OS X :: Best Program Or App For Editing MP3?
Jan 10, 2011Hey folks, can anyone recommend a free and simple piece of software or app suitable for editing MP3s, like cutting them in half or editing length?
View 5 RepliesHey folks, can anyone recommend a free and simple piece of software or app suitable for editing MP3s, like cutting them in half or editing length?
View 5 RepliesI recently just switched from Windows and I've used Softpointer's Tag & Rename which was an incredible program for editing hundreds and hundreds of mp3 files at a time.
Is there a recommended program for Mac like Tag & Rename?
I'm a mac noob. But is there a picture editing program. I know there's iphoto but is there anything that's similar to like... paint on windows. I don't need anything complex like photoshop. I just want to be able to like draw an X on a map or easily edit it for printing.
View 4 Replies View RelatedFirst let me say I just dumped my winblows pc and bought a new shiny white macbook and I love it! Ive had my macbook for less than a week.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIve downloaded a bunch, but couldnt find one that fit my needs.
So on microsoft paint, you have the ability to set specific margins when printing, fit to page, center, etc... as well as change printer, paper type, and ink settings for optimal quality..
however i couldnt find one thus far to use on my mac.. closest ive downloaded has been google's picasa but there are only preset margins and nothing regarding print quality, etc
so i need a program with these capabilities..it doesnt need to be a good photo editor... i just need to open existing photos and be able to adjust print margins/ quality myself
I want to use iMovie, but whenever I import my HD image, it makes the quality worse, and the radial gradient looks horrible. Here is the image I'm trying to use: [URL]
here is what it looks like once imported into iMovie '09: [URL]
Is there a plugin for iMovie to fix this or something? I would you Final Cut, but my computer is slow enough, and adding heavy video-editing applications like that would not be good. Especially since I've had to replace my hard drive twice in the past year.
I am planning on converting my old HI8 tapes to DVDs.
I know there are a few options. Can anybody suggest a simple solution?I know there is a software you can install on my Mac. How is it called? Where can I get it?
I want to be able to create a video with multiple, angled pictures, preferably with the reflection effect, like in this one (NOT my video, I'm not trying to gain views or anything) - skip to 0:30:
I've seen many videos on YouTube with the exact same effect and I'm wondering which software they're using to create them.
getting a simple photo editing program I can use on my Macbook Pro?
Mac Pro
I know Photoshop is somehow would be the best photo editing, but does anybody know the easy and FREE photo editing for Mac like the one from www.photoscape.org? I'm using it on my Dell, and quite overwhelming with it's ability to my need to editing my photos, and most of all, it's free! I don't use Windows on my Mac.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI need a semi good photo editing program and Seashore is not adequete enough, and my mac cant handle Photoshop plus I dont got a legal copy. I know the gimp exists but it requires X11 and it ruins the mac experience.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI was asked to video screen capture a program on a pc laptop for a tutorial, and to mix it in with my footage that was shot 1440-1080, 30f with my Canon XHA1. Does anyone know the best program I can use to video screen capture the pc, that is professional, and not expensive? Or any methods of preparing it for FCP?
17 MacBook Pro 2.6 Ghz 4 GB
Mac OS X (10.6.2)
3x2 tb WD Studio Edition, Canon XHA1, Canon 7D
I want to use iMovie, but whenever I import my HD image, it makes the quality worse, and the radial gradient looks horrible. Here is the image I'm trying to use: [URL]
here is what it looks like once imported into iMovie '09: [URL]
Is there a plugin for iMovie to fix this or something? I would you Final Cut, but my computer is slow enough, and adding heavy video-editing applications like that would not be good. Especially since I've had to replace my hard drive twice in the past year.
I have a 15-inch MacBook Pro, the new unibody ones, and I installed Windows XP, using BootCamp.
I made it a 29 or so GB partition, so it used the FAT32 formatting.
The program I tried to install is the eyeQ speed reading program, and the laptop exceeds every single one of the recommended requirements.
The problem comes when I am attempting to install the program, I keep getting an error message in which it says "This program cannot run on a computer with less than 64 megabytes of ram."
Last time I checked my laptop has 4 GB of ram, and it says the same thing when I checked it while running Windows XP.
My only guess, which I made while typing this, was that I should have formatted the Windows partition using NTSF.
I want to capture selections on my screen and add comments. Is there a program out there that will allow me to do that? I don't like the "grab it" program because it saves the captured file in a Tiff format instead of a Jpeg format.
View 11 Replies View Relatedis it possible to take a program made from a PC and make it run on a mac? without crossover (it never works)its not a complex program but it never works from me
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for an app that will allow me to specify which folders I want to copy to my external drive, updating existing files within it and copying new ones.
I don't want to backup settings, my whole harddrive nor make a bootable backup. Just something to backup what I want to backup and where.
Not sure if Time Machine can do that, but it wants me to reformat my external before I can even find out..and considering how much is on there, I really don't want to have to remove that all elsewhere while doing so. [Don't think I could anyway, none of my internal drives have that much space.]
So, does anyone know of a relatively painless backup app that could do simply what I want? Doesn't sound all that complicated in comparison to some of the more convoluted backup apps I keep finding.
I am trying to switch my email program from Thunderbird to the mac email program Mail.Thunderbird has been playing up a lot recently and am tired of the glitches.
I have all the correct server settings etc and succesfully imported my mailboxes. The problem is that when I send an email it isn't from the right email address?? Is this a Mail problem or smth to do with my settings? I'm with Virgin media and have a separate set of email address through my website for my business so my email address are through freeola that I am using through Thunderbird.I'm sorry if this all sounds very stupid but I am pulling my hair out trying to figure out where I have gone wrong!
I'd like to take some of the songs I've got and cut them down to a short clip. Is there any OS X program that will allow me to do that (I have a normal macbook, non-pro)?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI�m planning buying a new camcorder and are not sure which road to go in regard to video file format. I�m planning using Premiere Pro CS5. I know the AVCHD format is very demanding for many consumer setups, but will this HW/SW setup do the job? I have also considered the Canon HV40 that uses the HDV format which is less demanding. Real time editing is of course the main goal. Anyone here who have experience?
iMac 27" 2.93GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7
ATI Radeon HD 5750
Has anyone had any experience editing uncompressed SD and prores HQ files in fcp on one of the new i7 mcp?
Also how does color and motion run on it?
I am trying to create a custom ISO for installing linux on dedicated servers, based on a standard ISO. For this, I need to edit a file which contains parameters for partitioning the HD, as I have replaced the supplied HD with a larger one on many machines, and want to modify partition creation, so I do not have to install fdisk and modify the /home partition later.
I have the ISO and can mount it, and edit the necessary file, but I cannot save it back into the ISO.
How should I do this? I've googled widely and found nothing.
OSX 10.3, Toast 5, trying to alter Cobalt Raq 4i ISO.
I want to be able to edit an icns file I have. I tried copying/pasting into an image editing application, but the transparency copies as a black background. Annoying.
I got the icon here. I basically want to take the Bender icon, add a beard, and rename it Flexo (for fans of the show). I have two identical raid5 boxes that will be mirroring each other, and I would like Bender and Flexo to be identical.
Anyway, is there any simple way to edit an icns file with OS X 10.6? All I need is to be able to add Flexo's beard, then save an image with transparency. I use iconverticons.com to convert to icns format, so I wouldn't need the application to save to icns.
i added the homesync icon into my menubar, and now i don't know how to make it go away!!
View 8 Replies View RelatedI am planning to buy a NEW MAC PRO optimized for my purposes, which are: editing, with Final Cut Studio, independent movies originated on DV format. I'm primarily concerned with having a system maximized for speed in terms of real time editing as well as rock solid stability. So, my primary questions revolve around these issues:
(keep in mind cost is an issue for me - the total for tower and internal hardware should not exceed $5000)
First, is there much of a speed difference in Final Cut Studio between the 2.8 gHZ and the 3.0 gHZ processors - enough to justify the $800 price tag?
Second, I want to have plenty of storage space but I'm finding it difficult deciding on which hard drives (brand, speed, etc) are best for my purposes. (And for cost reasons I don't want to order the stock drives from Apple) Again, I would stress dependability and speed. My initial idea was to get three to four 750 gb or one tb drives. I thought I could have one drive be the system drive and the remaining two to three be raid 0 - arrayed for media storage. Is this a feasible storage configuration? Any consensus as to which brand and model drives out there are best for speed and dependability? And how about the Raid 0 setup - does this sound good, or any other recommendations? I know this is risky as far as data loss, so I was thinking of getting an equivalent amount of external drive space to back up to.
Third, I am wondering about RAM. Again I don't want to spend the $ to buy RAM from Apple. Two questions then about RAM: 1) how much realistically do I need for speedy editing? I was thinking 8 gbs - is this too much? not enough? 2) I need recommendations on which RAM brand and type to buy? And where should I buy it from? Again, dependability is all-important.
Fourth, is the 2600 graphics card sufficient for my purposes? Or will spending the extra $ on the 8800 be worth it? I will probably be connecting only 2 monitors to it.
Fifth, do I need any additional capture cards or some other video card? In the past I've always just captured video from my camera through firewire.
I need the ability to past a tiff of my signature on pdf's ad type in dates and such. I can currently type dates in using Preview, how do I add the signature tiff and flatten the file using something other than Photoshop (how I handle this now).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like the area in 'Notes 1' to be pre-populated with some text. But the PPD is so confusing I can't see where to change it. I can change the 'Notes 1' text to anything but I can't get the text field to contain any text from the PPD.
The company who supplied us with the printer assured us they had the in-house ability to edit PPDs for us, but they don't.
I am having some 8mm movies cleaned and digitalized for posterity. I was told the standard form is to provide a DVD. I use iweb and imovie and want a format of the origianl that will allow me to utilize imovie so I can edit etc. and utilize for web use. How is this possible?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I edit and/or delete portions of A post that I submitted?
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone use a MBP for video editing or do you find it much more easier on a desktop?
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