Intel Mac :: Change The Default Program Setting When Download A File?
Apr 3, 2012
For example; Numbers keeps opening downloaded files intended for Quicken. I can change the program to open the download, but I can't find a way to make the change be the default.
Whenever I attempt to change the default program to open a file, it automatically reverts to whatever was selected previously. I work with a lot of .ai files and my default Illustrator version is set to Creative Cloud. CC crashes constantly on my machine, however CS6 runs smooth as silk. I'd like to be able to double click an .ai file and have it open in CS6, not CC. When I right click > Get Info > Open with and change it, it reverts as soon as I click "Change all..."Â
As it's default setting, .wmv files open up with VLC. How do I change it so it's default program is Quicktime? I have the codec installed and it plays with no problem. I know I can go into "get info" and check "always open with" but it only does it with that file and not all .wmv files
Is it possible to change the default download folder for transferring pictures from my phone to my MacBook Pro? It is currently the Public folder. I would like to create a specific folder for the transfer of pictures, another for the transfer of files, etc.
Using OS X Leopard 10.5.8 on PowerPC G5. We have 15 people sharing files on a network. If we open a file on the network, work on it, and save it, it is readable and writable for everybody. But if we drag the file off the network, work on it on our own hard drive, and save it, and then drag it back to the network, it is read-only for everybody. Documents made on our own hard drives are, by default, read-only for others. This is a real time waster for us!
This means that every time we make a document on our own hard drives, we have to remember to go to the extra trouble to change it's permissions before we put it on our network. Please, is there some way to change the default settings, so that if I, say, save a Word doc on my hard drive and then move it to the network, it is readable and writable by everybody without me having to change it's permissions?
Somehow windows Media Player became the default player for mp4 files. So when you double click on one parallels runs. But I figured out where to change it by choosing other and choosing the right app and choosing always use but it does not change the default app. How do I change it?
I want to change the default file type settings for AVI files. I dont want quick time as the default program as some avi wont open. If I choose the file and select open with / and choose another application (VLC) then select always open with- it opens that file ok. But I want a global change so all AVI types open with VLC media player.
Does mac have similar to windows where I can edit file type associations to a purticular program
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
then select always open with- it opens that file ok. But I want a global change so all AVI types open with VLC media player.
Tomato Torrent, BitTorrent AND Transmission are not downloading torrents. I've tried them all on many different files and not one single torrent file is working on any of the programs.
Tomato says: "Last Error: Tracker announce still not complete 180 seconds after starting it, (at Mon Sep 14 '09 @ 10:12:24 PM)" OR "Last Error: Problem connecting to tracker - <urlopen error (60, 'Operation timed out')>, (at Mon Sep 14 '09 @ 10:13:09 PM)"
There seems to be a problem with connecting to tracker, however I have been using Tomato for months and it has worked perfectly in the past.
I'm editing on Final Cut Pro but it's automatically saving all the files I am capturing to the hard disk using up all my storage space. I have a 2tb external hard drive how do I change the path so it will automatically save all the imported clips to the external hard drive?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Just got my lovely new imac - it uploaded all my settings from my old mac and on that computer i had firefox as my default browser and it has retained that setting, and I want to change it back to safari and I can't figure out how. I know it must be simple, but.
I work all day on my MAC 27" and am constantly opening files....Â
But how do I customise the 'open file' window. Every time I open a file I have to increase the size of the window, change the view and then look for my files.... is there a way to set the default view to what I would wish it to be?Â
I have enclosed a screen shot of the default open file window.... I would like a bigger window...... and be able to see 'list view' as opposed to icons each time.Â
Q1: how can I delay printing? This was possible in OS9.
I have a thermal printer wich permits me to change the ribbon (Black, CMY, CMYK). If I have a mixed type of files to print, I'd put on hold (in the "print" window) the files that requires the unloaded ribbon while waiting for the other to print.
Of course, I can print all the CMYK, wait until it's done then print the B/W ones but I don't find it practical. Or I can also rush to the print center and hope to have the time to suspend manualy the ones that need it.
Q2: Once a printer is created, how can I change the associated ppd? This also was possible with OS9.
Q3: It is possible to change the printer name once it is created?
Does anyone know how to change the default cd/dvd-rom from the internal drive to an external drive on a Macbook OS X 10.4.11 (Tiger)? If not permanently, then for the time my computer is on (e.g., a button at start up)
My internal drive does not work and I want to install Windows XP on Parallels but it keeps looking for the cd on the internal drive. I tried making an .iso image of it and telling it where it is, but it still keeps looking for the internal cd drive.
Is there any way to set a default folder view for all folders on the computer? It's a real pain having to change every new folder I create to the list view manually.
A half year ago I did a kind of menu bar mod, so the menu bar was black! Cool but, now I don't know how to set it to default (I already did research on google).
one time, i decided to view my documents in "two page continuous." now it always opens up in that mode no matter how many times i put it in single page continuous. how to set it on the mode i want?
By default mp3 files ar opened by Quicktime so the only I can find to change this to my prefered player is to right click "get info" and change "open with" VLC. But this only changes that one file and not all mp3 files on the system.
[URL]... download the HIREZ video from this link. I try and all I get is a small html file. Safari Version 5.1.7 (6534.57.2)OSX6.8 iMac 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo12G AmazonMP3DownloaderPluginCitrix Online Web Deployment PluginDivX VOD Helper Plug-inDivX Web PlayerFlip4Mac Windows Media PluginGoogle Earth Plug-inJava Plug-In 2 for NPAPI BrowsersQuickTime Plug-in 7.6.6RealPlayer Plugin.pluginShockwave FlashSilverlight Plug-InUnity PlayerWacom Tablet Plug-InWacomTabletPluginWebKit built-in PDF Videos.safariextzExtensions.plistTranslate.safariextz
Info: iMac 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 12gig RAM/27" screen
I normally have my MBP on full (or mostly full) volume, but when I plug in headphones, I drop it down to the absolute lowest (or one up from that) level. Anything higher than that is deafening with my headphones. Normally my MBP automatically dropped it down to about that level whenever I plugged in headphones, but recently its only been dropping it down to the halfway point. This causes momentary deafness as I hit play on my iTunes, forgetting its only halfway down, and additional deafness from the clicking as I frantically hit Fn-F4 to lower the volume. Is there a way I can set the default level that OS X drops the volume to when I plug in my headphones?