OS X :: Location Of Firewall Log In Leopard?
Feb 27, 2008
Where is the location of the firewall log in Leopard?
When I click on Security> Firewall>Advanced> Open Log nothing happens.
I can't access the internet since I can only connect to a private address starting with 169.254.xxx.xxx
I'm thinking some firewall issue has suddenly made not able to use DHCP to access the internet.
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Aug 29, 2009
In Snow Leopard, I'm noticing that I get a lot of these messages in Console now:
Aug 29 09:49:07 MacPro Firewall[77]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP from
That address is my Comcast DNS server.
They show up as a Info type message in Console. No real problem, just curious if anyone else is seeing that.
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Aug 8, 2010
just got my New iMac 27".
Just wondering why when I click on system prefs>security>firewall
it is turned off by default? Should I turn it on? If so why was it set on off when I turned on my imac for the first time?
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Mar 31, 2009
I hope I'm just missing something, but it seems the Leopard firewall took a huge step backward from Tiger. I want to configure it to permit certain ports to connect, and it seems I can't do that basic thing. All I see is a way to tell it which apps should be allowed to receive external connections. That's quite unsatisfactory to me; is there a way to just open up ports?
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Mar 3, 2008
Can someone help me figure out why every time I launch iPhoto, the Leopard firewall prompts me to choose whether or not I want to allow or deny access for this application to accept incoming network connections...regardless of the fact that every single time, I choose 'Allow'? Here's a screenshot of the exact prompt that appears:
I've checked the Leopard firewall configuration in the 'Security' preference pane (which is obviously configured to "Set Access for Specific Services and Applications", and sure enough, iPhoto appears in the list with the 'Allow Incoming Connections' setting chosen....but it still asks me every time if I want to allow or deny connections, and I can't figure out how to make it stop asking??
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Dec 17, 2009
I got an iPod Touch today and I'm while I was testing out some apps I noticed that I cannot connect to my MacBook Pro.
If I try to ping it I get no response. Going to the Mac's address in a browser (web sharing is on) I don't get any response either. I cannot connect to for file sharing either. I have turned off the firewall in OS X and rebooted the computer with no change. All sharing options are enabled. If I run "sudo ipfw list" I get this: "65535 allow ip from any to any".
It appears however that Snow Leopard allows connection from outside the local network, as Internet, BitTorrent, Mail etc. works as usual.
I've tried turning the firewall off in the router but connections are still blocked.
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Apr 17, 2009
I have a PMG5 with Leopard 10.5.6 on it. I did have it sharing with the PCs on my home network via SMB. Lately, however, it has stopped and XP kept giving errors saying that could not connect to the Mac . I tried every fix and checked every setting I could find on the net, then, on a whim, set the firewall to allow all incoming network connections (essentially turning it off). Wallah! Suddenly the Mac and the PCs were friends again. The firewall is set to allow File Sharing to go through but it isn't doing it. It will only share when it is off. What do I need to do to solve this issue?
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Apr 9, 2012
I want to stream music and photos from my Macpro running 10.6.8 to my AppleTV, however, it seemed like the only way I could get it to work was to turn off my Firewall. Is there a way to give my AppleTV access to my Mac without having to turn off the Firewall?
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Sep 9, 2009
Just upgraded to iTunes 9.0 and I'm running a clean install of Snow Leopard.
Every time I open up iTunes that stupid Firewall box asks if I want to allow/deny incoming connections.
Even if I allow, and verify it's in the list as allow, it asks everytime.
I've removed it from Firewall settings, no luck.
I've reinstalled iTunes, no luck.
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Apr 23, 2012
My fios router only supports 64 bit wep encryption. Is my machine secure if I turn on firewall
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Apr 19, 2010
I've just tried running the security test on the Shields Up! site, and I note that even though my firewall is in stealth mode (and Shields Up! reported that all the ports it probed were stealthed), it failed the test because it replied to an ICMP ping request - and yet the Snow Leopard firewall specifically states that when it's in stealth mode, it won't respond to such requests.
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Feb 29, 2012
Console log is packed with Info messages realted to connection attempts from AEBS router. Is that normal? also, system profiler states:
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7), assorted apple products
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Dec 10, 2008
I am changing all of my icons on my mac and want to change the icon for PC when it is on the same network, where is the icon located in Mac OS X so I can change it?
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Jul 2, 2014
MacBook Pro OS X 10.8.5 date and time set automatically to use a network time server (domain controller). After a few weeks of the end-user utilitizing it on their home network, the time reverts back to January 6, 2012. How can I set a secondary location if the first location is unreachable?
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Sep 6, 2014
I moved my iTunes media folder to an external hard drive to free up space on my iMac's hard drive. The new one is located on a hard drive attached to my Airport Express. Since then, I keep getting messages stating that certain items weren't copied to my iPhone because the originals couldn't be found. When I check, the iTunes media folder has reverted to the location on my iMac's main hard drive.Â
How can I prevent this? At best this is annoying, but it also is using up hard drive space unnecessarily. Is this behavior avoidable, or is it something that goes with the territory when you move your media folder to an external hard drive?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Oct 8, 2009
I am running Snow Leopard on a new MacBook Pro. I have noticed that often when I am typing, the cursor will jump to another location. So, I might be typing on a line and then suddenly, the cursor will jump to a line, usually above the line that I had been typing on.
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Sep 8, 2009
Image Capture in Snow Leopard defaults to saving to the Pictures folder, but I want to change it to the Desktop instead. If I simply change it in the app, close it, and open it again, it reverts back to the Pictures folder.
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May 31, 2012
I was playing a game with my Mac, and the sticky keys indicator disappeared. I've moved it before, and this game has caused it to move before, but I don't know where it is. How do I fix this?
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Mar 13, 2012
I am getting a Firewall message that reads:Â The service "(Common Internet File System (CIFS))" is starting on your Mac.
Application:Â sbin > launchd
Port:Â Â 445 (Common Internet File System (CIFS))Â
It also says: if you don't change firewall settings, the firewall wil block connections from other computers to this ervice on your Mac. Â
Mac Pro 2.8 GHz, Mac OS X (10.6.6), NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT 512 MB, 10gigs Ram
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May 20, 2009
I recently upgraded from Tiger to Leopard Mail, and the save attachment button has new behavior -- used to be it would always ask which directory to save attachments to; now it automatically saves them in the download folder in the dock, and I have to drag them individually to the right folder. I can't find an option to change to the old "always ask" behavior.
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Jul 6, 2009
I replaced my daughters drive in her Macbook last fall. The move went without any issue and she had an additional 100GB after the upgrade.
Now it appears the drive is dying. It won't boot to get to the login - it gets to the blue screen and mouse cursor in the upper left, then circular spinning countdown in the center, then repeat, then hang at the blue screen. I can hear the drive making a repeated winding/reading type of noise when it gets to the point where the login should be coming up.
Here's what I've done so far:
- I've tried booting off the Leopard disk and verified disk - it passed.
- I also repaired permissions - it repaired about 2 dozen and passed as well.
- I've reset the pram with no impact
- It won't boot in safe mode - keeps getting some flashing text at the top and won't complete the boot.
- I took the drive out and ran Spinrite 6 on it - it got to about 53% and it started making the noise like it was stuck at the blue screen at Leopard bootup. It ran for 3 hours and the drive eventually passed with nothing fixed and no errors found.
- I'm afraid to try an archive and install since I think the drive is failing
So here is what I'm going to do.
- Purchase replacement drive and do a clean Leopard install
- Put the existing failing drive in my USB powered enclosure
I don't have a time machine backup to work from.
Now my question is where is my daughters user data and system files? She is the only user on the Macbook. Once I find them and bring them over - barring any other issues - where do I put them on the new drive/Leopard install and make her desktop, user data, music, photos, network settings, and apps the same again - like it would be with an archive and install? Is it as simple as copying over a user folder or series of folders? What about user login - does it have to be the same or does that come with copying the folders/data over.
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Feb 5, 2009
Apple's Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard operating system will include tools borrowed from the iPhone that let developers determine the geographical location of Macs, as well as extend additional support for multi-touch to their apps, AppleInsider has learned. People familiar with the latest pre-release distributions of the next-gen OS say the software now includes the CoreLocation framework previously available via the iPhone SDK, which will allow Mac applications to identify the current latitude and longitude of the Macs on which they're running. Since Macs don't include GPS technology like the iPhone 3G, CoreLocation will utilize a Mac's existing networking hardware to triangulate the system's location in a manner similar to the way the original iPhone was able to use the technology to emulate a true global positioning signal. Meanwhile, those same people say that developers writing applications for Snow Leopard will also gain access to a new set of Cocoa-based programing interfaces for leveraging the multi-touch features of the latest MacBooks and MacBook Pros within their applications. AppleInsider first revealed plans for the new multi-touch framework in a an article from last June titled "Five undisclosed features of Apple's Mac OS X Snow Leopard." The report noted that the framework would "consist of code libraries and functions that ordinary developers can use to enhance their applications with the same multi-touch capabilities currently available in Apple-born apps like Safari and iPhoto, and do so with ease." Word of the new location tools in Snow Leopard comes on the heels of an announcement by Google that it will soon deliver its own software that will let iPhones and Macs broadcast their location information over the Internet.[ View this article at AppleInsider.com ]
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Jun 11, 2012
I'm running a webdav server over MAMP with owncloud (owncloud.org). I'm trying to use Time Machine with it and created a sparsebundle image. I would like to mount it from the webdav server but always get the error 'hdiutil: mount failed - Keine aktivierbaren Dateisysteme / No activatable Filesystem'When I use the same file localy the sparsebundle mounts (with the same access permissions). I did a 'hdiutil verify -debug -verbose [code]
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 8, 2012
I've got networked clients logging in and occasionally having problems, especially with shared logons. I bet changing the location of temporary files from the home folder (on the server) to the local machine would fix a lot of issues.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), i5 with Thunderbolt
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Jun 30, 2012
Equipment: Mac Mini (Early 2009), Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GHz, 4 GB RAM, Lion. I started noticing my Mac Mini was having trouble reconnecting my Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, slow processing (spinning pinwheel of death), and programs freezing. I did a recovery within Lion from the recovery drive and it seemed to work for a week or so. It started acting up again. So, I decided to erase the HD and reinstall Lion. I basically use the Mac Mini as a server for all my iTunes content. Â
My iTunes default save location is to my Drobo storage unit. Now that I have reinstalled Lion, I am looking for the easiest, most convenient, and safest way to change the default save location in iTunes and then importing the media. It would be nice if it was possible to just simply change the default save location to the folder I previously had all my media saved in and it would just magically appear in iTunes. Everything was organized perfectly, which took hours of time and attention to details. Â
Mac Mini, 2 13 Inch Macbooks, Mac OS X (10.5.7)
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Mar 14, 2012
I had a goodworking SUS (10.6.8) working but the drive is getting full so i change the location of the files to another disk (in the xserve)and follow instructions from Apple (page 84 from the manual System Imaging) sudo cp -p /private/var/db/swupd/html /Volumes/My_Volume/My_Software_Updates_Folder/This works and i copy the files to a new drive. I also change the SUS so that theu host files for Lion clients url..works also, start SUS in Server Admin but when clients wants to connect i get an error that there is no SUS available and when i use the browser for an check i get een Forbidden error url...ForbiddenYou don't have permission to access /index.sucatalog on this server.Apache/2.2.21 (Unix) Server at Port 80.
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Jul 1, 2008
What's the best (Software)Firewall solution for OS X. At the moment I work with a mixed environment ( ipfw, Apple Application Firewall and Little Snitch ). It seems to be secure, but this is an absolute overhead. I noticed, that my internet performance slowed down. For the moment I'm not able to spend money on a hardware solution. I'm searching for a complete Firewall software that controls incoming as well as outgoing connections ( Apple seems not to be interested in distributing a complete and easy waterproof solution ). Unfortunately ipfw offers no application control. I'm not a security expert, thus I need an easy configurable firewall.
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Nov 2, 2009
I've got a problem with my new mbp, mac os x snow leopard. It can't ssh. I've got no firewall running, can do ssh localhost and can ssh *into* my mbp from another machine, but I can't ssh from the mbp to another computer. If I do: ssh -v, hich is my wifes debian comp, I get:
OpenSSH_5.2p1, OpenSSL 0.9.8k 25 Mar 2009
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh_config
debug1: Connecting to [] port 22.
debug1: connect to address port 22: Operation timed out
ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out
I've tried uncommenting "Host *" and "ForwardAgent yes" in /etc/ssh_config (I read you had to do that on some other forum), but it doesn't help. I can ssh into my wife's computer using any other os than mac os x. This is extremely annoying, since I can't comfortably fetch my old files to this new computer.
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Sep 2, 2010
I have a new mid 2010 iMac 27" quad core 2.8
Is it necessary to enable the firewall, which is off by default.
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Sep 6, 2010
I have a 21.5" iMac connected to my basement ADSL Modem/Gateway via 25ft long UTP cable. Other devices (PS3, HP Laptop using Win 7, etc, etc.) are connected to the same ADSL Modem/Gateway via wireless. If wondering, this ADSL Modem/Gateway has its own firewall enabled and its application selection (for port forwarding) customized as well.
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