I know there are tons tutorials out there to change a file/folder's icon, mainly the "get info" method or third party software. But the moment I moved the file with custom icon to a removable media, say an external hard disk, the icon does not follow. And I can't change an icon to the files on the ext HDD as well through the "get info" method. I used to be from windows background, so I'll just set a thumbnail cover to the folder and it stays when burned to disc. (of course, the disc when opened on mac doesn't have the thumbnail cover. I didn't know before, since I didn't have a mac to check on)
Problem here is I'm hoping the custom icon can stick permanently and be seen on any removable media (CD/DVD/HDD) and viewable on a PC. I'm hoping there's a way to do so, so that I can put a representing image cover to the folders I burned for my projects. this way my lecturers can easily get an overview of the content inside each folder. And I'm not sure if these lecturers uses a mac on windows...so it'll be great if that icon is readable on both. I found out that on a fat32 external hdd, I can change the icon to the files in there, but not to a NTFS formatted hdd. Any way to work around for NTFS?
I ripped a few movies from my personal DVD collection onto my MBP to watch on the road during a recent business trip. When I got home, I went to delete them by putting them in the trash. It worked, or so I thought. The folders containing the movie disappeared from my desktop, but the 6 or 7 gigs of space that they took up were still on my HD (I have the status readout below my HD icon on my desktop and it was unchanged after I trashed the movie). After some research I learned that trashing the file doesn't actually take it off the HD, that I'd have to empty my trash bin to get rid of it permanently. But like many of you, I don't want to completely empty my trash. Is there a way to permanently get rid of individual files/folders? I saw a few ideas. I saw a program called permanent eraser. I also saw where someone suggested using Terminal and some rf commands.
How do you change the hard drive icon picture in the top right corner to look like the macbook pro computer? I've seen this on a couple people's desktops and was just wondering how you do it. Also, how do you change the folder icon to something that looks cooler.
I have a disk image .dmg file, and chage the icon by highlighting the file in Finder, then press Command-I. Then I'll copy and past a new icon in the file information dialog box. I can then see the new icon in the finder, and also the icon for this file in the dock changes. Great. Then I'll rsync the .dmg file from one Mac to another, and the icon reverts to the default icon for .dmg files. Is there any way to make the icon change stick, when copying the file to another Mac?Â
You know how in your users folder you have a lot of folders (named Downloads, Documents, Music, Movies, etc), they have icons on them. How can I attach one of them to a regular folder? And also changed a folder icon totally? I know for folder changing CandyBar can do it, was just hoping there is something more practical in the OS for that
to be specific I want to change the iWork '09 folder icon, I downloaded a new folder online, I have it in INCS and PNG form and its 512x512, I already searched on google for how to do this and tried copying the file and pasting it on the little icon in the "get info" boxit will copy the file over but it won't be in 512x512 size, in cover flow mode of the finder if i make it anything more than like 48x48 it disappears
I can easily change the icon of my HD, or any other application using CandyBar or LiteIcon but these prgrams do not allow me to change standard folders and that's mainly what I want to change.
CandyBar & LiteIcon even allow me to change the "applications" folder, "Documents" and "Downloads", etc... but I havent had any luck with the cliche standard blue folders.
How does one alter the size of the icons in the application folder on the dock? The icons are enormous, yet there are none of the usual size changing gadgets.
Tried a search but not be lucky so hoping someone out there has solved this one before.....
Been trying to change some of the default icons Apple provide with third party .icns files by opening the folder info window in finder by using the 'get info' command, then clicking the icon in the top left hand corner (so it is has the tiny blue halo) and then edit-paste in the new icon. Sometimes it works (have changed some successfully) but now when I try, instead of the pasted icon displaying the icon image, I get the generic or default icon image for an icns icon displayed, see the screen grab attachment for what I mean
Can anyone advise me as to whats not working correctly?
I am the only user on this account so I am using my admin account. How do I change the name of the folder with the house icon in my harddrive? I tried something that involves enabling a root user but that is only to change other account names. I need to change the name of the folder with the house icon.
How can I permanently remove the Photoshop Updater folder from the Documents folder, and then re-locate it to a more appropriate folder, like the Library folder?
I am transferring photos from a phone (LG) via Bluetooth. The pairing worked and now the photos are transferring to the Documents folder, which is fine, but I'd love to change the destination folder.
It seems like there should be an easy way to do this, but I can't find it. This is on a MacBook Pro running Tiger (10.4.11) (Yes I know I should upgrade).
Is there a 3rd party app that would allow me to set up a destination folder that files from this device would always go to?
on my desktop I have an unknown folder that I want to change and for the love of pete I cant change it. I am so frsuterated with this mac I hate it. Everything is so hard to do.
Normally, a Folder "Date Modified" does not change unless the folder itself changes (name, etc). Is it possible to "force" a Folder "Date Modified" timestamp to change when an enclosed file is changed/updated? I want to look at a folder and know the date/time of the latest enclosed file/folder change. This is especially important to me when using syncing apps as I want to visually see by a folders date that a sync has occurred (the actual file change may be deeply nested within the folder.)
Is there any way to get the "mail" icon above the dotted line in the dock so it is available every time I start up ala iTunes/Finder/Safari/Preview?. As it is I have to launch it from the applications folder every time I restart the computer. This would be on my new MacBook Pro with Snow Leopard.
I am not installing anything, but after i boot up my iMac this show up. Only thing I can do about it is to remove launcher icon from dock and than put it back on. how to remove this line permanently?
How would one go about editing a PDF. Also, if I edit it, I don't want anyone to be able to "undo" my changes and reveal the old content. It would also be nice if possible, if there is a way to "lock" the file such that it cannot be edited further.
is there any way in Mac Os X to have the Shift-Delete function that you have in Windows to permanently delete a file without having it sent to the Trash first?
I'm afraid I'm having a Windows user moment. Sometimes I still fail to do things the easy, intuitive way, even after roughly 4 years in OS X. I have 5 hard drives in my Mac Pro, one of them is my boot Intel SSD. I want that icon to be distinct from the others (another is a Time Machine drive). I've downloaded two files that would work for me, one was a png and the other a .ico file, but when I copy the icon from the top left corner of the 'get info' pane on the desired file, and then paste it int he correlating top left corner of the SSD 'get info' pane, it pastes the generic PNG or ICO icon, not the actual icon image I desire.
I know the Home Folder short name changing issue has been discussed already on here, and most people seem to advise either against it or to backup before proceeding. I just obtained my first MacBook Pro second hand, and it still has the previous owner's Home Folder and Short Name, even though he has deleted all his files from it, and there's only pretty much standard folders within it (Library, Applications), but nothing in them. I've been saving my own stuff elsewhere in another folder I created on the Mac HD drive. Is it fairly safe then to change his name over to my own following the steps on the Apple website, or would his home still be attached to certain important components? I'd rather not create a brand new account where I have to fiddle with settings again for everything, though I'm not sure if I may have to do that anyway. I'm using Leopard, by the way. The login he passed on at start-up still says administrator as a user name, though, not his shortname. Will that change also?
In tiger you could easily disable safe sleep and remove the sleep image file but in Leopard this seems to have changed. Yes you can disable safe sleep & remove sleep image files but only temporarily. As soon as you restart or change energy settings back to default, leopard automatically reverts the safe sleep settings to default and starts creating an image file again
Is there no way to permanently disable/remove these?
I recently upgraded to Snow Leopard and found that a function I used to use isn't available anymore, but not sure if I just need to configure it or something.
What I'd like to be able to do is when I drag a file over an external hard drive disk image, I like for that to open so I can choose the sub-directory where I'd like to place the file. How can I set up 10.6.x to allow me to do this?