OS X :: Bandwidth Monitoring Widget That Doesn't Reset Itself On Reboot
Oct 5, 2006
I'm just wondering if there is a bandwidth monitor widget that doesn't reset itself on a reboot. I feel like I've tried hundreds from the Apple widget download page, but all reset themselves. It's not vital that I know how much bandwidth I use as I've got unlimited broadband, but it would be interesting to see how much I get through in a week/month/year. Is there a monitor that will allow you to view the bandwidth on an IP address you specify? I want to be able to monitor all traffic coming in and out of my router, but I can't find an App that does this either. All they monitor is my local IP address 192.XXX.XXX.XXX (Specific to my iMac). I have a static IP address with my broadband so can I monitor traffic flowing through that? Or would I just need to monitor the routers network and/or broadcast address?
I'm just wondering if there is a bandwidth monitor widget that doesn't reset itself on a reboot. I feel like I've tried hundreds from the Apple widget download page, but all reset themselves. It's not vital that I know how much bandwidth I use as I've got unlimited broadband, but it would be interesting to see how much I get through in a week/month/year.
Is there a monitor that will allow you to view the bandwidth on an IP address you specify? I want to be able to monitor all traffic coming in and out of my router, but I can't find an App that does this either. All they monitor is my local IP address 192.XXX.XXX.XXX (Specific to my iMac). I have a static IP address with my broadband so can I monitor traffic flowing through that? Or would I just need to monitor the routers network and/or broadcast address?
Looking for a recommendation on temperature widget. This new i5 is too hot to the touch on the top. Well I could hold my hand there but it is not fun to do so. So I want a good widget/etc that will give me an idea of how hot it really is. On a side note. I cannot hear the drive or fans in my new i5. For wow players, all options (including full shadows but no full screen bloom), it bottoms out around 27fps in heavy effects environments or fast spin in busy Dalaran.
Peaks are beyond refresh (in fact I may want to cap that). After a three hour session the top portion of the aluminum enclosure was too hot to keep my hand pressed to it so I am looking for something to convince myself I am not going to end up with a cooked iMac in a few weeks. Since my desk is in the center of the room there is no problem with air flow but I don't want to have to run the ceiling fan.
My Mac's cursor tracking speed keeps resetting itself whenever I reboot. I can set the preference again but as soon as I shut down or restart it's right back to being super-sensitive. At first I thought it was interference from my other (bluetooth) mouse. But I disconnected it and am still having the issue.
Why my Wallpaper reseted each time I restart my MacBook Pro? This is not just resetted but also all my wallpaper configuration set back to the default setting.
I edit the view options for the Applications window. I make the icons bigger, and I put a photo in the background. The window looks fine until I do a reboot (I don't know about logging out - I only have one user). Then when I open the Applications window I find it has reset to smaller icons on a white background. Doesn't matter what I do when I edit the options. It always looks the same after I restart. I can't say for certain, but I think this problem has been going on since before Mavericks. I thought the cause might be a 3rd party app but I just bought a brand new iMac and the same thing happens.
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), MacBook Pro, iPad 2
My day in history widget has become invisible when I open up the dashboard.. Invisible but not gone because when I click in the icon in the list at the bottom of the page it sort of semi appears on the page but disappears with an effect like ripples in a pond (,which is in it's self a fantastic effect) The cross is still there in the top right corner though.
Anyone know what this rotating icon belongs to? And why does it continue to come onto my screen periodically and stay there until I reboot? Just to return again at a later time?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), iMac 27" Intel (2009)
my mbp i7's double tap doesn't save when i set it to a certain "double-click speed" so when i put my mbp to sleep or restart it, i'm forced to go back to the settings and set my double-click speed again. The point of me doing this is because for some reason, my double-click doesnt register or hi-light the text in the URL or text in essays etc. when its set up to the fourth notch on the slide bar. so i have to put it down to 0 on the bar in order for my double tap to register. Its really annoying to have to redo this every time i come back to my mbp.
I forgot my admin password on my iMac recently and so i used the reboot with OS X snow leopard install disc to reset the keychain, but now on my login screen, it used to be just my account name, there is one called "Other" so i went into accounts in system preferences and tried to delete it but it isnt there?is really annoying me p.s. the "other account" isnt actually an account it says "Other" and when you click on it asks for your username and password...so i type in the admin accounts name and password (admin account is the only one on this computer), and it just opens up my admin account.
I have a macbook pro, intel 2.4ghz core 2 duo, running snow leopard.My default speed for smcfancontrol is set to 4000rpm for both fans. I turn it on when i feel things are gettin a bit hot and I dont have my laptop cooler fan underneath.
I noticed something, when I quit smcfancontrol, shouldnt the fans revert back to default speed? I checked with iStatpro and saw that, even after quitting smc, the speeds of the fans are still at 4000rpm.After doing an SMC Reset, the default fan speed as stated by iStatpro is 2000rpm. As soon as I fire up smcfancontrol and quit it right after, the fans stay at 4000rpm. Even after i power cycle (reboot & power off/on) the mbp, the fans are still stuck at 4000rpm.
I feel this will wear out my fans a lot faster, I hardly ever need the fans at faster than 2000rpm because I use a laptop cooler 90% of the time.Is this a normal issue? Or a bug? Anyone else have this problem?
So two questions (I will try to write out as best as I can, hopefully it's understandable).
1: Is it possible that while I am on a business trip with my laptop that if I needed to access my network at work that I can remotely access it to view computers on the network with abilities to grab files from a computer, check things / alter things, and maintain. If so how?
2: If someone is on my network is it possible to see what traffic they are bringing in or out of my network without installing a file on their pc / mac to know the site they entered, file download, etc.
I was wondering if anyone knows of a good app for the Mac that will monitor a given web page for any changes in content and immediately send an email or other alert letting me know. I don't care so much about the particular changes, just the fact that a change was made.
I was looking at Web Secretary, but it's a *nix app that doesn't have a GUI and I'm not entirely sure it would do what I need. I would rather have something a bit more user-friendly anyway, and preferably free.
I am having a problem at work where someone (the janitorial staff?) is coming in and using the computers in my office without permission. I'd like to install some monitoring software to see who's doing it and what they are doing.
I know iStat Pro and iStat Menus can monitor the CPU temperature, but I was wondering if there's any way to monitor the GPU temperature. I've been playing StarCraft II, and my CPU temperature has been getting to 80, which I guess is common with MacBooks, but I want to see if my GPU goes critical.
I've been looking for a good one for a while. Quicken for the mac isn't supposed to out for some time. I looked into some of the free options (iSquirrel), but they were disappointing. I've heard good things about iBank (http://www.iggsoftware.com/ibank/), but does anyone have any experience or recommendations? I really just haven't found an efficient way to download my online statements (OFX file support), categorize them, and view them in a line graph.
Is there a product that I can either install or if it already exists on my Unibody MB, how can I see the temp and CPU utilization. I have CoconutBattery for my MB but I am looking for a Visual Aid to see CPU and Temps, is this possible.
I have cable TV streaming in through my Firewire port. What is a good program for viewing it? So today I decided to run a cable from our TV room to my laptop desk so I can watch "educational" programming. But I ran into a small problem: CableVision to old VCR so I can make use of its built-in tuner, RCA cables from VCR to ADS (Converts inputs to RCA & Firewire out), and Firewire from ADS to MacBook.
This all works fine but I then realized I have no decent program to watch the video on. I can open Quicktime and see a small window, and no doubt if I hit record the sound would be captured as well but the sound is not audible while monitoring. I tried iMovie and again had a small window to watch. Still not what I want. So what can I use to watch the video from my Firewire full screen and with sound?
Recently I've been frustrated by having Mac OS X automatically downloading all software updates without asking. Sometimes I am on an internet connection where my downloading is limited and I don't want to be wasting the bandwidth on multiple updates that I don't need that urgently. I feel like earlier versions of OS X never started downloading the update without your permission to start the updating process. Is there anyway to ensure that the OS doesn't perform such tasks without having to resort turning off my wireless? I'm running 10.5.6 on a MacBook.
I setup ip cameras for a lot of my clients, not to mention the ones around my own spaces, but I use a mac at home and the software that I use for them is Windows only.
I'm trying to find something worth while that will let me view the multiple ip cameras at once, just grid up the monitor basically.
I've seen EvoCam from [URL], but it doesn't appear to be true multiple cam like i'm looking for, you basically have to open each camera in a separate window and arrange them on the screen each time.
I'm looking for something a little more "once i've set it, that's how it is everytime."
From time to time I see my internet bandwidth go unexplainably high, and I would really like to have an app that could tell me what's happening in more detail. What I'd like is a bandwidth equivalent of what Activity Monitor is for CPU usage.
I'm looking for a program that will allow me to input the number of shares of various stocks I own, and at what price I bought them, and have it show me the current stock quote as well as the current value of my holdings. Anyone know of a program like that? Something that went on the dashboard would be perfect.
I have a iMac and need to activate my camera from work with a PC. Is there a easy way to do this? I know this sounds strange, but I want to keep a eye on my pets from time to time.
I have someone monitoring my outgoing internet connections. That person sends pings, knows my logs and IP addresses I connect with, Skype is of his highest interest. Is there any way to protect myself from people monitoring what I do and what websites I visit? Or at least to know WHEN I am being watched? Is Network Utility of any help?
Is so, how to interpret it? I don't know much about MacBook, I was a Windows person till July. I had Tor, Privoxy and NetShield installed but it's a bit fussy and slows the connection. I have a MacBook with Intel 2.1 GHz processor, Leopard 10.5.6 OS and Safari 4 beta (552816). I use a wireless internet connection via a USB modem (Huawei E220). That person uses a PC with Windows XP.
I have seen some images posted of the cores being monitored to show their usage but I don't know what people use to see this activity. Are there any free apps that you can install on the Mac Pro to monitor usage of the cores?