OS X :: IMac Never Goes To Sleep Running 10.5.6
Mar 20, 2009
I have set it (10.5.6) to sleep after 1 minute, but it never goes to sleep. No External drives attached, iTunes sharing turned off etc. Though I never needed to turn off sharing of any kind before to get it too sleep.
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Jun 28, 2009
I noticed that something was running in the background when I . I checked activity monitor to see what was running and saw that a process named "Find" user name "Nobody" was running. It disappeared before I could inspect it. Does anybody know what process this is and what application may be running it? I'm now paranoid!
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Nov 30, 2014
My iMac wake unexpectedly from sleep mode then goes back to sleep 00:10-00:15 later. Yosemite is current.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 15, 2009
I have a Macbook running Leopard and an iMac running Tiger. I am looking to upgrade Leopard to Snow Leopard and Tiger to Leopard. If I were to purchase Snow Leopard and install it on the Macbook, would I then be able to use the copy of Leopard that came with the Macbook on the iMac? I am not trying to use 2 copies of the same thing on different machines, I just want to put a new os on one machine and move the existing one to another.I am reluctant to purchase the Mac Box Set version of Snow Leopard for the iMac because I do not want or need iLife and iWork.
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Nov 23, 2007
My old G5 dual 1.6 will not go into sleep mode. I had upgraded to 10.5 but several of my photography programs would not run so I reverted back to 10.4 by reinstalling the operating system and not wiping the drive clean. I now must shut down everytime or the G5 will get to the point that all of the cooling fans are running full speed and it will not go into sleep mode automatically. Any suggestions other than a clean install?
G5 dual 1.6
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Oct 30, 2010
Maybe this is a dumb question, but it seems on my system if the screensaver runs then the monitor sleeps, the screensaver is still running when i go to wake the monitor. does that mean its been running the whole time wasting cpu cycles and drawing more power than is necessary? you'd think it would stop.
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Jul 4, 2009
Everytime my MacPro goes into sleep mode (either from activity for from me manually putting it there) it immediately clicks awake. Strangely, when I'm booted into Vista, it sleeps like a baby. Is there a way to figure out what is triggering this? I have a few wireless devices plugged in (mouse, keyboard, display) and bluetooth is off (I'd read that bluetooth headsets are a common culprit).
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Sep 8, 2009
So I got a new White MacBook a few weeks ago, and it isn't sleeping properly. When Im using it and the battery gets low, I get the message that it is running on reserve, and It will go to sleep in a few minutes.I keep using it, and turns off, but the light stays on solid for about 10 seconds while it is copying the RAM to the HD for the "Deep Sleep." Then it just turns off instead of breathing. To wake it back up again I have to plug it in and press the power button. I was under the impression that it is supposed to enter normal sleep (I.E. the same as when you close the lid) when the battery gets low, and only enter "Deep Sleep" if it stays asleep too long and the battery dies completely.
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Nov 15, 2009
I've been looking for a way to run a script or application every time my Mac wakes up from sleep. However it's proving to be surprisingly difficult.
The only option I seem to be able to find is SleepWatcher, which runs from the command line, I guess, and I can't seem to find any documentation on it. Well, at least none that actually gets it working. If anybody can tell me how to get it working, that'd be great too.
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Mar 31, 2012
My new macbook air is 10.7.3 s running hot, with the fan blowing after about one hour on the internet. It will also run very hot with the fan blowing when it is closed and in sleep mode, is this normal? My macbook pro did not do this.
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May 6, 2012
We have Imac Intel Mac OS X version 10.7.3. When I put to sleep the screen goes to but no the hard disk.
From the console I get the following message.
06/05/12 20:34:16,805 [0x0-0x19019].com.elgato.eyetvhelper: ***Wakein::CancelEvents: requested event type: wakepoweron06/05/12 20:34:16,805 [0x0-0x19019].com.elgato.eyetvhelper: ***Wakein::CancelEvents: requested app name: com.elgato.eyetv06/05/12 20:34:16,806 [0x0-0x19019].com.elgato.eyetvhelper: ***Wakein:
0 entries in power event schedule table I have Eye TV program install since 3 years ago, I can see it stops the sleep mode, I have look at preferences of Eye Tv but can not find anything that says not to put the Mac to sleep! I have had this problem for the last 2 weeks and before there was no problem at all.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jul 1, 2010
I'm running Windows 7 with boot camp on my unibody MacBook Pro.
Quite often, I'll close the lid to put it to sleep, then, a few minutes later I'll notice that the Apple light has turned on, and when I open the lid I confirm that it's woken up.
In Event Viewer, I've noticed that every time this happens, the following event is listed, in the Power-Troubleshooter category: "Wake Source: Device -USB Composite Device".
I have no USB devices, ExpressCards, CDs, or anything plugged in.
EDIT: It doesn't only happen when it's running on battery power, since it just happened with the AC adapter in.
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Feb 8, 2007
I have a MacPro 2.66 quad-core intel. 4gb ram. I have a hard-drive from my old Powermac that i upgraded to 10.5.5 for this computer. Everytime I put my computer to sleep, and then wake it back up. The fans spin up to maximum speed and all the fans are running really loud and then after about a minute all spin to normal speed.
I don't have any other flaws except for this. Why could this be?
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Nov 17, 2007
Last night I was putting my macbook to sleep while I was ni the other room, and came back only to hear the fan or hard drive going 100 miles per hour it seemed, so I opened it to see if anything was active and nothing was it was just making a ton of noise. Any one know what it coulda of been? No software update was taking place?
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Aug 29, 2014
My macbook onward restart when waking up from sleep, but no error message appear . Plus all my program and website reload back as before. Only problem is why it restart occasionally and it is normal. I don't have that symptom on earlier. Now using maverick 10.9.2
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Jan 26, 2009
i'm chearching an Applescript to sleep the display on my iBook running Tiger. I visited allready all the dutch apple forums but I didn't find, so if someone can give me an easy applescript?
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Dec 31, 2010
System Spec: Late 09 21" 3.06, GeForce 9400, 4gb ramCurrently I have itunes and safari running, if i enable the visualizer my imac is noticeably slower, especially when browsing the internet.I thought it might be the fact I was running a second 1080p display from the 9400 would have caused the slow down. But the same thing occurred after i disconnected it. After repairing permissions and restarting, pmram etc.Is the 9400 causing the slowdown? I know its fairly old but itunes visualizer and safari should be quite basic tasks. Its not the end of the world i know but does the 27" imac have similar issues as i plan to upgrade my machine in 2011.
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Aug 15, 2010
just purchased a new 27" Quad core i5 and it takes about 5 seconds for it to go to sleep, and then makes a loud noise after.
My hard drive is also noisy, it whines and drums constantly.
I also have got yellow tint on all sides of the screen.
I live in NZ so if i will not get a new replacement, instead it will be sent away to apple which will take forever
by the way it is the older 27" (late 2009) version.
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Jun 24, 2010
I have an aluminium iMac, 2.4GHz Intel C2D, 2GB RAM, running Leopard.On one account, it runs slowly, with a noticeable delay in doing anything, even menus take a second do to anything once they've been clicked.It has all the updates installed and I've tried repairing the permissions and rebooting already.
Since I've only noticed it on one account, I'm inclined to think it's a corrupted user file or something.
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Feb 28, 2006
It used to go to sleep without any problems after 20 mins or whatever I had set it to, but recently it won't do it. I repaired permissions, zapped the PRam and turned off my 3rd party screen saver but still no change.
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Nov 23, 2009
I wanted to know if anyone else is having this issue.
It fails to sleep after the given time. Screen dims but I can still hear it running.
If I manually put it to sleep, it clearly makes noise (hard drive parks heads).
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Mar 10, 2010
I just received my new iMac and everything looks great and seems to work fantastic compared to my 9 year old Power Mac G4. I set in my System Preferences under "Energy Saver" for my Mac to go to sleep (Hard Drive) after 20 minutes. My Mac does turn the monitor off but it doesn't go to sleep unless I choose "Sleep" when leaving my computer.
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Apr 28, 2010
I assume that this could be a problem with my graphics card or RAM? I am trying to get some advice here before going to Apple since I work at home and I really can't afford lost productivity while they hang on to the computer for two weeks.
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Sep 1, 2006
Having some trouble with my iMac (the version right before the intel iMacs came out. further info can be provided if needed). Running all the latest software updates etc. When I put the iMac to sleep, it goes off as normal. With the usual white light. However, when coming to wake the iMac it won't respond to the keyboard or mouse. I have to shut it down at the power button, and then turn it back on.
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Nov 5, 2009
I recently had a hard drive failure in my imac which i replaced with the the samsung drive listed below and a fresh install of snow leopard. Now i am experiencing a problem when waking my mac from sleep. about 50% of the time when it wakes it will immediately freeze which can only be resolved by a reboot. Could this be caused by this new drive being a "green" drive that conserves more energy when asleep by going into a slower state than a typical drive or is this a software issue?
2 ghz
4 g ram
Hard Drive
1.5 t
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Jun 3, 2010
Whenever I put my iMac to sleep it comes out of sleep immediately but the second time it goes to sleep and stays asleep.
I believe this is due to the bluetooth mouse I'm using however I have the setting to allow bluetooth to wake the mac turned off. Is there anyway I can pinpoint exactly what's causing this.
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Aug 20, 2010
I have a C2D iMac about 3 years old, with 10.6 and all the updates. I have it set to go to sleep after 30 minutes of inactivity. Sometimes at night I will use it to listen to a podcast or watch a TV show. When I do this, it never goes to sleep. It's always still on when I wake up. The display will sleep, but not the computer. I can put the computer to sleep myself through the Apple menu, but it never sleeps due to inactivity.
I'm worried that having the computer on 8 hours a night due to this problem will shorten its lifespan. Does anyone have an idea of what may be causing it? Does it have something to do with webpages being open? I always have Safari open. It's easier to leave pages open than it is to go through dialog boxes and menus to create and delete bookmarks all the time.
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Feb 28, 2012
Lately my iMac G5 doesn't go into sleep mode. I have it set to sleep after 20 minutes of no use.Also, I find the fan runs louder than normal.
iMac G5 20, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 20 inch 2.1 GHz G5 iMac
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Mar 13, 2012
My iMac G5 desktop will go to sleep after I use it for about 20mn or so. I Can wake it but it will go to sleep faster and faster until I just give up. Then if a let it rest for a while I can come back and use it for another 20 mn or so before it start. Going to sleep again. Could it be heating up and my fan is broken?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Mar 27, 2012
My parents just bought a new Imac (3.4 Ghz/I7) which is running 10.6.8. and we cannot figure out why it won't go to sleep automatically. In System Preferences/Engergy Saver we have set both the "computer sleep" and "display sleep" to about 5 minutes, but no matter what we do it keeps showig the screen saver and never goes to sleep. The "put hd to sleep" is checked, and the start screen saver is set to roughly the same amount... I have tried adjusting these settings, to no avail.
Mac OS, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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