OS X :: After Upgrade Get Two Keychains Labeled Login?

Mar 2, 2008

After I upgraded to 10.5 and went to my Keychain, I noticed that I have two Keychains labeled "login" (in addition to the "system", X509, etc). Both are the same with the same info and number of entries. I've saved a copy of my keychain, deleted everything and when it is put back into my user library, I end up with two login keychains. Went to Genius Bar at two Apple stores with no luck. Even went as far as reloading 10.5 (archive and install) with no luck. I would hate to have to manually enter all my keychain passwords again. I am now running 10.5.2 and still have the same problem. I have not had any unusual problems but worry that one day I may loose all my keychain entries.

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Software :: Safari Look In Multiple Keychains For Login Credentials Safari Doesn't Use My Certificate

Jul 25, 2008

I was wondering if it was possible to tell Safari to look in multiple or different keychains for login credentials. I have x509 certificates that I want to put in a different keychain from the default "login" one, but when I surf to a webpage that requires that certificate, Safari doesn't seem to want to use it.
Using safari 3.1.1 (5525.20) on OSX 10.5.3

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: How To Copy Keychains

Apr 23, 2012

Re:  2008 MacBook Air w/80 GB hard drive, 2 GB RAM, MAC OS 10.5 

I have little experience with MAC OS and Apple in general.   

Is "S.M.A.R.T. Status | Failing" always indicative of hdd failure?  The computer has been very laggard of late but has not experienced any data errors.  This is primarily a traveling internet connection with limited LAN (data) use.   

I was going to reinstall OS which would be the 2nd time recently.  First time -~2 months ago- seemed to help but last week the performance took a gigantic hit.  First I thought network but ruled that out.  S.M.A.R.T. status got me looking in the hdd direction.   

The only data/info I want to preserve is keychain related (passwords and networks and network settings/passwords and Safari bookmarks.)  Everything else can either be reinstalled, is stored online or downloaded to other storage devices already.   

What files-filenames/locations are involved and how do I copy them to another location. 

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.5.8), S.M.A.R.T. Status | Failing

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OS X :: Keychains Automatically Fills In Information - Any Possibility?

Feb 18, 2009

I log into the Blackboard Academic Suite daily (online) to check my class announcements and grades. Every time I log in, I have to enter my username and password. This gets pretty old. Is it possible to have a keychain automatically fill in this information for me? Because that is what I do with all my other login sites. It hasn't ever asked if I would like my password and username to be saved, and I'm sure it's for security. I've tried creating a new keychain and putting in the information, but still no success.

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Mac Pro :: Bluetooth Module - Wires Labeled Wrong

Nov 14, 2009

I have a Logitech Dinovo Edge and a Logitech 470 Travel Mouse.. the keyboard has been working fine but I've been having problems with the mouse.. I read about the Bluetooth Module and the BT,1,2,3 wires inside the mac pro and the possibility of a wire being labeled wrong. Unless the module is on the back of the motherboard, I haven't seen any wire that says BT. If the tray where the ram slots are is removed there 2 tiny wires in the lower left that says 1 and 3. No other connector for BT so I don't think thats the location. Where is this Bluetooth Module located? If I cant get this to work correctly whats the best dongle to get?

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OS X :: Screensaver Progress Bar Labeled (Creating Mosaic Database)

Nov 11, 2007

Every time my screensaver launches, it shows the same image from my photos folder, and a progress bar which is labelled "Creating Mosaic Database...". It never seems to finish, and the screensaver always quits. When I try to change the settings in System Preferences, specifically when I go to Screensavers, System Preferences "unexpectedly quits." I'm running 10.5.0 on a 24' iMac 2.4Ghz.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mail Is Missing Gmail Label Folders And Labeled Messages

Mar 31, 2012

I've got a bunch of client folders and subfolders (labels on gmail). I'm trying to switch to mac in the office and set up an imap account. In the last hour searching the archives here, the subfolders in the account have appeared, disappeared, back and forth. Right now they're gone. They have never had any of the messages in them on the mac. There is no little triangle to turn.

Here's what I have done so far:

- set the folders to show in IMAP

- verified the folders/labels and their contents are on the server, my pc, my iphone

- completely deleted and recreated the account in Mail and System Preferences 3 times

- they also don't show in the [Gmail] folder down below

- let it completely sync overnight last night (problem existed yesterday too)

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Leopard Upgrade - Cannot Login Post Install

Oct 26, 2007

I don't know what to do. I installed Leopard over 10.4.10 as an upgrade on my iMac C2D and after the system rebooted into Leopard for the first time, I can't login to the admin account. I just doesn't accept the password anymore! My second non-admin account works, but I'm completely locked out of the admin account! Even worse, I can't reset the password using the utility on the Leopard Boot Disk. The password reset utility doesn't seem to work! I really don't know what to do. I didn't backup before the install (I bought a second drive and was planning on backing up with Time Machine after Leopard was installed). I'm locked out of my own computer.

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Unable To Login After An Upgrade Install?

Jul 4, 2012

Overnight my Mac OS X won't accept the password.  Can't get into system to reset. Tried typing at command promtp after restarting with Command S.  System did not recognize the LS users directory. How can I get in by accessing a partition to reset or delete password settings? 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5)

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OS X Mavericks :: Keychain Login Cannot Be Found After Upgrade (10.9.4)

Jul 1, 2014

This Macbook Pro has been running Mavericks from the beginning and has gone through at least one other upgrade.  After upgrading to 10.9.4 today, this popup keeps coming, sometimes with an application/account name sometimes not.  Of course "login" is fine in keychain and many applications/Web sites using "login" keychain continue to work, including those implicated in popups.  I tried "Verify/Repair" in Keychain First Aid.  No error found.  I tried to repair file system in Disk Utility.  Nothing changes. 

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Software :: Leopard Upgrade Can't Past Login Screen?

Jun 15, 2008

i upgraded my G4 Silver from 10.4.9 to 10.5. I never required myself to login on startup. After up grading to 10.5 the login screen comes up with the only account "Other". Stumped in what to do. I did repair permissions.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Upgrade Has Changed Background Colour @login Boxes?

Jun 20, 2012

I've just done an Apple software upgrade & its changed the colour of the background on "log in" boxes for all the sites I now visit via my isp?The background colour is now black - which makes it impossible to see what you have typed.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: 10.9.4 Upgrade Locked Out Many Of Files - Can No Longer Login To Network Accounts

Sep 10, 2014

I upgraded to 10.9.4. Now, I can no longer log in to "network accounts". I am lucky in that my school district gave me administrator access, so I am currently logging in that way. Big problem though- the permissions on EVERY SINGLE FILE AND FOLDER are set to read only, so any time I want to access anything, I have to change the permissions on the folder/document. I have tried doing this en masse to no avail. How to log in to my original account so I can function the way I did before 10.9.4 hit.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Why Does Desktop Show An Excel Icon Labeled "6EE8A700"

May 3, 2012

I have a MacBook Pro running 10.7.3 and Office 2011. A strange thing is that on my desktop I am getting an Excel icon, as though I had a file on my desktop.  It is named "6EE8A700". If I right click on "Get Info" it returns nothing.  I cannot move the icon to another place on my desktop.  If I try to delete it I get the response "The item “6EE8A700” can’t be moved to the Trash because it can’t be deleted."  If I close Excel, even force quit Excel, it still is there. This icon is not always here but has no correlation to whether Excel is running or not. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Re-enable Java Applets By Clicking The Region Labeled "Inactive Plug-in" On A Webpage

Jun 13, 2012

Since installing Java 10.6.1_33, an online program I use will not function. The program says I do not have the correct Java update.  Apple says to  re-enable Java applets by clicking the region labeled "Inactive plug-in" on a webpage, but there is no region labeled  "inactive plug-in".  Everything worked perfectly before installing the latest update which was released yesterday.

iMac 21.5" - 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.6.2), Memory 4GB

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Move Keychains From Old Computer To New Computer?

Jun 25, 2012

I had purchased the new retina MBP and i used to have a macbook air. I moved all of my files over to my new computer (NOT using migration assistant, wanted a new setup) and i got everything but my keychains.How can i move my internet keychains over?  BTW, the computer wont let me export internet keychains... 

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Software :: Unable To Login To Computer / Asks Password And Returns To Login Screen

Jun 20, 2008

Hi! Im new to the forums but i really need help with something and i was hoping someone here could help me out. So I just installed Tech Tool Deluxe onto my macbook and then shut it down later. I went back to use it again and when i turned it on a login screen appeared asking me to put in my password. I did that and the screen turned blue (looking like it was loading) and then went back to the login screen. Every time i put in my password it just takes me back to the login screen. I have had my mac for a while and i dont want my hardrive to get wiped out so what do i do? Thank you for looking

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OS X :: Unable To Auto-login To Guest Account / Safari Wants To Use Keychain Login

Jan 6, 2009

I work for a company that has several Macs available for customers' use. These are basically demo-machines that they can play with, and at the end of each day, the machines are wiped and rebooted.

The way we do this is simple: the machines auto-login to the Guest account, which will wipe the account at the end of the day. Well, getting a few new Macs in this week, I simply copied over the entire Guest user account to the new machines to avoid reloading all the demo content, preferences, etc. And truthfully, the machines have been working great.

Except one thing. The computer keeps giving me that annoying message that says "Safari (or Finder, or System Preferences, or anything!) wants to use keychain 'login'". And asks for the login keychain password. Well here's the thing: the Guest accounts don't have passwords!

So I looked up a little bit on this topic, and did things like... Went to "Keychain List" in the Edit menu of Keychain Access, and deleted both the "login" and "system" keychains. No help. I went to Preferences in Keychain Access and said "Reset My Keychain". When doing this, however, it asks for the new password for the login keychain.

The problem with this is that I cannot leave the field blank! The Guest account doesn't have a password, so how am I supposed to not create a password?

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OS X Mavericks :: Items Open At Login Without Being Listed In Login Pane Under Users?

Aug 29, 2014

Okay Mail 7.3 and word 2011 are opening at login. Nothing is selected under user preferences. UI know there's a way to stop it

Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Automatic Login Not Working - Disable Auto On The Security Page But Still Need To Login Every-time?

Jun 30, 2012

I have auto login on my profile and disable auto on the security page but still need to login every time I log out or shut down.I have also noticed that the general page of the security and privacy in Syste Prefs is different on my wife Macbook air and my pro....

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OS X :: Unable To Login To Network / Login Disabled And Connection Failed

Apr 15, 2010

G4 MDD networked with Mini for approx. 3 years now via a LinkSys BEFSR41 wired router. Ethernet cables are CAT6's with gold-plated ends. Did an erase/install (+ updates) of Panther on G4. ISP is Comcast Cable. Just upgraded my Motorola modem from Surfboard 5100 to SB 5101 yesterday. My network settings are ok...file sharing is turned on...I can ping each 'puter from the other (showing my connection is good).

I have internet access (showing that the router is still good according to Cisco). Now, however, I can't even bring up the window on the G4 asking for my pw....all I get is connection failed, no response from the server. From the Mini, I get Unknown User, incorrect password or login is disabled. I haven't a clue what the problem can be. Everything I do daily depends upon the network connection.

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OS X :: Unable To Login To Guest Account / Allow Guests To Login Into Computer

Oct 20, 2010

i ve recently activated the default guest account in leopard. However even though when I check in the accounts.prefpane it says that it is on and its 'login only' and when I click on the account it says 'allow guests to login into this computer' and its on.

However when I boot up my machine and click on the guest icon, it wont let me in as it shakes the menu(login failed).

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MacBook :: Login Stuck On Login Window Starting

Dec 19, 2010

When I turn on lap top (iBook G4 Mac OS x 10.3) i get the following message "Login Window Starting" I followed Apple support guidance - specifically safe start and performing the fsck then reboot process and neither works for me. I don't have the disks any more so I cant use them for reloading the software. I want to sell the laptop so i just want to format the HD. Is it possible to format from command lines?

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PowerPC :: Unable To Login / Freeze After Login

Jul 28, 2008

I have an iMac G5 1.8Ghz and Today when I logged in, it just froze on the apple OS X background. I waited 2 minutes, and nothing happened. It was weird because it's the first time it happened. Anyway, I turned the iMac off and re-tried. It did the exact same thing. So I turned it off, unplugged everything, waited around a minute, plugged it all back in, and it worked fine.

But yeah, just trying to work out why it would do that... because this is going to my brother and I don't want it to just crash when I give it to him.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: What To Do When The Login Banner Covers The Login Box

May 22, 2012

On a Mac Book Air and a Mac Book Pro we have had a sudden problem.  The Air came with Lion installed, the Pro just got upgraded to Lion.  We got a new login banner that must be displayed.  It is about 10 lines long.  We put it in, and on reboot it covers the login boxes for user name and password.  We can't find any way to dismiss the banner and login.  What can we do. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)

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OS X Mavericks :: Use Wireless To Login To AD Domain At Login

Jun 25, 2014

OS X Maverick (10.9.3)..I have an iMac I need to have the user at the login window, log into AD.  The iMac does not have an operable ethernet port.  I suspect the iMac is old enough, the thunderbolt port is video only, since a known working thunderbolt to ethernet adapter did not connect (I think the iMac is Mid 2011 and I suspect the iMac is out of warranty).  Wireless works fine, and I have made the iMac a member of the domain using the private network, after logging in locally. I cannot create the user's mobile account, because I need to have the iMac use wireless at login, connecting to the private network, at login.   

Is there a way to have the login process use wireless to initiate the login for the mobile account and creation of said account?I know there is a way to do this under Windows, just hope there is a way under OS X. 

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PowerPC :: G5 Wireless Upgrade Kits / Main Board Has 8 Slots For RAM Upgrade

Jul 25, 2008

Does anyone know the exact name and part numbers for Wireless upgrade kits for the following machines:

G5 Dual 2.0 ghz - (main board has 8 slots for RAM upgrade)

Mac Pro Quad 3.0ghz

I've been searching around in circles trying to find this out and I'm just getting no where!

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Intel Mac :: Upgrade The Memory On (circa2007) So That Can Upgrade To ISX Lion And Then Be Able To Use Icloud?

Mar 25, 2012

how to obtain a bigger memory for my imac so that I can upgrade to OSX LIon and then to icloud?  My imac currently has 1 Gb memory and I need 2 Gb apparently.  Apple can no longer supply a 2 Gb memory.  I will need to knowe hwre to buy a suitable memory and how to change it.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 1 Gb memory

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Mac Pro :: Upgrade Video Card Vs Upgrade Entire System?

Jan 28, 2010

I am kicking around between upgrading video card in my 1st gen Mac Pro (2 x 2.66 dual core, 8gb ram) from 7300 Gt to ati 4870 vs. upgrading to a newer system altogether...

Newer MP has 2 x 2.66 quad cores, 12 gb ram with the 4870 card.) What kind of improved performance might I really expect or even notice when using photoshop, light video editing, 3d graphics.

I have not included costs because I want to focus on the performance boosts sans cost for the purpose of this discussion.

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Do Have To Upgrade To Snow Leopard First / Can Upgrade Directly To Lion

Mar 26, 2012

I have an iMac with Mac OSX 10.6.8 and 2.4 GH2 Intel Core 2 Duo processor.I want to upgrade to Lion so that I can use iCloud to share documents with my iPad.Do I have to upgrade to Snow Leopard first or can I upgrade directly to Lion?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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