OS X :: Keeping Macs In Sync - Copy Specific Programs Iphoto Libraries And Documents From One Machine To Other?
May 21, 2010
When I got my MBP over a year ago during the initial setup, I cloned my MP. As time has elapsed, the two machines are now out of sync i.e. programs, photos, documents etc. how I can copy specific programs, iphoto libraries and documents from one machine to the other?
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Dec 19, 2005
I'm looking for something like syncOTunes but for iPhoto. My wife and I each have our own mac, and just like our music libraries, we end up with very different iPhoto libraries. From a simple "backup" perspective it would be nice to sync the two up now and then a la syncOTunes.
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Sep 22, 2009
My purpose is to summarize what I can collect as information on the best way to keep macs and devices in sync.
First, I will focus on the main goal I want to achieve: keep iCal and Address Book in sync for a macbook and a mac mini. The sync can occur via internet (nice-to-have) or simply when they are on the same network (minimum requirement).
Later below are also separately listed info on files/folder sync.
The option I have found so far:
For Address Book and iCal:
1) Mac OS X native option
Mac OS X Snow Leopard offers the possibility to keep iCal and Address Book in sync, via a Google Account or a Yahoo Account.
FREE requires Google account also keep Google Contacts and Calendar in sync But no contacts picture sync, limited phone number (3 or 4 per contact)
2) Mobile Me
iCal, Address Book, ...
+ storage, web hosting, complete integration with Mac OS X...
79$ / year
3) Others...
Spanning Sync 3
Almost as option 1) as it requires a Google Account.
Only between computers. But they don't need to be ON at the same time (using fruux cloud).
also sync bookmarks and notes.
10.5 and upper.
For files/folder sync:
1) Mobile Me iDisk
2) Dropbox and analog, whether they are webbased on full applications
Amazon S3
Microsoft Live Mesh
3) Other solutions, more manual...
Part of OS X already. You may need to update it depending on the task, but if you can figure it out, here it is:
What am I using? I am now trying Fruux. Free and doing exactly what I needed: sync 2 macs for address book and calendar. Not less, and a little more. More after a few days of use!
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Apr 15, 2012
I just bought a MacBook Air and am looking to share the library in my iPhoto between my iMac and MacBook Air.
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Feb 12, 2010
I've had a MacBook Pro for some time, and am now wanting to sync all my programs (preferably without mobileme).
Many years ago, I was able to network multiple mac computers and have each of those macs draw their information from a common file on the server. For example, the mail program on each computer would reference it's mail file in the library which was an alias that pointed to the actual data file that was stored on the server. This was an easy way of linking the email, so when mail was altered on one computer, the changes were made (in essence) to all computers.
I would like to do that with my iMac and MacBook, but also the music library, iCal, Address Book etc.
Is there a way to set my Time Capsule up as a server to handle something like this?
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Aug 20, 2007
Does anyone here sync most or all their files between two macs? I have an imac and will be getting a mbp. I'd like both macs to have the same copy of itunes, iphoto and other documents. Will .mac sync do this or what software setup do you use to make this work?
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Feb 22, 2009
I have a new early 08 MBP laptop (Leopard) and a G4 tower (Tiger) using IPhoto 08. When out of town I have added photos to my laptop. I have also added different new photos to my tower. Is there a software way to update both computers to have the same photos? I have heard the term bi-directional (my Palm Treo does this). In the case of my Treo, if I have new info in both my phone and computer, both will be updated to match each other. Now I need to do that same syncing concept between both of my computers for IPhoto (I do not have .mac).
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Mar 15, 2012
I have a Mini with Lion Server. My wife has a MacBook Pro as her main computer. I imported her user from the MacBook to the Mini, but am wondering how to keep everything synced on her User between both machines. As she works on her laptop won't her documents on the Mini become outdated quickly?It seems like there should be an easy solution to this but I haven't found it; I'm new to Mac though so I may be missing something obvious.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 1, 2008
Lately my mac has been freezing up. Almost everyday now, when a month ago is was fine (and had been for over a year) never freezing once. I am thinking I need to do a reinstall of the operating system. A few questions, Will I still be able to keep all my current programs? How do I do this?
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Feb 29, 2012
If I open an image in Preview, the "File/Open Recent" menu lists the name of the file. If I then close the file, but still leave Preview running, the "Open Recent" menu still lists the file. If I quit Preview, the "Show Recent" menu does not show any files. If I reopen Preview, the "Open Recent" menu does not show any files. I have a feeling this is a permissions problem, but repair permissions has not worked.
In Console, Preview is reporting the following error upon opening:
"29/02/2012 14:45:57.183 com.apple.Preview.TrustedBookmarksService: Failure to de-serialize bookmark data file."
I'm using Preview as an example here, but it holds for every app - whether they are bundled or downloaded - on my system. System Preferences/Appearance/Number of Recent Items is set to 10. I am running Lion 10.7.3 on an iMac 12,1 with a dual SSD and HDD internal drive setup.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Dual SSD & HDD
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Nov 28, 2010
So I downloaded a music album from itunes and it was added to my library. This was done on a PC running win 7. How do I keep that library in sync with my MBA running OS X? Thought I could actually just download the album again on the MBA for free when logged into the same itunes account, but it appears that I can't.
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May 2, 2012
i dont like keeping important files exclusively in the dropbox folder ... i rather keep them on my macbook pro's HD and so backed up to time machine.Â
this way, if dropbox were to suddenly become kaput one day, my important files are still with me, not lost forever just because they were exclusively in the cloud. ( i tested this ... i delete a file when in the dropbox web site, it removes it instantly from the dropbox foler on the laptop.)Â
however, i like keeping a current copy in the dropbox folder, so that i can access the current version on my iphone / ipad.Â
what i do now is copy the up-dated files every evening into the dropbox folder .... this way i meet both the objectives.Â
is there anyway i could keep the two folders in sync but only one way ... i change a file on my HD , it automatically changes in the dropbox folder too . however, if a file is changed in the dropbox folder ( read deleted on dropbox servers by some mishap) the original file on the laptop remains untouched.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 1, 2014
I currently have a MacPro and a Mac book Air both with iTunes libraries. The musics, Tv shows and movies are stored on my external drive connected to my router. My main iTunes library is on my MacPro, but I want to ensure that that my library on my Macbook Air is automatically updated when i add contact to my external drive and MacPro iTunes library without physically copying the content on to my macbook air.
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Jan 27, 2010
In my home folder I have copied a folder from my external hard drive, this folder I can navigate to no problem
so in that folder I have created another folder called 2010 in that folder is another called Germany 2010, I would like to save a Excel Doc in there, but when I press save as on the Document it does not give me the option to save to this folder and I cannot navigate to it, So how can I save as in a folder of my choice.
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Oct 13, 2010
I hav a MBP w/ both Snow Leopard & Windows 7 64-bit via BootCamp. i wanna be able to access (read/write but if not, read only access is acceptable) my iTunes content (music, videos, apps, etc), which is on my Mac partition, from my Windows side without having to create a separate, periodically updated copy of my contents on my Windows partition, which is what some of the solutions I read hav u do. (I don't like having to waste space unnecessarily)
Basically, I would like to be able to sync my iPhone to my iTunes content on my computer from either OS and have all the content be current and in sync (for my 3 platforms: Mac, Windows, & iPhone) regardless of which side I am accessing it from. I wouldnt wanna hav to log onto my Mac side just so i can sync a song i downloaded on my iPhone to the library on the computer; i would like to be able to do this from my Windows side as well. Finally, is there a way to do all this without the use of an external drive?
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May 20, 2008
I've been searching the forums and web looking for info on how to / best way to sync iTunes libraries (including playlists, ratings, and play counts). I've found several programs including TuneRanger, SuperSync, Syncopation and some others (links below). The general consensus seems to be that they all suck. (TuneRanger seems to do exactly what I want, but doesn't appear to have a free trial period.) [URL]
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May 10, 2012
What exactly happens if I checkmark "documents and data" in the iCloud preferences on both my Macs? On iOS my understanding is that developers can build support for iCloud right into their apps, and so, only those apps that are coded to support iCloud syncing will be able to do it. However on the Mac, documents are not stored in an app-centric manner (and I'm glad because I loathe the app-centric document storage aspect of iOS).
So, I'm not clear what happens if you choose to sync "documents and data" over iCloud. Currently I use Chronosync to sync my documents folders between my desktop and laptop. However, this is a fairly hands-on process, and while I still plan on using Chronosync between my computers for several purposes, I would be happy to have iCloud sync certain documents and data between my Macs.
For example, I'd like iCloud to sync my Stickies, Downloads folders, and certain folders of documents like scanned receipts and saved web archives, etc. However I am scared to check the "Documents and Data" checkbox because I don't know what the heck it does. Is it going to scan my computer and upload everything in my documents folder? Or what? I read Apple's iCloud set-up guide but it did not give me a clue regarding this, and I didn't see any links to an advanced manual.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2009, 8-core 2.2ghz, 12GB RAM, 10TB
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Apr 2, 2010
I have Time Machine backups of two iPhoto Library files, one of which I've flawlessly copied to my new iMac, everything is in working order and awesome. Now I have an additional iPhoto Library from another computer that I'd like to add.
How should I go about doing this? I fear that if I simply drag-n-drop the Library file into iPhoto I'll get duplicates (the Original/Modified folders) and lose all the albums, etc.
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Jun 7, 2012
My computer won't open a specific folder in my documents folder. It will let me open other folders but not his one. When I click to open it get a notice that Finder has unexpectedly quit.
iPhone 4
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Apr 28, 2009
Im new to macs and especially networking them. Id like to setup file sharing so the whole machine is accessible from the other in order for me to copy libraries and apps over manually.
for some reason only the top level folder becomes accessible, all sub folders are still protected. In windows there would be a checkbox to allow all subfolders to be shared along with their parent.
Anyway to do this on a mac ?
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Feb 6, 2010
Need to remove duplicates from iphoto Libraries is there anything out there to help?
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May 22, 2010
I don't want aperature or iphoto to create their own libraries, I would like to work on a photo in pictures and the relevant folder and leave it there and not create another copy elsewhere. I recently read an article/tip on how to do this but can't find the relevant magazine.
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May 28, 2010
I have iTunes and iPhoto libraries on my MBP that I would like to mirror to my external/Airport HDD so that my Mac mini can access the content.
I've been using iTunes sharing function, but it doesn't sync ratings/play count/etc, and iPhoto doesn't seem to have the option.
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Oct 22, 2010
So I want to get new MBA. But going from 500gb hdd MB, will need to set up wireless HDD for my pictures and music. Is it best to do all of it on one external hdd or can I mix n match say podcasts n my favorite pictures on internal hdd n the rest on the external?
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Jul 24, 2006
As I am planning to buy a MacBook today, what is the best, most efficient way for me to transfer my iTunes and iPhoto libraries? I already backed up my Documents on an external HD. I have a FW400 to FW400 cable. Is there a process using this that will be fast and easy?
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Oct 19, 2009
I had to send my computer to apple for a repair and it came back wiped clean.
Due to the problem it was having I was unable to back up, I found this out when I tried to and my external hd back up failed . I have everything on my iPhone that I really need, iTunes and iPhoto library. I is there anyway to take that from my iPhone and put it on my computer?
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Mar 20, 2009
We have two macbooks and one desktop windows vista pc in or house- is there any way to keep all of these in sync, automatically if possible?
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Oct 18, 2010
We have been syncing our iphones on our imac and now we have a macbook pro too. I did migration and transferred everything over to synch(at least I thought-same music, apps, etc) The record of back ups even show up on the mbp itunes. So when I went to sync the iphone it wants to remove all the folders I have set up. How can I sync my iphone on the new mbp without messing up all my work or organizing my apps. Is there a file I can transfer from the imac to the mbp?
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Sep 7, 2009
I own an iMac, and a MacBook Pro,
Ideally I would like to have the same computer on two different machines. The things I want mirrored between the to would be my media (itunes,iphoto,etc)
I know mobile me would sync my ical, address book etc, but im not looking to spend 100 dollars per year to keep my machines synced.
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Jan 6, 2010
I have an iMac at home and a MacBook Pro for school and I'd like to sync them together. More specifically, I'm looking into syncing my iCal database as well as my Address Book database. I do not wish to pay for MobileMe, as I find it too expensive and don't have so much money to waste at this moment of the year, but I tried it and it worked like a charm. It's just overpriced though, especially for a particular (maybe for an enterprise they will use every buck out of this service, but not me). I was wondering if there was a nice application for that... or an Automator script, of if I should try and figure out how to code my own Automator script?
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