OS X :: Active Memory Doesn't Go Inactive / Unable To Use Applications
Mar 7, 2009
BUT.. I just doubled my RAM from 1 to 2 gigs. After a fresh boot and loading up Safari, Firefox, and iPhoto, and then CLOSING all of them and running no apps, Leopard shows more than a gig of ACTIVE memory, which even after sitting there for an hour doing nothing - does NOT go over to the INactive section. Why? I'm not asking why it doesn't go to "free". I know why.
Could not find such a thread and since this is quite an annoying problem, I decided to register The problem I am encountering since a few days is when I open a finder window, it starts to sort of "flash" from inactive to active window (even when there is no other window/application opened).[Please refer to post below for updated information on the problem]This happens on my MacBook running 10.5.3 (unfortunately I cannot say if the issue only appeared after the update).
I am using an EXTERNAL seagate 250gb drive formatted with the apple partition map on a osx10.4 system with no problems (intel based). I then plugged it into a 10.5 system (ppc system), it displayed some message which I ignored, perhaps to my peril, and began to backup some files and the transfer was moving quite slow. The drive was unplugged before the transfer was completed. I now try to use the drive on my 10.4 system and even-though the partition is still visible (in disk utility) it is not active (the drive is in black font but the partition is in grey font). Did the 10.5 system possibly make the partition inactive, if so how to do i make it active again? When I attempt to verify the disk, it reports that there is an "INVALID SIBLING LINK" and tells me that the volume needs repair. I try to repair the disc and it fails "INVALID SIBLING LINK" and the "THE UNDERLYING TASK REPORTED FAILURE ON EXIT" I would really like not to have to take this to a data recovery service and I am not tech challenged so I don't think I need to do this as the Hdd didn't fail, I hope.
I have a late 2008 MacBook Pro 2.4GHz with 2GB of RAM. I can't say it's ever been magnificently fast, but I always blamed it on the memory. I've always intended on upgrading it, just never got around to it. I've also been away for 6 months, so haven't been using my computer. But today I've been trying to use Photoshop & it's hideously slow! Even the simplest task such as a desaturate command can take as long as 2 minutes! Admittedly on a large size document.
I have iStat in the menu bar. When performing these tasks I would assume it would display some sort of indication it's processing in the CPU. But it displays Photoshop only using at much as 16% CPU & the memory having 500MB of inactive memory? My brother had been using my computer away & was constantly complaining of the speed of it. He suspects it could be a CPU issue. Am I correct in thinking Photoshop should be using more CPU when processing a task?
I have 4gb of ram in my MBP and am forcing snow leopard to boot into 64-bit mode by changing the one property in my com.apple.Boot.plist. I have noticed that if I keep my computer on for a couple of hours that over 2gb of my memory is declared inactive. The activity monitor does not show what is taking up so much memory on my computer. How would I be able to free up all this inactive memory so that my computer continues to run smoothly like it does when I do a restart.
since I installed OSX Lion, I've noticed my Active memory has been very high, Infact, currently with nothing but 1 tab of google chrome and activity monitor running, my macbook is currently has 50% active, 25% wired, 22% inactive, and 3% Free.It remains this way even when I try to do resource intense stuff like photo editing or games, or document editing. This is quite a problem since my Macbook only has 2 gb of ram, and games such as minecraft and photoediting need more than the 25% of active/free ram.Since installing Lion, 3 weeks ago, i've noticed my computer running more, getting hotter(and faster fan speeds when it does), and many more active running processes. So, I am wondering, if there is anything I can do to lower the active ram and if there is anything I can do to make it more usable for my needs(without downgrading to snowleopard)
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), aluminum macbook 2gb ram
I enabled the Mac equivalent to fast user switching (allows more than 1 profile to be logged in); when I want to shut down the system I get box that says other people are signed on, if you want to shut down, enter user name and password.
The problem is that no matter which user id/password combo I put in, it is not recognized; not even either of the admin users.
I am unable to Bind any of my Mac Clients to Active Directory after upgrading to Mac OS 10.5.5 and 10.5.6.
I am now running 10.5.6 but the problem started when I upgraded to 10.5.5, 10.5.6 did not resolve the problem. The Directory Service Plug-in will not authenticate my username and password.
I cannot get a solid answer on this one. Since the update it seems that safari fails to save my login info. For example I have to re-enter my username and pass for macrumors atleast once everyday. Also it seems that Safari occasionally hogs more memory and resources after extended use. Anyone else?
so just the other day, I noticed that my safari window was fading transparent any time I would make it an inactive window, for example by clicking onto the desktop. I don't know why or how this could have happened, although the only thing I remember installing recently enough was "Inquisiter" for Safari, but I've uninstalled that and it still seems to be happening.
I'm using the most recent version of the Safari 4 beta in case you needed to know.
I guess it's not really a BIG deal since it doesn't really harm my ability to do anything in OS X, but I'm just a little confused as to how this happened in the first place. Does anybody know why or how this happened and how I could disable this?
Here's a video of it happening just to help you understand what's happening:[URL}
At a random time months ago (I cant pinpoint what triggered it) certain windows started to make themselves half-opaque when inactive. They seem to be "cocoa" applications (though I'm not sure the exact definition of that). The windows that are effected are: Skype v2.8.0 (chat windows only, not main 'buddy list') iMovie / iPhoto... I think there are more, I can't figure out which though. I'll update. The windows that are (surprisingly) NOT effected are: Windows Live Messenger v7.0.2
Textedit Microsoft Word 2007 Firefox v3.6
I have the program named "Afloat" and it seems to be inconsequential to the problem.
Is there an app that will keep a webpage active? My work email logs me off if I'm not actively doing something in email about every 5 minutes with no activity. It's annoying to have to constantly log in again, if I'm surfing the web.
I just bought 2 - 4 gb memory to ugrade my 2 - 2 gb memory on my macbook pro 13" early 2011. Installed them and rebooted. The About Mac still shows 4 mb memory and looking farther it shows it has 2 - 2 mb memory. Also, now when I close the lid on the computer and it shuts down completely and not just go to sleep. i do not know if the two are related.
Any app for MAC OS that will display my active windows? The app can run in the menubar or dock, or mount next to the doc. Basically, something like the taskbar from Windows XP and Vista. Not Windows 7 as that shows the active programs, but not specific windows. I'm basically looking for an Expose alternative. So if I have 10 different windows running for Firefox, I can quickly look at my menubar or somewhere near the dock, and just click the window I want to see. Yes, I know that is what Expose is for, but I prefer to see me active windows without using a shortcut.
So far here's what I've tried: -Going to System Preferences, and unchecking "Minimize windows into application icon" in the Dock settings. This offered a partial solution as the icons could not be distinguished for the same program. 10 firefox windows minimized would just show 10 firefox icons. -Googling the following terms: app switcher for mac mac expose apps show running apps in menubar show expose items in menubar pin active applications to menubar in mac always show expose for mac application management for mac
I've also tried running these apps: alunch: [URL] WindowFinder 1.4: [URL] Running Applications for Mac: [URL] XMenu: [URL] Himmelbar: [URL]
All of these apps more or less place one icon in the menubar, which when clicked on shows your running apps, favorite apps, and system folders. This is fine, and is very similar to the windows start button. However, they all fall short because they only place one icon in the menubar, which must be clicked on to show active apps or active windows. Can someone please point me to an app that will always be on my screen, and will show icons or labels of active windows.
Again, similar to Windows taskbar before Windows 7. I know this is a difference in Mac and Windows, and that I can use the dock to see my active applications, and use the various shortcuts to see my windows, but there's got to be an app that will just always shows my active windows. So if I have Apple Mail Open, and have 3 compose new mail windows going, I would like to see 4 icons or labels somewhere in the menubar or near the dock. I'm on a Macbook Pro - OS 10.6.4
Is there a way to force Safari to print what I see on a webpage, and not default to the print style? I'm trying to print a graphically-rich site and the print.css doesn't cut it, making everything look like trash (unformatted text, etc.).
I am not a mac user (please forgive me) but I have a friend who has a Mac and cannot print all of a sudden. From what I understand it is an I-Mac and the OS is OSX.
All of a sudden (after a few years without trouble) she is getting an out of memory message when she sends a job to the printer. Further, no jobs show up in the printer dialogue window when it is sent from the computer. The print jobs are not large, just simple emails. Even when she creates a blank message with the word test in the body it still wont print.
The printer is an HP D4160.
It is not sending any messages re: the status of the cartridges. The computer is communicating with the printer as it will print a test page when commanded to from the computer so this is truly baffling.
I think I have an iMac G5 - flat screen, white covering. Right now I have OS X 10.5.8 & it's running rather slow. The processor is 2 GHz Intel Core Duo, Memory 512 MB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM. I want to upgrade to Snow Leopard 10.6.3 - tried today but says I don't have enough memory. How do I get more memory & what do I need to do it.
I have had my MBP for just over a year now. I am thinking I have somehow altered my settings recently to cause this issue. I have had no problem before using memory cards (such as from my camera) on my MBP. Now, I can open them, but can't delete from them nor add to them. The cards are not locked. I bought a brand new card and popped it in and have the same issue, I can't add anything to it from my computer nor can I change the name on the card.
I'm trying to get a Macmini (10.3) and/or MacBook Pro (10.5) to work with a HP PSC 750. On the Pro I get a "shared memory services not created" and on the mini I get "unable to communicate with HPAIO". Any idea what's going on?
Using a newly purchased Sony DCR-SR47 Handycam, I am attempting to import the still images from the Memory Stick Pro Duo (preferably into iPhoto). Using the Sony instructions provided here [URL]... when I open the file all I see are MEMSTICK.IND and MSTK_PRO.IND. Unfortunately when I attempt to open files with the .ind extension it comes up as an unrecognizable format. The images are viewable on the camcorder but I can't seem to open the file.
I have had it in for about a week... Today I am at my lowest amount of inactive RAM, about 3.09GB. I just checked activity monitor and I am swapping 1MB? And have 11 page outs?
As always I wanted to add a new project with incrementally new RAW files from my SD memory card. I have the photo management system the image master files (RAWS) are stored in Pictures folder on the HDD. The import dialogue enables to select a destination folder to Pictures as usual, but it doesn't show Move or Copy files option anymore. Without this, it just imports images as referenced images to the ones placed on the memory card, which I subsequently can't format, because, I'd lost all the photos. Move or Copy files option shows up when I pick other import source than memory card, eg. my HDD. I tried everything, can't figure this out. I find Aperture unreliable now and will move to Adobe Lightroom, if won't find a solution.
Info: Mid-2009 Macbook Pro running Mavericks 10.9.3, Aperture 3.5.1
It's not seldom that I go to sleep but my Mac is still downloading for one or two hours, or Time Machine is backing up wirelessly. I remember I've seen the ability "shutdown when ready" in a (very) few apps (could be Windows ), but isn't there some general function for it?
I'm using an iMac OS X 10.2.8. When I plug in my Sony Cybershot (4.1 Mega Pixels) digital camera, the iMac will not read the ScanDisk Memory Stick Pro Duo (512 MB). If I remove the memory card it will read the internal memory of the camera. When I first bought the memory stick it worked just fine but now I get these two error messages.
"A disk attempting to mount as Unkown has failed verification or has failed to mount. use Disk Utilities to check the disk and correct any errors"