When I download the latest version of Safari from Apple's website and try to install it, I get a message telling me that I cannot install to my hard drive because I don't have some sort of security update.
It gives me numbers like the x.x.x version but when I search for it in Apple's website it gives me a few different versions for the update for both Tiger and Leopard.
Is this normal? If so, anyone have a link to the correct security update?
I am having a problem with pdfing from safari, i can download the pdf, but it shows everything in Chinese! i've tried searching for the problem but to no avail.
does anyone know how to disable downloads from Safari 4? The reason is that the hotel that i am doing my internship had recently set up 2 iMacs and wants to prevent downloads so that guests dont download anything that can cause the system to go haywire.
When I surf the web, I click on interesting links every once and a while, sometimes they end up being files and Safari automatically downloads it, how do I make it ask me before it goes downloading wildly?
I have a mac mini with 10.5.6 leopard installed connected thru hdmi cable I believe it's called to my samsung LCD display.
Now the problem is when 10.5.7 was introduced I suffered display resoultion problems like some other people too who have the mac mini. I spoke to apple who said they were aware of the issue and for me to do a archive and install to go back to 10.5.6. Which I did. They told me that they will send the info to apple engineers in the USA so they can work on a fix. This was all discussed when 10.5.7 was released. Now that new safari has been launched safari4. I am unable to download this as it asks me to install 10.5.7. I spoke to apple last night who said they still don't have any updates on this issue yet. They said they will try look into this and get back to me. In the mean time I an stuck with current version of safari I have and a less secure 105.6 OS. As I believe 10.5.7. Improves security on my system.
I have a problem when I Download a file and the Electricity fall I loose the part was Downloaded, that happen always is there a way that I can resume from where was stopped, I am using the default downloader of Safari 4, can I change the option to Download with Trasmismission.
everytime I click a link to download something it does nothing. The only way I can do is by right-clicking and choosing 'download linked file'. I dont know why this has started,
Safari downloads .wav files from my dictation manager web site with a .exe extension. I'm assuming this has something to do with the MIME types defined on that page. I can't fix that as the web page is not under my control. Is there a way I can tell Safari not to do that, or how to handle these files?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
it's a little trick that most people know, but you can download flv's and other things directly from the safari browser just by accessing the activities window. however, after the first few flvs i've downloaded, all the rest are out of sync by a few seconds. does anyone know the problem or have a solution? i am using quicktime armed with perian to watch the flv's. i dont think the quicktime player is the issue for the first two flv's i've downloaded from facebook work finr, it's the just ones i download recently that are messing up. anyone have a clue?
I want Safari to show the download box when I e.g. click on a mp3 link, instead of opening it with Quicktime inside Safari. Other browsers has had it in preferences where you could specify what the browser should do with what file types. How do I change this behaviour in Safari (4 BETA btw)?
I was wondering if there is any applescripts out there that are able to download a whole picture gallery from a web site. This means I would lead it to the first page of the gallery, and then I'd click go and it would go to the next page and download each photo.
this happens at least 2-3 times a day. I will click to go to a youtube video, or some video on a site. The download box will immediately pop up and it will start to download the flv file of the video i'm watching. It gets annoying, but it doesn't happen all the time.
Is there a way to add file extensions supported by safari for downloading? Every time I try to DL a .7z file safari opens it as a text file. I could get around this using widget, but there must be a more elegant way of doing this.
I'm having a problem where no web browsers will load any web pages though, Mail.app is still sending and receiving. Everything checks out okay on diagnostics but I just can't load anything on Safari, Firefox, or Chrome.
Lately I'm having trouble downloading pdf files that are open in the Safari window. I'm using the latest versions of Safari Adobe Reader on an IMac OSX 10.6.8. I used to download them simply with "command s", now it says "the document ... cannot be exported".
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Adobe Reader 10.1.3, Safari 5.1.5
We recently got macs at work which I am accustom to working on at home, however, my workflow has kind of changed at work in regards to the way I do things now. One thing that irritates me is that Safari seems to automatically download files instead of displaying them all in another tab or something. I don't want to have to have 20-100 downloaded files in my download folder!
Since I downloaded Yosemite, Safari opens, then the spinning ball appears, can not do anything and it generally shuts down on its own or I have to force quit.
When trying to download .dmg files through my browser (for example- when downloading the trial version of iWork on apple.com, or when trying to download the app from this site: http://postbox-inc.com/ ), my screen will usually say "thank you for downloading" or "your download will start momentarily," but the download doesn't start. I have this problem with both Safari and Firefox. Are any of you guys out there experiencing a similar problem? If so, have you been able to fix it?
I have been facing a downloading issue on my safari app recently. Before, I could download by jus clicking on the download link. But just recently when I click on the downlink, safari brings me to the link instead of downloading the file from the link. I have tried resetting safari, deleting any files related to safari in library and delete-install safari but all these methods doesn't seem to take care of the problem.
In Leopard, I could download any quicktime video with quicktime pro in safari, (looked like the first pic) Now, in Snow Leopard, I get this: (Second pic)
Recently I started have this issue on Youtube where I'm on a vid page and when I try to back out for some reason safari starts downloading the vid in mp4 format! Sometimes so fast I cannot stop it! Also when I just click on a vid thumbnail this will sometimes happen.
I was all set up and running fine for years running safari and getting my files downloaded to my chosen place on the desktop. I am also using Safari Speed and Safari Stand as accessory apps. Everything was working GREAT until a program called � GLIMS � sent a notice while online that the program had been updated. I clicked on Update and then all the problems Started. I removed � GLIMS � from my computer but I still can't download ANYTHING as I did before. When trying to download a file like Safari Speed, I get this message in the Activity Window of Safari as seen below:
What can I do to fix this situation as I am Completely cut off from any Downloads