MacBook :: Wireless Reception Better With MacBook Open Rather Than Closed?
May 22, 2009
I don't know if anybody else is seeing this with their laptop, but when I use my Apple LED display and close my laptop to use only the display, my wireless reception drops 2-3 bars. However, within seconds of opening my laptop back on (regardless of detecting the laptop's display or not) my wireless reception goes back to full. Does removing that extra layer from any kind of wireless receiver really make that much of a difference?
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Feb 25, 2010
2.4GHz mid-2007 Macbook Pro on Leopard. Ever since getting my new monitor and running my laptop in lid closed mode, I've been getting frequent (3-8 times per day) disconnections from my wireless network. One moment the Airport menu bar icon shows full strength, next moment it's disconnected. I never had any trouble in lid open mode. Is this a known issue when running a MBP in with the lid closed?
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Jan 1, 2010
Two days ago I got a 'new' refurbished 13" MBP from Apple to replace my aging 2006 MB. It's ok, but not quite as nice as I expected. One major thing I've noticed is that the wireless reception is much worse than my old MacBook. They're both connected to a Netgear WGR614 v9, but the MB is getting about 2/4 bars, while the MBP is constantly dropping the connection. In fact, right now I have the MB booted in Win7 and it's running Connectify, in order to share the connection with the MBP. I'm downloading the latest software updates right now, and then I'll see if any firmware is available, but I doubt that will make much of a difference. Is this because the new MBP is made from aluminum?
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Sep 30, 2010
I have a late 2008 unibody macbook connected to a brand new Samsung monitor via a displayport to DVI cable and everything works great until I shut my macbook. The external monitor continues to work fine but my wireless seems to lose connection, my desk is approximately 15 feet from a wireless repeater and Airport appears to have a full signal but it will act as if there is a bad connection until I open my macbook back up and then the internet works fine.
I was talking to a friend and he mentioned that some displayport to DVI cables do not have sufficient shielding therefore interfering with the wireless signal but if that was the issue it should be effecting the wireless signal at all times, not just when the macbook is closed.
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Aug 17, 2008
I got myself a PowerBook G4, trying to weigh my options as far as upgrades go. The airport inside this laptop gives me horrible reception, always has, always will. Would a wireless card give me a significant boost of speed/reception? If you have experience with it, please add your input as I'm trying to justify this purchase if it will have benefits. Example, I'm in my bedroom, 2 floors down is the wireless router (not that far away), and sometimes reception drops to 0...I'd like to have a solid connection.
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Nov 10, 2008
I use my MBP a lot in clamshell mode (hooked up to external ACD along with external keyboard and mouse) but I noticed the wi-fi reception is absolutely terrible when the lid is closed ...
Anyone have any idea why this is the case? (I assume the antenna not being as exposed as it would be when the lid is open)Or can this be solved with a software fix?
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Mar 24, 2012
I have a new MacBook Pro and use it at work. I need to have it connected to the internet (wireless) even when it's closed or I lose the connection and have to log in again when I re-open it... can that be done?
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Aug 14, 2009
I haz a serial problem, but I'll spare you the plea for sympathy and leave that to my psych. A less serial problem is my 2.4ghz AluMacBook. It's super great funtime, number one! The problem is when I put it in my laptop bag, the lid pops back open! This means pencils or cd's could get inside of the clamshell and damage it! I don't like to have my properties damaged so I'm wondering if there's a way I could re-tension the spring or adjust something soez that it stays shut. No, I'm not complaining about a weak spring, as with the MacBook Pros, I'm complaining about maybe a spastic spring that just can't be subdued. Is there any chance the magnets that hold it shut are weak?
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Aug 20, 2010
My mid 2007 macbook pro thinks its asleep when the cover is open but awake when the cover is closed. I was encoding some media files to dvd when a friend accidentally unplugged the power source. The battery drained and I did not notice until it was fully drained. I then went to plug it in and turn it back on and it refused to, I then closed the cover and it awoke as if everything was normal. I opened the cover and I saw it exactly as it should but then the screen went black as if it had gone to sleep. i'd rather not have to purchase a new macbook.
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Mar 1, 2009
I have a house that is not ideal for wifi. In particular, my office is an extension off the kitchen which has a solid brick wall between it and the rest of the house. Through 2 airport extremes, i get great wireless N signal everywhere in the house except this office. So, i added a 'N' airport express at the base of the stairs to this office and 'extended' the network.
So, i have 2 macbook pros up here. One is running on batteries, sitting on my desk, lid open. It is showing a rate of 108, signal -66 and noise -88 in the advanced wireless clients section of the airport express which it is getting it's signal from.
The next is closed and connected to a LED 24" cinema display. It is right next to the other MBP. It is showing a rate of 41, signal -80 and noise -93.
Why such a huge difference? Would it be because the lid is closed, it is connected to the display or a faulty macbook?
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Sep 4, 2009
I was considering picking up this stand for my uMBP:
One thing that concerned me was having higher CPU temps with the lid closed.
I read a thread a few days ago that said there is no CPU temp change between lid closed and lid opened. And after doing some of my own testing I now believe that information is FALSE.
I use smcFanControl to control fan speed and monitor CPU temp.
Before using smcFantControl to boost my fan speed to constantly run at 3,400RPM, my CPU temp was 10-20 degrees (celsius) higher, on average.
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May 22, 2010
How do you get a Windows machine running Vista to recognize a closed/hidden network? I have a hidden network that only works with certain MAC addy's, and I added the MAC addy of the Vista machine, but it can't see it / join up. I found something online that said you had to go into some old DOS interface to do it, tried that but it still didn't work. Any advice or experience with this?
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Jun 4, 2012
I have an 13" MBP that I ordered new in April, 2012. It is running Lion. I have an external monitor that is capable of 1440x900 resolution. I have an external keyboard and trackpad hooked up, and I like to close my MBP up and stick it in a BookArc. I want to be able to have the internal display disabled and to have the MBP only allow me to put windows on the external display, so long as the lid is closed. I also want to be sure that I am taking advantage of the resolutions available on my external monitor, which are higher than those supported by the internal display (specifically 1440x900).
This doesn't seem to work because I either have to allow the MBP to continue to draw my desktop across both screens (internal and external), OR use the "mirror displays" mode, which restricts my resolution of my external monitor. This means I either forgoe the additional resolution benefits of my external monitor, or I end up with windows that fall off-the-cliff, so to speak, because they are drawn in the portion of the desktop that would be shown on my internal display (which is closed).
I've read the community support pages on using the MBP with an external monitor, most relevantly, this page. It simply recommends using the "mirror displays" option. However, this option, as I mentioned above, doesn't allow me to make use of the additional resolution, and my external display looks bad. how to keep the 13" MBP in closed clamshell position, with the internal display disabled, and use my external monitor at resolutions higher than those allowed by the 13" MBP but which are available to my external monitor when not in "mirror displays" mode?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), External display (1440x900)
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Jun 22, 2009
I am currently at the beach and I have my Powerbook G4 12'' and my father's MacBook operating. Both have OSX 10.4.11 running. My father's MacBook, which is approximately 3 years old versus my older Powerbook, is picking up several internet connections from the surrounding houses in the area but for whatever reason, my older Powerbook only picks up about 1/3 the amount of internet connections. Does anyone know why this is the case? Do the newer MacBook's have improved components in terms of their airports that allow them to pick up more signals? Is there a setting I can change on my older Powerbook that could improve my signal reception.
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Jun 24, 2012
I am wondering that is it essential to connect power adaptor all the time while operating in closed calmshell mode? When I unpluged the cable it didn't work. Is there some way?
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1
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Mar 2, 2009
I accidently close a tab or want to re-open a recently closed tab. I know you can do this using the history menu BUT is there a keyboard shortcut for it?
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Mar 15, 2012
I have a long narrow window (about 1/2 inch high and 11 inches long) (black background with white lettering) in the middle of my desktop. the word "eject" is located on the lefthand side. I can't remove the window or move it. And don't know how it got there. How do I get rid of it.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 27, 2012
I hand-create PostScript files, which are tested by being dragged to Adobe Distiller. This application is unhappy if the same-name PDF is busy. And if not busy, the same-name PDF is happily over-written. So far, so good. Until recently, whilst Preview had a PDF open, it could not be overwritten - somehow marked as busy, I guess. If closed, if could. But within the last two weeks this behaviour has changed. Preview 5.5.2 (719.25), under Lion, keeps them 'busy' even after the file is closed or Preview is quit. It fails to unmark as 'busy'. So I have to drag the PDF to the trash before Adobe Distiller will 'overwrite'.
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Nov 27, 2009
I replaced a defective DVD drive with a new Pioneer super drive in a Mac Pro G5 which meant I had to manually pull out the tray and remove the bezel on the front of the tray so the tray will pass through the mirror door cavity.
After I pushed the tray back into the drive to install the drive in the G5 I somehow managed to jam something because the tray will not open at all now. The motor attempts to open the tray and pressing the little manual tray release (paper clip through the pin hole) doesn't work either.
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May 15, 2012
Whenever I close the Safari browser, by clicking on the red dot (top left of page), the "Safari Preferences" page remains open. When I close with "cmd Q" on the keyboard it closes fully.
This has only started happening in the last couple of months...
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Oct 9, 2008
i've just bought my new mac pro, i'm very happy with it's performance, but there is 1 small little tiny problem, i've ordered my mac pro with wireless card, but my wireless connection is very slow , every web page i open it take minutes to open, before i had an imac, the wireless connenction was super fast, then i've sold it to my dad , but my new mac pro is very slow, mention that it's in the same room and in the same place my imac was.
i've check my bluetooth, i've send and receive some files with my bluetooth to my moblie, it was great, but when i copy files from my brothers computer it was slow and then it stucks , with my imac this never happens.i opened my mac pro to check the wireless card and i found this:-
antenna 1 was in the bluetooth card.
antenna 2 was in the upper wireless card.
antenna 3 was in the lower wireless card.
the weird thing i've found is that my speed connection it goes fast and then is goes slow then fast then slow, it's not stable, another weird thing is that my wireless speed is slow then when i press the wireless bars it goes fast then it returns slow again.this is a really lousy service from apple to make the wireless card as optional , it's really unfair i mean it is the most powerfull mac ever and wireless is not included one more question, is there a difference between the wireless card in the imac and in the mac pro?
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Apr 27, 2010
My 2010 15" MBP has constant Wifi dropouts, sometimes minutes at a time. Sometimes I have to reconnect. Yet it gets 4 bars. My MacBook never had these problems. It's generally slower, too. It's now useless for online video like Hulu. Anyone else seeing this? I wonder whether it's hardware (e.g. they moved the antenna, and/or because of the metal case) or software/drivers? I'm going to submit feedback after input from ya'll.
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Apr 15, 2009
I'm putting a computer in my kitchen that anybody in the house can use (kids & parents). It will be hooked up to a 24" LCD and also act as a small file server, dvd player and perhaps eyetv dvr.
I like the mini because it is small (can hide in the cabinet where spills won't get it), is cheap and uses only 13W when idle. But when I think down the road, 4 year old laptops seem a lot more useful than 4 year old mac minis. So I'm a bit torn.
So my questions are:
- Does anybody know how much power the macbook uses when "idle" (just running finder).
- Can the macbook be run with the lid closed? (I know old powerbooks used to vent hot air through the keyboard.)
(Then again, I have the computer in the kitchen so I can watch my kids on the computer. In 4 years they'll be 5 years old and probably want a laptop they could have in their own room - exactly what I want to avoid. And I'll probably upgrade my macbook pro by then anyway.)
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Dec 16, 2009
I have a macbook pro, 2.4ghz intel core 2 duo. Running on embarq with a 660 series dsl modem. My router is the linksys WRT54GS2.
Speed from the actual connection is not the problem, however, signal reception is. At this very moment, my mbp is literally 2 feet away and AirRadar is reporting that my signal average is 62%.
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Feb 8, 2009
Given inability to receive digital signals for my digital tv (tree & topography issues), is it possible to use my digital TV with a mac and DSL line to receive programs via Hulu or other web-based service? TV is Sylvania LCD model 6626LCT.
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Mar 12, 2012
How do I use my macbook pro lid closed?
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.0.1
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Apr 27, 2010
My 2010 15" MBP has constant Wifi dropouts, sometimes minutes at a time. Sometimes I have to reconnect. Yet it gets 4 bars. My MacBook never had these problems. It's generally slower, too. It's now useless for online video like Hulu. Anyone else seeing this? I wonder whether it's hardware (e.g. they moved the antenna, and/or because of the metal case) or software/drivers?
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Dec 19, 2005
My powerbook gets awful wifi reception. It's driving me insane. I know they sell antennas online that you can wire into the airport card. I really do not want to open up any of my hardware and do that.
Is there any other way to boost reception?
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Dec 15, 2008
I just moved into a new apartment today. Of course, I checked to see if there were any open wireless networks before signing up for high speed internet access.
There is one open linksys available, but I am having trouble with it. I get varying signal strengths between all and no bars. They vary as I sit at the table motionless with nothing moving around me. I get high speed streaming audio for a few minutes, then no internet at all for the next 5 minutes.
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Mar 16, 2009
Hi, ever since the last update for time capsule, I have been getting really poor reception and sometimes it says I have full bars of reception and then can't load any pages. It's really annoying, does anyone know anything I can do? Is there a way I can downgrade to the previous firmware?
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