OS X :: AirPort Express And Time Machine

Mar 1, 2010

I want to do wireless backups with Time Machine. I already have it working wirely via USB with my WesternDigital My book Studio External Hard Drive 1TB, but recently I've purchased an AirPort Express. Searching, I realized it could not be possible to attach the HD directly to the AirPort Express, because it doesn't work. However, I'm wondering if Time Machine would recognize it conected via Ethernet port with the Apple's USB Ethernet Adapter [URL].

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Hardware :: Can Airport Express Work With Time Machine

Aug 9, 2008

"On 19 March, 2008, Apple released an update for the Time Machine software in the "Leopard" operating system. This update makes it possible to use Time Machine with ANY "AirDisk" (a drive plugged into an Apple Airport Express or Extreme router.) This effectively creates a Time Capsule without the complexity of the actual product, just by connecting a drive. The best part is that the initial backup can be made via USB or FireWire are speeds which blow away even Ethernet-wired speed of the TIme Capsule. Subsequent backups can be made via wireless at about 8X the speed at which TC works. "

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OS X :: Time Machine / Airport Express / Hard Drive

Jun 27, 2009

I just purchased a seagate 1.5TB drive - can I put 2 partitions on it - one for time machine (mac formated) and one for Windows (NTFS formatted) will that work if connected to the Airport Extreme and if so how do I do that with the disk utility?

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Hardware :: Using AirPort Express And Extreme At Same Time

Jul 17, 2009

I have the airport extreme (newest version) and using the airport express. I have the airport express extending the network from the airport extreme base station. So if I am using the speaker output on my express, will my connection drop from the dual band router, using the express for internet? Both are next to each other too. I only have the express connected so I can use the external speakers.

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OS X Technologies :: Time Machine Doesn't Back Up To AirPort Extreme AirPort Disks

Feb 12, 2012

I have previously time machine backups for two macbook pros on same drive. However, I connect the drive to the airport extreme and although I see the drives and the backups, I can not access the files over Airport Extreme. 

Info:MAC Book Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)

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Hardware :: Using Time Capsule And AirTunes With Airport Express

Jan 19, 2008

I currently use my Airport Express as my wireless router. It's also plugged directly into my stereo so I can take advantage of AirTunes, which I love to do.

I was thinking of purchasing Time Capsule, but I suppose there's no way I can take advantage of it's 802.11n capabilities and continue to use AirTunes on my network?

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Hardware :: AirPort Express Ethernet And Time Capsule

Jan 18, 2009

The Apple site is quite vague on this point but I thought I'd clarify before buying one. I have a Time Capsule as my main router, but I want to move it, but when I do it's out of range of one of my computers. Can I plug the Express in near the computer, and then Ethernet it up to the computer, or is that Ethernet port meant to go into the TC?

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Hardware :: Possible To Connect Airport Express And Ethernet At The Same Time?

Jan 26, 2009

is it possible to run both a wireless connection with airport express, as well as have a direct ethernet connection to the computer? i have a simple, two-way ethernet splitter than comes from the port in the wall that should technically be able to do this, but i have tried this without success and i am guessing there is a little more to this problem than just having both connections hooked up at the same time.

anyways right now i am running on an airport express wireless connection. at my school there is a campus-based p2p program that can only be accessed through direct ethernet connection, leaving me inaccessible to it when i am on my wireless connection. there is a bunch of registration junk that has to be done when i switch from ethernet to wireless, which is why i would prefer to have both set up at once.

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Hardware :: Can A Time Capsule Be Wired To An Airport Express

May 29, 2009

So here's how it is set up at home: my parents have an AirPort Extreme Base Station by our upstairs computers, which is connected to a modem and we use that to get our wi-fi throughout the house. I want to buy an AirPort Express to use to stream music in my room. But I also have a Time Capsule, which I need so I can back up my Macbook. I know that an AirPort Express can be used to extend an existing network. So would it be possible to plug in the Express in my room, use it to extend our upstairs network, and then hard-wire the Time Capsule to the Express through the ethernet port and use that to connect the Time Capsule? On paper that seems like it would work, because the Express would be receiving a signal from the base station upstairs, and then sending it to the Time Capsule, giving them both access to the network. But I just want to make sure it would work before I drop $99 on an Express.

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Hardware :: Using 2 Airport Express Base Stations At The Same Time?

Jun 15, 2009

I want to be able to use wireless internet and stream music to my stereo at the same time, but I only have a single internet connection behind my stereo and it's connected to the Pay TV. My options seem to be getting a new line installed behind the stereo so I can insert this into the same Airport Express base station I use for my music, or buying a second Airport Express base station and connecting it to one of the other internet connections in the room, then connecting to both Airport Express base stations at the same time.

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OS X :: Airport Express And TIme Capsule - How To Increase Signals

Aug 9, 2009

I have a Time capsule (1Tb) and wanted to extend the network in the house. i bought an Airport Express and configured it to join the existing network. It works and I see a green light. However, I do not see any increase in the signal (of a PC) whether or not the Express is in.

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Hardware :: Using Airport Express To Extend Wifi From Time Capsule?

Sep 13, 2010

Sorry if this question has been asked many times before - I tried running numerous searches, but it's been difficult to find a straightforward answer to my predicament.

I have a time capsule and an airport express. I would like to extend the range of my wifi network as my modem (attached to the time capsule) is on the third floor of my home and I'd like to improve the strength of my internet connection to the lower floors. I've tried to set-up airport express (located on the 2nd floor, but initially set-up near my time capsule) and the time capsule with the extend range options, but my airport express doesn't seem to improve the range of the wifi. I tested my internet speed by running the test away from airport express, near airport express and with my laptop connected to airport express via ethernet. In fact, connecting the laptop to airport express seems to produce the slowest download speed and being near airport express does not seem to provide faster download speeds.

Can someone point me to straightforward instructions where I can setup airport express to extend the range of my wifi network that uses time capsule? Also, how will I know that airport express is extending my range? When I view my wireless networks, should I see my airport express as one of the wireless networks that I can connect to?

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Hardware :: Using Time Capsule To Airport Express Ethernet Bridge?

May 20, 2009

Is it possible to use an Time Capsule to connect to an airport express with a router plugged into it?

I have a small network at home, and would like to have another computer (old PowerMac g4, no wireless card) and my xbox 360 in my basement. I don't want to run cables. Is it possible to connect a router to my airport express and use it to bridge the wired computers wirelessly to the time capsule upstairs? I know it's possible to use the airport express as an extension to the wireless as a WDS but I haven't found anything online about using it as a bridge.

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Hardware :: Airport Express + Hard Drive - Time Capsule?

May 31, 2009

will it work? if so, how do i make it work?

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Hardware :: Can Use An Airport Express And External Harddrive To Make A Time Capsule

Nov 4, 2010

I've just bought an airport express so I can play music from my mbp wirelessly on my speakers and just realised that I have an old usb external hard drive that I never use so was just wondering if I could plug the hard drive into the airport express so I can use time machine wirelessly and make what is effectively a time capsule?

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Hardware :: How To Connect Airport Express To Time Capsule To Create Another Network

Jul 3, 2010

I have a Time Capsule providing a wireless network in my home. I would like use my Airport Express to create an additional network, and have it get its internet from one of the wired ethernet ports on the TC. Can you daisy chain them like that? I tried it and so far I haven't been able to get it to work.

Hopefully that makes sense. I'm not trying to set up a WDS with the TC and the Express, I'm trying to plug the Express into one of the ethernet connections on the TC so the Express can share that internet connection as a new, separate network (like what you would do if you had the Express in a hotel room, etc).

I have the Express set up to create a network, and my computer can connect to it, but the internet's not available for some reason. Should I expect this to be able to work?

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Hardware :: Time Machine/Time Capsule/Airport Extreme With Verizon FIOS?

Nov 10, 2009

I will be getting my new Macbook Pro in the near future and am very interested in using Time Machine to wireless back up my data to an external hard drive. I know I can use Time Capsule to do this, but also hear a mention of just getting an Airport Extreme and my own ext. hd. My question is that I have Verizon FIOS Internet and my modem also functions as a wireless router. How would the Time Capsule/Airport Extreme work with this? Is it possible? I do not believe that the Verizon router supports wireless N, and I would like to take advantage of the faster speeds. If I were to connect a Airport Extreme to the wireless router, would I then have 2 routers to choose from and just use the Airport Extreme to use the wireless N? I'm very confused as to how I could make this work.

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Hardware :: Time Capsule (Base Station) / Airport Express (Range Extender) Setup

Mar 24, 2008

I picked up a Time Capsule 500GB and an AirPort Express 802.11n today. I am trying to setup my network as follows.
Time Capsule as base station
AirPort Express as as range extender

I would also like to set up the AirPort Express to use it's ethernet port to provide internet for my DirecTV HR20 HD DVR. I've currently got everything connected and running, and the HR20 gets an IP address, however, it says that there is no internet connection.

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OS X :: Can Time Machine Backup A Airport USB HD

Dec 21, 2009

As per the title, is it possible for Time Machine to back a USB HD attached to an Airport Extreme ??

I have a Western Digital NAS drive on my network which is running Time Machine Backups no problems, but i cannot get it to back up the Airport USB drive which holds my iTunes and Movie Library

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OS X :: Can Time Machine Back Up An Airport Disk

Oct 31, 2007

I have all my media stored on an external hard drive hooked up to my airport. Can Time Machine back up this drive and my iMac?

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Hardware :: Time Machine Airport Drops Connection?

Apr 9, 2010

I posted a similar question on a Win forum but not sure it is a win problem. I have an XP laptop with a wireless connection that seems to drop and reconnect constantly to my TimeMachine airport. I thought it was the firewall on the laptop, but that doesn't seem to be the issue... How do I tell if the Airport itself is causing the problem?? My desktop is bluetooth not airport...

AFAIK all airport software is up to date and I'm on 10.6.3

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Hardware :: Make Time Machine See My Airport Disk?

Nov 9, 2010

What I'm trying to do is use my Airport Extreme's attached hard drive (a Western Digital MyBook) as a wireless Time Machine disk. I know it's not officially supported by Apple anymore, but I did this for several months in my old apartment and it worked fine. I moved a few months ago, and just got around to setting up my TM disk now (I know, I know, I should have done it sooner ) Since it had been so long I decided to just erase the disk and start fresh. I erased it, connected it to my Airport Extreme, and it shows up fine in the Finder as a folder on the Airport. However, when I click Select Backup Disk in Time Machine preferences, nothing is found.

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OS X :: Move Time Machine From Local To Airport Extreme?

Nov 3, 2009

I currently have my 1TB External Hard Drive for Time Machine hooked up locally to my iMac. I was thinking of freeing up a USB port by connecting it to my Apple Airport Extreme. When I searched about this I saw posts from a year or so ago that Time Machine would have to start over since it archives differently connected to Airport Extreme vs locally. Is this accurate? Should I just by a USB hub to give myself more ports or hook up the extra external drive for additional memory(like iTunes and iPhoto overflow) to the Airport Extreme?

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Hardware :: Airport Extreme And Time Machine Over Ethernet?

Apr 27, 2010

Just got a new MacBook Pro, and I want to back it up wirelessly using Time Machine over my Airport Extreme Network. I've been doing this, in the past, with a smaller hard drive connected to the USB port on the AEBS, but need to upgrade to a bigger hard drive. Is there any speed benefit from getting a hard drive with ethernet capability, and attaching it right into the ethernet port on the AEBS, and if so can I back up with Time Machine wirelessly using this configuration? My AEBS is the first gen of the 'n' version that came out, but is gigabit ethernet, if that matters.

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Intel Mac :: Airport Time Machine Backup Failure?

May 25, 2012

I'm trying to disconnect the time machine from my airport extreme and reconnect my external hard drive and I'm not having any success.  After I installed the Airport Extreme and tried to connect (the once SUCCESSFULLY direct connected hard drive), the hard drive to the Airport - I was getting failure messages that the device was full) How can I re-point my time machine to a directly connected external hard drive?  It's got to be simple - but I've exhausted my options I think.

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MacBook Air :: OS X 10.9.4 - Finder Cannot See AirPort Time Machine Drives

Aug 28, 2014

I'm running OS X 10.9.4 on a MacBook Air (2 GB memory, 64 GB SSD storage). 

I'm using an AirPort Time Capsule (with Time Machine) as my router and backup.  I have an additional hard drive connected to the USB port on my AirPort Time Capsule. 

For over a year the entire configuration has worked well:  Backups are done, and I can access both the AirPort Time Capsule internal hard drive and the external hard drive from my MacBook Air, and from any other device on the network. 

For the past few weeks, Finder (on my MacBook Air) sometimes cannot see either drive (internal or external) on the AirPort Time Capsule.  Backups are still okay, and PCs are still able to access and use both drives on the AirPort Time Capsule.  Also, software on my MacBook Air CAN see and use the drives.  For example, if I have a photo on one of those drives that I want to post on Facebook, the "finder" window that appears when I click "Upload Photos/Video" (on Facebook) sees the drives, and can upload the photo from the drives.  The ONLY time I cannot see the drives is when I try to access them with Finder.  (See photos.) 

At first, Finder occasionally could not see the drives, or sometimes it took a minute or two to see the drives.  Now, Finder generally cannot see the drives, no matter how long I wait.  My PCs, and ALL SOFTWARE on the MacBook Air CAN ALWAYS see the drives.  Also, Finder can ALWAYS see ALL THE OTHER shared drives on the network (on the PCs, for example), even when it cannot see the drives on the AirPort Time Capsule. 

Using Finder: 

Using Facebook:

MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), AirPort Time Capsule

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Hardware :: Wireless Time Machine Backup With Airport Extreme?

Aug 23, 2009

I have a newly purchased Airport Extreme base station. It is connected to a WD 1TB My book.

I set it up and did an initial backup using firewire.

I don't know how but I managed to get all subsequent backups to work wirelessly for 3 days.

Now they don't and its bugging the s..t out of me.

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OS X :: Time Machine Backup Using AirPort Disk On Snow Leopard?

Aug 29, 2009

Update: "Magically," the backup is working over AirPort Disk. I'll chalk it up to a Snow Leopard ghost. I have been backing up to a WD My Book 1TB drive connected to my Airport Extreme router without any problems. Yesterday I upgraded to 10.6 (installed over 10.5.8, not a clean install) and have been having problems with Time Machine since. After the OS finished installing, I attempted to perform a wireless backup. Everything mounted properly, and it began a 10GB backup. When it got to around 5.8GB, Time Machine came up with a network error message (not sure which one exactly) and stopped the backup.

At this point I just connected the drive directly to my computer to perform the backup, and it did so without any hiccups. But now I can't even connect to the AirPort disk, let alone try to backup to it. Time Machine says it's not configured, and when I try to browse for my Time Machine Backup Disk it won't let me select it, even though the drive shows up in AirPort Utility. I've enclosed a screenshot of what I'm seeing. Does anyone have any tips to help me get this mounted and working again? This is not turning out to be as painfree an update as advertised.

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Hardware :: Hard Drive For Airport Extreme And Time Machine

May 7, 2010

I realise this has been asked before, though as you can understand I'm looking for updated info - hence the new thread. I'm looking to purchase a hard drive to attach to my Airport Extreme (first version of their n wireless model, a couple of years old) in order to gain a hard drive that I can back up my MacBook Pro to wirelessly via Time Machine. I know that Apple says that I should be able to buy a USB drive and attach it and it would 'just work', but recently I purchased an Iomega Prestige 1.5TB and tried it, but it was not recognised / would not mount when I attached it to the Airport Extreme - despite having followed all the instructions to reformat it before trying. Since then I discovered that many others had encountered the same problem with that particular drive. I'm wondering what your advice would be as to what drive I should purchase to achieve my goal? I understand that a NAS drive could be a possibility - in addition to SOME USB drives. I suppose I'd like to try and keep the price down - �90-150 if possible, which is why I'm not, at present, considering a Time Capsule (in addition to the fact that I already have the Airport Extreme).

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Hardware :: Airport Extreme Not Forwarding Airdisk To Connected Airport Express Network?

Apr 25, 2010

I have an Airport Extreme, with two USB hard drives connected to it. The Airport Extreme shares these disks to my wireless network via Airport Disks.

Upstairs I have an Airport Express, that wirelessly connects to my Airport Extreme downstairs, and extends the wireless network so I get a good wireless reception upstairs.

My problem is, that it does not seem like me Airport Express does a good job of forwarding my 2 USB Airport Disks to the extended wireless network upstairs.

For example, when I use the AirVideo iPhone app to stream video from my USB Airport Disks I get a server connection error when I go upstairs and the iPad/iPhone switches to the Airport Express networks. I cannot reconnect as long as it is on the Airport Express network. If I turn the airport Express off, and thus switch to the poor wireless reception from the Airport Extreme, I can connect to the USB Airport disks again.

The Airport Express is connected to the Airport Extreme in bridged mode.

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