Hardware :: Macbook Trackpad Button Double Clicking
Jan 25, 2009
title says it all really. Every time I touch, even lightly the button below the trackpad I get a double click. It's making it impossible to highlight text and windows automatically go into the dock if I try to move them. Is it something serious or could I just try and fix it by dismantling and cleaning it? I'd rather not take it apart, to be honest.
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Mar 16, 2008
For people to start getting use to not having a button with the track pad and only learn to use multitouch like how it is on iphone?I realize now that i turn on trackpad clicking that i just about NEVER use my think click button. Also the click button is so small i'm thinking they did it on purpose so it'll force us to use multitouch.
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Aug 30, 2009
The whole typing level surface (track-pad, palmrests, keyboard) are all acting like they're the trackpad button. If I rest my palms on the palmrest, it's registered as a click. If I press the keys any harder than super lightly as I type, it's a click. The issue is much worse when my laptop is on my lap as opposed to a hard flat surface. Sometimes, I seem to lose total control. I'll be using the trackpad to navigate around my monitor, and it will act as though I'm constantly clicking (following links, dragging icons around, etc). It's getting REALLY irritating. I know I'll most likely end up having to make the journey to the Apple Store, but I thought I'd try here first just to see if anyone at least has an idea of what could be causing this.
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Jun 5, 2012
I recently split a bit of coke on my macbook now my keyboard doesnt work and my trackpad is right clicking when i want to left click.
MacBook Air
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Aug 3, 2009
I just bought a MacBook Pro and had Word 2007 installed. Double clicking the mouse on a word in my document will not cause it to be highlighted.
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Apr 8, 2009
My MB's trackpad button is spoilt, I think there's something wrong with the spring which makes it unclickable and sometimes remains pressed.
Is there anyway to disable only the trackpad button but not the whole trackpad? Tapping still works, but the MB mistakens it as dragging sometimes because the button is stuck as a pressed button.
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May 4, 2010
I have an older MacBook Pro running system 10.4.11. Yesterday, I started having strange trackpad behavior where it will sometime act as if I double-clicked when I only clicked once. So I'm highlighting everything until I double click again. Then, I sometimes have to double-click in places a single-click is supposed to work such as closing windows. I've rebooted, adjusted a trackpad settings and don't know what to do at this point.
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May 18, 2009
I have a 1 year old MB and I've noticed recently that the button on the touch pad no longer has a physical click to it. It still works but it feels (perhaps) mushy. Could this be the start of a bigger problem?
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Sep 17, 2010
Stange one this ( or really obvious and I just can't see the answer ).
I have transfered a CAD program to another computer so I can leave it up and running to do a really long render - several days worth.
So I transfered all relevant files to the new machine ( 17" MBP 2.8 ) - and the programs and files run fine. However the programs control windows were collapsed to a single bar - no problem I thought, I'll just double click them to uncollapse them. But that didn't work, either with the trackpad or the mouse.
I then tried double clicking in windows on other programs, and this didn't work.
So the nub of the problem is that on the new machine the double click feature doesn't work.
How do I turn it on? I've tried looking at System Preferences / Trackpad etc. and can't see the answer.
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Dec 7, 2008
For some reason, double clicking the trackpad button or with one finger on the trackpad itself (tap-tap, essentially), does not do what it used to.
For instance, if I go to the URL box/bar on the top of Safari double clicking no longer highlights the entire URL string so I can delete it. I manually have to drag from one side to the other, or click the little website icon in the left of the box.
In every single application, double clicking (or tapping) no longer highlights text. It's a pain to always have to drag all the time.
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Feb 17, 2009
My work computer id acting up. I am running Mac OS X, using a standard, single-button mouse. The problem is, it doesn't want to simply click once and double clicks at random times. I'm not sure when it will happen next, but it's getting annoying. Also, it seems the computer is having trouble highlighting text. When I scroll over text to highlight, it will not stay highlighted. This makes quick copying and pasting impossible.
Keep in mind, this is a work computer and I would not be able to directly manipulate files. Also, our "IT" person usually guesses until she gets it right.
Note: I know that there are probably threads related to this topic, but I did not find any in my searches. I guess the forums match the machines when it comes to not finding what you need.
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Oct 20, 2009
After I reinstalled Snow Leopard I cannot double click on top of a window to minimize it. What do I do to re-activate that? I used to double click at top of any window/app and it would minimize.
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Feb 20, 2010
When i double click the HD icon on my desktop the screen flashes real quickly and the window pops open and closes. If i use the 'Go' option in the menu bar i can only view in column mode. when i chose list mode the window flashes and closes immediately.
ALSO when i got to view options.. i do not have all the choices. the bottom half of the window is missing (ie:show items, snap to grid etc)
Anyone know WHY? i have tried trashing the finder plist from preferences.. to no avail. i have zapped PRAM. i have used disk util to repair. Any other ideas?
i am running 10.4.11 on 20" imac 2gh 2mb
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Apr 29, 2012
I have an iMac 21,5 purchased in October 2011. My clicks have gone mad for 2 or 3 days now. It came out of the blue. Whenever I click, it acts like a double click. I've been looking for information on internet but I couldn't find anything conclusive.I have tried a trick in the System Preferences > Mouse > Double click speed, but it hasn't changed anything (I can go extreme slow or quick, same thing happens).
I have a Magic Mouse, a random and ultra super plain Logitech mouse (wired) and a common wireless Logitech mouse; the problem is the same for all mice. I also tried my roomate's mouse, and it does the same thing.
when I delete email I delete 2 of them. Opening a new tab? Here you go 4 of them. Clicking on a document? Oh no you can't rename it and it opens. Have an important text to type? it's impossible de move the cursor without selecting an entire word or phrase or row. It took me 3 hours to clic on "Categories - Using your iMac Intel" because the box was instantly checked-unchecked.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 31, 2012
I have an "old" Macbook 13'' (2007) and i'm experiencing a trackpad problem: my mac behaves as if i was always pushing down the trackpad button.In this way i drag what i don't want to drag, i select what i don't want to select, etc., and it's impossible to use my mac at all.I have had this problem before, but it stopped after a few minutes. Now I'm stuck.I have OS 10.6.8, updated firmwares. I just resetted the pram.I suspect it's an hardware problem.Using a mouse won't help since there is no "Ignoring trackpad when mouse is present" option in my preference pan.for my purpouses deactivating the trackpad and using the mouse would be enough.
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.6), eMac
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Jun 18, 2010
So everytime I try to turn my macbook pro off by clicking the shut down button it does the usual turning all software off and then going to the desktop with the dashbord going away and the little circle coming up but it just stays like that forever until I force it off by pressing down the power button. What should I do? I just got this laptop around 6 months ago
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Jun 19, 2012
Why some of my application cannot be open by double clicking the Icon ? and I also tried by right clicking it, the Open it< but still won't work. I tried this with Onyx, photoshop and vuze application.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Oct 11, 2010
The trackpad works fine for tracking, but the left or right click won't work anymore. It works fine if I use an external mouse though. For the last 5 months I've been using the "tap to click" feature. I believe that is what it's called. It works fine like that. Hopefully I didn't word this too badly. I was wondering if anyone knows what the problem is and how much this would cost to repair it?
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Sep 14, 2009
I have a serious problem with my mbp. I can scroll, I can move around the screen, but I cannot click, anywhere. I restarted my computer to no avail. What do I do?
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Jan 5, 2010
I've only had my white Macbook for nine months, but the last few months I've had trouble clicking the trackpad. There are times when I have to force it down. The right side of the trackpad seems to be the most problematic. I tried to ignore it, but it only seems to get progressively worse.
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Jun 2, 2010
My late 2009 13" mbp trackpad clicking funtion stopped working. The one figure tap jestures still work and click, but when i physically push the trackpad down and "click" it doesn't work. Anyone have any advice? Nothing was spilled on it or anything abnormal like that.
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May 15, 2012
I've been having some difficulty using my MacBook Pro lately. The trackpad is acting up. It's being extremely sensitive. When I am trying to navigate on my computer, it is very difficult for me to click on things, let a alone get to the thing I want to click on because as I move my mouse across the screen, it clicks on everything that it passes over. I have shut down my Pro, and nothing seemed fishy in system preferences!
I must report that the trackpad's clicks aren't as audible, maybe it's sunk lower?
MacBook Pro
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Jun 27, 2012
When my macbook is awoken from standby the trackpad moves the cursor around as normal but will not respond to a tap or a click. A restart won't get it working again, but a little later it will start working once more. At the moment I can't identify what gets it going, possibly by clicking using the magic mouse but can't be certain of that.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 23, 2012
I'm a long time windows/Ubutnu user who have recently migrated to Mac OS X and running 10.7.4. One thing which I'm unable to get used to is that while the red button closes a window, the program will remain open until you quit the application using the Menu Bar. One option to bypass it is use the key combination ctrl-q but by doing that all the instances of that program opens up the next time I open that application. Is there a way out?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 23, 2009
I have this really annoying issue where my mouse will randomly double click in OS X when i didn't actually double click my mouse. I had this problem before in Leopard (with different mouse) but now it seems the problem has returned with snow leopard. has anyone else had this problem? I checked the mouse properties and there's nothing strange there. I also don't have custom drivers installed. Just default snow leopard drivers.
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Feb 1, 2012
My perfectly wonderful Mini has started doing the following, in this order:
First, I could no longer double click on a word but the right button functions still worked (and yes, I did try another mouse and had the same problem, then I switched the mouse preference to double click with the right button, but had the same problem). This started two evenings ago.
Second, the next morning, I suddenly couldn't drag the cursor across a word, or a sentence, etc. Now it was really getting annoying, because in my work I paste and copy a lot, and this caused me much, much extra work, so it's not a minor gripe.
Then, by that afternoon, I had a complete system crash. The whole screen froze. I tried turning off my Mini with the power button (which I hated because I know you're not supposed to), but the screen remained frozen.
At that point, done disk repair thing from my original instal DVD. Well, it unfroze the screen, but did not fix the mouse/cursor problem. Clear the PRam. That still didn't work. The next morning (today), it crashed almost immediately. Again, totally frozen. This time, I reinstalled the entire system from the instal disk. No luck.
I came across an app I'd bought the last time I'd had bad Mini problems (and had forgotten), called Disk Warrior, so I tried that. Well, it did find three unfixable, corrupt .plist files that it said could cause system disruption. I thought I'd found the problems. So I deleted all of them AND their apps, downloaded fresh copies of the apps, and restarted. Still same problems.
So, I ran Disk Warrior again, and it reported those same three corrupt plist files. Then I realized it was reporting the ones in the trash, so I emptied the trash, ran Disk Warrior again, and it said NO problems. Restarted and tried to highlight some text, and it worked! But it still wouldn't double click.
Mac mini (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), Mac lover since the SE
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Jun 26, 2014
Product: 20 inch iMac
Processor: 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2 GB
Storage: 250 GB ( 81.41 GB Free)
Version: 10.9.3
Double clicking an icon in my Desktop no longer enables it to open to give the pertinent information available on the icon or folder.Have been unable to figure out what to do to remedy the problem. Did try shutting down computer, but that was ineffective.
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Sep 1, 2010
Just wondering how to adjust my settings with the new trackpad? Would prefer it to be like the older MBP however with the new track pad seems things got all messed up due to the new settings. 3 finger swipe 4 finger swipe. I know to go to system settings > trackpad but from there I don't know how to set it up without all the extra stuff. I did something and now when i double click anything on the desktop it will not open so cannot double click to open things or double click to highlight text. I've tried everything and cannot get it fixed. It will let you double tap the top of trackpad but then you have to scroll to the open and click open. Is there anyway to set it up the trackpad to open icons by double clicking them? Or just dumb down the settings to standard point/click double click to open.
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Nov 2, 2009
A friend just got a MBP 13 a month ago and despite running all the updates his trackpad will move the cursor but tapping(which is selected) and clicking don't register anything. He's using a usb mouse at the moment so the only thing I can think of is that he erased some drivers, should he do a install and recover or just back up files and do a complete re install? I'd imagine that as the trackpad moves the cursor it's not a hardware problem.
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Jan 19, 2010
i have and aluminum macbook 2.0 but recently i have notice that my trackpad dosent really workS sometimes it wont click when i do it or when i try to drag a windows i have to press it really hard and if i try to drag it only one finger its really hard what should i do?
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