyond that. is this possible?bascially i want it to do the search like windows explorer does. and the first person that tells me that this is how macs work and if i dont like it go back to windows is gonna get a virtual punch in the face!
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 23, 2010
Is there a way to search for files within a folder tree that have a specific label or, more what I want, that do not have a label at all? I have a folder tree that contains a large number of files, a small number of which do not have a Finder label assigned, but I cannot convince the folder search (Spotlight) to show me the files that do not have a label.
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Jun 3, 2012
I'm trying out 10.7 for the first time (was using 10.6). I notice that in Finder, when I do shift-apple-F, to Find files by name, it doesn't seem to be searching system files like it did on 10.6. Is this configurable - how do I make it search and show me EVERY file on the disk matching criteria? I did a terminal command to show "hidden files" and now the Desktop has .localized and .SD_Store files (which I didn't want to see necessarily) but this hasn't seemed to help me find files below /Library and so on.
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Oct 28, 2010
Out of the clear blue sky, VLC just stopped playing MKV files. I was watching a .MKV file just 15 minutes prior. I'll click on a MKV file and it'll just hang... or I'll open up VLC and open the .MKV file from there and it'll hang. Have the most recent version.
I went to preferences and changed the preload so it wouldn't load all the videos in the directory and it still doesn't work.
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Sep 8, 2014
I’m running the latest Aperture (3.5.1, Digital Camera RAW 6.00) on the Yosemite Beta (10.10).Photos that have been imported some months ago (recent vacation, Nikon D7000 RAW files) suddenly show up as “Unsupported Image Format”, even though they worked fine until I wanted to order a book from this vacation. Once that problem started to manifest, also some RAW photos from my Lumix GM1 show up as unsupported, others work just fine. These images were imported some time ago, edited and exported to flickr, thus used to be accessible just fine with Aperture.I’ve - run all three options from the special startup of Aperture (Repair Permissions, Repair Database, Rebuild Database), - ran Disk Utility to repair the permissions and repaired my disk - reprocessed the Originalsbut still cannot access the files, as the short movie here shows. Accessing the files with Nikons ViewNX 2 works fine (obviously only the Nikon RAW files).But even if I re-save the affected files with the Nikon software and re-import them to Aperture, Aperture shows the dreaded “unsupported file format” image for these files…
Aperture 3, Other OS, Yosemite 10.10
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Mar 28, 2009
I did a reboot and suddenly realized that half of my icons on the Desktop are missing. I had a look into the folder and they were missing there, too. I looked into Trash, nothing. Being completely puzzled I rebooted again, with the result that now the Desktop is completely empty! It shows only the HD icons. None of my files are in the Trash. Nothing in the Desktop folder in Finder. ls -al doesn't show anything, only an empty file '.localized'. No other folder in my home directory seems affected. And no, I did not play with 'rm *'. I didn't install any fancy software recently (except Byki Express, not sure if that's important). I'm on a new unibody MBP 15", Leopard. Any ideas what I could do? And how to recover the files? I thought I should add that I also also searched the HD, just in case I accidentally moved the files.
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Apr 19, 2012
I can download application software. I can download software updates. Suddenly, however, I can no longer download PDF files. This happens with both Safari and Firefox browsers.Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? I will provide details of the event which led up to this if it will help.
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May 22, 2012
All of a sudden my tiff files that still could be previewed two weeks ago, before an update of Lion, won't open anymore in preview and powerpoint. The files are not corrupted, since photoshop opens them normally. Anything know about a bug in latest lion version?
MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 17, 2007
Had a 19" LCD display running nicely through DVI on my Macbook for some time, I unplugged it tonight from the DVI adapter and plugged it back in and now it won't pick it up again, any ideas how to sort this?
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Jan 27, 2009
I just installed iLife '09 and had it go through my image library. It didn't pick up a single face of anyone in any photograph. Does anybody else have this problem? (I'm not saying that it doesn't tell me who is who, obviously that needs to be added by me. It just is not picking up faces in photographs for me to tag. Even as I tag faces myself, the 'other photos this person may be in' isn't picking any up).
Also, 'Places' seems rather awkward right now. My hometown is (according to iPhoto) called 'Biglis', even though it is clearly marked as 'Barry' in Google earth (which is correct). Incase anyone is wondering, I'm using an iPhone. My problem is NOT that my library isn't automatically geo-tagged, but that the photos that are geo-tagged have the pin in the right place, but the locations name is 110% wrong). Again, anyone else have this problem? right now, these features are nice but a huge letdown for me.
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May 17, 2009
I got my Mac Pro about 1 week ago. I got the BTO of 2 super drives. Well, I just tried burning an ISO and when I put in a blank dvd it won't pick it up to burn the file. I have tried with Memorex DVD+R's and Sony DVD-R's. Neither will work. Now the weird thing is regular dvd's work, games, and even Windows 7. Also I have toast 10 and it will pick it up but when I choose ISO and drop the ISO in it, it then says it can't burn audio tracks or some warning.
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May 14, 2009
I am a new user of Skype using Mac 10.5.7. I am using a Logitech usb microphone. The Mac control panel indicates the microphone is working fine. But the test call recorded no audio. The help section talks about a sound settings in Skype but this must be the PC software.
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Jun 1, 2012
Macbook pro started dropping the wifi and has now given up the connection. Wifi turned on. Wifi across the house is working on other equipment.
MacBook Pro
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Jun 3, 2014
I got a new iMac, turned on Home Sharing with the same account that I use on my ATV, iPad, iPhone and MacBook. ATV does not pick up the iTunes Library on the iMac. When I look in my iTunes account, the iMac does not show up as a device. I'm not over the limit on devices and have tried turning Home Sharing on/off on bot the iMac and the ATV but to no avail.
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Sep 27, 2010
About 90% of the time, I am using the MBP on the couch while watching TV. When I pick up the MBP to move it around, the HDD makes a quiet "CLICK" sound... It does it more when the base is slightly vertical if that helps. Is this by design? The first thing I thought it might be doing is preparing for a drop by stopping the read/write. Then again, it may be the ugly sound of a dying HDD. I should probably tell you what I have. Spring 2010 MBP. Specs are in signature.
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Mar 28, 2008
I've got a iBook G4 and its not picking up the Airport card....
Is it a hard job to replace in these iBooks? I've been told its on the logic board....
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Mar 23, 2009
Running WindowsXP SP3 using VMWare v2.0.2. In settings under printers, the box is checked which says, "Enabled - All printers installed on the Mac will automatically be added to the virtual machine." The other radio button is also filled which says, "Default printer for this virtual machine: Match the default printer on the Mac"
The problem is that VMWare isn't picking up my default printer which is an HP PhotoSmart 8200 series. The only printers that XP finds are OneNote since I have Office 2007 installed and QuickBooks PDF converter since I have installed Quickbooks Pro 2009. I've also made sure that on the Mac side in the Printers and Faxes dialog box that the "Share this printer" box is checked.
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Feb 12, 2010
Ever since I traveled across the pond to Ireland my 2 TB HDD hasn't shown up as a drive. I stuck it in my checked bag and made sure to wrap it in clothes pretty well.
This wasn't an issue until my Macbook Pro's HDD died 2 weeks ago and I lost all my data. The external is where I backed up everything. Is there any software to see if the external HDD is still functional? It spins up and doesn't make any odd noises...
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Jul 19, 2010
I recently bought a brand new MacBook Pro 13", and have been very frustrated with the quality of the internal mic when I am playing my guitar into it.
For about the first 3 seconds of my playing, it sounds ok, then it fades to a point where you can barely hear the guitar.
is there some microphone setting I forgot to select? or do I maybe have a bad egg? Lol please help!
Note: Vocals seem to pick up fine on the mic, its only the guitar playing that is of poor quality.
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Mar 27, 2012
I recently switched from Pc to Mac, and iTunes isn't picking up my iPhone? I switchd over all my music, movies, TV shows, and podcasts using home sharing. I connect the usb cord and plugged in my iPhone, and nothing happens on the sidebar of iTunes. It recognizes it as a camera, but doesnt weant to sync my phone, or iPad? I just dont know what to do?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), iOS 5.1
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Jun 24, 2014
In FCP X, Version 10.0.1. Here is our question, the keyer is picking up the wrong color. It is picking up the vibrant blue shirt on the subject instead of the green screen background. How do we mask that vibrant blue color off so we can key correctly?
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Nov 8, 2010
I just bought a new mbp and my old 17" MacBook pro 2006 2007 models screen was not really working so I decided to take the screen off and use it as a kitchen computer with an external monitor. The problem is that my airport extreme is in a room right next to the kitchen and the old mbp is not picking up any wifi signals not even the neighbors wifi but, my new mbp can pick up the signals where is the wifi antenna located?
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Jun 12, 2009
in firefox, if you type two words in the URL bar, it will pickup the site. For example, my firefox will list every url i've been to in order of popularity if type mac - (it will show macrumours, apple, 9to5mac, etc)
if i type mac on safari it will list all url's beginning with the word mac.
How do i get safari to behave like firefox? You can see the benefits of firefox as getting to a url you don't quite remember is easy.
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Nov 28, 2008
I changed the permissions from read only to read and write on my start up HD and chose the change everything inside option to read and write. After I did this, my secondary HD no longer allowed me to use it saying I did not have permission. When I tried to change it all selections were in custom mode and would not accept my changes. Same with my main HD.
I rebooted and the grey screen shows up with icon and no spinning wheel. I tried safe mode...same thing. I even tried booting off my back up firewire drive and got a null sign on the grey screen instead of an apple icon. Booted up from the G5 disk and tried to run utilities permissions repair and it would not do it, gave me an error, "No valid packages". Ran disk repair and it said nothing needs repairing. I then booted up using Disk Warrior and rebuilt the HD's directory successfully, but still the G5 will not boot past the icon grey screen, no spinning wheel. I'm spinning though...HELP, I'm dying here. FYI this is a G5 dual core Cypher running Leopard with 3.5 gigs of ram. The start up HD is 250 gig and the secondary is 500 gig
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Dec 14, 2008
Is there any Terminal commands that will do this? I use Spotlight all the time - to load documents to loading applications. However, I hate how it makes any DVD's in my drive spin up. I never search DVD's, so turning this off wouldn't be an issue.
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Feb 6, 2009
I recently bought Rapidweaver and received the package today. I installed it, entered all the pertinent information including my email and the serial number, registered, and then went upstairs for lunch. Came back down and found that my cute little golden retriever had decided that the envelope, not the box, and not the little booklet... was tasty, so she ate it. I'm left with some cellophane and tiny wet pieces of white paper and no serial number! The software was installed and it is working just fine, and when I "unlocked" or activated it, it said OK, everything is done. Fortunately, the CD was in the Mac while Daisy had some fun.
I don't need to reinstall... but unlike other software (or on a PC in the registry) where you can look in the "about" section and see your serial number, the SN is not shown in the about window. I'm not about to phone the UK over this, but just for security's sake, I'd like to know how to retrieve the serial number on my mac so I can write it down inside the booklet and put it up high.
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