MacBook :: Display Going Dead After A Few Minutes?
Jan 25, 2010
I've got a white macbook 2.16 I believe. The screen/display will turn on when booted up, but only stay on a few minutes. I got it off craigslist this way. When I first got it, it wouldn't come on at all. I replaced the inverter with one I got off ebay that was probably used. I have tried 4 different inverters in it (all used I think) they all respond the same way. Screen comes on for just a few minutes then the light goes black. If I disconnect the power to the inverter after it shuts off, then reconnect it, it will light up again for a couple seconds only. If I leave it alone, it will come back on after about 20 minutes.
Does this sound like I have a bunch of bad inverters, or a bad lcd screen? It also drives an external monitor flawlessly the whole time and keeps an image displayed on the screen even when the light dies.
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Mar 5, 2010
I think I may have a dead pixel in my MBP. I've got the October 2008 model, the LED display. Today I noticed a little grey-ish speck in the display. And trust me, it is IN it, not ON it. Believe me, I wouldn't be wasting anyone's time if this was something that could simply be cleaned off. It is not visible when the display is off; when that area is dark, the spot is visible as a lighter grey as compared to the surrounding area; when that area is white/light, it appears as a darker grey color compared to the surrounding color. Having said all that, I have still cleaned the screen thoroughly several times but to no avail. It is visible from the boot screen (white screen with the apple) and as long as the screen is on, but again it disappears when I turn it off. From all this, I gather that it is likely a dead pixel. I have reset the PRAM and of course that didn't help. I called Apple and they agreed with me, so I went ahead and set up an appointment for the Genius Bar (almost an hour away).
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Aug 23, 2014
A moment ago the 3rd retina display of my MacBook (and only a month after replacement) the display showed dead pixels again.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2), None
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Nov 7, 2006
I have a dead iBook G3 that I would like to use as a 2nd display for my iMac G5. What are the connections I would need to do this? Is it even possible?
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May 13, 2009
After what was a slow and eventually stalled update I finally got the system running again. But I booted up today and ten minutes into work my second monitor cut out. I am afraid to reboot because others have had their displays disappear. I have major thunderstorms headed my way in the next 3 hours and I need to find out how to uninstall the update before they get here. I am somewhat new to Mac and this is the first update for me so how do I do this?
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Feb 5, 2009
I reset my PRAM yesterday to fix some issues with videos being choppy. It has helped somewhat in that regard, but I've noticed a new issue with my display becoming dimmed. I have my screen saver set to kick on after 5 minutes of inactivity. My display is set to turn off after 15 mins. My display is dimming, however, after 2 minutes of inactivity? It's very frustrating, and is actually causing me headaches because of the differences in brightness.
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Mar 3, 2010
My screen has a dead pixel wich is always RED.
I have Apple Care until november, but maybe they won't even look at it as it's just 1 pixel...
Will it be covered?
will they fix it?
will they give me a new screen?
if they give me a new screen how long will it have warranty? 1 year right?
can i buy apple care for the screen if they give me a new one?
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Jun 19, 2008
It appears that I have a stuck or dead pixel at the bottom of my MacBook Pro's display. It's relatively small and unnoticeable, but I use my Dock a lot, which is how I noticed it. I originally mistook it for dust. I tried a few tricks for removing stuck pixels, but none worked, which is why I wonder if it's truly dead. I think the pixel functions; it remains a constant gray color when the screen is on, but I don't think it's completely black nor does it change colors regardless of what is supposed to be showing on it. Flashing different colors with the help of a few pixel tools didn't help either. "Massaging" the pixel didn't work, and I don't feel entirely positive about adding pressure the screen as it is. The pixel must have gone out a couple of weeks ago. I only noticed it recently, and I doubt that it's been there the whole time I've had this model. Now it doesn't affect the functionality of the machine in anyway, and it's only one pixel, so there's not anything I can do about it unless I can determine if it can be brought back or not. I doubt that too. I think it is quite gone since it is dark in color and it has not responded to any method of restoration. But for all I know, it could just pop on one day. I don't think anything can be done about it, but I'd like to hear some other takes on it.
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Dec 15, 2010
A friend gave me one of these, said he didn't test it. i tested it but have observed the following: ring on PSU plug illuminates fine, was orange but now greed thus battery charges ok. battery button works too, pressing that initially showed 1 dot, now shows 4. charge ok and accepted. pressing the power button though, i hear the fan spin for 1 sec, the disk and the cd drive click in, but no chime and nothing on the display. no response nothing, a hard reset (hold power) turns it off. I did the PMU reset, and the pmu did do a reset, but nothing. I also did the PRAM, and again nothing. I am suspecting a faulty logic board, I hope i can get this going as aesthetically it's in good condition. For the info it appears to be an iBook G3 model A1007, If you need any more info then give me a shout.
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Jun 16, 2008
I just received a Mac Pro 2 x 2.8 Quad-Core Intel Xeon and 23-inch cinema display bought overseas through an Apple official house (though not an Apple Store due to low demand in my country) and I found out that the cinema display has one dead pixel.
Mi question is: should I try for a replacement (given that I should wait for it to be shipped from Apple) or is this among what is expected and reasonable?
I have heard that as the displays are larger, the amount of tolerable dead pixels increases, and for a 23-inch near 15 dead pixels are not a justified cause for a replacement. If this is the case, I should instead be grateful that I do not have 13 dead pixels.
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Jun 22, 2009
I'm on my third LED Cinema Display (for various issues) but I've noticed all of them have DOZENS of very tiny specs of color that are only apparent on a black screen. Furthermore, they seem smaller than an actual pixel (have to be up very close) and they are only apparent at certain angles (and even sometime change color) as opposed to dead/stuck pixels. These always pass my initial dead pixel check over a full black or white screen but I find them once I get in real close.
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Oct 23, 2009
So after getting a new 24in ACD, after my original ACD had a power supply issue, I am starting to notice that on a black screen (black power point slide shows it the best or a movie in widescreen) there are a few areas on the black screen where there are areas of white when the screen is on. I don't notice any dust under the screen. I am only 3 days into the 14 day return policy, so I am really tempted to just head back to the Apple store and swap it out for another screen. I didn't have this issue with my previous ACD, just the power supply issue.
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Jun 28, 2009
I have my 09 mini connected to a Dell E177FP and I have the energy preferences set to turn the display off after 15 minutes. The problem is that the display never turns off. It just sits at the "check signal" screen as if it was not plugged into anything. How can I get the monitor to go into standby mode?
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Jun 17, 2010
I've got two iMacs in my posession currently from getting replacement machines. Both have screen issues as follows: iMac A - dead & stuck pixels, feint grey horizontal bar running along bottom portion of screen, bottom left corner has noticeable backlight bleed. iMac B - dead & stuck pixels, yellow tinge in bottom portion of screen. So here are my questions. Which iMac should I keep and submit for repair? (does it matter and why or why not?) How does the actual repair get done? For example, if I submit iMac B for repair, could I end up with a grey bar or backlight prob like in iMac A?
Are there multiple layers to the display when they fix specific issues? For example, let's say the dead pixels are on one layer while the yellow tinge is on a different layer, or are both issues on the same layer? I ask because if there are two or more separate layers, there is more of a chance to mess up so I may want to submit the iMac that has the least amount of issues.
Lastly and most importantly, has anyone submitted their iMac for screen repair for these issues and got it back 100% repaired? (no dead/stuck pixels, yellowing, grey bar, backlght bleed) These are #4 and #5 in terms of the number of replacements I've gotten now and I'm sick of it so I may opt to go for repair on either of these existing machines instead of going for replacement #6. But do you think a 6th replacement would be better than going for repair on either of these? Or not?
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Mar 28, 2012
I've only used it for like 20 mins. It gets really hot! It's not even on power-charging.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 31, 2010
The cooling fan, that is. It had been making a noise for a few months. Today I suddenly noticed a big drop in speed even for basic tasks such as scrolling down browser window. I realised the fan was silent, so I checked with Istat, and the fan was at 0 rpm. I immediately switched off the machine. A very faint smell of burn plastic is perceptible if one sniffs my MacBook. My questions:
- The MB was active without a working fan for 5-10 mins at the most. What are the odds that I cooked some crucial part?
- If I did cook some crucial part, could a technician tell when s/he opens the MB to change the fan?
- How much should I expect to pay (in the UK) for replacing the fan?
I'm trying to figure out whether I should get a new MBP 13''. I was hoping to hold back until the next refresh, as the hardware on the current version isn't that different from what I have in my 2007 MB. Thanks in advance for your help.
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Nov 9, 2010
every few minutes of use in my macbook pro, i'm getting the BSOD and this the details:
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May 21, 2012
Why does y Macbook air takes more than 5 minutes to boot up?
iPhone 4S, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 17, 2009
Tomorrow morning the brand new MBP 13 2.53 goes back to Apple for yet another dead pixel issue! The Staff in my local store are so, so helpful and are always there to help, but this will be my 4th pixel related return. It's a mighty fine machine but I'm beginning to feel like "that guy" who always takes his macs back!
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Aug 24, 2009
I recently noticed 4-5 dead pixels (gray, not fixable with software) on my 1.5 year old MBP (see sig below). Definitely a bummer as I had to go through 2 MBPs when buying this computer just to get one without any dead pixels. I don't know why or when these pixels died. I have AppleCare and I am wondering if Apple will do anything about this. Is there a threshold for repairs (e.g., only 10+ pixels is repairable)? Has anyone ever got a repair/replacement for dead pixels? Is there anything I can myself to fix this problem?
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Sep 26, 2009
I was using my macbook pro at a client, working fine.I put it in my back and head back to the office and one hour later when I go to wake it from sleep, I notice the pulsing light is not on.The battery still had a charge, so I tried turning it on and all that would happen is a brief blip of the white light and then it would power off. If I held down the power button, I would hear the DVD drive starting up but as soon as I let go, it would power off or if I held it long enough, the light would flash rapidly and then it would power off. I tried resetting the SMC controller, reseating the RAM, different RAM, and even taking the top case off to make sure no cables were loose.
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Oct 7, 2009
1. Six months ago in Thailand MacBook just cut out. Rebooted and had that flashing folder with a question mark. This was all that happened. Did not have OSX discs to run check on HD. Shipped MacBook home.
2. Arrived back in UK. Now Screen will not appear, it flashes for a fraction of a second before switching off. Blank screen is all I get apart from this.
3. Changed HD with my friends from a MacBook Pro. Same thing happened, nothing basically.
4. Put OSX Disc in, now will not eject. I notice that if I let the system boot, I can' say for sure whats happening but the green lights for the capital button etc do not work. Infact I'm pretty sure the Keyboard is not working.
5. There is no sound at start up.
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Dec 25, 2009
I had a slight spillage behind my computer. I'm not sure if any actually went into the air fan at the back but i paniced and picked it up and tossed it around a bit. Now I can't get anything from it. There is a pulsing light on the front of the computer now. Previously the screen was black but it appeared the computer was still running.
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Feb 25, 2010
I have a G4 based macbook 17inch ~5 years old. Recently it ran all the 10.4 software updates and was running fine (did some tech work on it for a friend and it was 10.4.0 to start), it worked perfectly for 1.5 weeks but today it just went black. no power ring on the power cord slot, nothing -it is like it shorted out. Is there a reset button or a reason this could have happened?
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Mar 28, 2010
My hard drive has been vibrating alot lately. Is this a sign it's about to die?
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May 14, 2010
I have been having issues with my Macbook for the past 2 days. Basically it will freeze for nothing, and any soft i try to run will quit unexpectedly or it wont even start (past the Apple screen).
I ran a FSCK and it says it repaired the errors but the issues remain.
I tried installing Snow leopard, but the install also crashes.
I was told my HD might be dead even though i can still access its content 1 out 5 times i boot the computer.
I cant run a time machine (it gives me an error).
So my question there a safe mode i can boot it to plug in my external hard drive to save my stuff before i buy a new HD?
Thanks !!
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May 23, 2010
I have a Macbook Pro Late 2009 model, I just inserted a disc and it won't take the disc at all. Do I have a dead drive? What should i do?
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Dec 27, 2007
I have a macbook which is just over a year old, it has been working flawlessly, however, I shut it down earlier today (normal shutdown) and now when I try to turn it on nothing happens.It is totally dead and unresponsive.The battery is fully charged, I tried another battery from my brothers macbook and it makes no difference, my battery works fine on his macbook.
I have searched online for info and have tried all the various key combinations on start up to get it to book up, but it is still totally dead.
I'm really worried that something majorly bad has happened but I don't know what could have as it has not been touched between the perfect shut down and now, I the last time I used it was a couple of hours ago.
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Nov 4, 2010
I have a 13" MBP which I bought a few months ago. Everything works fine, battery life is wonderful, it couldn't be better. A few weeks ago it began "chiming" about every 20 minutes. One single tone - not a beep - more like the chime from a tuning fork. No message is displayed on the screen when it occurs. Sometimes it happens when I'm using the machine (normally web browsing). Other times it chimes when the screen is closed down and I'm re-charging. It doesn't happen when I start up. I've even checked to make sure there are no other browsing screens opened in the background.
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Jul 9, 2008
I purchased my MBA last night and let it charge over night. This morning my battery decreased to 97% within the first 3 minutes. It is now at 87% and it's been only 10 minutes. Is this normal? I haven't done any cycling yet.
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