I have "The Weather Channel" widget and every time I click on it, it crashes my Dashboard Client. In trying to fix the problem I was going to get rid of the widget and re-download it but I can't find it anymore.
Has this widget been removed? Is this why it's crashing the client?
I got a new Macbook a few weeks ago (2GB RAM, 2.4Ghz Core Duo). Recently, it got really sluggish occasionally, up to the point where I could barely run Firefox properly.
Went into Activity Monitor and saw this:
DashboardClient just leaks out every hour or so, especially when waking from sleep. It's getting really annoying.
I have an i5 27" iMac and was curious why VMWare Fusion with Windows 7 was running so slowly. My iMac works at a snails pace when I try to run VMWare Fusion and anything else at the same time. I thought it might be a memory issue. I have 2 gb of RAM allocated to the virtual machine and 2 gb for Mac OSX. I was looking at the activity monitor and noticed that the Flash Player (DashboardClient Internet plug in) was taking up almost 600 mb of memory. What is the flash player that takes up so much RAM? Do I need to have it running? The other big program I am using that is taking up alot of RAM is PS3 media server which is taking up almost 500 mb of RAM.
Recently, in the middle of working with applications in iPhoto09 they simply crash. I get a message stating no harm was done but it's getting annoying as it's happening more often than not. I am new to mac, have had it now for maybe two weeks, but wouldnt expect apps to crash this often. Any thoughts?
I'm going to jump off a bridge if it keeps crashing on me like this. The worst part about it is that Safari doesn't have a feature that brings your tabs back if your browser crashes. Anywho, I tried reinstalling but I don't think that helped. I also tried clearing everything under preferences but that didn't seem to work. It's the most annoying when I'm watching YouTube videos in full screen and then once the video is over, I get that rainbow ball and next thing you know, Safari crashed. Does anyone know anything else I can do? I don't feel like switching back to Firefox. I love Firefox, but not as much on the Mac. And I think Chrome is just meh, I don't like Google that much since they're involved with almost everything.
I have tried 3 of them. Firefox, Flock and Safari. All seem to crash after 3 minutes or so but can last up to 10. It started happening when i was watching some videos on Youtube and then when i went to go and watch another it wouldnt load it up. And since then i have came across this problem. I tried phoning Apple but at �35 just to fix this seems a bit steep. does anyone have any ideas?
Hey, I have a 3 GHz 8-core Mac Pro that is about 2 years old, and it seems to get the beachball and forcing a manual shutdown 2-3 times a day. Usually what happens is I am in Final Cut Pro (doesn't really matter WHAT I am doing in it), then I will get the spinning beach ball, can't quit it, 'force quit' menu says it is not responding, so I force quit it. That doesn't work, it's still active in the dock, and if I try to shut down from the menu, everything clears from the desktop like it's about to shut down, but it never does, so I have to shut it down manually. This isn't limited to FCP, it happens in Photoshop, Motion, Finder, Fetch, TM backups etc.
I'm on latest Leopard, Using FCP 7 (did it in 6 too), and I have put in a brand new harddrive and did a clean reinstall of the OS and software, worked fine for a bit, then hit the problem again. I have 9 gigs of RAM, 1 from Apple, 8 from Crucial and the ATI Radeon X1900 XT.
I'm running Adobe CS3 on my refurbished MacBook Pro. 10.7.3. I get the gray waterfall on my screen and the "you need to restart" message and it's usually when I have some Adobe program running. I'll probably upgrade soon but first I want to know if this could a problem where I should get a replacement MacBook.
I have a macbook pro that I bought 6-7 years ago. I'd like to keep it going for a couple more years if I could but a few months ago it started crashing every day at least once, and has only gotten worse - now it's doing it at least 2-3 times per day. Typically what happens is one of two things: either the screen freezes and the cursor spins or the screen slowly fades to white. In both cases I hold down the power button to get it to restart. These things happen with more frequency when I'm watching video, but not always.
I just got this computer yesterday and since then I have had at least nine kernel panics and I cannot apply the latest Mac OS X update from apple. I ran the Verify Disk and Check and Repair Permissions and those all check out fine. The Reported amount of RAM is also correct.
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
All three of my browsers (Opera 10.10, Firefox 3.5.6, Safari 4.0.4) crash repeatedly when accessing www.nytimes.com (most common site). I am running OSX 10.5.8 on an iMAC G4 with 768MB RAM. I ran Onyx and repaired the permissions but to no avail. Other websites have failed but the nytimes site causes instantaneous failure.
Just did update to Safari 5.0 via software update. G4 Dual 867 OSX 10.5.8. Crashes every time I attempt to click on any link. Starts to connect, Beachball-crash. If left idle, without clicking any link, still crashes after less than a minute. Fixed permissions, re-installed with download from Apple site, permissions again..... no difference. Disabled Click to Flash, Ad Blocker...same thing. Just won't work!!!
Safari keeps crashing on open (it doesn't even start to open - just goes straight to crash report). It seems to be doing this since I upgraded to 5.01. I have posted the crash report below which is always the same - ie it crashes on thread 3 but I am unable to decipher why.
I repaired the permissions a number of times - and rebooted. This worked once and safari was up an running again. But the next time I came to open it it was broken again. I have even tried a reboot into safe mode which I believe rewrites all permissions rather than just repairing them - didn't work!
For a while now, the Safari 5.0 browser on my wife's MacBook Pro has been slow and sluggish with repeated crashes. So much so she started using Chrome.
Within the last week Safari on my MBP has been doing the same. Unreliable, slow, sluggish and crashing.
I've had my Macbook (10.5.8) for over two years and have had no problems until recently. It's crashed twice in the past month, and before that (for a few months) it has been extremely slow. I've cleaned out everything I didn't need and placed most of my documents onto a external hard drive in hopes that this would speed things up - it has not. When the thing crashes it basically reboots itself with out any warning, losing my data. Both times this has happened I had photoshop and Acrobat 6.0 Professional open (I've been editing photos of texts of my research and turning them into pdf - some of these files are quite large (400 colored pages) ie. 600mb). The system usually crashes and reboots while I am editing an unsaved pdf in Acrobat.
Using Safari 5.0.2 and crashing constantly when trying to print a PDF file out of the browser. I am using the Schubert-it PDF Viewer to view and print. Sometimes it crashes when I merely click on the print icon on the website or after the PDF file opens up in a separate window and click the print button on the separate window. It has also crashed using different printers.
Could someone take a look at this crash report log and see if anything looks weird. This just started happening, so I am not sure what I did.I have it attached as a doc file since it was too long.
Last week I spent 150.00 to have my MacBook Pro Repaired. I am not very good with this stuff and needed help so....
I have a MacBook Pro Version 10.4.11. with iTunes 9.2.1 (5).
Safari, Firefox, Adobe kept crashing. Then Mail crashed and finally iTunes. The computer said that iTunes was now stored somewhere on my computer in a file that was "damaged".
I took it to the nearest computer repair shop (No Mac store within 100 miles of here) but this store does fix MACS. They checked and repaired file systems, reset components, performed Apple/3rd Party software updates, clean temporary files - Repaired file systems. Archived and reinstalled OS. Reimported iTunes and added 1GB RAM.
Got the computer home and my iPhone wouldn't synch. SO I had to uninstall iTunes and reinstall, then figure out how to get my library back...which I somehow did but don't think I could do again. It's been two days and it is starting all over again.
Today, Firefox and Safari began crashing again and yet once again, iTunes crashed and I have lost my entire library. It is back to the "damaged" place in a mystery file on my computer. 2 times today, I got a role down black screen that said I would have to restart my computer.
So, I have run the Disc Utility - repaired disc permissions (there were none to repair) and don't know what else to do except lose my mind. I have NEVER been so disgusted with this computer. I can't understand why NO ONE has been able to figure this out. Apple wants a gazillion buck to answer by question over the phone I didn't really have the 150.00 to have it "fixed in the first place so Apple's fee might as well be a gazillion $$$. I have looked solutions online and either I can't find one or don't understand what I am reading.
I have an iMac G4 and it keeps crashing. I've zapped PRAM, bought more RAM, re-formated HDD, installed Mac OS X over and over, I don't know what else to do. Even if I boot it up and let it run, it will eventually crash, but at random times. If I re-boot right after it crashes, it crashes again, but if I wait, it doesn't.
Well I am a little frustrated and looking for someone that can maybe find a solution with my problem. My mac pro system crashes constantly at least once a day if not more and it always seems to happen when I am doing something important. I have noticed that it usually crashes when I am on Safari... I have attached the report.
For the past 3 nights, at exactly midnight, my iBook G4 running OS10.5.6 has crashed (screen goes grey, tells me to restart).
I'm thinking I'm probably going to have to reinstall the OS, unless anyone has any brilliant and wonderful ideas that I could try before going to all this effort?
I was tooling around in CandyBar earlier today and after trying to restore my dock icons to defaults, my dock never returned after the Dock restart "killall Dock". After I restart the computer entirely to resolve the problem, I tried clicked on the Applications folder/section of my Finder only to get the spinning beach ball and the 'not responding' error from there out.
this happens after every restart. I've tried repairing the permissions and everything else to no avail. I don't have my Leopard install discs here with me (out of town for a couple days) so if there is a fix without 'archive and install' that's preferred.
i managed to get the dock back by deleting the .plist for it and tried the same for finder, didn't work.
So immediately after itunes 8.1 update and restart my MacPro has been lagging big time. Firefox freezes, Mail freezes...everything is lagging...what gives? i've fixed permissions and verified the disk, there are no errors. anyone else experiencing issues with the update?