I do a lot of Mail Contents Of This Page or emailing of webpages to my friends. Mail often crashes now when I try to do this. I sent a bug report to Apple already.
Fairly simple, I've added an automatic contents page to my document, but I was hoping to have it use two columns instead of one to conserve space since none of the headings are especially wide. However, when I change the number of columns, it screws up the contents, whatever is used to space out the titles and the page numbers doesn't seem to adjust automatically.
I'm wondering if anyone knows a way to do this without manually entering the contents?
I am trying to delete some old documents from the Mac. It was quite easy to find the delete button but the menu states that the content will be gone and an empty page will remain. I would like to get rid of the empty page too! How do I do that?
I seem to be having a hell of a time with all google related things. About 50% of the time I can't get to the google search page and get the error message Safari can't open the page [URL] because Safari can't connect to the server. When I am able to get into gmail, I am constantly being disconnected from gchat, like every 5 minutes. When it disconnects, it will try to reconnect, most of the time unsuccessfully. I then get the error message, unable to reach gmail please check your internet connection. This happens no matter what browser I use. However, when I try to connect from my husband's PC (same network), everything is fine. I've tried emptying my safari cache, tried uninstalling and re-installing both safari and firefox, and I am out of ideas. Any ideas about what is going on, and how I might fix this issue. I searched through the google help, and there were similar problems posted (none recently), but no answers on how to solve the issue. This has been going on for about a week now, and it's driving me up a wall.
I currently run Safari 5.1.6 on an iMac with OS X 10.7.4 and no matter which page I designate as my Home Page, Safari ignores this and on start-up always opens the last page I was on.
I signed out of Safari then signed in again. Now the bookmarks for the AT&T - Yahoo page do not display on the page. Other bookmarks are intact. Do I have to reload them?
using my white macbook, everytime i fire up safari it opens the last webpage that i visited, eg facebook or the login page of my bank account.
i have checked in preferences pane - ensured that the new windows and new tabs open with "homepage" and set the homepage field to [URL]( i even manually typed it in and selected "set to current page" to make sure it was ok ). then i go onto facebook, quit safari, re-open it and .. it's the facebook page again!Â
i reset safari and this has no effect. it didnt always used to be like this, just recently.
ps - so i used no capital letters, i broke my shoulder last week
I cannot edit content of html files. I open these files I created in Netscape (then Firefox) in safari and cannot figure out how to open these files so that I can edit the content. I have the TextMood application installed in my Safari.
I have just purchase a new Mac Book pro 15" and find that Adobe Flash Player won't download onto it.Â
Without it Youtube content does not play when I am running Safari. Is there any way round this, or is Youtube off limits to Apple owners when running Safari.
I'm running Lion on an 27" iMac (first i7 iteration), and have a folder on an external HDD that contains a couple of hundred subfolders.Â
However - when viewing them in Finder, only the first hundred or so display.Â
The others are there - searching the disc finds the folders and their contents and, once, the contents are located, they'll display in the expanded view.Â
I copied the offending folder across to the Mac's main HD, but this behaviour came across with it. This, by the way, was happening on Snow Leopard too before I upgraded to Lion.Â
Since updating Safari recently to 5.1.5, if I choose the Mail Link to This Page command, instead of opening Mail.app with a new email with the link pasted in, it launches Google Chrome and, in Chrome, goes to the email login page for Google webmail. If I choose the Mail Contents of This Page command, I get an error message stating: "Safari can't create an email message because Google Chrome.app doesn't support sending webpages from Safari. You can use the Mail application included with Mac OS X to send webpages." Safari is set as my default browser. This behavior started immediately after the 5.1.5 update.I use these commands pretty regularly and, through many version of mail.app and Safari, there has never been a glitch. Any ideas, folks? Or is this a bug introduced by 5.1.5 or some other recent Software Update? (Software updates are completely up to date and on 10.7.3.)
I'm trying to make an extremely simple HTML page using TextEdit (saving it as an .html file) and none of my code seems to be working. It simply displays the code i typed in without having any effect.
Whenever I open Safari, it takes over a minute to open the first web page. Once the page is open, it surfs very fast. so it's not a problem with my internet speed. Just a problem waiting for Safari to open the first page.
I was cruzing along just fine and went out tonight only to receive the message above: Cannot open Page Safari cannot open the page..The error was: "There was a problem communicating with the web proxy server (HTTP)." I have had all the Apple iPhone phone.All systems are GO as soon as I log on to wifi.
I can email with my .me account but ever since I upgraded to Snow Leopard I can't connect my pop mail to the outgoing Comcast servers. I receive the email fine but I always get the error/choose another server message when I try to send. My web browsing also seems to be dragging a little.
All of a sudden out of nowhere, one, and only one PDF, will only print on 1/4 of a page. Everything else prints fine, other PDFs print to full pages, anything outside of Safari prints as it should--it's just this one PDF in Safari, it's driving me crazy. I've logged out, logged back in, restarted my MBP, even reset safari--and nothing at all. All printer settings/scaling are as they should be, and the preview shows a full page document, but what comes out of the printer is 1/4 page. Here's the PDF: It prints fine in FF, but for some reason it's coming out super light/blurry/grayscale/crappy, so it's no good.
when I open Safari, the page hangs up for a bit, I usually have to click on "Empty Cache"...then it continues loading. What is causing the delay? this also happens when I start up my Macbook Pro, so I know my cache is not full.
Wanted to see the new GetAMac ads, so I headed over to [URL:..] as I always do. But in the field where I am supposed to be able to click on the videos, there is nothing! It's not so much because I wanna see the ads, but this page is supposed to work. See the attached picture for clarification. I have tried to reset Safari completely, and I also tried to view the page in FireFox. I also tried to reinstall Adobe Flash player. It doesn't help, it's all the same. My GF has a PC with Windows. On her machine, in Safari it works as it should. But in FireFox on her machine, it's not working (like both browsers on my mac).
I downloaded the safari 4 beta and it was messing around with msn and some other applications so I did what some other people on here did and just uninstalled it. I now have safari 3 back and whenever I open the application it just starts up as a blank page. I have my home page set to Google but for some reason it doesn't start on that page. It really is just a minor annoyance but it did not do this before. My safari is version 3.2.1 which is the latest (except for 4 obviously).
how I can quickly print the first page I am looking at in SafariI cant seem to find an option to print page one of however many there are.
I dont want to have to go:-
Print>Preview>File>Print selected page>Print
as five steps is far too long winded with the amount of printing I am dealing with every day.What I really need to do is to print Paypal invoices WITHOUT them going over to a second page and wasting ink/paper.
I have an issue with safari pages not loading or hanging up while loading. I have found a temporary fix of turning the wireless off and then back on. I have the same problem with firefox, but not as often.