OS X :: Install Failed And Cannot Verify Essentials Package

Oct 26, 2007

Alright, so far I have tried an Upgrade and an A&I and it still fails with that message. I don't know what to do. I have an unusable computer, and the install keeps failing.

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MacBook :: Error Verifying Essentials Package (New HD)

Jan 23, 2009

My old 120GB hard drive seemed to be flaky, and I needed the increased capacity, so I upgraded to a 500GB hard drive on my white MacBook. Install was not hard at all, I formatted and partitioned the drive, but I can't seem to install MacOS X (10.5) on it from the DVD's that came with my MacBook. It will boot to the installer DVD, allow me to select the hard drive, and starts the install. However, each time it ends with something along the lines of "Error verifying Essentials package", and advises me to contact the software manufacturer. (Strange that it advises contacting the "software manufacturer" rather than "Apple."). The DVD is pristine, no evidence scratches. I also had problems earlier performing an Archive & Install on the old drive, but I thought this was because it ran out of room. I can also boot the MacBook through my old drive, attached to a USB enclosure. Can that drive be used to install a new system?

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OS X :: Filesystem Verify Or Repair Failed?

Jan 25, 2010

My Macbook pro has been running slow as of late (spinning rainbow) causing other programs to freeze up. I verify/repaired the disk permissions with no problem until I went to verify/repair disk.

The error called "Filesystem verify or repair failed" appeared with the following information: invalid volume count / invalid directory count. This volume needs to be repaired.

Question: Is this causing the macbook to run slow? How can I repair this problem? What actions inflicts this problem? ( To prevent this in the future )

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OS X :: Security Update 2010-003 Failed To Verify

Apr 30, 2010

There is a thread like this labelled "solved" here with my last 2 posts in it unanswered. But I still can't get this security update to verify. I tried to repair permissions using disk utility and - as far as I can tell it - does repair permissions, but it still doesn't verify. I've even tried downloading Google Chrome and Firefox browsers and they won't verify either.

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OS X :: File System Verify Or Repair Failed Error?

Oct 9, 2009

I have an iMac OS X 10.5 or 6? that was not getting past the apple logo and spinning gear, so I started from install disks, selected Disk Utility, and got the following messages. The lines in Caps were red

Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume
Checking Extents Overflow file
(It should be 1454 instead of 1444)
Checking Catalog file
Missing thread record (id = 20796)

I don't know where to go from here! Please help, I'm not Mac savy, so any suggestions need to be specific.

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MacBook :: Verify Volume Failed - Invalid Request

Dec 17, 2010

I've had this 750 GB external drive for a year or two now, and have used it with no problems. All of a sudden, it can't be read by my MacBook. Finder can't see it. No applications can see it except Disk Utility. But DU can't repair it, and when I try verifying I just get "Verify volume failed: Invalid request." Also, when I'm using DU normally, I can't even eject the drive. But if I boot from my Mac disc, I can. But that's the only difference; still no repairing or verifying, and I get the same error message.

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OS X :: Partition Error Filesystem Verify And Repair Failed

Jun 18, 2009

I had 2 partitons and i wanted to install XP using boot camp, of course i have to make my hard disk 1 partition, so i deleted the second partition and resized my 1st partition, when i try to resize 1st partition i get this error: filesystem verify and repair failed

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Intel Mac :: Disk Utility - Filesystem Verify Or Repair Failed

Apr 19, 2012

I try to insert my hard drive and it says "the disk inserted is not readeable by this computer" but when I open disk utility to repair it says "First Aid failed, Error: filesystem verify or repair failed". I am very frustrated, my work is due next week and most of it is in the drive.


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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Disk Utility Error - Filesystem Verify Or Repair Failed

Jun 25, 2012

I ran Disk Utility and before it finished I received Filesystem verify or repair failed error message. It says to run repair but I can't 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Applications :: VirtualBox Crashing After Attempted Install Of Microsoft Security Essentials?

Oct 9, 2009

The setup: VirtualBox (latest), Snow Leopard and Windows XP.

The situation: I installed VirtualBox, all seems fine. I then installed Windows XP. All seemed fine. I installed Gust Additions. Then I installed Safari. Then I went and downloaded and installed Microsoft Security Essentials. When it attempted to install, it would fail, and asks me to restart and try again. I went ahead and restarted. When the virtual machine restarted, it'd get all screwed up, squashed video and frozen. Then I'd get a dialog saying that the virtual machine disk image has a problem or some such, and claims that a likely cause is a problem with the harddrive. After I clicked OK, it beachball'd. I force-quit the program.

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Failed To Install / Graphics Card Failed / System Crashed Had To Reinstall?

Oct 1, 2010

So I have a macbook pro old model.Recent Problems:graphics card failedsystem crashed had to reinstall system crashed again and would be stuck on apple logo
now after i reinstalled SL after the stuck on logo problem my mac was fine.3 weeks later which is now it started to lag,slow,unresponsive.So i tried repairing disk utility and FAILED then i tried reinstalling osx FAILEDthen i had to delete my whole harddrive :*( and reformated the harddrive.FAILED AGAIN.calling apple is a no because i already called alot before so now they want to charge.So did i reformat wrong? something?

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Intel Mac :: Boot Camp Driver "failed To Verify" Right At The End Of The Burning?

Jun 16, 2012

Ive got the new iMac 2011 range, 21.5" and im purely installing windows 7 onto it for games. Im planning on playing guildwars2 when it comes out. Ive installed windows 7 perfectly fine already, it all works. However, i realised that you needed to install the drivers onto it in order for wifi, graphics etc to work. So i do so and it says right at the end of the burning process when it has to "verify" the CD and it says it fails. I tried to install the drivers anyway, most of the stuff work except a handful of really important things such as the ATI graphics, video card etc.


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PowerPC :: How Can I Install Leopard On A G3 IBook - Installer Package Cannot Be Used?

Dec 13, 2008

My friend just bought a pretty clean G3 iBook that currently is running Tiger. he wants to hook up his iPhone to his laptop, but iTunes wants him to have Leopard in order for it to see his 3G iPhon my friend downloaded the Leopard update but when he tried to run the update, the laptop gave him some sort of error that says, "installer package cannot be used can anyone throw me a lifeline or two as to what the problem is? he really wants to run Leopard but so far he isn't having any luck.

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Applications :: Unable To Install Final Cut 6 / Hangs Up On Running Package Scripts

Apr 8, 2009

I'm trying to install Final Cut Studio (6.0.1) on a C2D MBP running Snow Leopard (10.6).

This is my third attempt, after restarting and then shutting down and resetting PRAM, and the install keeps getting hung up on "Running package scripts..."

Installer is responsive, it's just getting stuck for some reason.

Anyone else having this issue?

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IMac :: Unable To Install Snow Leopard / Installer Can't Extract Files From The Package

Sep 20, 2009

At first, I tried to upgrade and the upgrade failed to the point of rendering the system useless. I then decided to reformat the drive using disk utility and try a clean install. I then got this error and I'm stuck and have no clue what to do now: "The installer can't extract files from the package for BaseSystem. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance." I have never encountered anything like this before.

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Windows On Mac :: Drivers Won't Install - The Package Requires A Newer Version Of Windows Installer

Mar 30, 2009

Ok, Here is the scoop. I am trying to get Wifi to work on my macbook while on XP. When I put in the disk and it says "The package requires a newer version of Windows Installer. Would you like to update?" I say yes and it says "The requires resoruce update is missing." and if I click no it says "The operation is aborted." or something.

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OS X :: Install From 10.2 To 10.4 Failed?

May 22, 2010

Not sure if you can help on this or not. I bought an ibook g3 that was running 10.2 and went ahead and got 10.4 discs for it. I went ahead and began the install.I got to disc 2 and it messed up. Now each time I boot the ibook it wants disc 2, when I give it disc 2, it gets to disc 3 and messes up again and can't get passed it. Is there any way I can completely restart the install process or roll back to 10.2?

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Windows On Mac :: Tryed To Install Windows Xp On And Disk Was Too Scratched So The Install Failed?

Jul 31, 2009

I tryed to install windows xp on my mac and my disk was too scratched so the install failed. So i held down the power button on my mac until it turned off. Big mistake. Now whenever it boot up, it says press any button to boot from cd. I tryed installing rEFit, it installs but doesn'ty boot into the boot loader.

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OS X :: OS X 10.5.6 / Combo Update Install Failed

Dec 23, 2008

I'm installing 10.5.6 on the family MacBook (white) and it was running 10.5.4 previously, yet hanged when I was updating everything (there was a few updates) so I had to force power off. The Mac says it is running 10.5.6, but I wanted to apply the combo update to be safe. However, it fails when installing (it doesn't get to the stage where it reboots, still in OS X at this stage). It says "The installer could not install some files in "/". Also, repairing Disk Permissions failed too. Prior to the update, everything was working fine - I'm usually full of ideas, but when it is your Mac that is playing up I'm very keen to hear what others have to say.

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Mac Pro :: Win7 64 Bit Failed To Install Via BootCamp?

Jun 1, 2009

I'm installing Windows 7 64-BIT on Boot Camp, I selected an unused partition, selected the option "Create a second partition for windows", set it's space to 131GB, inserted my DVD, which boot camp accepted, restarted, loading the windows installer for me automatically, I selected that boot camp partition, I clicked Format on it, after that was done, I click next, and it says "Windows is unable to install on the selected drive" error 0x...... (can't error code). The hard drive I am installing it on will be in slot 2 (it should be, I only have two hard drives).

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OS X :: Latest Update Install Failed At 25%

Jan 5, 2010

I've got a Macbook with with Leopard v10.5-something installed. When I installed the latest update and was at about 25% done with the "writing"-part it suddenly failed. I got a message prompting to restart (I think it said that it was something wrong with the source from which it was writing), when I restart the computer I get another message promting me to restart. My backup is a few months old, so I wonder if there is some way around my problem?

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Applications :: Clean Install Failed?

Jun 16, 2010

I've been around since i bought my iMac 21.5 some months ago.It has been working perfecty, just a very light yellow tinge but it's so small that i can live with it.Now, i updated to Safari 5, it was a bit slow but didn't have any other problems like the ones i've seen here, just a bit slow.Yesterday i was updating to osx 10.6.4, restarted and when it was intalling it prompt a "error" window. I tried again but same results.I decided to do a clean install, (erase and install). So did everything and restarted. When installing it prompt this message "Failed to install, the installer could not copy the necessary support files" Tried i few more times but failed. Right now the iMac is booted with the installer. Can't do anything else.I'm very worried wondering what it is.

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OS X :: Tiger Install Failed Need To Restart Error

Aug 20, 2009

A friend of mine somehow ruined his iMac's operating system (tiger) and tried to fresh format his hardrive. He told me that every time he would attempt to install, it would say "install failed" and he would have to restart. I couldn't imagine what he was doing wrong, so I attempted to install tiger on his iMac. OSX failed to install with "erase and install" so I ran disk utility and attempted repair with "failure to unmount".

I also tried erase via disk utility using various formating (journaled etc.). How would I be able to install tiger without error? I am not exactly sure why the installer fails, I am assuming it is something on the hard drive that is preventing install. I don't think it's the disk because the installation disk check proceeded and gave no errors.

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MacBook :: Trying To Install Windows / Verification Failed?

Dec 8, 2009

I am trying to install windows on my mac. I tried partitioning using bootcamp and told me that the verification failed the , thee disk could not be partitioned, use disk utility to repair this disk. My final place I want to be in is to have windows as my main operating system on my mac. Can somebody help?

Is there a way to clear the hard drive completely also?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Reset The Installer After A Failed Install?

Mar 19, 2012

After an installation failed to complete (which I Force Quit), nothing else will install. I have OS X Lion and am wondering if there is a way I can remedy this without bringing it into a professional? The program was Cubase 4.

MacBook Pro

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IMac PPC :: It Won't Startup After Failed Upgrade Install

May 1, 2012

iMac won't start up after failed upgrade install, all I have is a folder in the middle of my screen. And it won't allow me to reinstall my restore discs....

iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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Mac Mini :: Verify Disk Versus Verify Disk Permissions

Dec 26, 2010

So between today and yesterday I have just been doing some casual maintenance with my Mac Mini. I decided I would run the First Aid program in utilities just to make sure everything is doing well. I was just wondering what is the difference between the two options "Verify Disk" and Verify Disk Permissions"- what exactly do each of them do? It almost sounds self-explanatory but can someone shed some light for me?

I've ran all the verification tests on each hard drive I have and repaired them when needed. So far it has only been my external WD hard drive that needed to have a repair, though I didn't notice anything wrong with it prior to running the verification test. Basically, I'm just wondering what each of the functions do.

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MacBook Pro :: ESATA ExpressCard Adapter Failed To Install

Oct 22, 2008

I tried installing a Dynex eSATA II ExpressCard Adapter that I bought at Best Buy. I downloaded the drivers off of the website and tried to install them and got an error message: the following failed: run preflight script for Sil3132 Mac OS X Driver. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.

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MacBook :: Re-install Tiger After Leopard Upgrade Failed

Mar 16, 2009

I tried installing Leopard on my iBook G4 and it did not succeed. Now, my computer has a half-installed upgraded OS that doesn't work. I was told at the Apple Store that my computer would run better with Tiger anyway since my processor is not up to snuff to handle Leopard (my iBook is from Jan 2006) and that I should erase the hard disk and re-install Tiger.

So now I'm trying to reinstall Tiger but when I insert the disk, start up the computer holding down the C key, the start stalls at the apple logo gray screen with the little cog spinning around. Nothing happens after that.

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OS X :: After Install Of Snow Leopard - Macbook Failed To Recognize HD

Sep 11, 2009

I was running 10.5.8 on both my white MacBook and Intel iMac 20," then I finally received the copy of Snow Leopard which I bought from Amazon. I decided to install it on my MacBook first to make sure the install would be successful before I upgraded my iMac, which has my important work stuff on it. The install was a success on the MacBook and after it was fully upgraded and updated, I simply opened "About This Mac" to verify the installation, opened Safari, browsed around for a minute, then proceeded to check out the new dock and airport menu features. After just a few minutes of playing around with it, I decided it was a legitimate installation, closed the MacBook, left it plugged into the power source, and walked to the other room to begin the upgrade onto my iMac. I left home for about an hour and once I had returned, the iMac installation was complete and it was running like a dream. After messing around on the iMac for a little while I decided to make sure the MacBook was still good to go. When I opened the Macbook up, all I saw was a blank screen. I assumed it was some sort of power-saver issue, because sometimes the screen doesn't like to come on right away when I open it up. My first instinct was to move my finger around on the trackpad and press some keyboard keys, which always wakes it up when this happens. Nothing seemed to be working, so at this point I pushed the power button and it proceeded to boot. As it began to boot I heard some sort of CLICKING from the HD, followed by a flashing folder with a question mark on the screen.

I assumed it was some sort of HD failure so I booted to the Snow Leopard install disk, ran Disk Utility and Startup disk, and my Mac COULD NOT FIND the HD - all it showed was the CD-ROM drive and Network Startup. I tried to reboot a few more times and almost gave up. It kept clicking at startup and I was thinking about the little magnetic arms in the HD. I thought they might be jammed in the HD for some reason. At this point, I didn't know what to do. So, as it was booting up again with the plain grey backdrop, as a last resort, pretending I was the Fonz or something, I physically whacked the area on my MacBook near the power button where the sound of the clicks was coming from. AS SOON as I did that, the clicking stopped and a few seconds later the APPLE ICON appeared... instead of that dreaded question mark folder icon! The MacBook started booting up back to it's upgraded self again! Finally I was back at the desktop, and with a sigh of relief, began typing this forum. Now, my question is WHAT THE @#$% HAPPENED?? And how on Earth did smacking it one actually fix it? Is this problem related to the recent installation of Snow Leopard or just my MacBook dying? (It is 2 years old) If anyone has any ideas as to what caused this, and how I can prevent this situation from happening in the future.

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