OS X :: Application To Batch Convert Audio Files To AAC
Apr 8, 2009My phone only plays .aac files, and I would like to convert all my DRM free iTunes songs to .aac so I can...well play them on my phone.
View 8 RepliesMy phone only plays .aac files, and I would like to convert all my DRM free iTunes songs to .aac so I can...well play them on my phone.
View 8 RepliesHow can I see what encoding my files have and also batch convert them to ISO or UTF-8 i.e.?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a collection of .htm files saved onto my Mac hard drive. I want to convert them to .jpg files--all at once. I found a Windows program that could do it, but when it converted them, it would not retain the original file names. It gave them a sequential file name, i.e. _1.jpg, _2.jpg, _3.jpg ~ _263.jpg. There is no option to retain the original file names...:/
EDIT: (i.e. marketingtable.htm > marketingtable.jpg)
So my question is, is there an Automator process that could batch convert .htm files to .jpg? Or is there an app for Mac that can batch convert .htm files to image (.jpg) files?
I usually am able to find the answer to all my questions with Google, and this time I thought I had as well with the Windows app, but it brought upon too much of a feat for me to handle.
(Also, if there's an Automator process to batch rename files using a .txt file as a reference for the new names of the files, that'd be awesome as well.
I want to convert some video files (specifically swf in this case) to audio files so I can listen on my iPod. I looked everywhere and can't find some free software that does that. There are tons that have trial periods with lots of limitations (like it won't convert anything larger than a 5k size file) so I don't want those because I won't know if the thing works well unless I pay for it. I'm not opposed to paying for a converter IF I know it works awesome on a Mac.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a book that is separated into 1000 different swf files and i was wondering if there is any software that is able to batch convert them to pdf? Doing each one manually takes too long.
View 1 Replies View Relatedthere is an easy way to batch convert a folder containing lots of Microsoft Word (.DOC) files to PDF format?
I know I could do this one-by-one in Word itself - but it would be very time consuming. I was hoping that there would be some part of the OS X system that could do this.
I am working on a project where I am having my wife's grandmother telling her life story into a digital audio recorder which creates WMA audio files that play fine in QuickTime with Flip4Mac installed. I want to have these files transcribed into text. She speaks clearly so I think a speech-to-text program may do the job for the most part and do some manual touch up afterward. Can anyone recommend what I should use for this job? The only program I know of is MacDictate/MacSpeech. That's $150+ so that's out of the question. Is their anything out there that works and won't break the bank?
View 1 Replies View Relatedburning movies on my mac using Burn application.The file is in AVI... however when it converts to mpg...the file then changes into .iso (which should be as a dmg)... and i see the folder containing the video as .Before i used to burn movies onto DVD discs... it would simply convert from AVI into MPG and then that was it...the file completed successfully... but now i get the .VOB extension... and a separate Audio and Video folder
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have some old audio files going back to OS 7 or OS 9. There is no file extension.
Kind: Unix Executable File
How can I convert these into something OS X will play.
I've searched and searched and can't find an application that can do what AquaISO http://dhost.info/aquatsr/?page=proj...roject=aquaiso does so simply and well, with the ADDITION of batch conversion. AquaISO does single files beautifully and has never failed, but I have several hundred files that need to be converted the same way
View 3 Replies View RelatedI need to batch convert multiple image sequences (tiff) to prores. The problem is this: when I import image sequences, the frame rate is set 29.97 by default, but I need it to be 25 (they come from a video shot at 25fps). Changing the frame rate of every image sequence, one by one, is too time-consuming. How can I change it on all my sequences at once?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI am looking for a reliable quick batch converter that can convert the .mov movie files my camera shoots to mpg2 to burn quickly to a blank DVD to give to family members to play on a regular DVD player. The clips are good, but my family is eager to watch the files on TV, & it is an ordeal & too time consuming to have to go into a video & DVD editor for everything I or my family shoot with my digicam. I need a quick way to get these files to DVD for immediate viewing.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSometimes when I'm dragging audio files from one application to the desktop all icons disappears and coming back few seconds later.Is it normal?
MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7//8 GB
Is there a way to select all the files I want to rename and then hit a button the OS will rename them all in sequence for me such as: file 1, file 2, file 3..... etc? Windows XP does this....
View 7 Replies View RelatedI need to transcribe audio files and need an application that will play audio files at double their rate (and half their rate) so that I can quickly go through audio files and then concentrate on the pertinent portions. Any applications for Mac OS X? Free is always good!
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a digital photo frame to see my pictures, but it only plays photos secuencially, it can't be set on "shuffle". So if I could rename the photos with random names, then the effect would be the same, as I would be seeing them in "shuffle".
I know automator can rename files, and there are many many apps that also rename, but I haven't found one that can give the files a random name!
I've got a whole bunch of photos in various subfolders. Some of these photos have the same relative name (ie same file name but in different folders).
I would like to rename all these files like 000001.ext, 000002.ext etc, independently of file location so I can copy all the files back to one single folder (I can handle that bit in Terminal). There are many sub-folders so I need something recursive.
I've tried Renamer4Mac, but it isn't recursive. Does anyone know of a different app that would work, or even a terminal command/script/binary that would do the trick?
I am looking for the solution to batch rename multiple avi files simply. In iphoto, I just select a bunch of image files and using the ctrl+Shift+CMD keyboard shortcut, I input the name something like 'boat_trip_kids' I get the files renamed instantly wiith or without the suffix of a number.Thing is, how to do for vdo files ?I read a totorial and then tried using automator to do this but I have to input the name_of_the_file in the script construction. That's ok for hundreds of files but I will have many names to use for naming of small groups of files and this won't be practical.Is there some way I can achieve this in automator?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Automator blows. I have worked for two days on this and can not make automator put a simple jpg image as a watermark on a selected bunch of PDF files and then save them as the same file name. This seems to be the consensus on the net too.
Any programs you can reccomend that would make this easy for me to do? I have to do over 500 files and there is no way I am doing this by hand.
How do I batch change files' UNIX settings? I have web sharing turned on and have it set up so it's serve up the files and folders on my hard disk. It works great, but when I look at the folders it's showing in the web page, approximately 1 in 10 folders just isn't being displayed. The OS X permissions on these folders is all set to "read and write" for everyone, so I presume there is some sort of other UNIX or Apache file/folder settings that are keeping these folders from being displayed in the webpage. How do I make these hidden folders show up in my web page's displayed directory of folders?
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there an app that can batch convert multiple video files? I found one called mpegstream clip which is good, but it seems to only do one at a time, it there a feature in it that can do more than one at a time? One at a time is ok for 4 videos or less, but when I have more than that it can get a little tedious. Specifically, I need something that can batch convert my mpg movies files my point & shoot digicam can take to a format that imovie 09 will import & work with.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have been using Automator to import hundreds of text files into one excel workbook using the "Import Text files to Excel Workbook" action. Automator works great for all files that are tab delimited. However I have another set of data that are output with a varying amount of spaces between each column. I cannot change the way they are output.
Automator gives me the option of choosing "space" as a delimiter, but it wont give me the option to "Treat consecutive delimiters as one" that Import within excel does. I also tried to record my actions within excel many times but it didn't work even with just one file. So what I need is a way to get these text files into one excel workbook as separate worksheets with the data separated correctly into columns.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have a folder with numerous subfolders, each containing numerous files that i would like to batch unlock (vs tediously unlocking each individual folder).
failed attempts involve:
- tried the following terminal action: sudo chflags -R nouchg ( as suggested on this website (http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=106237) but it did not work.
I did not try the other suggestions on the website because it started getting really complicated and i was afraid to do something that may cause damage/delete my files
- tried unlocking the folders and subfolders, however each individual file within the corresponding folder/subfolders remained locked
Partial but suboptimal solutions tried:
- i found a partial but not optimal solution to my problem on this site:
however, the option-command-I will only allow me to unlock files each subfolder at a time (as i need to actually highlight the files themselves).
is there a way where i could just unlock all the folder/subfolders/files within an entire directory in one fell swoop?
My system:
- the new MBP running Mac OS X 10.5.2
i am a new mac user and i apologize in advance if there is some simple solution to this problem that i have yet failed to discover,
I have these .vgz audio files but I want to convert them to .mp3, how do I do it?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI would like to convert at least some of my thousands of hours to audio tapes to CD's. It would be a blessing if I could do something about the sound quality, compile songs, etc. I've downloaded the version of "Audacity" that matches my PowerPC G4, and it seems like it will do a lot of what I want. Now, the question is, how do I get a signal from my tape deck that my Mac will recognize? Will it be enough to simply use a RCA/USB connector, or do I need some kind of converter? I notice, btw, that I do not have an "audio input" jack, which might have answered my question.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have downloaded mp3s from the internet and have burned copies to a CDR. The CDRs are not readable for some playing them with a "boom box." Is there a way to make them readable?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I convert this aiff audio file I have to mid/m4a/mp4?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI am wondering if someone could PLEASE recommend a good FREE program that can convert my .wav file to a .mp3 file. I've downloaded 3 programs, and none have worked.
I also need to find a way to make an audio loop. However, Garageband won't take my .WAV file which means I still need to convert the file. Once its done converting it should take it though right?
I've been doing some searching and can't find any threads regarding capturing audio (cassette tape) to a mac. Wanted to rip some old school tunes from some tapes and convert to MP3. I connected an old tape deck to my G5 via ADS Pyro A/V Link (RCA audio input to Pyro, firewire connection out to G5), that doesn't seem to work. I've also tried connecting to my iMic USB, but that's not picking up any audio either. I've tried using QT audio recording, iMovie, FCP, and Analogue Ripper with no luck. They recognize the Pyro and iMic, but not picking up audio.
G5 Dual 1.8Ghz (Q37), 4.5GB ram, Pioneer 112D burner (internal)
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
320GB + 500GB SATA HDDs, Radeon 9600 Pro Mac 256MB, LaCie firewire burner (ext)
I am tryinng to convert a video with visual hub, and it keeps saying that it cannot convert the video because the audio track is not recognizable.
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