OS X :: Application Launch Failure - Shared Library Error
Jan 9, 2009
I purchased and downloaded Warcraft III from blizzard and was wondering if I could learn how to solve this problem. After The download is finished, I attempt to open up the installer and I get a message saying "Application launch failure: The application "installer" could not be launched because of a shared library error: "<installerLauncher><CarbonLib><CFMPriv_LaunchServices><>".
when I went to click into my word program I got this message The application "Word" could not be launched because of a shared library error: "0<Microsoft Word><CarbonLib><CFMPriv_ColorSync><>"I went into my Activity monitor and there is no HP processing there is a Microsoft AU Daemon running. should I quit that? I have a powerbook G4 and there are no new software updates for my computer.
I started up my computer and don't see any of the icons or HD icon on my desktop, but can see the image and the toolbar pops up on the bottom. I can run safari, itunes, iphoto, etc. but when I click on MS word or PP I get this message: Application Launch Failure The application "Word" could not be launched because of a shared library error: "D<Microsoft Word><Apple;Carbon;Multimedia><CFMPriv_DVComponentGlue><>" I can upload docs as attachments, but can't open any microsoft stuff. What should I do? My roommate has a new version of MS office I could install, should I do this?
I have an iBook G4 with an OS X 10.3.9 operating system. Earlier today my screen went blank and appeared to have turned off on its own, even though it still had more than half of its battery charge. I pressed the power button, then had to press it again to restart it. When I tried to access my Word documents, I got this message:
The application "Word" could not be launched because of a shared library error: "1<Microsoft Word><CarbonLib><CFMPriv_CarbonCore>"
I have explored all of the online advice, I have checked the Console (the error code is -2804), I have run Disk Utility for the disk permissions, I have re-installed my operating system. I still cannot open anything in Microsoft Office (2004), nor can I open AppleWorks. I am on the verge of a mental breakdown because I have 3 major papers due this week. If I can't have access to Word on my computer I won't be able to finish them on time.
Running a powerbook pro intel OS X 10.4.11. I have adobe create suite and have used photoshop and image ready fine for a tear or so. But now my wife wants to use illustrator and it just loads up as could not be launched because of a shared library error: "<illustrator><AWSCommonUI.dll><WebAccessUtils.dll><>" I can see all the illustrator files etc.
Today I went to open a casting call document from my acting agent using MS Word in Office 2004 as I usually do every week and I got the following error message: The application "Word" could not be launched because of a shared library error: "<Microsoft Word><Apple;Carbon;Multimedia><CFMPriv_QuickTime><>"
I then tried scouring the web as I usually to find a solution. I tried repairing the permissions and rebooting. That did nothing for the problem. I then returned to the web and found that others having this type of problem also had problems opening Adobe Photoshop. I checked my copy and, lo and behold Photoshop gave me the same error message.
Recently I updated my versions of Quick Time and Adobe Reader. I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but other people with this problem have mentioned installing updates as well. Due to the fact that I was given the two above programs as well as Illustrator by my last job before they went belly up I don't not have any of the discs to re-install. That said reinstalling Mac OS X is the last resort.
I can't open Microsoft Office due to this error. All my work is trapped in PowerPoint, Word Documents and Excel Files. And I don't have the disks it was a computer given to me. Recently I ran disk utility and had an error that was reportedly minor but ended up after all other efforts tips fdsk and others failed buying disk warrior. And in target disk mode running Please don't ask how because I am not really very tech savvy. But it rebuilt everything and simply reported
File. "._QuickTime.rsrc" Detected that the resource header is damaged and cannot be repaired Location: G3Macintosh HD/System/Library/Frameworks/Versions/A/Resources/"
I hit replace and it did and that was all then after I did get an update for Itunes (I don't even use them) and Quick Time on OSX 10.4.11. Was it working before this update? I honestly don't know. Because everything was fine until my computer would turn from the Gray apple screen one day. I used disk utility but it didn't fix the problem. Lastly I have tried installing a combo update and repairing permissions but neither has worked.
I have just downloaded Dreamweaver MX onto my mac and when I try to launch the software I get this message: The application "Dreamweaver" could not be launched because of a shared library error: "7<Dreamweaver MX><Dreamweaver MX><MSL_All_Carbon.Shlb><>". I'm using Panther at the moment.
I'm using 10.4.11 on a PB 12" and recently updated to iTunes 8.1. Ever since, iTunes will attempt to launch, getting past the "loading music library" prompt but then crashing immediately following. I've reinstalled the program, and also updated quicktime, but no avail. I can post a crash report, but here are the things that stick out to me: Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001) Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS (0x0001) at 0x6c6f6c00 Thread 0 crashed with PPC Thread State 64
After updating my Macbook to 10.10.1, My Windows 7 machine can't log in to the shared folders.
I keep getting an error: " Log in failure: unknowing username or bad password "Â
No settings have been changed on my Windows Machine and everything was working fine till updating my Macbook to 10.10.1Â
However my Macbook can still connect to the shared folders on my Windows 7 Machine.... Also I have checked the LmCompatibilityLevel on Windows and all seems okay.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), Mid 2012
For example, (when Safari or Terminal application is already launched) pressing the dock icon or launching from quicksilver brings the window to the front (or moves to a specific space where the window is in).
Is it possible to modify this behavior to opening a new window? By clicking the dock icon (or some sequence of keyboard shortcuts) I want to open a new window of safari or terminal. Furthermore, it would be great if this can be done to the current 'space'.
1-can i add an application to launch in exposé ³hortcut?2-how to cancel changes applied to an application's preferences if a mistake has been made?3-when force quit doesnt shut an application, what do i do?4-how reliable is the stikies app in dashboard? ever lost what you had taken down?5-if many windows and apps are open. is there a easy way to minimise all and just keep one instead of minimizing them one by one?6-what happens to a new file that im currently viewing while time machine is backing up? backed up or skipped?7-built in mac firewall, anything to do? shall i select allow all incoming connections or only essential services? 8-my document folders such as "movies", "music" etc. why have i got 2 different my documents? one serie is in places->home folder and the other is under places->documents
My last.fm application automatically launches when I open iTunes, because it has a plugin in iTunes.I have a nice lyrics application called Get Lyrics that automatically downloads lyrics as I listen, and I'd like it to automatically launch with iTunes as well.I don't want it to launch at login, only when I open iTunes.
How do I do this? I want to launch app 2 while working in app 1 without having app 2 jump in front of app 1, but others, such as Microsoft Office Suite for mac, jump to the front every time (namely excel) no matter what.
My macbook 2.4 bought last nov 2008 was installed with i-life 2009. The OS is Leopard 10.5. The problem now is that I cant launch the photobooth application and i-chat cant detect the i-sight camera. Is it the newer version of i-life thats causing this! Bought this mac from a friend and I really dont know if the factory installed OS is the one that is installed now. It may have been upgraded likewise. Does all this relate to the fatc that I cant use photobooth and ichat doesnt detect the isight?
I'm OS X 10.4.4. G4 15". I wanna launch applications just by pressing a function key. Used to do this with system 9. Mac help seems to imply I can't. Note: You can create keyboard shortcuts only for existing menu commands. You cannot define keyboard shortcuts for general purpose tasks such as opening an application or switching between applications. Am I slow, or is this saying I can't "quick launch" an app with a press of one button? Is this really true? Is there no "one touch" way to launch stuff? (And not on startup - I've got that figured out.)
If you launch iTunes while holding the option key, itunes will allow you to access multiple libraries.
I want to be able to achieve the same effect with a shell command.
Is there a way to launch itunes from shell in a way that will give it the same instructions that it gets when you hold down the option key and open it from finder?
So everything installed on my Lion iMac works absolutely fine. However, I recently tried to re-install Appfresh (an application updater), so I used Appcleaner to uninstall it, grabbed a new download, dragged it to Applications as normal, double-clicked it.. nothing. The icon sits in my dock, and the indicator pulses, continuously, but the application never appears. It's not in the Force Quit menu, and Activity Monitor has no trace of it either.Â
I thought, okay, something up with Appfresh. But I've since tried a couple of other apps, and a game (Botanicula), and the exact same thing happens. I've done nothing new in the way I've installed them, opened their .dmg files, and dragged the application into Applications, completely normally, but they all do the "sit in the dock and nothing else" thing. If I left-click them once in the dock, they vanish, and that's all I hear of them. I've tried Disk Utility to do both verify and repair permissions to both the disk and the partition, but that hasn't solved the problem. I'm running the latest 10.7.3 with all patches to remove Flashback, etc.Â
I have a late 2006 MacBook (the one in my signature). It's running the latest issue of Snow Leopard (10.6.4). I have upgraded the factory RAM from 1GB to 2GB, and the factory HDD from 120 GB with a 320 GB hard drive. Lately, all my apps are taking forever to launch. Firefox took 27 bounces before stopping, and then another 10 seconds or so before the window actually appeared. VirtualBox used to be snappy and responsive, but now it's so slow I actually boot up my 8-year old Dell if I need to use Windows. It never used to be this slow.
I'm constantly getting beachballs...even simply quitting Firefox seems to be too much work. Just for kicks, I popped in the factory hard drive and WOW everything felt so much smoother. As far as I can tell, the only things that are different between that hard drive and my current one are that (1) the old one is running Leopard (10.5.6), and (2) I have created a secondary account on the newer setup for my fiance. My two best guesses at this point are: 1. Issue with the new hard drive? 2. MacBook is slightly underpowered for running Snow Leopard?
When I open up LaunchPad, a lot of the application icons appear in duplicate form (2 of each): Address Book, App Store, Calculator, iCal, iChat, iDVD, etc. What is causing this?Â
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I recently bought iMac on 2011 with snow leopard installed, recently I decided to try lion, I made a fresh install but since then my Mac is just making these annoying noises, kind like alert beep every time I launch an application, surf on web...
How the heck to I stop Lion from launching old docs when I open a new doc in MS Word, Excel, Preview, etc? I HATE this feature. Twice now I've edited the wrong document because when I click on a new Word doc, one that I worked on last automatic pops up on top of it. This is a ridiculous feature! Also, I don't need photos that I looked at yesterday magically opening when I open a new photo in Preview. That can be embarrassing if is someone is looking over my shoulder, if you know what I mean. Do I need to make sure I close all old docs instead of just quitting. Is there a way to just turn this frustrating auto open feature off?Â
Cannot send problem to apple since the program isn't useable. When I attempt "relaunch" I get the same message again. It tells me "the application mail quit unexpectedly. Mac OS X and other applications are not affected"Â
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch 2.4 GHz), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I've got an idea for an application that will expand upon the idea of a "shared network drive". Initial release will not include a "web app" per se, it would only include computers connected to the same network. Long-term though I would like to have a web interface similar to that of DropBox. What sort of technologies would I need in order to implement this? Objective-C? Things like, "right-click" menu modification, accessing hard-drives of other computers on the network running the same application.
I did a software update, and now Safari, iTunes, and just about every other application (software updater, pages, etc.) won't launch!When I click on them I get an error message "The application quit unexpectedly".I just got my macbook, and it doesn't work
iMac G4, 1.25 RAM, OS 10.4.11: Suddenly can't open Apps: The application "Flash Player" could not be launched because of a shared library error: "2<Flash Carbon Player><CarbonLib><CFMPriv_System><>". MS OFC docs won't open either. TechTool Pro hangs when checking files structures, so won't go further. Same with OnyX.
This iMac keeps running fine, just like the "Little Engine That Could". Suddenly this <CarbonLib> problem developed. I did not move anything out of folders. I tried installing MS OFC 2008 (I have OFC 2004 and it has always worked well) but the MS installer won't open that App.; I get the 'Shared Lib Err' for that also.
I have an iMac that has all of my pics on it. I just got a MacBook air and would like to view my IMac library on the air. How do I do that? How do you share a library.
How about fixing this one apple, when viewing/listening to a dvd/cd from a shared itunes library via front row, the artwork (CD covers/DVD Box Art) is blank. This worked in the leopard betas' but never has worked since release. I thought Apple was all about the experience, I guess they don't care about Front Row and shared libraries.
Here is my problem: I want to access my iTunes library from a shared drive.
Here is my equipment:
1. Imac running iTunes 10.6
2. 1 week old Macbook Air running iTunes 10.6
3. 1 Timecapsule that is 1 day old, bought with the express purpose of putting my extensive iTunes library on it, and was assure I would be able to stream it.
4. An Airport express hooked to my stereo.
The concept was that the Air doesn't really have the capability to hold all my music, but I want to use it as a "remote" to select songs through iTunes and play them on my stereo. I did NOT want to leave my iMac on at all times and do homes haring that way.Therefore, I followed intructions fonund else where and moved my iTunes library from my iMac to the newly installed shared drive on the Time Capsule.I went into iTunes on the Air selected preferences, advanced, and changed the location of the Air's iTunes library to that of the one on the Time Capsule. It sees all the music. I close preferences.
(i7 27" iMac/256GB SSD + 1TB of internal disk hard drive. (SATA/7200rpm/3.5"))The 1TB internal hard drive on my iMac failed the S.M.A.R.T. Utilities test so Apple called in the computer and I had to have the hard drive replaced. The technicians reloaded the system from a 1TB external Western Digital hard drive; I had backed up the everything on it using Time Machine.
Unfortunately, the iTunes application cannot now locate my iTunes library. I create a lot of slideshows on Aperture and use music from iTunes on the audio tracks. The titles on the audio tracks are now inaudible and are preceded by a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark inside.
how I should re-establish the original link between iTunes and its library. The music files are located in folders (name of artists), within a folder (iTunes Music), within a folder (iTunes), within a folder (Music), within a folder (declangreaney) on the 1TB of internal disk drive.In trying to solve the problem, I went through the folders and double clicked on one song. This opened iTunes so I highlighted and dragged all the other 'artist-named' folders on the iTunes interface and in doing so, I succeeded in accessing all the files.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), (i7 iMac/256GB SSD + 1TB Int. HD