OS X :: Does Screensaver Keep Running After Monitor Goes To Sleep?
Oct 30, 2010
Maybe this is a dumb question, but it seems on my system if the screensaver runs then the monitor sleeps, the screensaver is still running when i go to wake the monitor. does that mean its been running the whole time wasting cpu cycles and drawing more power than is necessary? you'd think it would stop.
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Feb 22, 2008
Here's a weird problem I just got on a new (refurb) MBP.
Sometimes (not always) when I comeback to my MacBook after it's gone to screensaver then display sleep (though not full system sleep) the cursor is invisible upon wake.
I know the cursor is still there, but it just can't be seen on screen. If I go down to one of my hot corners, the associated action still happens (in my case sleep the display / activate screensaver -how ironic ), and if I roll over the dock I can bring it up and magnify the icons as I roll over them.... all with no visible cursor whatsoever.
In fact, I only get a cursor once I click on an app and either launch it or bring it up from being minimized / hidden.
This has never happened on any machine I've had before, but by all indications it's a software problem, nothing to do with the hardware.
It's a new 15" MBP 2.2 Ghz, 4GB Ram running Leopard 10.5.2 with all updates (even the recent keyboard update).
A search on this brought up someone else on another board with the same problem, but then the issue got clouded with discussion of dual-monitors or external displays (neither of which I use).
I'm going to go fix permissions right now, but I was hoping somebody here could ID this and help me figure it out.
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Jun 28, 2009
I noticed that something was running in the background when I . I checked activity monitor to see what was running and saw that a process named "Find" user name "Nobody" was running. It disappeared before I could inspect it. Does anybody know what process this is and what application may be running it? I'm now paranoid!
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Aug 24, 2009
Recently i dont know what has happened to my mac but what ever i do i can't get the screensaver to auto start it will start with hot corners but anything else not a chance.
I have tried repairing the permissions but at a loose end now and dont want the screen burning.
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Sep 2, 2006
Is it possible to require a password when returning from sleep but not from the screensaver?
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Aug 30, 2009
This must be new with SL but it is annoying me to no end... I like my laptop to require password after sleep, but NOT after the screen dims... I do NOT use a screensaver so I don't understand what is going on... any tips? I put the screen to sleep after 15 minutes and each time that happens, I have to enter my password to get back in.
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Dec 19, 2009
My new i5 iMac has been really slow after I get out of its screensaver or take it out of sleep. Even if its on the screensaver for a minute, moving the mouse causes it to freeze and try to load the desktop. This takes about a minute before my computer is fully functional again. Also, I don't know if this is just me thinking this or if its actually a problem, but the computer seems a lot slower than my previous, a 24" 3.06Ghz iMac.
Another thing, the fans seem to spin a lot more with this computer. Watching a YouTube or Hulu video makes the fans spin a ton. I've never had that happen with a Mac before. The computer also gets literally too hot to touch. Anybody else have this?
Also, on a (kind of) unrelated note, Windows performance with this is horrible. I've tried Windows 7 and Vista, and both run... adequately. The fans also spin a ton in Vista (what I currently have installed due to there being no 27" drivers for 7 yet).
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Feb 18, 2012
When my IMac goes to sleep, the screen saver is "frozen". The only way to get to my login accounts is by "cleaning" the screen with my mouse. It's as though the screen is not refreshing itself after going to sleep and whatever the last image was, it stays. However, it's not locked up or anything. I just need to move my mouse around over the login accounts and it slowly clears away the screen saver so I can see where to click to log in. I've tried disabling the screen saver, but have the same results. Something is causing the last image to freeze on the screen when the monitor sleeps.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Mar 6, 2009
i leave for long periods at work. I have to step away from my computer. And to be honest I don't trust anybody in my office. Is there an app for like that iphone that I can use to connect to my laptop at work to monitor the isight and listen into the mic without the green light going off?I would love to know if such an app exists or if theres a possible way to do this w/o people know my laptop is in surveillance mode.
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Jun 8, 2009
I have a 24" ACD plugged into my iMac, and they work well together (other than the ACD needing a boost, but we'll discuss that some other time).
I can't seem to get backgrounds to stick; I set a background on both displays, but whenever the machine wakes up from sleep or a screensaver, it's back to the default nebula/star field of Leopard. When I try to once again set those displays, the folder containing the pics, which had been added to the preferences interface, has disappeared from that pref pane.
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Feb 21, 2012
Why does my screen saver stay all of the time? It never goes to sleep. What do I need to do to correct this??
iPad, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Mar 19, 2012
A key stroke or mouse click won't remove the screensaver. However dragging the mouse across the screen reveals the login screen behind. Any fixes?
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Oct 16, 2008
I picked up a new MacBook yesterday and I noticed a weird issue when coming out of "monitor sleep" mode, not regular sleep mode.
When I move the mouse, the external monitor shows what you see in the picture, kinda like a TV with no signal. The MacBook screen works fine so what I just do is unplug and re-plug in the DVI plug and everything is good again.
My 24 inch Dell monitor worked fine with my M1330 and other computers so I know it's not that. Does anyone have the same issue or maybe give me some light on this?
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Dec 2, 2007
my computer doesn't turn off its monitor any more. i check the energy saver preferences, and its the same that i've had them before. the screen doesn't even dim anymore.
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Jan 5, 2010
have a (late 2008) unibody Macbook Pro connected to an external monitor via mini-displayport to HDMI. The MBP is closed and the external monitor is my only display. I have a USB hub connected to the MBP which is connected to a mouse, keyboard, external HDD, etc.My problem is, the computer won't go to sleep unless I manually select the option from the menu. In the Energy Saver settings, the monitor and computer are both set to go to sleep at 15 and 20 minutes, respectively, and the monitor goes to sleep just fine. The computer never does, as indicated by the solid white indicator light on the front of the MBP and the fact that it stays warm after not being used for hours.
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Mar 7, 2012
Why is my ADC monitor not turning on after I put my G5 to sleep? I am running an adaptor to my G5 from the ADC monitor (DVI to ADC).The screen usually runs fine when I reset the monitor or turn it off but as for when I put it to sleep, no such luck..This has happened once before and last time I just waited and randomly turned it on a couple days later and boom, the screen booted up.I have tried basic options, like resetting the computer several times, pulling the power cable out of the G5 for several minutes and even a PRAM reset but nothing seems to have made it work as of yet.I assume it's within the G5 as it has happened a few times and the monitor works fine when I test it on other computers..Also as I mentioned before this is not the first time it occured and it just randomly seems to come on whenever.
ADC Monitor and G5 Power PC, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 22, 2012
I was wondering if there was anyway that I could get my Dell E173FP monitor to sleep when I close the lid to my macbook pro. I do not have it on mirroring mode. When I close the lid to my laptop it will just switch my desktop to the monitor instead of the monitor going to sleep with my macbook. When I press the power button and click sleep or go to the apple menu and click sleep it will work though. This really irritates me and I would like It to sleep when I close the lid instead of having to do more.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 6, 2014
I installed Yosemite 10.10.1 on my iMac and my monitor keeps going to sleep while I am using it. I need to push the power button to turn it back on. And sometimes I have to hold the power button down to restart it and reboot the machine.
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 27-inch, Mid 2011
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Apr 4, 2010
I have a 27" iMac and a MBP (late 2008) - both running SL 10.6.3. Is it at all possible to use my MBP as a second monitor on my iMac? If so, how? Did anyone try it out?
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Mar 20, 2009
I have set it (10.5.6) to sleep after 1 minute, but it never goes to sleep. No External drives attached, iTunes sharing turned off etc. Though I never needed to turn off sharing of any kind before to get it too sleep.
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Apr 15, 2009
my monitor turns off but my computer won't go into sleep mode, both are set to turn off at exactly 45 minutes of inactivity.
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Apr 15, 2009
my monitor turn's off but the computer never goes into sleep mode. I've got both my monitor and computer set to turn off at 45 mintues of inactivity. I tried reseting the pram with no success. I deleted the com.apple.PowerManagement.plist file. but it still doesn't turn off, only the monitor. I've set it to 1 minute but only the monitor will turn off. Manually putting the computer to sleep work's fine.
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May 5, 2010
Is there a function to enable the external monitor to work with the mbp lid closed? Any way around this without third party software??? I enabled mirroring but when I close the lid, the mbp goes to sleep.
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Jun 28, 2010
i've been hooking my macbook up to my hdtv to watch hulu, movies etc (using mirroring), but i can never snap my macbook shut or it goes to sleep.
how do i stop that aside from plugging in an external keboard?
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Dec 11, 2014
Why does my second monitor go into sleep mode randomly even though I'm currently working on the computer and it won't turn back on unless I restart the computer? Using Macbook Pro with Dell display
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
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Aug 27, 2008
Second monitors are something I have NEVER paid attention to. Not even sure how it works. I am running ProTools (a professional audio editing program), and there are essentially two main screens- the "mixer" and the "recorder". I am running on a dedicated iMac running this (a 20", FWIW), and I am running Tiger with all upgrades (Leopard is not 100% on ProTools yet). So can a 20" Intel Core 2 Duo run a second monitor (AND the built in one, too)? If so, can I put the recorder screen on one monitor, and the mixer oin the other? And if I CAN do that, how do I move the mouse from one screen to another- are the "virtually" side by side?
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Mar 10, 2009
I just got a new Mini. The Mini is running on an old Sony 19" LCD. I would like a 24" to take advantage of widescreen movies and TV programs. I don't game or need exact color replication. Suggestions for decent 24" monitors that won't exceed the $350 range?
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Jun 29, 2009
I just hooked up my 24" samsung to my macbook pro, and it is very nice. I have a few questions which may have been answered but perhaps I wasn't searching right. Since the thread titles didn't seem to match right.First question, what kind of life does the macbook pro ( june 09 model)display have if I don't run the computer in clamshell mode. Just curious if I will burn it out quicker just running it like this.Now on to clamshell mode, is that the preferred mode to run? Or does the laptop get to hot. Once again just not sure on that one.Last question would be with regards to the graphics adapter. Typically unless I am playing a game I run with the 9400m. With the monitor connected, should I switch to the 9600m? I don't know if it would yield any different results.
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Nov 23, 2007
My old G5 dual 1.6 will not go into sleep mode. I had upgraded to 10.5 but several of my photography programs would not run so I reverted back to 10.4 by reinstalling the operating system and not wiping the drive clean. I now must shut down everytime or the G5 will get to the point that all of the cooling fans are running full speed and it will not go into sleep mode automatically. Any suggestions other than a clean install?
G5 dual 1.6
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jul 4, 2009
Everytime my MacPro goes into sleep mode (either from activity for from me manually putting it there) it immediately clicks awake. Strangely, when I'm booted into Vista, it sleeps like a baby. Is there a way to figure out what is triggering this? I have a few wireless devices plugged in (mouse, keyboard, display) and bluetooth is off (I'd read that bluetooth headsets are a common culprit).
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