if i am in the r&b albums directory, if i type 'usher' in the top right search box, surely it would make sense to only search the directory i am in (r&b albums) and any sub directories within that (2008 folder for example), like windows explorer does? why does it do a system wide search? i can do that in spotlight if i wanted to.I only want to find the results in that folder and any sub folders contained within it. basically whatever folder i am in, i want that to be the ceiling folder, i dont want the search results to go beyond that. is this possible? bascially i want it to do the search like windows explorer does. and the first person that tells me that this is how macs work and if i dont like it go back to windows is gonna get a virtual punch in the face!
I work in a graphics department and we finally switched to macs after using PCs forever (we got 27" imacs with i7 processors). All of our files are stored on a server which the entire company is connected to and is PC based. There are a few folders that contain excel files that I need to be able to search the contents. However, after the switch I am unable to do so. If I drag a few files from the folder to my desktop and search for something I know that is in one of those two files, it comes up immediately. I've already tried the app EasyFind, but I didn't have any success with that either (unless I had the settings wrong).
Also, the macs are pretty slow to run on the server, is this normal for a PC based server? Are there some settings I can have the IT guy look at and tweak to better talk to our computers? At first I thought maybe our computers were just indexing things, but we every day our computers restart, it takes a while to open certain folders again with many contents.
I'm trying out 10.7 for the first time (was using 10.6). I notice that in Finder, when I do shift-apple-F, to Find files by name, it doesn't seem to be searching system files like it did on 10.6. Is this configurable - how do I make it search and show me EVERY file on the disk matching criteria? I did a terminal command to show "hidden files" and now the Desktop has .localized and .SD_Store files (which I didn't want to see necessarily) but this hasn't seemed to help me find files below /Library and so on.
I'm not talking about a tool like Onyx, which is "excellent". Definitely the best, most simplest maintenance tool/utility.app for the Mac.I'm talking a simple tool for searching, editing and deleting both specific .plist files and cache files on an app-by-app basis. Is there one?I know of PrefEdit, but that is only for .plist (preference) files, and leaves out cache files:
I need, well desperately want; one that does both.Yeah I could use AppZapper, but I would prefer something that is designed for this specific purpose. Anyone?
I don't know what happened to my Mac today, i assumed it's a virus but the strange here is that virus is only affect Windows OS. The story is, I have a friend, she borrowed my camera, as she returned it, i was on boot camp and was using Windows for gaminng, i plugged my camera and delete photos that my friend has taken. I noticed nothing strange and i didn't have any Anti-virus program on Windows. Until i login to my Mac, i see all of the folders on my Macintosh HD drive is now exe files. I can still access these folders by using the "Go" option on the Menu Bar. I downloaded Kaspersky and scan for viruses, it showed that the drive is infected with Worm.Win32.Autorun.gvy. If i try to delete the file, it also delete the whole Folder which causes my Mac to crash and need to restart.
I have a folder in my documents folder that I would like to clean up. It contains many folders and sub-folders (directories and sub-directories) in a many layers deep arrangement. I would like to delete only the files while preserving the folders and sub-folders (makes backing up and synchronising a LOT easier).Â
I am not using Time machine. (If it is easier to just delete the main folder and then copy back just the folders from the back-up drive.)
Info: Dual 2.83 GHz Quad MP and 2.6 GHz duo MBP, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I have a folder called 'text books' and within that folder I have 100 more folders named by author. Inside the folders are .txt files of their work. Is there any way I can select all the .txt docs and paste them in one big folder? In other words, is there a way of removing all the sub-folders and putting all the .txt files together in one place?Â
Info: MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
how to sort files and folders by date. As all this data is from the last 5 years naming them alphabetically (jan 09, feb 10 etc) was not working. create names numerically yy/mm/dd. While this works I have many folders, sub folders and sub sub folders and it gets somewhat confusing at times. Is there some alternate solution so that I can name folders by month and year alphbetically and force Finder Column view to show me the list in the way I want ( such as Jan09, Feb 09, march 10, april 10 etc)
I have a macpro 1.1, with mac os x lion server 10.7.3. Everything works great. I created a virtualHost in my server app called myVirtualHost.mydomain.com and manualy enabled +Indexes on that virtualHost. When I access the myVirtualHost.mydomain.com gives me a nice list with all the content of the sites folder.my problem is that the list is very poor files/folders have no icons, I want little icons for the different types of content in site files/folders, just like in snow leo server.
I have a couple of FW drives hooked up to my iMac and I just discovered I can't trash anything from them. Actually, ever since upgrading to Lion I've been having all sorts of permission issues, but that's another discussion. In this case I've gone to the info windows for these drives and I have only read premission and I can't seem to change it. I've done all the usual things to do so but it remains stuck on "read only." I'm regularly repairing permissions so I don't see that working, tho I haven't tried trashing anything from these drives in a while so I don't know how long it's been this way. Â
In Snow Leopard: I open a Finder window in column view that has a long list of content, scroll down to the bottom of the column and delete a file/folder. The file/folder disappears but the rest of the window content is unchanged. IE: if my view showed me R S T U V and I delete T, my view would be R S U V. Â In Lion, I do exactly the same thing and the Finder jumps to the top of the column. IE: When I delete T, my window jumps to A B C D E instead of staying focused on R S U V.I've got a new Mac Mini with the 2.7 Ghz i7 upgrade... but otherwise stock. Currently running 10.7.4.
I just bought a MacBood Pro and used the migration assistant to transfer my files from my PC to my mac and now I cannot find my files. They are not in the corresponding folders where I thought they would show up.
This past weekend I transferred my OS and apps to a newly installed SSD drive.
During the process I had to move some files around in order to get The OS and Apps on the SSD.
I used a technique that utilizes the Terminal and the chflags command.
My issue is now I can not hide the files and folders that are usually hidden.
I can't remember the exact method I used to unhide hidden folders and files. I can't even find a reference to it in my web browsers history.I have searched on the web for solutions along these lines:Â defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -boolean FALSE ; killall Finderchflags hidden sudo chflags hiddenÂ
But none of these approaches have worked. I have downloaded Onyx, TinkerTool and Show Hide Invisible Files.
I have used them as best I understand to hide the normally hidden files and folders, but nothing has worked.
I type said song name in the search bar in the Finder, but it doesn't show up at all, and I made sure I didn't make any sort of typos. I can still get to it, but I have to manually go through folders and find the file myself. Why is this suddenly happening with new songs I'm acquiring?
When I want to save a file that somebody has attached to an email, I open the file - but I can only save a version (which I presume saves it back to the email). So I create a duplicate, and choose Save. In Save all I can see of my documents are the most recently used folders - and I can't see any subfolders. Frequently the folder that I want to save in isn't shown - and I can't find any way of revealing it. And if it is shown, I can't see any of the sub folders - so I have to go through the performance of saving it in one place and then opening the folders in Finder and moving it around - a ridiculously long winded task.
I bought a Seagate Free Agent Go Flex External drive. I transferred all my files from my previous external HD. When I went to access my folders on my external HD, the folders are all locked, with Sharing and Permission section in the Information "Everyone: Read" only! I can't change any of the information or move things! All of them are locked and "read only." I know how to change it, but only manually, individually. I have several hundreds of folders and I don't want to manually change all of them to "Read & Write." Is their a way to let me re-set the folders to "Read & Write" easily??
Is there a way to search for files within a folder tree that have a specific label or, more what I want, that do not have a label at all? I have a folder tree that contains a large number of files, a small number of which do not have a Finder label assigned, but I cannot convince the folder search (Spotlight) to show me the files that do not have a label.
I have Apple Lion 10.7.2, I use Apple mail, email accounts set up as IMAP accounts, sync'd with my IMAC and Air.My hosting company, 1and1 allows me to set up folder within IMAP so these are shown in MAIL on both macs. As i deal with each email I file in the relevent folder.However recently I have been finding that when I search MAIL for a particular email it doesnt find them, regardless if they are in the folder or in the main mailbox. Weird. I had this happy today, searching for an email I knew I had received as it had an attachment and had found the corresponding reply in sent. However the email which I had on this occassion stored into one of the these folders could not be located on searching?
Email comes into mailbox, I action or reply, I want to store it away from the main inbox so I only see ones that I need to deal with - however I must be able to see it on my macbook air, IPad so I didnt create a folder in MAIL, as this doesnt reciprocate on the other macs?
Address Book in Lion was working for me initially, but at some point within 10.7.2 and into 10.7.3 it began to malfunction. It shows all the addresses. If I search, it ignores this completely. If I single click on an entry, it does not show the details of that entry, but still displays the first entry details. If I double click the entry, a new windows pops up with the actual details for that entry. I have tried deleting the db and various pref files to no avail. Sync with iCloud is enabled.
I want to transfer Files and Folders from work Macbook Pro laptop to the Mac Mini Server, but I do not want any of the USER info as the user info is tied to my work environment (Network User). I used the Migration Assistant first but this brough the USER / USER Info over with it, and it did not take long to see that the user had info tied to work environment that did not play well in the Home Server Environment. I want to copy files ( Pictures, Music, other files) to my new user on Lion Server from either Time Machine backup or directly from the laptop using something like Target mode; Time Machine would probably be faster...
Info: MacBook Pro17" (2011) Snow Leopard, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have a new Mac Mini Server at home and I want to transfer Files and Folders from it to the Mac Mini Server, but I do not want any of the USER info as the user info is tied to my work enviroment (Network User). I used the Migration Assistant first but this brough the USER / USER Info over with it, and it did not take long to see that the user had info tied to work enviroment that did not play well in the Home Server Enviroment.  I want to copy files ( Pictures, Music, other files) to my new user on Lion Server from either Time Machine backup or directly from the laptop using something like Target mode; Time Machine would probably be faster...
Info: MacBook Pro17" (2011) Snow Leopard, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I appreciate Mail's efforts to streamline the inbox by grouping emails into conversations based on the subject. However, when I search for a specific string in an email, the search returns the conversation of grouped messages and does not indicate the specific point in the message containing the text. In the case that finally prompted this post, the conversation contained 50-odd emails, since all of them contained the appended text of all the previous exchanges in the chain. I am then left with the task of scanning through 50-odd emails, whether they be separate or all retained within a single message, for the particular string I'm after. And that defeats the whole point of searching to begin with.Â
So, am I missing some functionality that overcomes this? Really all I want is for the search to return not just the email, but the location within the email (or chain of emails) where the text is found. Returning 50 hits because each email contains the text somewhere in the lengthy history of the conversation, without actually showing me where in the conversation the text appears,
My network uses WPA2 Enterprise EAP-TLS WIFI encryption, and I have a RADIUS server that handles this. Client devices have a certificate and username that they send to authenticate to the network. I have an iPad, an iPhone, and a Windows 7 laptop computer that all currently connect perfectly fine to this network (so I am assuming that my problem is isolated my MacBook Pro). My MacBook Pro (Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3) worked fine up until about a week ago. It would boot up and automatically connect to the network (I used the iPhone Configuration utility to create a .mobileconfig for this).Â
Now, however, instead of the WIFI menubar icon staying solid after connecting, my MacBook will "connect" to the network, and have a status of "Authenticating..." (System Preferences > Network). I can still connect to the network, internet, etc., but the menubar icon is now constantly blinking as if connecting/searching (though when I click on it there is a checkmark next to my network), and I am continually prompted every 5-10 minutes to select a certificate and username for connecting to the network by the Mac OS (even though I click "Save this information"). If I don't enter the information in the prompt, I am not connected anymore. This did not happen before. Is there something wrong with the mobileconfig I used for the network profile (I installed it using a normal user account; should I have used the administrator account for this?)? Is there something wrong with the items in my keychain?Â
So i've just started using Mac and i've downloaded a few tunes into the downloads folder and then moved them to music. I cant remember what the file names were so can no longer find them. Is there a way to organise the files in the music folder to show the most recently added? If not what do you recommend
I am a OS X newbie after using Windows for almost 15 years. One thing I am having trouble figuring out is how to cut & paste files and folders similar to what can be done in a Windows environment (i.e. cut using Ctrl-X, paste using Ctrl-v).
An example is if I want to move files from my hard drive to a flashdrive...is there way to cut and paste (i.e. move) the files? My current method is to just drag the files the new destination (which copies them) and then drag the files from the old location to the trash bin....
When I look at the 'edit' menu in Finder, the 'cut' and 'paste' options are grayed out which makes me think they are unavailable.