OS X :: How To Remove Windows Partition

Dec 4, 2008

I used bootcamp, but the windows disk did not work. So now I have this windows partition that I have been trying for 30mins to delete and I cant do it. I been playing with it but I think I just made it worse.

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Mac Pro :: Can't Remove Windows Partition

May 11, 2012

I no longer need Windows and want to reclaim the space and restore my HD back to a single partition, but Boot Camp Assistant won't let me. It says "This disk appears to have been partitioned by another utility. It must be erased before installing Windows." and the "Restore disk to a single Mac OS partition option is greyed out? I know I used Boot Camp to created the partition, so why won't it let me remove it?

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Windows On Mac :: How To Completely Remove XP And Its Partition

Apr 24, 2006

I have 2 questions.

1) Will it matter if I have a Windows XP Home disc or Professional?
2) How would I go about COMPLETELY removing windows and its whole partition?

I am currently considering installing windows on my MacBook Pro, however I would like to know how to remove it completely, just in case I change my mind.

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Windows On Mac :: Reinstall - Remove Partition And Make New One?

Aug 13, 2010

If I wanted to reinstall Windows (currently using 32bit, want to upgrade to 64), I assume I would remove the partition, make a new one, and reinstall Windows from there. Now, will the same Product Key work if I did it like this? As far as I know, because the Product Key has already been used it won't let me.

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Windows On Mac :: How To Remove Parallels 3.0 And Disk Partition From Snow Leopard

Dec 17, 2009

I had parallels 3.0 - never used it.

Got 10.6.2 - snow leopard

Found uninstall desktop parallels.app and wouldn't open "show package" contents - executed uninstall command

still have partition on which (what I guess is called) the Virtual Machine was with all the windows data
and everything on that "computer"

I want to remove partition.

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MacBook Pro :: Remove The Windows Partition Completely Without Damaging Mac Side To Allow For More Storage

Jul 28, 2010

So I'm using bootcamp to load up windows, but now I have run out of room on my Mac partition. I still have 30GB on my windows partition, and I haven't even used it ONCE! Honestly at this point I don't think I will ever need it....

But so my questions is, would there be any way to remove the windows partition completely without damaging my Mac side to allow for more storage? Or maybe just shrink the windows partition so that I can free up an extra 20GB or so?

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Windows On Mac :: Remove Partition - Revert Back To Full Hard Drive Space?

Dec 12, 2009

I'm thinking about installing Windows 7 on my hard drive using Bootcamp. I'd like to know if in the future I decide to remove windows, am I able to remove the partition and revert back to the full hard drive space or not?

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Create Partition / Restoring BootCamp Image To Partition?

Nov 11, 2010

I recently made a clone of my Windows XP Pro SP3 installation (its roughly about 14GB according to Finder/WinClone) so i made a 80GB partition on my 320GB drive and it gives me this error message:

the WinClone came from a 500GB internal drive and ive gotten winclone images to restore to a MBP before but not sure why its giving me this error code, anyway to restore the image to the new partition (which was created with Bootcamp) as i no longer have access to the old machine it was running on.

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Windows On Mac :: Use Disk Utility To Create OSX Partition / Working After Manual Partition

Jan 12, 2010

First some background info. I recently purchased a 1TB hard drive for my 13" MBP, and I am about to do a clean install of OSX 10.6 and Win7 64bit on separate partitions.

And I want to setup the partitions before I install using Disk Utility. The reason for this is because I'm under the assumption that when creating a NTFS partition its better for the disk to be blank so it can put the MFT(Master file table) and MFT Mirror wherever it wants instead of some random spot on the disk (that way disk writes will be faster). The MFT thing was true when converting a FAT32 disk to NTFS. Nativity formatted NTFS disks were always faster then ones converted from FAT32, because the MFT was spread out instead of at the start of the disk.

I'm worried that installing OSX and then using the bootcamp utility will cause the MFT on my NTFS partition to end up in a un-optimal place and disk Reads/Writes will be slower.

Ok, so here's my questions.

1.) Should I be using a GUID Partition Table or Master Boot Record(Remember OSX 10.6 and Win7)?

2.) Should I use Disk Utility to Create a the OSX partition and then leave the second partition as Free Space? / Or should I use a third party utility and make the OSX partition and the NTFS partition at the same time?

3.) If I do create the partitions Manualy, will bootcamp still work correctly?

4.) Should I Use Journaled or Case-Sensitive Journaled on my OSX partition?

I know all of the questions were stupid, but there isn't any info on the web about it.

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Windows On Mac :: Won't Work With Additional Partition / Enlarging BootCamp Partition

Aug 31, 2010

So my iMac came with a 1TB hard drive and I installed Windows 7 x64 but only gave it some 93GB. I have a two-prong question:

Can I add a third partition to my drive after I partition for BootCamp? My main partition ("Macintosh HD" by default) is over 900GB large and I'd really like to cut that up into 2x450GB, for example, in addition to the 93GB BootCamp partition.

Second, once partitioned, is it possible to resize the BootCamp partition to make it bigger after it has been set up?

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Windows On Mac :: Startup Disk Cannot Partition Or Restore To Single Partition?

Sep 7, 2010

Got my first MacBook Pro about 2 months ago and I have been enjoying it to full effect, installing programs such as logic studio and photoshop cs5 on it. Recently, however, I decided that I would like to access some of my windows based programs when I am on the road and don't have my desktop pc with me. So I bought a fresh copy of 32-bit Windows 7 Ultimate and sat at my macbook, put the disc in and then loaded up Boot Camp. I went through the menu options, decided that I wanted a 50GB partition, leaving my Mac OS drive at 182 GB with 83GB to spare. However, when I started partitioning, after about a minute it stopped and this error message appeared: "The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partition. The startup disk must be formatted as a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume or already partitioned by Boot Camp Assistant for installing Windows.".

I tried cleaning all my temporary files and deleting some files in my downloads that were quite large and I restarted my machine. The problem persisted. Is there a solution to this problem that does not involve doing all this rubbish with a fresh install of Mac OS? I don't have any method of backup apart from a couple of 4GB flash drives..

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Applications :: Share ITunes Library On Mac Partition With Windows Partition

Feb 10, 2009

I recently installed MacDrive on my Windows Vista X64 partition so that I could access my iTunes Library on my Mac partition. After installing iTunes on my Windows partition and pressing shift while it opened, iTunes asked me for an iTunes library file ending with the extension ".itl". Now, I do not have any files ending with this extension in my iTunes folder on my Mac partition. Is there anything I can do to make iTunes on Windows to read my music library on my Mac partition?

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Windows On Mac :: Resizing And Expanding Logical HFS+ Partition On Extended Partition

Jul 23, 2009

I am dual booting XP Pro and OS X on my NC10. I have XP Pro installed on the main partition with a FAT32 partition for files that can be read by both OSes (see attached image for two views of the partitions). I then installed OS X on an extended partition. Unfortunately, I had another 5GB partition also on that extended partition. I now want to delete the spare 5GB partition and non-destructively reallocate the space for the OS X partition - I want to expand it to be one big partition with my bootable OS X install still on it. Unfortunately, I can't find any way to do this in Partition Magic. Is it possible with GParted/BootItNG/iPartition or any similar software? If so, which and how? The NC10 has no CD drive so solutions that work from OS X or XP or a bootable USB stick would be preferred.

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Windows On Mac :: BootCamp Partition - Vista NOT Installed - Partition Gone

Aug 5, 2009

I have a 13" MBP with a 250 gb hd, I partitioned the HD 25gb for Windows XP shortly after I bought it. I was unable to install my copy of windows, contacted apple after exhaustive search as to why... Long story short, I now have Vista to install... When I went back to Boot Camp Assistant; partition was gone. Researched... ran disk utility, repaired and erased partition. Bootcamp HD now shows up in desktop, still not in bootcamp assistant. Since I am unable to locate in assistant; would there be any problems with just installing Vista off the install disk by restarting? Any ideas what to do if this is not a good idea (short of restoring)?

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Windows On Mac :: Sync ITunes Library Between OS X Partition And Win-partition?

Sep 24, 2009

Is it possible to sync one's OS X iTunes library across Boot Camp into Windows? I would like to have the same library on both my Windows and OS X partition, and by library I mean having the same ratings and play counts across both partitions in addition to the actual music. If this is possible, how can it be done?

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OS X :: Remove Partition And Keep Data?

Feb 21, 2009

I tried searching the boards already but I didn't get a clear answer I was looking for.

So I have an external harddrive with data already on (it takes up only 40% of the harddrive). Now, I want to partition the harddrive and use the new partition for a Time Machine backup of my Mac.

Now, here's the question; would I be able to delete the Time Machine partition in the future and still leave the external harddrive's data (the original 40% of data I had in the first partition?

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Software :: How To Remove Partition?

Jan 25, 2010

I would like to install windows XP. But the error message comes as the following:

"The disk cannot be partitioned because some files cannot be moved. Back up the disk and use Disk Utility to format it as a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume. Restore your information to the disk and try using Boot Camp Assistant again."

I tried to install XP in the past and could not do it with OEM disc, so I removed the partition using bootcamp. Now, I try to create partition but the error message above appears.

Do I need to have external hard drive to take care of the problem?

I use snow leopard in my macbook.

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OS X :: Remove Hard Drive Partition

Feb 4, 2007

I realize this may be a stupid question but here goes... I have recently installed Windows XP with Boot Camp and now realize more than ever how much I hate XP and was wondering if it were possible to remove that partition all together from the hard drive, and I guess have it added back to my Mac OS side. I think i know the answer but just want to be sure.

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OS X :: Cannot Remove Partition Using Disk Utilities

Jul 23, 2010

The problem is with a mbp running Snow Leopard. I created a dual boot with win 7. I was playing around with the partitions, and at one point installed SL on both partitions, sure i did some other bone head moves that i can't remember. Now cannot remove the second partition. I think i may need a boot disk with a application to partition the HD from the disk?

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Hardware :: How To Remove The Second 17 GB Partition Without Affecting The Primary 20 GB One

Nov 26, 2008

I very recently bought a G3 iMac 600. The seller did everything right and presented me with a clean install of Panther. However he also partitioned the 40 Gb HD into 20 and 17 respectively, with the OS on the larger partition.

Since purchase, I've reinstalled Panther from my own retail disks, and updated to 10.3.9. All is well EXCEPT the second partition remains, I do not need it, and I will in due course want to use that space for applications, and other files.

How do I remove the second 17 Gb partition without affecting the primary 20 Gb one?

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OS X :: Remove Boot Camp Partition From Install DVD ISO Options?

Sep 10, 2010

I have made an ISO image from my Snow Leopard Install DVD. Here is what shows up in terminal with it mounted (diskutil list)

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OS X :: Boot Camp And Disk Utility Can't Remove Win Partition

Mar 21, 2009

I made a partition in my Tiger Macbook to install WIN. Now i want to delete the partition. Tried to do that with Boot Camp, and the application says it' done, but the partition is still there. Tried with Disk Utility, and I am not able to click the "Remove" button (as on the image).

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MacBook :: Can't Remove The Original Boot Camp Partition?

Aug 12, 2009

Well it tarted when i wanted to install Unbuntu Linux dual booting on my MacBook aluminum. When I set up the install, it wrote 2 partitions of itself. Now i cant remove the partitions. I have check permissions and they are fine. I cant remove the original boot camp partition. I really need help so i can free up some space.

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IMac (Intel) :: How To Remove A Partition - Option Box Grayed Out

Nov 30, 2014

I cleared out all files of Windows I had on my Mac before I did any research. Maybe I thought for some unknown reason that is how you fix the problem - obviously not.

FYI, I did go through the whole bootcamp installation, divided my hard drive, what have you. I cannot delete the BC partition through BC Assistant, the option box is greyed out. I cannot adjust the partition size through disk utility because the minus and plus buttons are greyed out as well.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)

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OS X :: Resizing Mac Partition As Well As Windows Partition?

Nov 15, 2008

i have a macbook pro on which i've installed windows xp, i made the mac and windows partition equal which was a mistake thinking will use them as much as one another, but it turned out to be that I'm barely or never using my windows on my mac, and I'm running out of space very quickly. I need to know how to make the windows partition smaller and the mac partition larger. I need an answer quickly because i've only got 4 Gb's left on my mac partition and 40 Gb's left on the windows one.

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OS X :: Unable To Remove Time Machine Partition / This Startup Disk Is Not Supported

Sep 22, 2010

I had my hard drive partitioned via bootcamp to run windows vista. I use software at work that isn't supported by Mac (it is now, but our version is old and it costs 10k to upgrade yada yada yada). One night I was playing around with the time machine feature (had the macbook for three years now never touched it, wish i hadn't) and accidentally told the time machine to use the partition made by bootcamp for windows to back up my mac. Well this messed everything up. Now that partition is gone (windows) and that volume is now called time machine backups. I have used some threads in here to try and remove that and nothing seems to work (most of the threads are from 2007 to 2008).

What I need help with is removing that time machine volume so that I can run bootcamp again to reinstall windows. When I attempt to run bootcamp right now it says "This startup disk is not supported." When I restart and hold option only the mac hd is available to choose. I also use(d) VMware Fusion to run Windows.

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Windows On Mac :: Load Back Into Windows 7 / Unable To View Partition In System Preferences

Jan 7, 2011

just trying to get back into Windows 7 after installing it via Boot Camp. Only thing is that holding down the option key during restart does nothing, and although the partition in which Windows 7 is installed under shows up in finder, I am unable to view it in system preferences so that I can boot from it. Any advice?

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Windows On Mac :: Installing Windows Via Parallels Or Boot Camp Partition / Memory Required?

Sep 15, 2009

I just purchased a new iMac (2.66 c2d & 4gb of ram), Parallels 4, and Windows XP. I would like to get great performance whenever I use Windows XP and would like to know which installation procedure would help accomplish that.

Would Parallels provide me with a better user experience by installing Windows directly via Parallels OR by having Parallels utilizing a Boot Camp Partition? Which is better and why? Also, how much memory should I allocate to Parallels/Windows XP?

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Windows On Mac :: Reformating Pre-existing Win7 Bootcamp Partition And Reinstall Windows 7

Oct 12, 2010

i'm using macosx 10.6.4 and bootcamp assistant 3.1

now here is the problem my windows 7 is infected with virus (thats why windows suck big time) and i need to reformat my windows 7 and reinstall a new windows 7.

how am i supposed to do it? insert the installation disk and do like how we initially installed windows 7? just format the partition and reinstall again? i just want to make sure so i ask before doing anything.

or can i do this? i use winclone to restore? any1 have any idea? i'm new to all this i dont know how to do it. i have backup using winclone but how do i do it? do i still need to format then only use winclone?

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Windows On Mac :: Install Windows 7 And Can't Get The Boot Camp Assistant To Partition My Drive?

Dec 15, 2009

I'm trying to install Windows 7 and can't get the boot camp assistant to partition my drive. The drive in question is 500GB with over 200GB free space. I want a Windows partition of 35-40GB.On first attempt I kept getting the cannot move files error when trying to partition. I read up on the error online, and most people suggested issues with parallels or needing to use idefrag. I had parallels on my machine at one point, but am not sure if there are any problem folders still hiding somewhere. Any tips on that part?I ran idefrag overnight last night. When I booted the machine up this morning, I launched it again to verify that the disk was defraged. Boot camp still doesn't want to play.

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