OS X :: How To Copy Files Onto Shared Harddrive On Windows Pc
Jul 10, 2009
I have shared me external hard drive in the System Preferences, but when I try to copy something from my windows pc on it I can't copy. I can read all the files but just can't put stuff on it. It says I don't have the rights to that. I have found that when I try to let me external be read & write by everyone in the system preferences on my mac I can not change it.
I managed to connect to my win 7 pc, but it is requesting a password that is never accepted by mac os. It never accepted my win7 network password so i could not access files.
i want to be able while in windows 7 to copy files over to a mac hdd .. when i try i get the message that i dont have permission? anyone know how to fix this ?
The new Mac mini is indeed quite as dead! Love it so far.
Only thing is that, it's a bit slower compares to my Mac pro. It's expected. So I need upgrade some memory and harddisk I think.
I am thinking if I can buy a new HDD, put it into USB enclosure and duplicate OS over and then swap using Disk Utility booted from DVDROM, is it possible? I hate re-install OS. Anyone did this before that can confirm it's doable over USB?
I have an old powerbook 1400c which has files I want to put on a windows operating system. Can I copy files from the powerbook to a cd and then put them in the windows os? If not how can I get these files copied and installed on my windows os?
I just got my first MacBook about a month ago. I love it... though I'm having some difficulty understanding and... accepting iPhoto. I like control of my photos to the file level and I don't like the libarary.Anyway... my old Windows Laptop I backed up to an external HD. Worked fine... I just copied and pasted my photo directories to the HD.I want to do the same with my MacBook... of course. I don't want to have to reformat the external HD to Mac because I have lots of photos and files on there that I want to leave on there and not remove with a format.
How to copy files to external hard disk and use it for both mac and windows. there is the fat32 formatting bt i dont wanna use formatting because i already have a lot of content on the exteral hard disk.
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
I think I have found a flaw in OSX 10.6.4 file copying..I normall back up my files, by dragging from a folder on my HD to an identical folder on my external HD.The folder I am copying has 86 files in it, but there are only about two dozen new files added since my last back up.I have been telling it by the dialogue box, not to replace identical files in the back up folder, and clicking the check box to apply to all."but when I press the dont copy button, in the copy progress box it says it is copying 86 files. WTF is going on...!@#$%^&*().
I am a rookie in Mac. I have a lot of multimedia which I store on external harddrives. Recently I have experienced my iMac freezing on me, specially when I am accessing the harddrives using my frontrow application. Eventually I got a database error when receiving mail to my Entourage. It was suggested that I repair permissions using the disk utility. This I did, however it never actually repairs anything, it just lists the stuff where the permissions differ. Anyway, straight after I 'repaired' permissions, my harddrive showed empty. No files left!!! 1TB data gone .
the way I understand it, it is a possibility that the file that lists the addresses of all the files on the disk may be the one that was wiped. I am hoping the data is still there and that someone has a nifty tool that will sniff it out for me.
I have an iomega external HD. When ever I try to transfer files from my mac internal HD I get the message "the Item could not be moved because "iomega HDD" cannot be modified." This HD works fine with windows, but is doesn't seem compatible with my mac. Any way to fix?
The case is this: I have a 200 GB Maxtor harddrive onto witch i want to copy all the video, zip and other files from my imac. I have allredy copied most of them by using a memory stick and taking it over to a PC and from there over to the Maxtor. But the files i have left on the mac is to large for the memory stick.
The Mac can only read, and not wright the Maxtor. But i just can't understand that i can just copy the files from the Mac to the Maxtor via a PC, but not directly?? isnt there a way to copy the files directly to the Maxtor?
I don't know much about filesystems but on my imac it says someting with RAID and aufofs. I have also understood that i can format the Maxtor to FAT-32, but some of the files are greater than 4 GB, so that wont work right?
transfering files from my MacBook Pro to my external harddrive. I want to transfer my "Music"-folder to the external harddrive, but I get an error which says (translated from Danish to English): "The action can not be completed, because you do not have permission to access some of the topics"
I used to use an application that was able to list every file/directory on my hard drive and list them in order of size. I edit large MP2 video files and sometimes it's hard to remember where they all live... this tool was useful because MP2 files are so large, they often are the biggest files on my machine.
Saw today in Lions new layout under "This Computer" that my harddrive contains 147GB (out of 320 GB) of movies.
Is there any clever way to track those movie files.
The movie files are probably spread all over the computer. I have for instace made a great deal of Final Cut clips
that tend to be saved in several copies spread in different folders. Besides that, I probably have film and film clips in every imaginable file format that have been saved and forgotten through the years :-) (my iMac is from -07)
Today i was finishing a 7min HD Video Project for my class, on a mac tower, when i got the I/O error message while exporting it. It got worse from there. Untill today i have had no problem viewing/opening/editing files from my harddrive.
Now, i cant even open the FCP project. It says final cut pro quit unexpectedly while using the kgcore plug-inWhen i try to watch a quicktime file, the movie will play for a few seconds, then freeze and force quit.I try to copy any file to my desktop and it says The Finder cant complete the operation because some data in(filename) cant be read or written. (Error code -36)
I ran disk utility to verify the disk, and it says that everything appeared ok.I also ran disk repair, and it also said nothing was wrong with the harddrive.I have tried to do all of these things on 4 different computers today, 3 towers and a Mac Mini.All the same results, down to the exact second and mb of the attempted transfers and watches.
i've recently got a Mac Pro 2009 and installed a second hard drive bay in it of 1 terrabyte.So I installed Windows 7 64 bit on it. I only install windows on it so I can use this program thats only available for Windows. And games.But after I installed it, I notice the program does not work. I go to the site of this program and they note that it isnt that great with 64-bit. So I reckon I need a 32 bit windows. I only have windows XP 32 bit on CD so I thought ill use that.I cannot install Windows XP while keeping Windows 7. When I go to the bootcamp manager it does not give the option for a second partition, which I did create after I noticed I need 2 Windows OS's.
When attempting to partition my hard drive with boot camp assistant, it appears that for any size under 110 GB for my Windows partition, I am unable to set the size to anything that is a multiple of 10 (20, 30, 40, 50 GB, etc.).
Just setting up all my sweet new mac product. I am wanting to access my files that are shared on my pc remotely on my MacBook. Im just not sure what application to use to do so. Basically just want access to all my music and video.
Is it better for me to buy the upgrade for windows 7, from vista to windows 7 or to buy the full copy? If i buy the fully version, should i get rid of my pardon, and re-do it with bootcamp, or should i just do it over my current pardon? (Vista) I just want the best way, less pain, less anger. Im willing to pay more for full IF IT IS THE BEST way to do it.
So I'm stealing someones wireless internet with my macbook and have my itunes open. I turned off "share my library on my local network". However, I see their library on my itunes. Would they know that I am playing their music or even know that I'm using their internet?
I have two users on my mac and am having some issues with sharing files. I created a shared folder and gave the other user read/write permissions. When I log in as that user, the folder can be accessed, but some of the files in that folder cannot be accessed. These are all photos, and for the most part I'm dropping them into the shared folder from iPhoto.
I tried it again by using the Public folder with the same result. However, there isn't consistency with the actual files that don't have permission. In other words, the shared folder I created may have a file that does not have permission, but that same file does have permission when I dropped it in the Public folder. So it is totally random as to which files in the shared folder don't have permission to be accessed.
I also tried to simply drag the files to the other user. Same result.
I have a network consisting of three Macs and a PC running Windows XP. One of my printers (a Canon Pixma MP830) is USB-connected to one of the Macs with sharing turned on. Thus, I am able to print to this device from any of the Macs. How can I access this shared printer from the Windows device? I can't determine an IP address because the printer doesn't have one.
I have my printer connected to a PC with Windows 7. I have 3 PC's that can print to it over my wireless network. But for some reason I can't get the MBP to print. I have tried many methods and they have all failed.
We have a broken networkport on our HP Laserjet P2015dn, and need it to print from 4 macs in the office. 3times osX 10.4.11 and 1time osX 10.6.4 (all except 1 non-intel; running windows XP via Parallels and connected on the general office network). I am currently sharing the printer via USB (broken networkport) connected via a Mac using 10.4.11. I can print from every Mac, obviously. However, I can't print or know how to set this up for use in Windows (parallels).