OS X :: Initial Setup With Tiger - Root User?

Feb 8, 2010

My mum bought a MacBook two or three years ago, but after a while it became unbearably slow. She stopped using it. I recently dug it up to try to do something about it, needed her password for reinstalling the OS, which she of course forgot (the password, not the OS). Anyway, I messed around in Single User Mode and accidentally effed something up - the "Couldn't find root user. Sleeping and trying again." message started flooding the screen.

I read somewhere that I should delete a file that would make the MacBook show me the initial setup screen upon startup, so I did - all was well until I got to the end of registration. When I click 'Continue' it should take me to the screen responsible for creating a new login account - instead there is a grey 1px line in the middle of the light-grey box. I can still click 'Go Back', but that obviously takes me no-where.

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Mac Mini :: Initial Setup On Server Without Monitor?

May 10, 2012

I have bought a mac mini lion server today. I do not have desktops in home, so no monitors.

How can I setup/login into it? I tried Server Admin Tools, but I do not have root password (tried blank and serial number).

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Lion Server

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Mac Pro :: Can't Connect To Bluetooth Keyboard To Complete Initial Setup

Jun 28, 2014

I have a new Mac Pro which won't connect to the apple wireless keyboard, this is slightly different to the 'usual' bluetooth connection issues in that being its the first time powered on I need to go through the sign on and initial setup procedures before I can even get to the bluetooth settings but can't do so because the keyboard won't connect, catch 22 if you will.

The first screen I encounter when powering on the Mac Pro is an image to turn on the keyboard and mouse, the mouse is fine and I can navigate through the options until a entry is required from the keyboard such as computer name, wifi password etc then I'm stuck.

Is there anyway to reset the keyboard so it 'discovers' the mac?

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Hardware :: Windows PC Cannot Find Airport Extreme For Initial Setup?

Dec 22, 2010

Running Windows 7 PC, connected to a brand new airport extreme via 802.11n. Running Airport Utility 5.5.2.

When I run Airport Utility, I can see the base station in the left panel, but both options to either run manual setup or "easy" setup give me the same error. Says that it cannot connect to the airport, error -4. Tried everything I could think of including multiple re-installs, wireless and wired, and disabling firewalls/antivirus.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Migration Assistant File Transfer After Initial Account Setup

Mar 25, 2012

I tried using the migration assistant to transfer files (mainly pictures and word documents) from my old windows xp machine to my new macbook pro after the initial account setup, but I cannot find them. I know they are on the computer because of the decrease in free hard drive space. I had read on the internet that it may have created another user account and put the files there, but when I check in the users and groups, the only other account it shows is the guest, which I had had disabled. I would like to find out where the files are, and how I may be able to get them.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Get Past The Select Your Country Screen During Initial Setup?

Mar 29, 2012

I purchased a new MacBook Pro last night and am unable to get past the initial setup screen where you select your country.  The mouse will move around, but won't actually allow me to click on 'continue'.  I've also tried the keyboard commands to move to the next screen.  Nothing...


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MacBook :: Transfer Information From External Hard Drive To New Mac During Initial Setup?

Dec 10, 2014

How do i transfer information from my external hard drive to my new mac during initial setup?

Mac Book

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OS X :: Changes Made In Single User Mode And Initial Startup Hangs

Aug 28, 2009

I'm helping troubleshoot an issue with a Mac Mini running Tiger 10.4. Basically, it was set up to automatically login, but the original owner never wrote down the user name OR password. So I went to work trying to figure these both out. I worked in single user mode to figure out the username pretty easily. But the password became a real issue. First off, the Password Reset option on the install CD would not work. When I clicked on my Hard Drive to change that password, it would gray out the options. So, I went to single user mode commands. I tried:

1. Booting into single user mode
2. Type fsck -fy
3. Type mount -uw /
4. Type launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.DirectoryServices.plist
5. Type dscl . -passwd /Users/username password, replacing username with the targeted user and password with the desired password.
6. Reboot

Didn't work. Neither did the more Tiger-specific commands, where you'd type:

sh /etc/rc...............

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OS X :: How To Migrate Root User Having Only HD

Apr 7, 2009

I finally took the plunge and ordered a MacPro quad 2.66. I am waiting for it, and in the meantime I might sell my Dual g5 1.8. The problem is that like this I could not transfer the files from one mac to the other. Second problem is that I run my machines as root in order not to have to deal with any security question (I know, it is a bit reckless, but knowing nothing about unix I started like that with the G5 5 years ago...), and I see that everything is in hidden files/directories that cannot be accessed easily (I thought I could enter in the new machine as root and I could access the root user data on the other disk, but it doesn't work, I tried on another machine).

Is there any clean solution that allows to move one root user from one disk, installed on the Pro, to the boot disk. Otherwise, any unclean (i.e. scripts etc)?

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OS X :: Creating An Adminstrator User In Single User Mode In Tiger?

Apr 15, 2008

I lost the install disk for my computer (Mac OS X 10.4, Tiger), and need to change my password (I forgot it ). I can only access single user mode. Is there any way that I can create an Administrator-Status user in Single User Mode? (NOTE: The "root" user isn't really an option since I enabled it a while ago and it has the same password as my current user, which I forgot...).

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OS X :: Enable Root User In Snow Leopard?

Jul 26, 2009

enabling root user in Snow Leopard (10A421). I tried to find the directory utility in utitlites but couldn't find it. I read in other threads that Directory utility has been removed and all the functionality is moved to user accounts. But didn't find how to enable the root user.

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OS X :: How To Run ITunes Across Multiple User Accounts - Run It As Root?

May 30, 2010

I currently have itunes on two accounts set to access a library at /Users/shared/iTunes/. The problem is if iTunes is running on one account and I try to launch it on the other, it gives an error saying it doesn't have write access. It needs to stay running on one for my appletv. Is there a way to start it and have all accounts have access to it as a single process? Run it as root?

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Software :: Ibook G4 Not Starting Up Root User

May 5, 2009

an ibook g4 which I believe is running 10.3. Last night Safari kept unexpectedly shutting down, so she restarted her computer and now it will not go past the grey screen with the dial. This is a used computer she purchased from a friend and the CD drive is not working, so we cannot load the install CD to try and solve that problem.

I have used previous answers to check the harddrive in single-user mode by using fsck -fy and the Macintosh hd appears to be OK, but when I try to boot the system in single-user mode, I eventually get the message "membered[68]: Couldn't find root user. Sleeping and trying again".

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Move Files From Root To User?

Jun 2, 2012

I was having a lot of problems with my new (Christmas 11) MPB. It  was very sluggish and occasionally would freeze.  I took it to my Apple Store and the Genius said I was running all my apps in root and had too many files on the desktop.They should be under a user.  Any files on the desktop are refreshed frequently, such as graphics (CAD, pictures, etc.) and that was what was killing performance. She then proceded to move my files/apps to my user profile. 

Since I am the only user, I never paid any attention to where the files were.I would like to verify the information above and do the same process on two other computers, but I didn't catch enough of what she did to do it solo.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), I7, 8GB, 750GB, Lion

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OS9/OS8/System 7 :: Applications Only For Root Are Displayed Even With User Login

Apr 20, 2012

I am using MBP Pro with OSx 10.7.3. I use admin account. Recently I enabled root account and then disabled it back again. Since then I am seeing applications only for root and not for admin even with admin login. If I go to /Users/<admin username>/Library/Preferences, I can see that the applications has relevant files over there. When I looked more carefully I observed that, I am able to see the applications installed for the root only and not for the admin user. Is there any way to corrrect this?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Why EnsenaSoft Games Not Work On Root User

Apr 28, 2012

I recently downloaded some Ensenasoft games on to my mac but on the root user they just jump on the dock a few times then just close. But on my normal user they work why is this?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Logging Back In To Account After Using Root User

May 1, 2012

After enabling the root user and logging into that account I tried to log back into my regular user and found that everything was set back to default. No files, pictures, anything...  

Going into the Users folder I can see my account and it has all of the files on the desktop and such. 

How do I log back into my regular user account with all of my settings? 

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Enabling Root User From Directory Utility

May 16, 2012

I am trying to enable the root user from the Directory Utility Edit Menu. It was greyed out. Why and how I can enable the root user?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: QuickTime Streaming Server - Broadcast As Root User Only

Mar 5, 2009

I have a server setup with Quicktime Streaming Server. I have installed Quicktime Broadcaster/Quicktime Player on my MacBook. My problem is that I am only able to broadcast as the root user. Also I can only receive a broadcast via Quicktime Player 7.6 as the root user. Is the firewall blocking the rtsp protocol? I am completely stuck and befuddled.

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OS X :: Recovering Lost Root Password In Single User Mode?

Apr 1, 2010

I do NOT want to change it; only recover it with Single User Mode.

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Software :: Changing Default Login Shell For Root User

Jul 17, 2009

I'm running the latest version of Leopard, and I would like to change the default login shell for the "root" user, but the command which works under Unix and Linux doesn't seem to work here. As root, I have done a vipw to change the shell to /bin/zsh (my preference) on the root line. This change persists in /etc/passwd, and it also gets properly propagated to /etc/master.passwd.

However, every time do an su or a sudo -s, I still get sent into the old /bin/sh shell. I have completely restarted the system, and this still occurs (the /bin/zsh entry is still there for root in /etc/passwd and /etc/master.passwd after reboot). /bin/zsh properly appears in /etc/shells, so I know that this is not the problem.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Enabling And Using The "root" User In Mac?

May 9, 2012

I can not find the enable root user in, I am using Lion

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Enabling And Using The "root" User In Mac

May 15, 2012

In step 9 of enabling root for Mac OS X Lion, the answer mentions the Edit menu. However, I can find no such thing. Where is it?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Migrating User From G4 Tiger To MBP Snow Leopard

Aug 20, 2010

I've got my old iBook G4 with loads of docs, musics, pictures etc on it, and have bought a recent 2nd hand MBP running Snow Leopard, and want to transfer everything over to it. I tried Migration Assistant but this doesn't seem to work properly Tiger to SL, seems designed for Leopard to Snow Leopard. So:

1) Should I upgrade Tiger to Leopard on the G4, and then use Migration Assistant? If so do I need a special Tiger to Leopard upgrade disc or will an ordinary Leopard disc do?

2) Should I aim to have the same username on the MBP as on the G4, or will this cause problems?

3) Any other tips on getting my stuff from the old computer to the new one!

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OS X :: New MBP Setup And User Accounts

Dec 24, 2010

This is my first post as the soon to be proud owner of a 2010 13" MBP. I'm looking to copy all tunes/photos/settings from my 2006 mini and of course I've got questions:

1- Anyone do a new setup via wireless? I'm going to use a Linksys wireless N and was curious on a time estimate (I know its gonna be slow...).
2- The mini has all settings under my wife's user account...if I just transfer everything as is then I'll end up with my new MBP info being under her name as well. How can I get the files and settings that are under her name to show up under mine on the new MBP?

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ICloud On Mac :: How To Setup A Second User

Dec 9, 2014

How to setup a second user on iCloud?

iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2012), iOS 8

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OS X :: What Percentage Of User Runs Tiger, Leopard, Panther

Mar 12, 2009

Is there anywhere I can see just what percentage of Mac users use what version of OS X?

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OS X :: PowerMac With Tiger Crashing On Main User Login

May 29, 2009

I have a powermac in the office with latest version of tiger installed, when the main user logs in I can see his wallpaper but only the spotlight search icon in the top right hand corner and thats it. When I move the mouse over it it beachballs. All other profiles are fine.

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ICloud :: Setup A .me User Account?

May 16, 2012

how can i set a .me user account

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: User Group Management - Setup To Share?

Jan 9, 2011

I am new to Mac, but have used Linux in the past. How does one go about managing the user groups? I need to setup a few special groups to share among different users on the machine.

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