OS X :: Constant Freeze EFI Firmware 1.7?

Jan 2, 2010

A few months ago I upgraded my EFI Firmware on my Uni-MBP 13" to 1.7 and was getting constant Freeze and stalls. I then found out that it was because of the EFI firmware, so I went back to 1.6 and now its working fine.

Have apple fix this problem with a new upgrade like 1.8 of some sort? And if I was to Upgrade to SL would they have this problem as well?

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IMac :: 4850 EFI Firmware Update To Fix Freeze Ups

May 2, 2009

It's avihappy again and I have another survey for you all. As you can see, there is now an iMac 4850 EFI firmware update available via software update. So can you: Find a test that will cause the iMac to freeze up. Do the update. (make sure you actually run the firmware updater tool, it may not run automatically when you install the update from Software Update.) Switch to WiFi. Do the test again. See if the iMac freezes!

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MacBook Pro :: Downloading Firmware Update From Apple Suddenly Makes Freeze?

Apr 21, 2012

I recently downloaded a firmware update from Apple both as a stand-alone software and using software update but everytime I restart, my computer makes one loud beeping sound and tries to boot three or four times unsuccessfully and maybe on the fifth or fourth, it finally comes on. When I go through software update after this, it still shows the same firmware and same version of it as an update I haven't downloaded. And another thing it freezes a lot since I downloaded this firmware update. This is how it shows on software update; Macbook Pro EFI Firmware Update version 2.7 size: 4.1 MB.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 13 inches 2.3 GHz processor speed.

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Mac Pro :: Intel X25-M 160GB Firmware And Toolbox - How To Find A Latest Firmware

Apr 27, 2010

Intel X25-M 160GB, how do I find out if it has the latest firmware v1.5 from Dec 8, 2009. And is the Solid State Drive Toolbox v1.3 from Mar 22, 1010 worth downloading?Intel's download/support page doesn't tell you how to know if your SSD has the latest firmware or not.

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OS X :: Disable Firmware Password In Firmware Utility?

Mar 20, 2010

I was travelling and added a firmware password a few months back, I now want to disable this to install Ubuntu on a partition of my MacBook - but there are no directions how to in the utility.I looked at the Apple doc I originally used to set the password: [URL]/HT1352, and I cannot find a companion document for taking it off. So, if anyone knows how I go about doing this,

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MacBook :: Super Drive Firmware, MacBook EFI Firmware And AirPort Client Updates?

Dec 8, 2009

Just received SuperDrive Firmware Update 3.0, MacBook EFI Firmware Update 1.4, and AirPort Client Update 2009-002 1.0 on Software Update for 13" Unibody MacBook.

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OS X :: New Safari (5.01) Constant Crashing?

Aug 13, 2010

Safari keeps crashing on open (it doesn't even start to open - just goes straight to crash report). It seems to be doing this since I upgraded to 5.01. I have posted the crash report below which is always the same - ie it crashes on thread 3 but I am unable to decipher why.

I repaired the permissions a number of times - and rebooted. This worked once and safari was up an running again. But the next time I came to open it it was broken again. I have even tried a reboot into safe mode which I believe rewrites all permissions rather than just repairing them - didn't work!

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PowerPC :: G5 Constant Fan Noise?

Oct 1, 2006

I've got a RevB iMac G5 20" (1.5 GB ram) for a year and a half now, and since the last six months, the fans becomes quickly really loud for no apparent reason. It seems that my iMac think he is an helicopter and he want to take off by spinning it's fans the fastest it can. This is really annoying and it was not like that in the begining. It prevents me from doing audio conversations: the fan are so loud they make it impossible for the other to hear something else than my fans. Try convincing your friends to "switch to mac" with noise like that during an audio conversation! Sometimes just with firefox running I have my fans spinning really fast, with no intention of stopping anytime soon.

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Mac Pro :: The LED Goes Constant White When Wake Up

Jul 28, 2009

My Mac Pro goes to sleep well in Vista 64-bit, but when I touch my keyboard to wake it up the LED goes constant white, but I got only black screen.It started after I change my CPU's

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MacBook :: Constant Difference In Fan Speeds?

Aug 28, 2010

I find 90% of the time I watch a YouTube video (standard def, normal sized) my MacBook gets hot and the fans spin up. Most of the time they'll go to ~4200rpm. Yet the other 10% of videos, I stay at 1800rpm and 50C. How is this possible? Both times I've just had Firefox open.

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OS X :: Getting Constant Spinning Wheel Of Death?

Aug 26, 2008

When I start up my iMac, it runs ok for a good 3-4 minutes, then all of a sudden when I try to click somewhere, I get the spinning wheel of death for about 2-3 minutes. Then when I click somewhere else I get another spinning wheel of death for another few minutes. This goes on and on and the computer is basically unusable, unless I want to wait 30 minutes to complete easy tasks that should take 2 minutes.

I tried resetting the ram by holding apple-option-P-R while restarting, but nothing is working. I have a good 15% free on my hard drive.

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OS X :: Constant Repairing Of Permissions Is Normal?

Mar 21, 2009

Ok, so I go to repair permissions and I get these files repaired. So, 10 minutes later I did repair permissions again (I had a hunch), and the same EXACT files get repaired.

And this happens everytime. I don't even do anything in between the repairs (I don't launch new apps or even move my mouse).

Is this normal because I never had this happen before on my Mac?

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OS X :: Constant Kernel Panics On IMac

Apr 10, 2009

My computer is having constant kernel panics. I have had about 10 in the past 18 hours, and I am starting to freak out about it. Here is the info from the error report:

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: firefox-bin
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 9.6.0: Mon Nov 24 17:37:00 PST 2008; root:xnu-1228.9.59~1/RELEASE_I386
System model name: iMac5,1 (Mac-F42786A9)

The part that says BSD process name corresponding to current thread has changed every time. When I have apps open, it will read the name of the apps extension but if I don't run anything it will say "system kernel" or something.

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OS X :: How To Prevent External HD Constant Access

May 2, 2009

OSX has a rather annoying feature, on many commands it will spin up my external harddrive out of its sleep mode. I have to wait for the harddrive to get up to speed and during that wait i get the spinning beach ball. Its really annoying because it will do that on things totally unrelated to the external like bookmarking a webpage, going into a new tab in safari, switching between programs.

What i would like to to make it so that the external harddrive is only spun up when its actually being used! I dont want to have it going all the time because i value the quietness of my mac, at the moment its pretty much silent apart from when the external harddrive is going or the fans are going flatout. OSX 10.5.6, late 2008 macbook 2.0ghz. Western digital 1TB external hard drive on USB

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OS X :: Constant Incoming Traffic From No Known Source?

Sep 7, 2009

System: uMB 2.4/4GB Ram, October 2008, running 10.6. In the past couple days, I've all-of-a-sudden noticed that I'm receiving incoming network traffic; sometimes it's 300-400kbps, sometimes it's almost 1Mbps. It'll occasionally stop for a period of a few seconds to a minute, then pick up again. Disconnecting the computer from the network will stop it (obv), but it picks right up immediately upon reconnecting.

No programs are running that would seem to cause this behavior. Nothing is being downloaded (I mostly do that on a separate machine anyways) and nothing is running when this begins that would lean me towards a problem. Switching from a wired connection to a wireless connection does stop the download completely, which lends me to think that this is most likely an attack on that IP, though I can't find a way to be sure or to even look further on that idea.

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MacBook Pro :: Fan Speed Is Constant High In MBP

Mar 22, 2010

Whenever i open an application both of the fans go to 6000+ rpm in a couple minutes give or take.Strangely web browsing doesn't cause this speed but if a youtube video is played it gets up there fast.Applications such as quicktime and logic gets up there no matter what is played.I have fan control and smcfancontrol, 40GB free, software updated, tried the reset thing (turn off, hold power button, boot), cleared printing operations.The only thing smcfancontrol does for me is it slows down the fans quicker whenever i close all my applications.

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MacBook Pro :: Constant Pop Ups With Pages Freezing?

Aug 30, 2014

i've been having problems with constant pop ups with pages freezing.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Software :: Mail Constant Crashing For No Reason?

Feb 2, 2008

I have a problem with Mail. it crashed everytime i open the application, and i keep on reporting it to apple, and sometimes ignoring that, and nothing changes.

it happened to me before when i try to open a certain email from my friend. now when i open Mail, it automatically opens the first email on the list, and it's another email which has the same problem.

i don't know how to solve this problem.

My laptop is a Macbook pro 2.16ghz core2duo processor, 2gb ram, 160gb harddisk (80 gb free space), Running Leopard 10.5.1.

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OS X :: Ebay And Safari - Constant Login Request?

Sep 27, 2010

I have just purchased my new iMac having made the leap from PC. Overall I love my new machine (and the iPhone and Apple TV that accompany it...) However, in a bid to recoup some of the large outlay, I was seeking to list lots of things on eBay this weekend. However, at what appeared to be almost every other key stroke/action I was returned to the home screen and asked for my login details again, and again, and again! Clicking the 'remember me' box made no difference whatsoever.

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MacBook Air :: Constant Reboot May Be Water Damage?

Dec 22, 2010

I got out the shower n pressed the pause button to stop the music. While that i notice couple of spot of water around my return button just a little. Nothing happened to the computer after using it for about 1 hours. So i left and came home around 7 hours later, got on the macbook air n then it kept prompting the shutdown menu option screen. From there it would just go to constant reboot. Is this due to water damage at all? or is it just a coincidence. Because my black macbook has had way more water on it before n its perfectly fine.

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OS X :: MacBook Keeps Waking Up - No Constant Sleep Mode

May 31, 2007

I'm using my Mac on an external monitor with a USB keyboard/mouse and the lid closed. When I put it to sleep using the remote, it switches off but then re-awakens about 5 seconds later. It's really annoying as it's usually when I'm in bed after watching a video and am too tired to get up and switch it off manually. How to make it sleep? Could it be the USB peripherals making it act this way? If so, how can I stop my Mac from waking on USB?

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MacBook Air :: Fan Making Constant Buzzing Noise

Mar 16, 2008

I have had my MBA for almost a week, and I've had no issues so far. Until now. This is the case: The fan operates as it should. It stays on 2500 rpm at light use, and increases with heavier use. At 2500 rpm I was not able to hear it without putting my ear next to the keyboard. That was yesterday. Today the fan produces a new noise. It isn't very loud, but clearly audible at 2500 rpm in a quiet environment. It's a low, constant, buzzing kind of noise. It also increases with fan speed.

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Applications :: Safari 4 Constant Crashing After About 1 Minute?

May 5, 2009

I can't figure out why Safari crashes after about a minute after launch. It doesn't crash when I log in as another user. I deleted the plist files, and the cache, but it doesn't help. I uninstalled Safari 4 and it crashed immediately on launch with Safari 3. I reinstalled Safari 4, and it once again crashed after about a minute. I deleted everything in ~/Library/Safari. I repaired permissions. It still crashes. Firefox works flawlessly.

What should I do next? This is the first time in about 10 years that I can't seem to diagnose a problem on my mac. Very frustrating. Does someone have any idea what I should do next?

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OS X :: Constant Green Light On Charger With No Charge

Aug 14, 2009

When it is plugged into my computer it stays green and doesn't charge. Any ideas as to why this is or what I should do?

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Applications :: Handbrake - Constant Quality For Compressed Dvd?

Jan 21, 2010

What should I set the constant quality at if I am ripping an already compressed dvd? I want a mkv of equal quality. I have a dvd backup of a movie that was made with DVD shrink. I figured I might need to raise the constant quality higher than I would normally.

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Applications :: HD Constant Thrashing On Launching Safari

Mar 2, 2010

As soon as I launch safari, the HD will begin thrashing continuously for no apparent reason, it will do this for ~10 minutes (constant thrashing) and the noise alone is very annoying. As soon as I close Safari, the thrashing stops and everything is quiet again. Then I relaunch Safari and it starts thrashing again. No other browser behaves this way. Does anyone else have similar problems with Safari and is there any way to "shut it up"?

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Hardware :: Tool Which Allows For Constant Tracking Speed?

Mar 3, 2010

Just purchased myself a magic mouse, adjusted the slow tracking speed MagicPrefs, a really nice tool over all but it doesn't allow me to get rid of the varying tracking speed. I could probably get used to it in the end but it is very annoying and would prefer not to use it. Does anybody know of a tool which allows for constant tracking speed?

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MacBook :: Constant Restarts And Not Boot From CD Drive

Mar 26, 2010

I have a previous generation 13" macbook with the aluminum case but no graphics card. Anyways, it recently started not going past the grey screen and it wont stop thinking. I tried booting from the CD drive, and once selected, it just restarts rather than booting into the CD drive. I did all of the resetting of the Pram, holding down the power button for 10 seconds, etc. So, I tried removing the hard drive and putting it into an external enclosure, then with my Macbook Pro, loaded Leopard OSX onto it after erasing the drive.

The method I used for loading the OS was simply putting the Leopard CD into my MBP drive, and then going through the normal install process after restarting but selecting the external drive rather than my MBP to install it on. It appeared that it went well, and even restarted, booting into the external drive. It wanted me to go through the setup process. However, when I put it back in the Macbook, it now just constantly restarts before you see the apple logo, and refuses to even give me the option of booting from CD.

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MacBook Pro :: I5 MBP - Constant Crippling Disk Usage?

Jun 12, 2010

My new MBP is constantly either reading or writing to the disk. I had the problem before, reinstalled OS X, everything seemed better until it started again. Disk seems good, smart checked, tried to run diskwarrior but unfortunately not supported by this Mac.

It seems to heat up quite a bit too.

Activity monitor shows no cpu hogger and doesnt give info on the software writing / reading to disk

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Software :: Constant Entourage Error Messages?

Aug 16, 2009

I work for a small business that relies a lot on consistent email communication. We are using a GoDaddy email account that we have set up through our Microsoft Entourage programs on all of our Mac computers (all four of us work on Macs).

We have been bombarded by error messages on Entourage. For example just today I have received two error messages: Internal error (-17900) saying "Mail could not be sent" and Sorry, over your relay limit (-17099) saying "Mail could not be sent."

Over the past few weeks we have gotten Error -3259, Error -2171, Error -17895.

It is becoming extremely frustrating!

I have tried researching some of these problems on line but have not found a whole lot of helpful information. I spoke with a rep at GoDaddy to see if it had to do with our email server itself. He said that everything seemed to be set up properly and that it was either a problem with the Microsoft program or with the Internet Service Providers.

why we are receiving so many error messages, and how we can ensure that we wont receive anymore and that our emails will be sent properly.

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