OS X :: Any Way To Convert Speech Audio (WMA) Files To Text
Dec 28, 2009
I am working on a project where I am having my wife's grandmother telling her life story into a digital audio recorder which creates WMA audio files that play fine in QuickTime with Flip4Mac installed. I want to have these files transcribed into text. She speaks clearly so I think a speech-to-text program may do the job for the most part and do some manual touch up afterward. Can anyone recommend what I should use for this job? The only program I know of is MacDictate/MacSpeech. That's $150+ so that's out of the question. Is their anything out there that works and won't break the bank?
I want to convert some video files (specifically swf in this case) to audio files so I can listen on my iPod. I looked everywhere and can't find some free software that does that. There are tons that have trial periods with lots of limitations (like it won't convert anything larger than a 5k size file) so I don't want those because I won't know if the thing works well unless I pay for it. I'm not opposed to paying for a converter IF I know it works awesome on a Mac.
burning movies on my mac using Burn application.The file is in AVI... however when it converts to mpg...the file then changes into .iso (which should be as a dmg)... and i see the folder containing the video as .Before i used to burn movies onto DVD discs... it would simply convert from AVI into MPG and then that was it...the file completed successfully... but now i get the .VOB extension... and a separate Audio and Video folder
I have several text files that I would like to have Text to Speech read for me. However the software does not pause at natural breaks like normal speech. For instance after commas, periods, end of paragraphs, etc. Are there control codes that I can put in my text files to cause the software to pause? I can edit my files accordingly but I can't seem to locate control codes.
I have a pc powered iMac and I'm looking for speech to text software. Of course all of the software that sounds really great, like macspeech dictate, needs an intel based machine.
I am trying to convert a text file to an audio file by using 'text to speech'. Originally, the text was created in Pages but just in case I also saved it as an rtf file. I want to save it as an mp3. Also, once I've got the workflow, I would like to use this again with other text files. I know I can save the workflow and I can do the task by Automator, but I must be doing something wrong. Should I use the 'record' function? What am I doing wrong? I called AppleCare but of course, after 15 minutes they recommended their online discussions. They don't know anything about these basics. The guy asked me, what I tried. I told him that I tried Terminal, but I was confident that Automator and creating a workflow would be the solution for me. He didn't even know where Automator was. I suppose, this was the last time that I purchased an AppleCare.
I've got a lot of MP3 and WAV files of talks and sermons that I am going to transcribe into text. These talks go many years back and hence the transcripts have been lost. There are hours and hours of talks and I'm looking for software that will help make my job easier. OS X comes with some very good text to speech capabilities. Is there any capability to do speech to text on OS X? It would be great if there were free/cheap shareware products that do this task.
I would like to change the pronunciation of specific words that my mac reads to me, however, there does not seem to be a way to do this. Tutorials online discuss changing a setting in the VoiceOver Utility, but unfortunately this only effects voice over and not text-to-speech.
I’m trying to use OS X Mavericks to dictate a note to my laptop. I clicked System Preferences from the Apple icon, then Accessibility button and then Speakable Items. After that I clicked Settings, but I don’t know how to TURN ON Speakable Items, which I see selected. I went on to press Listening Key on the Feedback window and said, “Hello, what’s happening?” I didn’t see it as typed text anywhere, as I expected to. I also selected “Open Speech Commands.” Again nothing happened!
I need to transcribe audio files and need an application that will play audio files at double their rate (and half their rate) so that I can quickly go through audio files and then concentrate on the pertinent portions. Any applications for Mac OS X? Free is always good!
I recently purchased a DANE-ELEC Zpen, I now realise that while it will capture my handwriting as an image it does not convert my handwriting to digital text when I use Mac OSX. It has this functionality on a PC. I wonder is there some software available for Mac OSX that could convert handwriting to text. With the Zpen the files are saved using the extension.
I am on an iMac which recently moved to Snow Leopard (10.6.2). I am preparing documents in Word (12.2.3 rtf) but when, after having saved them in Word rtf, I reopen them they reappear automatically in Textedit.
I would like to convert at least some of my thousands of hours to audio tapes to CD's. It would be a blessing if I could do something about the sound quality, compile songs, etc. I've downloaded the version of "Audacity" that matches my PowerPC G4, and it seems like it will do a lot of what I want. Now, the question is, how do I get a signal from my tape deck that my Mac will recognize? Will it be enough to simply use a RCA/USB connector, or do I need some kind of converter? I notice, btw, that I do not have an "audio input" jack, which might have answered my question.
I have downloaded mp3s from the internet and have burned copies to a CDR. The CDRs are not readable for some playing them with a "boom box." Is there a way to make them readable?
I am wondering if someone could PLEASE recommend a good FREE program that can convert my .wav file to a .mp3 file. I've downloaded 3 programs, and none have worked.
I also need to find a way to make an audio loop. However, Garageband won't take my .WAV file which means I still need to convert the file. Once its done converting it should take it though right?
I've been doing some searching and can't find any threads regarding capturing audio (cassette tape) to a mac. Wanted to rip some old school tunes from some tapes and convert to MP3. I connected an old tape deck to my G5 via ADS Pyro A/V Link (RCA audio input to Pyro, firewire connection out to G5), that doesn't seem to work. I've also tried connecting to my iMic USB, but that's not picking up any audio either. I've tried using QT audio recording, iMovie, FCP, and Analogue Ripper with no luck. They recognize the Pyro and iMic, but not picking up audio.
Information: G5 Dual 1.8Ghz (Q37), 4.5GB ram, Pioneer 112D burner (internal) Mac OS X (10.4.10) 320GB + 500GB SATA HDDs, Radeon 9600 Pro Mac 256MB, LaCie firewire burner (ext)