OS X :: Logic Express 8 - Way To Figure Out Drum Beats
Feb 14, 2009
I just got logic express 8 and i'm using it with axiom 25, i'm trying to figure out when making drum beats, is there away that i can see my drum kit sounds and use my mouse to punch in where i want the notes, cause i'm not too good at using the 25 and trying to hit cymbals
I just got logic express 8 and i'm using it with axiom 25, i'm trying to figure out when making drum beats, is there away that i can see my drum kit sounds and use my mouse to punch in where i want the notes, cause i'm not too good at using the 25 and trying to hit cymbals and hit hats and the rest, if anyone could let me know,
I have a yamaha mm6 keyboard which I have connected to my mac using midi, in logic express it shows that it is detecting the notes, yet nothing plays through the laptop speakers! I am selecting external midi when I make a new track btw. If I record something it even shows the notes as I play, but no sound. I want to use the instruments on the keyboard but don't know how to do this. Also I have a boss dr 670 drum machine and I can't get that to work at all in logic, the keyboard worked if I used a software instrument in logic. I want to also use the drums from the machine and things like it's quantizing, but I can't get logic to pick it up at all.
I'm just starting to mess around with Logic Express 8, but I'm coming from Magix on Windows so I had a question about virtual drumming.I'm trying to figure out if Logic has a self-contained drum program which allows you to plug in drum hits for each piece of the kit (kick, toms, snar, etc) on a rhythm map, or if there's good software for download or purchase that can be used for this purpose.
Does anybody know what the specific differences are between Logic Studio and Logic Express?
Also, is there any place where I can get Logic Studio for cheaper than the $499 retail price? The cheapest place I found I was at MacMall for only $49 cheaper.
Can anybody find anyplace cheaper, preferably around $350 or lower?
Is it likely? Aperture is a pro app and is on there, and it'd make sense if they also added Logic and Final Cut - it'd be like a professional version of iWork with the whole set.
I really would like to get the cheaper, lighter, smaller, more portable 13" if at all possible. However, I need it to smoothly run Final Cut Express (I do some video editing for work) and Logic Express (I'm a full time musician). I travel a lot with my computer and my current 15" 2.16GHZ MBP has always been a bit bulky and heavy, and lags a bit when using Final Cut.
Will I get smooth performance running FCE and LE with the 13", and will it be a capable computer (keep up with updated software) for the next 4 years or so? I'd probably max out the RAM and maybe get a faster processor if I was to settle on the 13". If not, I'm looking at having to get the 15", any suggestions on which 15" model would be the best for me in terms of what I need it for? Would I be set with a lower end 15"?
Everything was working fine until I updated osx to 10.4.10 and now Logic Express keeps on crashing. The track starts playing fine then the core audio overload message appears then the program crashes when theres very little strain on the system. Ive attached the full error message... If anyone knows what the problem is please let me know.
I have seen a few videos about mastering and gave it a try myself. It can be done by clicking the master tab, then going to the Input 1-2 column setting and then clicking setting - mastering, etc.
When I first did this a few weeks ago, there were many options such as hip hop mastering, electronic mastering, etc.
Now, when I do so, I have different - much less enticing options and have no idea where the good ones went.
I am running an M-Audio Keystation Pro 88 MIDI controller via USB into Logic Express 7. I use Mac OSX. I'm going straight from the Keystation Pro 88 into the MIDI port of my MacBook Pro. I use a Pre Sonus Firepod as my audio interface (not sure if that's even relevantWhen I begin playing too many notes (especially after pressing the sustain), the piano (Garage Band grand piano .exs) starts to cut out. It sounds like BAD static, as if the MIDI were overloading Logic. I've tried changing the buffer size in audio preferences - it gets no better, only worse when I lower the size (32 being nothing but static).
I just migrated from Snow Leopard to Lion and now can't open or upgrade Logic Express 9.0.1 to a Lion version. How can I upgrade the software to the latest version? Software update doesn't show anything. I've migrated using my Time Machine backup from my Macbook running latest Snow Leopard.
I am new to Logic and have read through many tutorials which enabled me to create a trance/house song. It, however, is missing something crucial - a noise sweep or build-up or shwoosh sound, etc. I need that "airplane take off" sound that builds up before the bass hits. I have searched google and have been successful in finding posts that help other users, but not me. I need a step by step breakdown of how to do this...meaning like a 10 step list of exactly what to do (every step of the way).
For some reason, I can't get Logic Express 8 to output audio to my Mac's attached speakers. It outputs fine through my M-Audio interface, though, but I'd just like to listen without headphones.
I am finally upgrading to a MacBook Pro sometime around January, and I am as excited as can be. I do some messing around with audio, but nothing too serious, just things for fun and to show people, every now and then for a school project etc... Mainly playing with samples and I'm looking to get more into it, and start some amateur DJ mixing.
That being said, I'm debating between Logic Express 8 and Garage band (plus several Jam Packs: Remix, Symphony Orchestra, World Music and Rhythm Section) since Logic would be cheaper.
i've been using Logic Express 9 for a few months now and started today messing about with the included demo project "The Numbers Game".Unfortunately, I accidentally hit save on a change and now have fundamentally affected the demo.
If I do a re-install of Logic Express 9 will this wipe out or affect my other projects in any way? I really don't want to lose any of the work I've done so far, but would really like to have back the original demo project as a learning tool.
I just recently purchased Logic Express 9. I am having difficulty getting the application to play my external MIDI gear.
I selected the appropriate track type (external MIDI), then selected from the library a MIDI device and channel. Logic sees the MIDI devices that I configured through Apple's "�Audio/MIDI interface� app".
This is my setup�
Logic Express is installed on an iMac with 4GB Memory running the latest version of MAC OS 10.x Snow Leopard.
I�m using a Motu Fastlane 2x2 MIDI Interface with Motu�s latest driver installed.
Connected to the Port A input of the Fastlane is a Yamaha P-80 that I am using as a MIDI controller and whose sounds I also want to use. Connected to the two output MIDI ports of the Fastlane are the Yamaha P-80 and a Roland JD990 MIDI synth module. In are correctly routed to outs and vice versa.
The Fastlane is recognized by the MAC computer. Also Logic Express sees the instruments I configured within the Apple�s �Audio/MIDI interface� app.
I am able to use the P-80 keyboard to record MIDI data to Logic Express for either an internal instrument track or an external MIDI track. The soft synths in the internal tracks play with no problem. For an External MIDI track, I see the data in the Piano roll view. When I play the track, no sound comes out but I see the output MIDI data indicated at the bottom of the arrangement window. Also my external MIDI gear�s audio outs are patched into an audio mixer connected to powered monitor speakers. So I would definitely hear the devices if they were receiving MIDI information. The MIDI indicator lights on the external devices are not flashing when Logic is playing back the data.
So obviously I have an output communication issue. Either something is not set properly within the Logic software or the �Audio/MIDI interface� app.
When I open up the �Audio/MIDI interface� app and click on test. I am able to here the tone when I press the keyboard which indicates the Motu Interface is receiving data from the keyboard. However, when I click on the port�s output arrow that is supposed to send a tone to the MIDI instruments, I hear nothing which is consistent with what is happening within Logic.
I know the Motu Fastlane works because I used it for a long time in a Windows based system. I have checked each wire and they check out as well. I have checked and double checked each connection and they are set properly. At this point, I am not sure what to do to correct this problem.
i just bought it and am having a little trouble exporting a track i made. i didnt do much to it, just cut it and can not figure out how to export. i go to the export option and then try and save it to the desktop but it is not there when i go to find it
For some reason, I can't get Logic Express 8 to output audio to my Mac's attached speakers. It outputs fine through my M-Audio interface, though, but I'd just like to listen without headphones.
My macbook Pro makes an occasional noise that sounds like hitting on a drum (specifically congas). Or for want for a better description, it is the sound you hear when you eject a memory stick from a windows based computer.
I have been using the beats by Dr.Dre headphones the studio ones with my macbook pro but both the cables i used before got spoiled and are not working they are 3.5mm cables but the the surrounding of the cable jack is thinner than normal cables so it doesnt fit my beats, i have't been able to find a cable to replace these so basically my beats are useless for the moment, do any of you know where i can obtain a cable that can be used with the beats?
i just recently purchased a pair of dr dre beats, the studio version, and as some of you may know, they include a black cable with a mic attached to it. i was wondering if there was any way to use this mic on the macbook pro 15" (2010 model) and use it for gaming. i cant seem to find a way to make the mic work.
So I'd like to do some home recording - nothing fancy at all, just the ability to lay down vocals, accoustic guitar, and hand drumming into either Garage Band or a more serious music editing program (I used to use Cool Edit Pro a while back).
I have no idea what mic to get, and what setup is necessary.
It seems that the easiest thing would be to have a USB mic, right? That way I don't need an interface between the mic and the computer? Or can a normal mic plug just fine into the line-in jack?
I just got the new beats by dre in ear headphones. Can any one recommend a good extender to reach my mac pro thats on the ground. Its not fitting well to the headjack in the front port of the tower.
I had Parallels 5, to run the odd extra OS for giggles and sometimes practical reasons. At work they have VMWare for the odd XP program. Eventually, they both annoyed me with their bloated nature. I dunno about you guys but I downloaded VirtualBox, and I am very impressed with it to say it's free. With Parallels, running Windows XP with 1GB of ram, my fans would blow franticly. The same on VirtualBox, and everything is smooth, it is so lightweight, has all the features and supports OS's a lot more than Parallels and VMWare.
I have a 15" 1st gen UMBP and I've been having some issues with the sound. At first I thought I had blown my speakers, but it was such that I couldn't tell if I was just imagining it or if they were actually blown. Some of the beats and bass were kind of fuzzy and subdued. I had resigned myself to the fact that my speakers were blown and went on with my life, figuring I would get it checked out sometime. Then, last night I tried to listen to some music with my headphones (nice sennheisers) and it was clear that the bass was blown. At first I thought I had also blown my headphones, but then realized that it was probably my sound card (I don't know too much about sound cards).
I tested my headphones using my roommate's laptop, listening to the same songs and switching my headphones between computers, and it became clear that my headphones were working just fine and could handle deep bass and beats as normal. So: I'm pretty sure this means that the problem lies in my soundcard, leaving me with a couple questions: 1) How expensive of a fix is this going to be? 2) would a faulty or damaged soundcard be covered under apple's limited one year warranty?
I have seen a few videos about mastering and gave it a try myself. It can be done by clicking the master tab, then going to the Input 1-2 column setting and then clicking setting - mastering, etc.When I first did this a few weeks ago, there were many options such as hip hop mastering, electronic mastering, etc.Now, when I do so, I have different - much less enticing options and have no idea where the good ones went.