MacBook Pro :: Downloading Firmware Update From Apple Suddenly Makes Freeze?
Apr 21, 2012
I recently downloaded a firmware update from Apple both as a stand-alone software and using software update but everytime I restart, my computer makes one loud beeping sound and tries to boot three or four times unsuccessfully and maybe on the fifth or fourth, it finally comes on. When I go through software update after this, it still shows the same firmware and same version of it as an update I haven't downloaded. And another thing it freezes a lot since I downloaded this firmware update. This is how it shows on software update; Macbook Pro EFI Firmware Update version 2.7 size: 4.1 MB.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 13 inches 2.3 GHz processor speed.
It's avihappy again and I have another survey for you all. As you can see, there is now an iMac 4850 EFI firmware update available via software update. So can you: Find a test that will cause the iMac to freeze up. Do the update. (make sure you actually run the firmware updater tool, it may not run automatically when you install the update from Software Update.) Switch to WiFi. Do the test again. See if the iMac freezes!
I have a macbook 2.4 alu (Late 2008) and Installed linux as soon as I got it.(I just like the cases). Anyway I know that you need to use apple update in osx to update the firmware. I can't dual boot because my HD is MBR. I thought of 2 ways.
A. Install OSX onto a usb device (Cost 30-40 bucks for usb) B. Take to apple store, Maybe they can do it.
I can't dual boot because my HD is MBR. I heard the new firmware updates stop a lot of issues.
Does anyone know if it is possible to download the Software Update files directly from Apple? Back when I used to work on Windows machines, I'd download Service Packs and burn them to CD, so I could avoid the time it took to download them for each individual machine that I set up. I would like to do the same for OS X. After a fresh install, there's always this 600+ MB file that takes forever to download. It would make my setup tasks and disaster recovery much quicker if I had the packages on CD.
A few months ago I upgraded my EFI Firmware on my Uni-MBP 13" to 1.7 and was getting constant Freeze and stalls. I then found out that it was because of the EFI firmware, so I went back to 1.6 and now its working fine.
Have apple fix this problem with a new upgrade like 1.8 of some sort? And if I was to Upgrade to SL would they have this problem as well?
Superdrive Firmware Update 3.0 fails each time, /Applications/Utilities/SuperDrive asks me to quit all apps and try again which I did but of no. I also retried with a reboot.
If rev C runs the GPU at a higher speed and hw otherwise is the same as rev B then why couldn't Apple release a firmware update to let rev BGPU rum faster as well?
Just got this through Software Update. More info here:
About MacBook Pro EFI Firmware Update 1.8 This update eliminates the noise made by the optical disk drive during system startup and wake from sleep on MacBook Pro computers. When installation is complete, run Software Update again, and install SuperDrive Firmware Update 3.0
To complete the firmware update process, follow the instructions in the updater application (/Applications/Utilities/MacBook Pro EFI Firmware The updater will launch automatically when the installation is complete.
[URL] MacBook SMC Firmware Update 1.4 is available either through Software Update or via direct download, and is applicable to the following models:
MacBook (13-inch Late 2007) MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2008) MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008) MacBook (13-inch, Early 2008) MacBook (13-inch, Late 2008)
I finally brought the 13in macbook air. What are some good softsleeves for macbook air 13in. I want a soft sleeves that fits perfectly with macbook air and below $30. Is it possible?off topic: this is my first mac computer, how do I update the firmware to 2.0?
After the update, my MacBook Pro is extermely sluggish. Prior to the update, I was zipping along like most happy MacBook Pro owners. After the update, I constantly see the dreaded beach ball when doing almost anything with the laptop, Safari pages take longer to load, etc.
It's almost as if the udpate had the opposite effect and actually throttled down my WD 500GB HDD performance to a large degree.
Like I said, prior to the update all was good. I've been searching to see if there is a way to revert back to the previous firmware to validate that the update caused the problem but I haven't been successfull in finding anything yet.
I currently have version 10.6.2 update for my macbook pro and after updating the EFI firmware update to 1.8 I get an annoying pop up every time I start the computer. I checked for any additional updates to see if it will go away, but I seem to have all the updates. Is there anything I should do to get rid of this pop up? Pop-up window reads: your computer's firmware is up to date with version 1.8 of the macbook pro EFI firmware update.
Just downloaded new firmware at suggestion of my auto-update app. Since loading, the computer has been trying to reboot for over 45 minutes so far. Grey screen w/ Apple logo and spinning grey wheel...The firmware update info says not to turn off, unplug, etc until rebooted.
Installed the 2.8 firmware update on my late '08 macbook pro and after restarting it, it would just beep 3 times and not start up. I pulled my 8 gig kingston ram out, repositioned back and still the same issue. Slapping in the original 4 gigs of apple ram, it will start up and work fine though. Is there a fix to get the 8 gigs working again on the machine?
I just ran the latest firmware update for my 2011 mac book pro and after it installed it now won't start up, only getting to the gray screen before freezing there.
I've tried all the on line solutions I can find on Apple's site, but no luck.
MacBook Pro EFI Firmware Update 2.8 does not install. I was prompted several times to install and restart (MacBook Pro late 2008) and authorised it each time. In every case, the update was proposed again when Software Update checked. I have OS Lion latest version installed. What to do about this bug?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), photos in Sony Cyber-Shot .jpg
Are there any known compatibiity issues with booting from an OS 10.6.x drive after installing EFI Firmware Update 2.5?I am running Lion (10.7.3) on my MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid-2010) but have held off installing the firmware update because being able to boot from a 10.6.x backup drive is more important right now than internet-based Lion recovery. If there's no issue booting 10.6.x (and running apps), then I will go ahead and install the firmware update, otherwise I'll wait awhile longer.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
New Mac Pro using Mac Mail. suddenly stopped downloading emails. My partner can dowload from the same server on her mac, same OS, my iphone also can. Mail is connecting to the server OK, sees the emails but then says no mail. Its sending mail OK. Applecare were unable to sort.
I did the latest firmware update few days ago and went through that series of boots. It's a shame on me that I didn't jog down the ROM revision info before the update. According to the this link:
The FM Rev should be MBA31.0061.B01 after the update.
My MBA 13 is still read MBA31.0061.B00 after I thought I did the update. Does that mean the update didn't go through?
I have a uMBP 13' base model. I just received my Western Digital scorpio blue 500g hdd that is SATA 3.0. Should I install the new firmware update before I load anything onto the drive so i can utilize the 3.0Gbps instead of the 1.5Gbps? Should I install it at all? Will I notice a performance bump? I also received 4gb crucial ram, should i install the ram before installing the firmware update? I was wondering if anyone else noticed the screen slightly getting brighter and dimmer, almost in intervals, when it is not plugged into the power cord.
This update eliminates the noise made by the optical disk drive during system startup and wake from sleep on MacBook Pro computers. When installation is complete, please run Software Update again, and install SuperDrive Firmware Update 3.0. When I boot my system I can hear that sound like ejecting a disk out of the drive like always... Is that noise they refer?
I'm confused why it says "Your computer does not need this update"? It's a MBP4, 1 and has some startup noises and (always has had IIRC) problems with it making noises that don't seem right. I've checked Software Update and there is nothing there (I just ran it and updated a minute ago). I'm curious why it says this, is there a firmware update 1.7 that needs to be installed for the MBP?
My macbook pro 17 2011 late 2.4 i7 keeps rebooting when I try to update the latest efi firmware. Have to force shut mac and restart and abort installation?
I installed the EFI Firmware update 2.8 on my late 2008 MBP (running 10.5.8) and so far, it's seemed to solve the flicker/screen blacking out issue. I can no longer take screen shots any more without them being corrupted, and sometimes the Finder window gets scrambled and my wife needs to re-boot. I'm guessing a corrupted pref file somewhere. Anyone run into this recently and if so, is there a .plist file I can delete?