MacBook :: Upgrade HDD & RAM 3.1 SR 2.2Ghz

Oct 31, 2010

This gets asked a million times on a daily basis I expect, so sorry about that! I've read the upgrade section which is very helpful but I was looking for some recommendations / advice on what HDD&RAM upgrades to buy. I was looking at a seagate momentus (ST9500420ASG) 500GB, 7200 but when I googled the model number, the first thing that came up was a post on the seagate forums regarding incompatibility with the Mac due to the fact this hard drive has a free fall sensor which apparently conflicts with the built in sudden motion sensor. Anyone have any experience on that? I need a drive that will run at 7200rpm so this checked all the boxes for the price but could be out now? I have read the SR 3,1 will take 4GB of ram so I was just looking at the dual 2GB corsair value pack (VS4GSDSKIT667D2).

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MacBook Pro :: Upgrade From 15" 2.2ghz Or Wait?

Aug 4, 2009

I'm starting to get the upgrade itch again, with the added "pressure" of my cousin looking for a new laptop that will last 2 years or so. She's looking at the $999 MB, but my Santa Rosa 15" MBP with almost a year's worth of Applecare left seems to have roughly the same specs, and I'd sell it to her for ~$500. I'm still trying to figure out of it's a good idea or not, but I'm leaning ever-so-slightly for the new laptop (15" mid/high, possibly 17"). As they say, always put together a pros and cons list, so here's mine:


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OS X :: Upgrade 10.4.11 To 10.6 On 15" Macbook Pro - 2Ghz Coreduo - 2Gbram - 100GbHD

May 22, 2010

I am thinking of upgrading my OS and I am not sure if it's going to work fine, if it's going to be slower... should i stay with this old system 10.4.11 or the 10.6 will improve my computer?

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MacBook Pro :: Qcore 2.2GHZ Volume Greyed Out After 10.7.3 Lion Upgrade

Feb 22, 2012

MACBOOK Pro Qcore 2.2GHZ Volume Greyed out after 10.7.3 Lion Upgrade + Itunes timeline not running when playing music.

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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PowerPC :: How To Upgrade Powermac G5 Dual 2ghz

May 14, 2008

how do i add an additional hard drives to my G5 tower, what type of drive is needed? Is there a max limit to the the drive i can use like the G4's? What type of memory do I need to buy, and lastly, how do i determine what series fo Dual G5 do I have? It seems as if there was a 2003 and a 2005 produced G5 dual 2.0 GHZ model.

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Graphic Display Upgrade On Mac Pro 3,1 2x3,2GHz Quad-core

May 18, 2012

Anyone know if I can upgrade my Nvidia GeforceGT120 with the NVIDIA Quadro 4000 per Mac on my MacPro 3,1????? I have a 30inch cinema display and a Wacon Cintiq 21". Could I connect both of them on this card?

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MacBook :: Upgrading RAM For 2ghz

Jul 12, 2010

I have a 2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo. It states the memory as '1 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM' I want to upgrade it two at least 2GB Ram and came across 'Kingston 2GB DDR2 667MHZ PC2-5300 SODIMM Memory Module' Heres the link [URL] Is this compatible with my macbook also what is the maximum amount or RAM this macbook will take?

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PowerPC :: Powerbook G4 17 Vs Macbook C2D 2Ghz

Oct 26, 2007

Quick question guys, I currently have a Powerbook G4 17 inch with 1.5 Ghz, 2GB of RAM and 80HD. I love it, with the full powered RAM it flies, but, I HATE ITS SIZE, i mean its not that portable. I have at home a Mac Pro so the power im looking for i have it on that machine. I wanna try and change my Powerbook before the new ones arrive because i need PORTABILITY. Is it really a big of a difference? I mean i dont need the "power" of the powerbook because i have the macpro at home. With 2 GB of RAM, will a macbook (lets say the current ones) be really faster and more efficient than my old PB G4? I like the 17 screen but i need portability so bad! what do you guys recommend?

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MacBook :: CoolBook Settings For 2.2Ghz?

Jun 2, 2009

I'm asking good settings for my MacBook 2,2Ghz Core Duo & 4Gb RAM.

How many different speed i should use?

I mean like this,


800 mhz at .9V

1200 mhz at .9V

1400 mhz at .9V

1600 mhz at .95

Many different settings, or just 2, etc?

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MacBook Pro :: Using 2.2Ghz - Starts, But Then Only Kernel Panics?

Dec 11, 2010

I have a 2.2Ghz Macbook Pro 15" (2007) that suddenly can't get past the startup screen and ends up with a kernel panic and the You need to restart message. Happens 100% of the time now. I had Leopard on it when it started kernel panicking. I managed to boot from an external drive and installed Snow Leopard, but it started okay once or twice, then started having the kernel panics at startup again. Tried SMC reset, but no go.

I then tried going back to Tiger, thinking it might be a problem with the RAM. Tiger actually installed okay, and after it worked okay for a bit (2-3 times, maybe half an hour), I tried to install Leopard again. And got only kernel panics. And I can't install Tiger now either.

It occasionally starts up from an external disk that I use for installs (has Leopard and Snow Leopard on it), but that's not 100%. And I can't even get thru an install now. I started up with it in Firewire Disk mode, wiped the drive and cloned a system from my iMac, but even though it seemed to go okay, when I shut it all down and tried to restart the Macbook Pro, I got another kernel panic. Any ideas? I've switched 3-4 different RAM modules, and I don't think they're ALL bad. But no go. I've changed hard drives too.

Seems weird. I mean, it doesn't seem broken, as it starts up, goes thru the startup screen, seems to pause a bit and, instead of going to login, stops with a kernel panic. I assume it's HARDWARE, not software. But hardware problems are usually the RAM, sometimes the hard disk; and if the MBPro doesn't start up at all, then the logic board is probably fried. So what else can cause these kernel panics? A bad keyboard/trackpad (top case)? Bad PRAM battery?

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OS X :: 2ghz Unibody Macbook - Incomprehensible RAM Usage

Mar 2, 2009

I've been trying to keep track of how my 2ghz unibody Macbook uses its RAM, and I've been curious as to why after some time it reports that I have as little as 30 MB of free RAM left. It obviously reports that the rest is in use, but the numbers just don't add up to 1.9GB of used up RAM. What is my computer doing that is not being reported, and how do I get it to stop? It has made my machine noticeably slower. I've posted a screen shot to illustrate. It may help to know that I had been a Windows user for years. In Windows we can launch msconfig.exe to manage which programs get to run in the background and at start up, and from there we could decide to shut down programs that check, for example, for RealPlayer updates and other completely unnecessary executables. Can someone give me a run down of what I can safely eliminate from my processes in my Macbook, and therefore keep more RAM free at all times?

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MacBook :: Core Duo 2ghz (Original Intel) And 4gb Ram?

Mar 30, 2009

As title, can it be done ? officially it says no, but iv read around some forums where people are saying it has been done in a 2x 2gb config, I ask as architecturally core duo can support 4gb and does on old IBM laptops of the same t2500 processor (2ghz), so im asking if there is anyone that can confirm this for me ?

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MacBook :: Optimal Coolbook Settings For 2GHz C2D?

Sep 15, 2009

I just bought coolbook for my two and a half year old White Macbook. What would be the best settings/courses of action to keep my book from overheating and be able to comfortably play streaming vid. on a 23" monitor?
Don't know if that last part really makes a huge difference.

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MacBook Pro :: Viewing Large PDF's On 13" Vs 2.2Ghz

Sep 22, 2009

I have a 2.2Ghz Core2Duo BlackBook with 4GB of Ram. When I view large PDF's such as magazines, they are quite choppy when scrolling. If upgrade to the 13" MBP will I see better performance in this area?

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MacBook Pro :: 15" 2.2ghz Screen - Not 8600GT

Oct 10, 2009

I bought my MacbookPro two years ago, september 2007. In june 2009, as I didn't need the computer for some time and the warranty was about to expire (it's "two" years in the European Union, the second isn't covered by Apple, just by the physical store you buy the computer at) I thought I'd take the computer to be checked, because it had had two problems for some time: the Superdrive won't record dvds (it never did) and lately the left fan was very noisy when it turned faster.

It took a lot of time but they replaced the superdrive and the left fan. However after the replacement even though the fan is fine, the superdrive wouldn't still work with dvds, of which I don't care anymore because this is the big problem: Since then, the screen sometimes gets crazy and does as in the video I link to: [URL] It all stops when you move the screen a little. Furthermore sometimes a vertical line appears like half an inch from the left border when moving the screen. It all appears randomly................

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MacBook Pro :: How Much Ram Can A 2GHz Intel Core I7 Handle

May 30, 2012

Wanting to upgrade my RAM and need to know how much it can handle. HOpefully someone can answer this for me

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: Upgrading 2.1 13" 2ghz 1gb With Drive Failure

Apr 4, 2010

I've had my iPhone 3g 8gb since June 2008 and loved every minute of it. It's been through it all. Even dropped out of a helicopter last week. Ok it was only a fall of around 6ft but still, it sounds epic. I've recently gotten a hold of a Macbook 2.1 2ghz 13" white. It's a late 2006 model and the drive has failed. I planned on replacing the drive myself and apple have kindly sent me the recovery dvds free of charge. Tiger 10.4.11. I read on here about the extended replacement scheme for failed drives on here last night and I think I qualify, however I may still put my own drive in it. Out of my stick just to get things moving along. Once that has been done I plan on upgrading to snow leopard 10.6. I'm curious to find out what drives this machine will support and how much ram it will take and benefit from.

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Distortion On SR 2.2Ghz - Video Linked

Apr 9, 2010

what I imagined was a documented 8600GT nVidia issue with my SR MBP (purchased in April 2008 without Apple Care, d-oh), turns out to be a different issue altogether. The display gets distorted and it seems as if the LCD needs a v-sync controller. I have posted a video of it here[URL]. If I move the LCD slightly the distortion will go away. But it inevitably returns after a while. It gets unusable for that period of time. Oddly enough I can go hours without this problem manifesting, and then hours when this problem doesn't go away.

My recourse has been to connect an external monitor to the MBP, and it works great that way. So I am pretty convinced that it is an LCD/Cable issue as well. The Genius seemed to believe it was an LCD issue as well, something about the cable being torn or stretched or something. He quoted an amount ~$650 to get the whole assembly changed. Here's my dilemma: this is my work machine, and I can't afford to have it gone for a few days/week. Is there anything I can try at home before handing it to Apple for repair... like try and reseat the cable... I have opened the MBP in the past to replace the HDD. Should I even bother to get it repaired, if I can't fix it myself, or should I just save the money and get a new MBP?

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OS X :: Install Xp Pro Sp2 Using Boot Camp On A Macbook 2.2Ghz - Reformat The Xp Partition

Mar 4, 2008

I've been trying to install xp pro sp2 using boot camp on a macbook 2.2Ghz. It does the initial setup where i reformat the xp partition in fat32 and then when it goes to boot into the xp installer it says: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: <windows root>system32hal.dll. please re-install a copy of the above file.

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Software :: Apple MacBook 13.3-inch 2GHz Does Not Continue To Boot Up.

Apr 5, 2009

My friend has an Apple MacBook 13.3-inch 2GHz (model number: A1181). When I boot up the computer, the screen is gray and does not proceed to show the Apple logo. The MacBook continues to show the gray screen for quite a while. What can I do to identify some of the problems with this computer? The one caveat: I am in La Habana, Cuba and there is no concept of an Apple Store or Mac support.

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Mac Mini :: Using A 2GHz MacBook Pro As HTPC - Facing Some Major Heat Threds?

Dec 2, 2008

I'm using a 2GHz MacBook Pro as a HTPC, but it has developed some major heat issues and is not much longer for this world. I have read some threads regarding overheating issues with Minis and wonder if that is still an issue? I want to replace the laptop with a Mini and don't want to run into the same problems.

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MacBook :: Finding Battery Charger Running Time In Unibody 2GHz

Jun 28, 2009

I've got MacBook Unibody 2GHz and if my charge ratio is 1 charge/1 day how long my battery will work - is it countable?

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OS X :: Connect 10gb Hard Drive From Original Dual Usb Ibook To 2.2GHz Macbook Pro?

Feb 14, 2009

What kind of hookup do I need to connect a 10gb hard drive from the original dual usb ibook to a 2.2GHz Macbook Pro?

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MacBook Pro :: MacBook Pro (13", 2.2GHz, 2GB RAM) That Had Previously Partitioned?

Dec 22, 2010

I have a MacBook Pro (13", 2.2GHz, 2GB RAM) that I had previously partitioned. However, 20 GB wasn't enough; I soon outgrew that meager amount. Today, after receiving AoE3, which I couldn't install due to lack of space, I broke - I decided to fix my situation. I tried installing to an external HDD, which didn't work (the only drives I have are all Mac-formatted and can't be seen/read on W7). I then tried WinCloning my partition, deleting the partition, and increasing it. However, I realized I could only add 8 more GB - hardly enough, as 2 of those would be sapped by AoE3 immediately. So I mounted the .winclone, imagescanned, etc. etc. until I finally restored an ancient 80GB FireLite with the .dmg I had just created. Now, however, I can't seem to be able to load my computer off of this drive. Any suggestions, comments, or solutions would be incredibly appreciated.

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MacBook :: 2.2ghz Leopard Wont Auto- Update Also Safari And Chrome Take Ages To Open

Apr 26, 2012

1) I have a Macbook 2.2ghz (early 2008) running Leopard 10.5.8 which wont auto update (says it cant connect to internet even though it is - error says A networking error has occurred: timed out (-1001). Make sure you can connect to the Internet, then try again.) Network diagnostcs says that im connected to the intermet.

2) Also safari and chrome take ages to load pages when every time I open them (around 45 seconds) and then when they are running safari will randomly close and chrome will come up with the aw snap message for random pages (doesnt matter if its trying to loas flash or not). 

Iv got Sophos anti virus which is saying theres no malware or viruses, also tried restartiing, re downloading chrome, deleteing my profile from chrome, exporting, deleting and then importing bookmarks and hardwiring the latop to the router.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Mac Pro :: Using 3.2GHz Or 12GB Of Ram?

Aug 9, 2010

While looking through pricing for upgrading RAM for the new Quad Mac Pro... I thought to myself... Should I spend my money upgrading RAM or should I opt in for 3.2GHz?

From the looks of it, if I were to upgrade RAM I would get OWC 12GB (3x4GB) kit, but for similar price (through my company's program) I could get 3.2GHz cpu with 3x2GB from Apple. At the moment, I'm gearing towards upgrading the processor and 6GB of RAM instead of going 12GB of RAM from OWC. My logic is that since I'm stuck with the processor and can't upgrade in future, I'd better get a solid cpu if I'm going to be using for long term purposes, the ram I can upgrade overtime in future.

My main uses are professional photography and average gaming (I'll be getting the 5870). Now my question to you guys is whether or not I'd be better off with the faster processor and little RAM or all out MORE RAM. If it helps, I use LR3 and PS CS3 as my main photo editing tools.

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MacBook Air :: 2ghz White Macbook Or 1.86 Air?

Oct 21, 2010

I have a Dillema! I have found two choices of macbooks, but im not sure which one is the best. A white 2ghz macbook with 4gb ram, 160gb harddrive for 550$ or a Air 1.86 with a superdrive and a mighty mouse for 640$

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Power Mac G5 :: OS 10.5 Run On Dual 2ghz PPC?

Oct 16, 2007

Will OS 10.5 run on my Dual 2 GHz PPC G5? It has 512 SDRAM.

Mac OS X (10.3.9)

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Hardware :: Mac G5 Power Pc 2GHz Won't Start

Nov 26, 2009

I have a G5 dual pro 2Ghz (June 2004), 1.5 Gb ram, Leopard

When I press the start button, the dvd drive spins, the startup disk "sparkles" (noise seems normal) but no image appears on screen (black monitor enabled), no start-music. It starts correctly after + / - 15 attempts ignition-extinction.

The various reset (pram, motherboard) have been tempted. "Cleaning" the computer with Onyx (maintenance). Battery voltage Bios = OK. The authorization of repairs were made. Repairing minor problems in head volume repaired (the install cd has booted). Tempted to start with a minimum of devices. The symptoms still persist for 2 to 3 weeks.

I have installed a new hard drive. I've installed Leopard on it.

But the problems stay. My mac starts when he wants...

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Mac Pro :: Opinion About 3.2GHz QUAD Vs 17" I7

Aug 25, 2010

I want your opinion guys. I know this is a Mac Pro section and people might be biased but some of you guys own both a Mac Pro and a Macbook Pro. I'm torn and before my 2 week exchange period is over with, I'd like to make a final decision. I keep battling the decision between a 3.2GHz QUAD vs. the 17" i7 Macbook Pro. I already have a samsung netbook that is fast enough (running windows, which is what I need in most cases) that I carry around to and from campus to do all my school work (I dont carry my 17" at all).

I currently use my 17" mbp as a desktop replacement (got a big corner galant desk with a nice nec monitor on an ergotro MX arm) and while it is fast for what I do, I really miss having a powerful desktop. I'm trying to keep myself from owning both the mac pro and the macbook pro as I only need one fast computer. On one end, I'm leaning towards the 3.2GHz Mac Pro as its a beast (never owned anything higher than a 2.8GHz Mac Pro model) and it would zip through everything I throw at it AND I wouldnt need to upgrade for a very long time. But at the same time, I like the portability that I get with the 17" macbook pro with the awesome high resolution display and nice loud speakers. When I DO carry my 17" (to a friends place, or around the house) it feels nice to be away from the desk and it feels like carrying a compact desktop everywhere you go....................

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