I've had this problem since I upgraded to SL and I'm finally looking for a solution, as it's mildly annoying So anytime I'm opening up a file browser window within an app - say, to upload or save a file in Firefox, or to open a file in any old program - I used to be able to navigate to a folder on my keyboard by typing the first letter or two of the name. Now, however, when I try to do that, nothing happens except the Mac makes that dull "thud" sound. Now, if I navigate inside a folder (by pressing the right arrow key) and then go back out (press the left arrow key), then it works like a charm. But what a pain!
Whenever I type a word into a search box, the same word, or a word the computer thinks I wanted to type appears next to it. I would describe it as intrusive, unwanted predictive tet, and I cannt find a way to prevent it or switch it off. I'm using Snow Leopard on a Mac Mini.
I looked this up on the web and most places say type "Option M" but this doesn't work for me. I have a MacBook Air 3.2 by the way. I have US Extended as the keyboard layout type. Maybe this has something to do with it not working?
Info:MBA v 3.2, 256GB SSD, 2.13GHz, 4GB, Other OS, 10.6.8
I have an iMac 17" intel dual core.Since updating from Leopard to Snow Leopard, I have been unable to type double quotes.I changed keyboards and still can not type double quotes.I performed repair premissions and still can not type double quotes.
I know this problem has probably been discussed and I've searched but have not been able to find good information. Main computer still running 10.4.11, MBPro running 10.5.8.
I'm a retired graphic designer, only now doing pro bono work, so not completely up to date. Since leopard and snow leopard there are a number of font problems. Type 1 Helvetica Neue has been a standard of mine for 20 years. Likewise, Adobe Garamond Extra glyphs are in thousands of my files.
10.5.8 AGE characters do not show up. I installed 10.6 and they still don't show up. Any way to fix? Also, any way to fix the Type 1 Helvetica Neue/ Snow Leopard conflict?
Before I had a 9c84 panel, went to System Preferences> Displays> Color> OPen Profile. Before (This was when I was running Leopard) I went down to 13 and found the panel type.
Now I get 'aagg' 'para' 32 parametric tone response curve on that line. Underneath in the description device manufacturer and device model are blank.
I have recently changed all my movie files on my Snow Leopard system to be launchable by QuickTime Player 7 instead of QuickTime Player X [see note below]. For various historical reasons, these movie files have a variety of icons associated with them. I'd like to run some sort of utility which does a mass change of the icons of all my movies to the same, one, single icon ... and I'd like to do this in one fell swoop, instead of having to go through an icon change procedure movie by movie by movie by movie by movie by movie by movie by movie ...
After changing all my movies to be launchable by QT 7, I have restarted Finder and restarted my machine, but the old icons remain on all of the movies.
Is there any way that I can perform this mass icon change under Snow Leopard, or am I out of luck?
I was using Terminal in my MacBook Pro to check if it was infected with the flashback Trojan but all results were negative. After confirming that I was not infected I typed the word "clear" and then the word "exit" before quitting terminal.Is this the appropriate procedure to close the terminal in OSX? Or it is an overkill? Will these commands affect the functionality of the command line in the future?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), i5 2.5, 4GB, 500GB, Nvidia 330m 256
I use Comic Book Lover to read digital comics - these are .cbr and .cbz files, which are comic rar and zip archives, respectively. Pre-Snow Leopard, these were recognised by Comic Book Lover as Comic Book Lover files, complete with custom icons, icon previews, etc. I also use .rar and .zip files for archiving. When I installed Snow Leopard, it read all .cbr files as .rar files for Stuffit Expander, and .cbz as .zip files. I actually use UnRarX for rar file management, so using the Get Info box I changed all .rar files to use UnRarX, .cbr and .cbz to use Comic Book Lover, and .zip to use the standard Archive Utility.
Problem is Snow Leopard is not distinguishing between .rar and .zip and .cbr and .cbz. Once I've changed all .cbr and .cbz files to open with Comic Book Lover, all .rar and .zip files also get changed! Likewise if I set all .rar files to be opened with UnRarX, this changes all .cbr files! Clearly Snow Leopard is handling file types in a new way. Is there anyway around this, or am I going to have to pick one file type affiliation that would be most useful (say .cbr and .cbz opened with Comic Book Lover), and live with having to right-click on a .rar or .zip file to say "Open with..." UnRarX or Archive Utility?
I opened an email by mistake that had an address which I opened and it went to a subject about working at home . How do I know if it had spyware of a virus and what do I do?
I cannot move more than one email (if that) out of the inbox to folders designated "On My Mac" - see first screenshot. Why? Another problem I have run into is that clicking on the '?' on the error message gives me a blank page in Viewer - see second screenshot.
Info: early 2006 mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 1.5GHz Intel, 1Gb 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM
in the Mail tool, I was cleaning out old emails from a folder called "old email" I had gotten from 1600 to 800 and somehow deleted the entire folder called "old email" and it's gone!? Nothing in trash. Can I find this folder and recover the 800 emails?
I am trying to extract only email addresses out of Mac Mail so I can then use as input into address book or a mass mailer app. I have about 10,000 emails that need to be scanned. I have found an applescript at[URL].. which seems to have the right intent but not being an applescript expert when I run it it only creates a new workbook with the correct column headings and no content. I point it at the right mailbox. I have about 7 different mailboxes which hold emails received about a particular product which is the title of the mailbox (eg red product, black product). I figure I can produce an excel file for each mailbox and then join them togetehr adding a new column called product and populating it for the added products.
I'm suddenly unable to send an email. For no apparent reason, I now get the message: "The SMTP server “smtp.me.com” rejected the password for user “jt0229” Enter your password again or cancel."
I don't even know what this password is. From what I can tell, it's not the same pw as for "me.com".
I have old addresses that pop up when I type an email. These are contacts in my address book who have changed their email addresses. I want to have only the most current address available. How do I permanently delete the old address?
What is the best software to convert mail from OE 2011 (pop) to Mail v4.5? I've exported the mail and now need to find software to import it into Mail.
How do you address an email to a group with iCloud? I used to just type in the name of the group and all the addresses filled in. Since I've switched to iCloud it doesn't recognize the group name. If I select +, then the the group name I'm still asked to select individual recipients.
I have Mac OS X Snow Leopard Version 10.6.8. Can't receive nor send email. I have two email addresses using ATT. One address works, the other doesn't. The bad address is behaving weirdly: In Mail, in the "On My Mac" folder labeled "Recovered Messages," the contents refer to one email sent with a PDF file (19.7 MB). This email keeps cloning itself, and I keep deleting them. I resorted to deleting the PDF file from my computer. No luck. I recently changed my email addresses from AOL addresses to ATT (powered by Yahoo) addresses, in case this has anything to do with it. Have shut down computer and modem twice with no luck. The Mail Activity window is wild with activity, none of which I understand.