MacBook :: Does Keyboard Cover Really Stop Air From Getting Out

Feb 1, 2012

i am using one of these colored keyboard covers.but my friend told me that this cover will make my macbook getting hot because it stops air from getting out . is that real ?and where is the real cooling spots on the white macbook (2009 and later ) 

MacBook (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Air :: Looking For A Keyboard Cover To Protect The Keys

Dec 11, 2010

I am looking for a keyboard cover to protect the keys from dust and dirts. It should be very thin and comfortable.

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MacBook :: Full Surface Keyboard Cover?

Feb 4, 2009

I'm looking for a keyboard protector that will cover the entire surface area of the keyboard, not just the keys. I've seen them before, I just can't remember where. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

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MacBook :: Does Applecare Cover The Backlit Keyboard

Oct 21, 2009

If my keyboard's backlighting stops working because the leds burned out or w/e, will apple care replace them for free? if not, how much will it cost to replace?

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MacBook Pro :: Does The Keyboard Cover Block The Airflow

Feb 13, 2012

I've been looking into geting a MacBook Pro 15 Bundle from Moshi Store online.  My question is does the keyboard cover block the airflow needed to keep the computer cool? 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: Keyboard Cover: Is It Essential Or Useless

Mar 22, 2012

A wonderful Macbook Air has been recenly given to me as a present, but I have an obsession: I have read somewhere that the keyboard is set into the upper case, so that is impossible to replace it without spending half of the money this computer costs.generally i hate to exaggerate with protections, but I just wondering what is the normal time of usury of the keyboard (supposed in a daliy usage..)..Does it wear out prematurely before the other components of the computer, or it will be ruined when my Macbook is a rattletrap?In other words: shall I buy a cheap chinese keboard cover using it from time to time or  a more expensive one (such as Moshi or iSkin) for an every-day usage? 

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7)

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MacBook :: Microfiber Keyboard Cover / Screen Protector

Jan 30, 2009

I just ordered a new aluminum macbook and wanted to get a microfiber cloth to put over the keyboard when it's closed. The only ones I can find in the store are part of a 30 dollar set that contains a bunch of stuff I don't want/need. Anybody know a good place to get one of these?

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MacBook :: Black Keyboard Cover / Skin Suggestions

Mar 4, 2009

I have the Moshi Palmguard/Trackpad cover on my Black MacBook and would like to now protect the keyboard as well. I don't want those shiny marks to start showing up on my space bar. I searched the forums but didn't find any solid suggestions. Can my fellow Blackbook users point me to something I won't regret purchasing?

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MacBook Pro :: Cover For Keyboard To Prevent Screen Damage

Jul 23, 2009

I was reading through some posts about protecting a MBP and a poster mentioned he was getting a cover for his keyboard so as not to damage the screen. I heard about this before a long time ago, but how common is it now with the new uMB or uMBP. I just changed sides for the better so be nice please. 13" 2.53

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MacBook Pro :: Currently Best Keyboard Cover In Terms Of Fitment / Feedback?

Jun 1, 2010

I've been looking around for a new keyboard cover for my macbook and I was wondering which company offers the best fitment/tactile feedback.

I've heard of...KB Covers
Moshi Clearguard
Rearth Verco

So far, I've purchased one off eBay and a Logiix branded one, but I'm not completely satisfied with either one. I don't like how the molding for each key from the eBay one is slightly larger than the actual keys, and that it leaves an imprint on the LCD when the lid is closed, however, it is quiet and typing doesn't require any extra effort. The Logiix one resembles Moshi's Clearguard, where the fitment for the Fn keys is slightly longer at the top. The molding for this one fits like a glove, but typing feels unnatural and it is noticeably noisier. I think the noise comes from the silicone being pinched between the small gap around each key when they are pressed. Typing seems to require more effort because of this. I would like to know if other brands with an exact keyboard fit molding also suffer from this noise issue. Looking around for reviews, I am now somewhat interested inRearth Verco's product. They explain that their silicone molding's thickness around the edges of each key is much thinner than it is in the centre, therefore it requires less effort to press each key. From photos, it appears that the Moshi's Clearguard also has this design.

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard And/or Top Case Cover To Eliminate Aluminum Reflection?

Jun 25, 2012

Getting a new MacBookPro with high res anti-glare screen.I type with two fingers, and often look at the keyboard.  

For eye comfort, and to prevent retinal after-images, I'd like all the aluminum dull black. I found tape and fabric to cover up most of the top case and the bezel, but the keyboard is a challenge. KBCovers does not produce a keyboard cover which will be black at the bases of the keys and clear over the keys, which would allow the backlit keyboard to transmit.   So first choice is a keyboard cover which has black everywhere there's aluminum, and has clear for the keys.   Second choice is an all clear keybooard cover and I'll adhere black to the aluminum around the keys (and top case). 

Anyone aware of such keyboard covers ? 

Anyone aware of such top case covers ? 

(ColorWare voids a three year AppleCare, so ColorWare is not an option) 

Never understood Apple's engineering design of making a screen anti-glare and anti-reflective, while making the remainder of the computer glaring and reflective and contrasting.  Ye olde black MacBook is such an eye-pleasing and comfortable design.

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IMac :: Does AppleCare Cover Mouse And Keyboard?

Dec 27, 2007

I just got a new 20" 2.4 GHz with the 3 year extended AppleCare.On my last Mighty Mouse, the scroll ball stopped rolling after about a year.If the one that comes with my new Mac breaks, will I be able to claim that under AppleCare and get a new one?

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MacBook Pro :: Stop Hinge Plastic From Creaking / Black Plastic Hinge Cover Is Cheap And Creaks

Feb 15, 2007

Build-quality wise the unibodies are really as perfect as I've ever experienced any machine to be. Simply amazing. BUT, the black plastic hinge cover is cheap and creaks as soon as I grab the computer or open the display. I opened her up to see if there was anything I could do to reinforce it or something, but I didn't want to mess with it.

Quite a few seem to have this 'issue' and I thought maybe somebody has figured out a solution?Such a shame on an otherwise perfect machine. I would have preferred the same kind of rubbery plastic that was on the old generation MBP

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard And Trackpad Stop Functioning

Oct 15, 2010

I've been having this problem with my Macbook Pro for quite some time now, and it's absolutely infuriating. So far, I've found no solution. As it is out of warranty, I am loathe to take it to the Apple store, but I am beginning to fear I will have no choice. I've got an early 2008 15" MBP with the NVIDIA 8600M GT 512. It spends most of its time in use as a desktop machine, with a keyboard, mouse, and monitor connected, so I don't notice the problem often. However, any time I take my Mac mobile, I am plagued by this issue. What happens is that, seemingly at random, the keyboard and trackpad will completely stop functioning. The only way to get around the problem is to connect a mouse and reboot, which returns things to normal for a few minutes, then it happens again. If I have no mouse, I have to force-shutdown, as the power key still works.

Sometimes the keyboard and trackpad will shut down all at once, and sometimes they will fluctuate for a while, with keystrokes not registering and trackpad motions not happening. Sometimes keys will stick (not physically) sending a character repeating across the screen until I hit another key. But, in the end, the result is the same: no input functionality, necessitating a reboot. Sometimes I am able to use my MBP for long periods without a problem. Sometimes it happens within minutes. It happens when it's hot, it happens when it's not. There seems to be no real consistency. For a long time I thought that it was a software issue as it never happened while booted into windows. But recently it has happened while booted into Windows 7, though it never happened in XP. The motherboard has been replaced recently, and the issue did not go away.

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MacBook :: Make The Keyboard Stop Typing All Caps?

Apr 17, 2012

The MacBook has starting typing everything in caps, even the number keys are printing shifted characters.  The caps lock key seems to be functioning normally, so I don't believe that is the cause.

MacBook 2.26GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
2 Gb RAM
250Gb HD
OS 10.6.8

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2Gb RAM

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Close Battery Cover Latch / Opened The Battery Cover?

Dec 21, 2008

picked up a unibody last Saturday night, and opened the battery cover tonight. The latch was opened with little resistance, but now won't close. The latch edge sits about 1/8" up, and I can't find anything which would seem to prevent it from closing.

Anyone else had a troublesome battery latch, and how did you resolve it?

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ITunes :: Delete Incorrect Cover Art And Replace It With The Correct Cover Art?

May 20, 2012

How do you delete incorrect cover art and replace it with the correct cover art?

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard And Trackpad Suddenly Stop Working - Force Shutdown

Dec 20, 2009

Sometimes while using computer, the entire keyboard and trackpad suddenly go completely unresponsive and I can't do anything. The only button that works is the power button. It's so annoying because I have to do an emergency shutdown and I hate doing that. Is there any relief?

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OS X :: Keyboard Stop Working?

Jun 11, 2010

I never know when my keyboard on my iMac wil just stop. I have to unplug if from the USB and re-plug it to start working again. I've had the same setup for a couple of years. Started doing this about 1 month ago.

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OS X :: Keyboard/Trackpad Stop Working - How To Fix It

Sep 6, 2009

It happens randomly. After awhile the keyboard and trackpad stop working entirely. I have to use my might mouse to reset my MBP then it they work fine again.

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Power Mac G5 :: Keyboard Stop Working While On Desktop?

Nov 21, 2007

using a g5 intel running 0s 10.4.11 and my keyboard has stopped working ,it doesn't work while i am on the desktop , so using shortcut keys and changing file names etc.

G5 mac pro, 15" macbook pro
Mac OS X (10.4.8)
dual monitors, sony 15" broadcast monitor, Sony HDR-FX1e

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OS X :: Keyboard Volume Buttons Stop Working

Nov 24, 2009

Relevant hardware: new Mac Pro, aluminum wired full keyboard, external speakers (Line Out). Every now and then, the volume up & down keys (F11 & F12) stop working. (Usually seems to happen upon waking from sleep, but not certain of pattern yet.) The volume keys still make the translucent volume graphic pop up, and they still make that pop-up's slider move up and down, and they make that feedback/confirmation "blip" sound grow louder or softer. But, this has no effect on the actual volume (except if I move it all the way down to Mute; that works).

I can only change volume with the mouse -- in the menu bar or in System Preferences. The keyboard volume buttons have no effect on those sliders, when this problem arises. All the other F-keys continue to work properly, so it's not a general keyboard or F-key issue. Only volume up/down. If I restart the computer, the problem is fixed. And I just noticed that if I go into System Preferences and change the Output to "Built-In" and then back to "Line Out," that fixed the problem too. At least, for now.

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Windows On Mac :: Keyboard And Mouse Stop Working After A Few Seconds On 7 64-bit?

Jan 6, 2010

I have a 27" imac and I've installed windows 7 64-bit using boot camp. Everything works except the wireless keyboard and mouse, which work for about 20 seconds after starting up and then stop. The bluetooth control panel says they're still connected, but they aren't working, so I'm forced to connect an old wired kb/mouse.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Keyboard & Mouse Stop Working After Sleep

Mar 20, 2012

I just upgraded to Lion, on a MacMini, and now everytime I use sleep mode, I can't wake my lion up again because key presses or mouse clicks don't work anymore. I can still move the pointer, but OS does not respond anymore to mouse clicks or keyboard. Have to power down, then start up again. Keyboard & mouse then work until the next time the lion sleeps. 

This is quite annoying, as I'm an intermittent style of user who relies on sleep mode a lot.   

Lion is nice when it works, but it has introduced problems I've never had before. And booting into Lion is way slower than Leopard or Snow Leopard were. At least double the time, or more. 

Should mention I'm also using a Logitech denovo wireless keyboard and a Logitech M570 wireless trackball. 

Connecting a standard USB keyboard and/or mouse, once the lion has gone to sleep, does not solve anything. The OS still  does not respond. 


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OS X Yosemite :: Keyboard / Trackpad Stop Working After Sleep Mode?

Dec 3, 2014

After a few hours of uptime, certain keys on my keyboard stop working and I have to reboot: both command keys and the zero key. Sometimes, after the computer has been in sleep a long time, the keyboard and mouse don't respond at all. I can get the computer to wake up again by pressing the power key, but the mouse and keyboard don't respond, so I can't do anything except hard boot.  This problem first appeared after the update to 10.10.1. (I'm dealing with it right now, so I'm getting the '0' through the keyboard viewer, but there's no way to access that from the password screen.)

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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Software :: Mouse And Keyboard Work Momentarily - Suddenly Stop Responding

Jul 26, 2008

I have a PowerMac Dual G4 @ 500mhz that has issue with waking up from sleep. Running Tiger 10.4.11 with a fresh install of it on there. 512mb memory populating all 4 slots. I've verified permission, verified the HDD via disk utility. I've also run MacOSXmemtest that I purchased and that came up clean. I've also reset the PMU. When I wake the computer up from sleep it will usually wake up to a display and then the mouse and keyboard work momentarily (USB MS keyboard and Logitech Mouse) and then I'll get the beachball of death. The mouse and keyboard will then stop responding completely. I have to manually restart the computer but it seems to work great if it doesn't go into sleep.

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MacBook Pro :: Top Row Keys Stop Working / Apps Stop Launching / Can't Sleep Or Shut Down

Dec 31, 2009

My MBP has this issue every once in a while where I have to hold the power button and force shut down. Randomly the volume keys/brightness etc. stop working and i can't open apps or shut it down normally. Everything still works though (can still function in open applications) Anyone know what the problem is? It fixes when I force reset.

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MacBook Pro :: Key Cover Came Off?

Mar 4, 2012

The cover to my up arrow came this a simple repair or a real pain?

MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008)

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MacBook Air :: Do You Get The Top Cover Off Easily?

Jun 24, 2009

I just bought a clear speck case for the MBA. I noticed that the case weighs a little bit and when the top cover is on, at a certain angle, it closes the MBA due to the sheer weight.

Over time, will this loosen the hinge?

On another point, how the **** do you get the top cover off easily? I scratched the cover with a credit card the first time around! The thing is almost impossible to pry off!

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MacBook Pro :: Will MBP Cover Being Closed?

Dec 27, 2009

Cause heat problems? I am using my MBP with the cover closed for space constraints , connected to an external display along with keyboard and the mouse is BT.Over all am I looking at causing damage if I do this for long term.I'm contemplating selling it and downsizing to a Mini.

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