I can't work out how to combine files in Pages, so please advise! If I go to Insert->Choose it looks like I can add other files, but not pages files. I have about 10 pages documents that need to be merged into one single document. I know I could copy and paste but I am concerned about a number of formatting issues. Some documents have fairly complicated section breaks or are fairly image-heavy, for example. One document seems to choke everything up when I copy from it (the one with lots of images etc - it's around 10MB large).
I've got some PDFs I'm trying to compile into one single PDF file. I'm using an automator script which is working well, except for the fact that the resultant PDF's page sizes are all over the place � some are huge whereas others are pretty tiny...
Is there something I'm missing here? Is there a way to combine PDFs and not have the pages sizes turn out weird? The PDFs are from different sources (some have been scanned at various resolutions, some are word documents that were printed to PDF from within OS X) so that could be the reason, but I'm just looking for a solution atm.
I need to open a few Pages files but I don't have Pages installed on this computer. I understand you can convert Pages files to .doc or .pdf within the application, but unfortunately I won't have access to the computer with the program installed for a while.
Is there some sort of (free) converter that can convert .pages files to .doc or .pdf or even .rtf?
Or even better, a document creator/viewer than can open .pages files?
When copying a table from say a webpage or even a RTF file, Pages does not retain its table formatting. Instead it separates the rows and columns and puts them on separate lines.
See it for yourself, try copying one of the tables on this page into Pages [URL]
The only way I can get the table into Pages is to paste into NeoOffice (which retains the correct formating), save the file with the .doc extension then open in Pages.
i have a early 2008 octo mac pro, with it im using a philips 220ws, the problem i'm having is that scrolling a page be it safari, firefox or a pages doc. it seems to jutter along and doesnt move as smooth as my mac book,and when typing into either msn messenger, pages or even text edit letters seem to lag behind what im typing, ok it may only be for a secon and about 2 letters behind burt it gets annoying worse when back spacing. does anyone else have the problem or possible fix? im not using anything more than than the word processor, safari and msn at a time
My wife has lots of documents in old pages format in many folders. I would like to come up with a script of some sort to batch open and close them using pages 09. The script i have in automator says the script is fine when ran but has no output.on open theFiles tell application "Pages".
I'm wondering if there's a way to eliminate the visual break in-between pages in Pages '09 (see screenshot). I'd prefer maybe a subtle dotted line indicating a different page, not a 5-inch gap.
I'm trying to create pages that have all black backgrounds. I've been doing this by using the Shapes tool, choosing a rectangle, filling in the entire white space for the page, which is 8x11, and then filling in with black.
The problem is that when I do this, Pages seems to think that I want this page and the following page to be connected, in some way. When I look at the two pages in the thumnail view, the yellow outline is around both pages, rather than each individually.
Anybody know how to keep this from happening. Or the right way to create full black backgrounds for pages in Pages?
I am unable to open Pages because it says "pages is being updated." But it doesn't finish updating and I can't seem to force quit and re-open the pages. The same message keeps appearing.
I am a Mac user and I'm totally addicted to Pages '09. I am currently writing my thesis in Pages and I am strongly considering leaving Word aside. My only problem lies with safety copies: I am the only Mac user in my house and I'm afraid that if something happens to my computer I will be unable to use the .pages files in my Macbook because the damned Word processor is unable to read them. Using the export function is not very useful because this would oblige me to maintain hundreds of copies of my files.
Are there any Windows programs that can convert .pages to .doc? This way I could ask my Parents to install it in their PC and I could go there with my external disk in case anything happens (knock three times). Alternatively are there any Windows word processors that can read pages files?
I'm using the first release of Pages and I copied and pasted over some original documents and then saved them. I then exited out of Pages and did some other stuff. I realized my mistake a couple hours latter. Is there anyway to recover the original documents without the new saved over pasting?
I have Leopard and an external FreeAgent HD. I have Quicken on the external and all my spreadsheets and letters on the Leopard I updated one of the six spreadsheets and when I went back this morning everything is gone. No pages (letters) and no spreadsheets. At first I too thought it was the hidden extension but I've tried every type of utility and finder search for file names and documents on both HD and external. How in the world you could lose all your documents?
I have never understood Time Machine. I looked there and tried to reinstall backups from the first of the month but the only thing in Time Machine is the program itself, none of the spreadsheets or letters. I'm still struggling with the conversion from Windows. Have been using the Mac for over a year now and love it but somethings are difficult to learn after many years on PC's.
I just got my new iMac 20" last week and iWork '08 with it. I just wanted to know how to set Pages as the default for opening all .docx (MS Word 2007) and .doc (MS Word 2003) files. At the moment TextEdit is the default and whilst I can change the default for individual files, I haven't figured out how to set it for every file.
i have recently been having trouble opening .pdf files properly. they open but they are all blank pages. they open as blank files in "preview", it doesnt open at all using adobe digital additions and through microsoft word i get gibberish or i get pop ups that say "word cannot open this document. the document might be in use or might not be a valid word document" ive downloaded over 5 times and each time i try with all three options and i get the same thing.
i tried to pull it into iArchiver but that also didnt work.
the file ends with .pdf
also although several other documents have done the same thing i know something is not completely wrong with my .pdf thing or any of those applications because other pdf files do open.
i tried to give as much information right at the beginning so forgive me if its too long.
on the iwork cd i used to install it says version 9.0.3, but i still cant open .doc files with it, and when i do try to update it, it says eligible pages cannot be found in applications. What should i do?
I have recently bought a MacBook Pro. I installed Pages '09 and it was working well in the beginning. Soon, though, it began to give me trouble. Whenever I try to save a file and open it later,the file is opened as a blank document. This occurs with both pages and .doc files. Sometimes I can save the text in the file by using command+A and dragging the text over into text edit. But this does not always work.Recently, when I open the application, the template chooser appears but is blank.
I'm struggling with finding a pages file I saved. It is very important! I have been looking and have checked my downloads, trash, recent pages documents, desktop, and on flash drives but can't find it. Where else to search?
I know that you can show facing pages using View>inspector>documents. But, this does not place the pages side by side, Is there any way that say page 1 and page 2 can be shown and worked on side by side so you do not have to scroll up and down to view them?
Up until yesterday I was solely a Windows/PC-based computer user. I am now running Mac OS X with my new Mac Pro. Before turning off my PC system, hopefully forever, I downloaded all my MS Word files to a USB stick. I'm a writer and only worked in MS Word for my work.I just purchased iWork '09 and am very impressed with the Pages App and I'm very excited to start working in Pages '09. when I insert my USB stick with all my Word Docs on it into my Mac Pro, is it a case like under Windows/XP where you just open up each file with the Pages '09 program or is there something more to do to get Pages '09 to open the file up and save it within Pages '09? I understand Pages '09 works with MS Word files (as well as formatting to Word docs to send to colleagues).
I haven't found anything on internet about this, so how I had founded a solution, I want to share it.
One day, my Macbook White brokes and I needed to recover a curriculum, and it was in a .pages file. So I had to recover it in Windows, because I have no one who could convert it in Pages.
1� Rename .pages file and add .zip extension. That makes the content of the package visible with any zip utility, (in my case WinRAR).
2� Uncompress the package.
3� Go to QuickLook and search for Preview.pdf. That's a pdf file that contains a low quality version of your pages document. Almost all of the content is in index.xml, but It's very difficult to extract manually the information.
4� Convert the pdf file to doc with any pdf converter. For example: [URL]
5� If your document has attachments (like images), you can replace low quality images of Doc document with the original images located in the uncompressed package.
That's it, of course this works for me with a simple Pages document with an image, that doesn't mean that works for every .pages file.
i was trying to access some info on 70 or so microsoft word files and opened them in pages. realizing i should of just used spotlight ( which i have done to get what i needed) ... my problem is now i can't use pages as it has locked up. i can't close the open window's and get to work.
I've recently made the move from a PC to a Mac, and so far, everything gone very smoothly. I got iWork with my Mac, and there is one problem that's bugging me; every time I open a word (docx) document in pages, it asks me if I want to keep the changes or discard them, and that is for when I am just reading them. When I edit them, and I go to save it, it keeps bringing up the save as box instead of overwriting the present docx file.
I've already installed any missing fonts I have in my documents. So, to summarize, my two main problems are: If I read a docx file, Pages acts like I made changes to it, despite the fact that I did not. If I edit a docx file, Pages keeps bringing up the save as dialog box when I try to save, instead of overwriting the original docx file. The same thing happens with Numbers and Keynote. I just need a temporary fix 'til I can get a hold of Office 2011.
In dreaded Microsoft word I use "Save As", then click "Options" and there is the option to save my file with a password so that my kids can't get in and muck up my business writing.
I can't see "Options" under "Save as" but I'm just trialling iWorks (full iWorks disc arrives next week).
Is there a way to automatically save "pages" files in word.doc format, or do you have to do it manually each time? I sure can't find a setting to do what I want.