OS X :: Converting Pages Project To Doc File
Oct 7, 2009
My Macbook pro just got sick! It now doesn't turn on, and the Apple Store says it will only be ready on Friday. I have a project to hand in tomorrow. The nice guy at the shop sent me the PAGES file I need, but now all I have access to is Microsoft Word. So, I am appealing to someone who has iWork to convert this PAGES file into .doc format, so I can try and hand it in tomorrow.
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Jan 11, 2010
I set it as a .pdf, but its a .pages extension file, bc I couldn't attach as a .pages file. This is my term paper for this marking period and a conversion to a .doc file would help immensely. I am at my school and can't download any programs to convert.
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Mar 20, 2009
I know I have seen others offer to convert .pages files to .doc files here; can anyone help a brother out? I used the trial version of Pages to write my resume and now cannot open it.
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May 27, 2009
One of my editors had starting using OpenOffice and when he sends files to me they arrive in a zip that, when opened has some games and other things and one png file that is a thumbnail of the document, very tiny.
Is there a converter for OpenOffice docs that will open them in Pages (my preference) or Word ?
Any familiar with OpenOffice? Is it necessary to receive a zip file every time from him? He's technically inept and perhaps I can just tell him how to export the proper file.
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Nov 5, 2008
I have a large text file, and I'd like to turn each page of the text file into a slide in a presentation (PowerPoint, I guess, though I'm open to alternatives as long as they're cross-platform and idiot-proof). Is there any way to do this using OpenOffice or NeoOffice? The text file is currently in RTF (TextEdit) form, so I can easily convert it to .doc or PDF. Formatting should be maintained, but it's nothing too complex; just some boldface and centering. I'm looking to make cue slides out of the lines of a play. I have all the lines, and I can re-paginate it easily enough, but I'm at a loss as to how to make slides out of it. I don't have the time/patience to manually create hundreds of slides and paste in each line one by one.
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Jul 7, 2009
Alright so I was making this video that was really really really difficult to do and I got to like 3:00 of it today and I've been saving, then it just freezes and refuses to do anything. I then realise my external drive somehow turned off for a random reason, so I plugged it back in and it started working again, but then I reopened my project and I get this error
I click on ignore all and it's all in the trash, and what really pisses me off about this is that it took me weeks and weeks and weeks of time to do, there's no way I can redo this all over again. What can I do to get rid of the skipped message and make it all work again�
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Jul 20, 2009
So I'm at the library and I got a really important file in my e-mail from my teacher with some really important information. The only problem is it's a .pages file and there are no macs around for miles. Can anyone convert this file for me? The library won't allow me to install any file converters on their computers so that won't be happening. If you are able to, send me your email address and I will forward the file, and you can just email it back to me.
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May 14, 2012
I purchased Pages off the Apple site back in March. I am working on a project that involves several images. I tired to back up to a usb and when I did the usb said no image files. Pages froze and would not let me continue to work on it. I have deleted all big images off my computer. I can't back up to google docs as it freezes. everything is causing my computer to freeze. Now I am left with a computer that is running very slow and none of the images I need. Help, my project is due tomorrow and is worth a huge part of my mark
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Nov 16, 2009
I need someone to take pity in my soul and convert a .pages file to PDF for me. I believe my email address is visible on the forums. Full story: A good friend of mine, who unfortunately is not very computer-savvy, has asked me to print a poster at a printing shop near my workplace. Since it's no hassle at all for me to stop by for 5 minutes on my way into work, I gladly accepted.
This poster was made using Apple Pages. However, he didn't think enough to export it to PDF, and I've now come to find that the printing shop can't open .pages files. Since I can't reach my friend right now
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Sep 14, 2010
A friend of mine sent me an attachment in pages format and I am having problems opening onto my PC is either notepad or microsoft word.
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Apr 5, 2012
When converting a .pptx file of 6MB to .pdf, the file size ballooned to 25MB. The original file was created on a PC. What happened?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 12, 2012
I want to convert a document done in Pages, so that I can open it on Windows PC.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 10, 2009
I was wondering if there was a quick and easy way of converting a .pages or .doc or .docx to a html page. I cant seem to find anything in pages, although i may have just overlooked it. or if there is another program capable of doing something like that.
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Jun 24, 2014
I was editing a music video last night and finished the edit. I then began to do my color grading. I use Magic Bullet Looks and was using Neat Video Noise Reducer as well. Nothing out of the norm as far as my workflow goes. I got about half way finished with color and turned my computer off when i went to bed. This morning when i reopened fcpx the project loaded but showed a few spots of the timeline that needed to render (the orange bars). BUt once i clicked inside my timeline fcpx froze and i would have to force quit the program.. I have tried uplugging the drive that the events and projects are saved on and opening fcpx that way..it works and other projects from other drives are working fine but when i plug the drive with the corrupted project it loads the project in the timeline but still freezes every single time i click in the timeline and the render percentage is stuck at 0%....Every once in a while when i try it will render about 9 to 30 % then freeze again..
-2011 iMac
-2.5 GHz Intel Core i5
-4 GB 1333 Mhz DDR3
-OSX 10.9.2
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Sep 26, 2010
I have a 2GB m4v file that I wanted to use iDVD to create a movie for. But even taking it off of Best Performance and instead using High Quality, the movie is too large to be burned. It's showing it as a 4.81 GB project.
I'll admit my ignorance here...what gives? How does a 2GB file grow that large when being encoded as a DVD?
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Dec 9, 2014
I have been working on a project for school fine until today. When I tried to resize the FCPX layout I got a white screen and then it crashed and I had to force quit it (see image).
Having tried to reopen it I just get the beach ball and have to force quit each time. I have tried other macs in the room and it is the same. Other projects appear to open fine, so it seems that a file with the project might be corrupt?
I have attached images of the package contents . The school system is set up so that we have to save on external drives and any work on the mac is wiped as soon as you log out so auto saves are a no-go
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Sep 6, 2014
I'm running Aperture 3.4.5 on a MacPro mid 2010. I import by reference into the appropriate project. The project's file directory is the same as the name of the project. I.E., screen shots from the Next Issue application are kept in a project called "Next Issue". The project keeps it's photos in a directory called "Next Issue".
As needs change files may be moved from one project to another. This causes a major problem as the files remain in their original location, i.e. are not moved to the directory associated with their new project. For example, the Next Issue screen shots show up in Photostream. I move the photos to the "Next Issue" project, but the original file still stays in the photo stream folder on disk.
The reason this matters is the disk with the pictures is duplicated and then connected to an Oppo media center. I find files I need on the Oppo by going to the directory associated with the files, i.e. "Next Issue". Since those files originally were in a photo stream directory they still reside there. So unless I can remember thousands of file locations it can't be found on the Oppo, which doesn't have a search function for an externally attached drive.
I suppose that I could go to each directory, select everything, and do a relocate master. But after a long night of organizing if I don't remember which projects where changed then that means relocating up to 100 directories and 70,000 files ….
Mac Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
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Aug 21, 2008
Pulled an old hard disk from a windows box, and all the file names for my tunes are in order, but these are not the ID3 tags, so as soon as imported into iTunes, its just showing 'Track 1, track 2 etc'. Is there an app I can run these files through, to convert the file name to ID3 tags before importing?
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Nov 6, 2009
A few years ago in high school trip to europe i made an imovie hd project. i am on a new mbp and i have a backup of my old mbp and when i transfer the file macintosh hd->user->movies->europe movie project it doesnt seem to bring the video with it (i cant even locate it!) i opened with imovie and the old imovie hd and the same thing, no video file! any ideas as to where the video files are located? im freakin out here lol
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May 12, 2010
I am working on a project where I am to supply simple little cartoons which are to duplicate the look of drawings on a whiteboard - nothing fancy - line drawings in black, blue, red or green. My client, however, wants the files in AVI or WMV so his video guy can edit them and add corny video transitions. Ultimately they are intended for an intranet educational website.
But they do NOT want SWF files. They insist on getting AVI or WMV files. I am working with Flash 8 Pro (CS2) on my PowerMac G4 using Mac OS 10.3.9. I also have a PC running XP, but it doesn't have Flash. I've tried a free SWF > AVI converter which only works on Windows, but when it actually works, it takes a 12 KB SWF file and generates a 218 MB AVI file! Is there some easier solution?
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Jan 11, 2011
I have a microsoft word document that I need to print out and this document is located on my notebook pc. Unfortunately, I can't seem to print this document on my notebook pc either wirelessly or through usb connection. I am able to print wirelessly/and or through usb connection on my imac computer. My question is how to do I convert a microsoft word document into a pdf file so I can print this on my imac computer?
As I am completely new to the mac operating system, I was also wondering if I could send this word document as an attachment to my e-mail address, open up the document and then print it. Is this possible? I appreciate any feedback/info on how to resolve this issue.
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Jan 18, 2010
i'm a recent mac convert and i have no idea how to convert "VIDEO_TS" folders that come from dvds into a single movie file (preferably .avi). does anybody have any suggestions on what software is best suited for this scenario?
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Mar 23, 2012
Is there a good Apple app that converts mpeg4 to avi?
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Nov 18, 2010
I've made a movie project in iMovie 7, but it's taken 3GB of space on my hard drive and I am lacking space right now, so I need to move it out onto a external hard drive. I'd like to be able to recreate/edit the movie project on another computer.
How can I do this?
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Dec 31, 2007
I am trying to convert AVI to MP4 and I always seem to run into problems. I use MPEG streamclip and sometime i get an error after converting saying that file cannot be played, not a movie file. thought when i play it in AVI format it works fine. Also another problem I have is the sound doesnt work sometime in the MP4 format but it does in the AVI format. Any thoughts on converters that I can buy that possibly work faster?
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Feb 9, 2009
Anyone have any suggestions to a (hopefully free) software program? I don't want to pay $29.99 for Quicktime Pro since I dont know if it will work. The MPEG 2 is exported from my Tivo.
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Jul 25, 2009
I'm trying to convert some rmvbs to avis using ffmpegX and no data file with other formats but as soon as I drag it in, ff freezes. The first file has a size of 92MB. If this is not going to work, please tell me a free converter that will convert them. Or at least one which has a trial version NOT a demo version.
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Feb 20, 2010
converting ical to outlook file format using mac? How can this be done?
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Nov 21, 2008
Seem to have a problem with a particular .avi file. I'm using VisualHub and when converting an .avi file to dvd the audio is out of sync. avi file works fine on mac in quicktime but when it gets burnt to dvd so I can watch it on tv that's where the problem lies. Other avi files I have burnt to dvd have been fine so why this particular one? would anyone know the work around for this?
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Apr 27, 2012
I got this error message when trying to import a CD into iTunes. It also had "The required disk cannot be found" it's an intermittant problem with an iMac running OS X 10.6.8
Image Capture, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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