OS X :: Document Stack Randomly Disappeared - Can't Drag
Apr 29, 2009my document's stack randomly disappeared. Now, I can't drag it back to the dock. It's being stupid.
View 1 Repliesmy document's stack randomly disappeared. Now, I can't drag it back to the dock. It's being stupid.
View 1 Repliesdownloads and documents stack icons disappeared ;I do I get them back?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Ive just recently bought a Macbook Pro and was wondering how can you drag a document onto an external hard drive. Is it the same as Windows?? Because everytime I try that, it wont let me :s.
how to do this so I can put my cousework I have done on my MacBookPro, onto my external hard drive.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
now I can't seem to create a new stack that allows the documents to actually stack on top of one another how do I get back to that stack or maybe I should say how do I create another documents stack because right now I only have one stack which is the downloads stack
iMac, iOS 5.1.1
I have two questions, must you have purchased and installed iWorks on your iPad or iPhone to use it with iCloud on your iMac?
Secondly, I can't get a Pages '09 document to drag onto the iWorks window and stay nor can I find the Action popup menu window that will allow me to select and choose the document so that I can save it.
I upgraded to OSi 10.9.3 as my comptuter told me to do-I am very obedient that way. Now the bars on the side of mail and safari that allow one to move the screen up and down-are not there-except for sometimes.. I have looked everwhere in Preferences but I cannot seem to find a setting that relates to this.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThey're still accessible through finder, but now I can't drag-and-drop anything (at all) to the desktop. It was fine a minute ago before I shut down and rebooted my laptop. Restarts and switching users does nothing. I'm using Mac OSX Lion 10.7.4.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My mid-2014 15" Macbook Pro randomly "loses" its retina display at the top menu (becomes pixel-y), where the battery, sound, and wifi logos are (on the top right side of the screen). A restart fixes the issue, but I want to know if this is an issue that can be fixed?
MacBook Pro with Retina display
how to embed an image with a link, or embed a Microsoft Word document with a hyperlink built within the document -- not as an attachment into my email -- but where it shows as the email content when opened! Does ANYONE know the secret? Can it be done, or not? My PC clients do it all the time easily. Then I want to be able to send the embedded image/document (not as an attachment, but visable within the email when opened) to many email contacts at once, BUT the individuals receiving them DO NOT SEE the other email contacts.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
just wondering if anyone knows how to stop attachments in the email i am sending from appearing in the body of my email as the full sized document.i am hoping to find an option that will allow me to only have a document icon with the name of the document.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo over the past few months I have noticed this small bug/glitch in iTunes... and it is very annoying.
I cannot drag songs from playlists into different order. iTunes just doesn't let me drag at all.
I have to quit iTunes, then restart it. It will work for one time, but as soon as I got back to "Library" and then try to go back and edit a playlist, I have to exit iTunes.
Any fix for this?
I accidentally removed my "Downloads" stack earlier today. I thought getting it back should be easy -- just drag and drop the folder back in next to my trash icon. But now it only appears as a folder, not a stack (i.e., when I right click on it, I only have the "Options" and "Open" links, not all the stack options). Is there something obvious I'm doing wrong here? My user and applications folders that I added to my dock as stacks are still working properly.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to change the look of my stack folder?
View 10 Replies View RelatedUsually, I have my downloads folder (from my external NTFS drive) be a stack in the dock. In Leopard, it would usually load up after a log out, or restart, but with Snow Leopard, it just doesn't seem to load after, like I said a moment ago, logging out or restarting. I have to manually drag it back down every time.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I'm in finder or on my desktop I'm able to hover above an MP3 and it brings up the option to play it without opening itunes or anything. However when I'm in the documents folder in the stack at the bottom next to the dock and I hover above an MP3 it doesn't give me that option. You have to actually click it to open it in itunes or another program to listen. Is there a setting for this? Is it possible to have it just play there the same way as if it was on the desktop or in a finder folder?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow can i place icons or colors in a stack folder of my creation?
View 10 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone happen to know offhand how the icons that make up the Application stack get rebuilt? I've noticed that when I install new applications or update old ones, I get the following sort of "not found" icon. They generally go away quickly, other times they hang around for days. So I'm assuming there's an automated process that generates them... I'd like to kick it off manually if possible.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a few items in my downloads stack, but 3 of them that don't exist in the folder anymore are just sitting there. I can try and move em out but i get the "circle with a slash" thing. And if i drag them to the trash, nothing happens. If i click on them to open it says "application cannot be found"
View 7 Replies View RelatedI accidentally deleted my "downloads" stack, so I dragged the "downloads" folder from my home directory into the dock. Lo and behold, the stack came back...but not the way I remembered it. Everything was "backwards" if I tried to sort by "date added". Normally, the most recent downloads are at the bottom; however, now it is backwards. I didn't lose any files, but it is very annoying! I Googled this issue and it seemed like trashing the dock plist would solve the problem. I did that, logged out, and logged back in, and it sure did reset all of the dock settings to their defaults - everything, of course, EXCEPT for the downloads stack! It did more harm than good - all of my icons are out of place now, and yet I am still having the same old "backwards" issue with the downloads stack. Does anyone know where this problem actually lies?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi dont know it is not showing as stacks nowadays. enable the download stack again in my mac lion.
i m using mbp 2011 late version.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
There are some files, approximately 10, that I need frequent access to, but I want to keep the originals orginised deep in my document folder structure.
Is there any way of creating a "favourites" stack in the dock to allow me to do this?
I can drag one file to the dock to create an alias, but I cant drag any more files on top of this.
Dual twin Intel Xenon 3GHz, 4Gb RAM, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
i also can't click on anything on the desktop, the only thing that is there and works are the words on the top, stopping at help. Also after every word i write, a pop up says 'alert cannot contact spell checker,' When i open safari i also cannot get it back to finder, and i can't search anything on the computer because after the second letter the screen flashes.
It started this morning i tried to write something in stickies and the computer went crazy to a blue screen and the loading circle started spinning around so i shut it down, when i loaded it up i had all these problems.
I have iBook g4 from 2005. What should i do, i don't know anything about computers. I tried searching online i tried to use killall Dock in terminal it didn't work, it said no matching processes were found.
I created an alias folder for my Applications. I put the alias on my Dock but when I click on the alias it will open Finder window. I would like it to show my applications in Stack mode. I have copied another folder and put that on Dock and it appears fine with Stack options. I have no idea why my alias of Applications opens Finder.
View 4 Replies View Related10.6.3. When I make an alias on my desktop of a folder and then drag it to my dock it'll stick there but it will open like a folder. When I click it it will open Finder and then that alias. I want it to open like Stacks do, preferably in list mode with the flyout menus. Why can't I do this? I had it in Leopard but can't get it to work in SL. I checked all my settings and can't find anywhere to create a stack from an alias. Or from anything for that matter.
View 6 Replies View RelatedAnyone know what this is? I get a lock icon over my applications stack. I am attaching a pic..
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I have files in a stack and, in the file's directory, I hide the extension, stacks does not update the fact that the extension is now hidden unless I remove and re-add the stack.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm a Mac newbie and wanted to know how you make a 'stack' on the icon tray at the bottom of the screen. If someone could make a short list of what to click that would be amazing!
MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
How can I restore Downloads Stack button. I accidental erased it. This button is useful to me.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHas anyone made their Application folder a stack? When I have a newly installed program, the icon does not display correctly in the stack. It shows a crossed out application icon. In finder the icon displays correctly.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just got a MBA and I was removing a pdf doc that was in the the Documents stack on the Dock when it went "poof" and disappeared. I was had downloaded the pdf and moving it from the desktop to the Documents stack and then decided to put it back on the desktop. Other than moving the icon for it I did not do anything.
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