MacBook :: Unibody MB Run Cooler Than Previous MBPs?
Mar 22, 2009
I have a 2.2 GHz MacBook Pro (santa rosa) that I purchased in october of 2007 and I'm curious if the new Unibody MacBooks run noticeably cooler than this computer.
Any previous-gen MBP owners have Unibody MacBooks now and could offer some insight?
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Aug 2, 2009
Trying to use Expose but I have no idea where F8 is supposed to be, and hitting Function + 8 doesn't do anything. This is my first Mac since my Tiger OS first gen Macbook, and I'm slightly confused here.
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Jan 24, 2009
Has anybody tried the Moshi Cleargaurd on the new MBPs? Does it affect typing? Would the cover create any friction when typing? How about ventilation?
I would really apreciate it if someone could show me some pictures of actual usage, not just the photo on the Moshi website.
This is a fairly important question as I have read around these forums that the keys on the new MBPs get worn out really quickly, in the sense that the shine that appears on the black keys are really evident.
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Jun 22, 2010
The reviews for this product seem to be good. I was just wondering what macbook pro users specifically think of this product. I am thinking about getting one. Is it worth the money, i.e. will it keep my MBP cooler?
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Oct 3, 2009
I'm considering getting a 15" MBP, but am trying to decide if it's worth the little extra to get the 2.66 over the 2.53. I have been comparing the differences and I found out that the 2.53 only has 1 fan, whereas the 2.66 has 2. If both are using the 9400m, would the 2.66 run significantly cooler? If so by how much do you think? Would it be better in the long run for the computer?
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Jun 29, 2009
Just wondering.
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Mar 3, 2012
Just trying to figure out which model is a safer bet. I hear that the 2.8 just runs too hot.
MacBook Pro
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Nov 18, 2009
My 1.5GHz G4 Powerbook can't play HD video without horrendous stalling and stuttering.
If I buy a new MBP, will that no longer happen? And is this a reason to get one of the faster-processing models?
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Jan 13, 2010
I was hoping to get an answer to this question. I'm hoping 1.6.
can a recent buyer chime in?
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Feb 10, 2010
So I was informed by my uncle that he's retiring his first generation Core Duo 2.16GHz 17" MBP and was asking if I wanted it or not. He babied the system so it's nearly like new. Never took it outside, not even sure about the battery but that's not really a concern.
I want some owners of that laptop for some input to see how "useful" it is these days or should I refuse the offer?
If I were to take the system, it would most likely become by primary machine, basically what I use my MBA for right now. I understand the ram would be limited at 2GB, which is perfectly fine with me. The real advantage would be the hard drive, I can technically store a 1TB 5400RPM drive in there (which I would love to have... my 128GB is pretty limiting these days and carrying a 500GB external around everywhere is bit tiring too).
I look around for specs and so far I see that the 2.16GHz Core Duo and the current 2.13GHz Core 2 Duo in my MBA is more or less the same performance wise.
I guess what I'm really asking is, how well will this system put up for the next year or two. Pretty much, this will replace my MBA as a mobile workhouse. I originally planned on keeping this MBA for another 2 years (8 months right now) then replace to something new. But I'm becoming a bit limited on the disk space here and this seems like an upgrade to me.
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Apr 20, 2010
i just got a 15" i7 w/ 4gb of ram, and since i might want to upgrade to 8, i went to the apple website and i see that they only offer 8gb available for sale? does this mean I will have to get 4GB somewhere else, or the new MBPs only offer 2 configurations (2x2GB or 2x4GB) and not 2 (2x2GB)s . I might sound confusing
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May 7, 2009
I have a new 13" unibody MacBook. I am looking for a good stand / cooler combo that can sit sit on my desk. It would also be a bonus if it was portable and could also be used on my lap for when I'm sitting in the living room.
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Aug 3, 2009
Anyone here know if the fans run less now? My Macbook 2.2Ghz fans run a lot and this things HOT a lot of times. Have the computers become cooler running now vs. then? I am interesting in upgrading, but my main concern is the heat. I just don't enjoy a private space heater here in the desert...
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Feb 27, 2012
I just got a Early 2011 Macbook Pro 15" i7 that has a broken scissor for the "x" key (I still have the black "x" key itself. Would the scissors from an late 2007 Macbook Pro 15" be compatible (I've got an old dead keyboard for it that had coffee spilled on it)?
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Dec 7, 2010
I just recently bought a NETGEAR WNR3500L 300Mbps + gigabit ethernet port. I keep hearing that my airport card should handle 300 Mbps just fine. But when I enable it on my netgear router settings my going to "Uo To 300Mbps" from default "Up to 150Mbps" I get horrible 8Mbps. If i choose 150Mbps, everything opens up. I am going to figure out why 300Mbps mode isn't working.
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Jul 27, 2009
I just bought a Seagate FreeAgent XTreme 1TB.
After I went home, I checked online and found all these horrid stories about how this HDD crashed after just a month, or two months, or even 2 weeks (there are like 10+ stories about this problem).
What bugs me more is that on the box it is actually written "Designed for Windows Vista" (which I didn't read before buying, a lesson I learned for future reference) so I'm afraid that it won't work that well on Mac OS X.
I did find out that it works on Mac and I only need to format the drive, but I think, logically, if it works as well for Macs, why did they have to put a label that indicates it was designed for Windows?
I want to know this product IS that bad.
I haven't opened the seal or the plastic at all, just in case everyone says it is that bad and I should to return it to the shop.
I'm using a 15" MBP (not the NEW MBP), Mac OS X v10.5.7
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Aug 30, 2009
I for one had a swollen battery that looked like it was going to explode. Of course, it was no longer under Apple warranty.
I'm wondering what will happen if one of these new integrated batteries decide to swell up and there's no place for them to swell to???
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Jun 29, 2009
Can I get a quick survey of people who installed Intel X-25M and Firmware 1.7 on 2009 MBPs? Please mention if you had any problems or no problems at all.
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Jun 21, 2010
I have a 2010 i7 MacBook Pro. I came across GeForce Mac OS X Driver Release 19.5.8 and CUDA 3.0 from the website: Mac OS X 10.6.4 Update->What we know about 10.6.4 so far...)Is it advisable to install these drivers on the new 2010 MBP? I assume that whatever included in the official Mac OS/X update have been tested. If we download and install drivers from parts manufactures such as Nvidia, we risk possible untested, compatibility problems.
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Oct 29, 2009
Normal browsing with no flash my CPU draws from 2.5 watts to 6 watts on average, when flash is going my CPU jumps to 40 watts or more. Not a problem I understand that it's going to use more power because flash is a power hog.
Problem is when I close the tab or window that contained the flash I would assume that my CPU would drop back down to the 4 watts it seems to average. That is not always the case, in fact more often than not it would not drop down until I restarted my browser, this was true in Firefox and Safari.
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Jun 18, 2009
Which cooler do you recommend for the HD 4870? I just got my Mac Pro and while it's not dreadfully noisy, I can hear the gpu fan, it hums a bit. I've seen the Thermalright T-Rad2 VGA Coolers - but are they any good for the Ati cards that ship from Apple?
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Jul 3, 2010
Shapeshifter wont work on my comp but I mean ideas for docks icons wallpapers, etc.
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Jun 3, 2010
I have a 15" i5 MBP and I've noticed that on these new machines OSX SL still defaults on 32-bit kernel (I think for third-party drivers compatibility issues)... My question is are there any benchmarks that shows if there are some performance gains forcing SL to boot with a 64-bit kernel? Which of the two kernels do you use?
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Sep 14, 2008
Yesterday I swapped the stock cooler of my radeon HD3870 for a zalman vf1000. Since then, the GC doesn't work anymore (even with the stock fan back). So after a night of check, test and prettty much everything, I'm pretty sure my GC is dead. What I want to know it could be a short circuit? I'm a good mac user and I already did that on others cards (X1900 with an accelero for example.) I talked with xlryourmac and he can't see. I really want to find out a plausible explanation, because I'll probably buy another GC et wouldn't want to do the same mistake twice. I have a Macpro clovertown 2x3 Ghz - 12Gb Ram- Raptor Boot- Raid 3To- Multibridge Pro 2.
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Dec 28, 2009
I've been hearing about this for a while now and Ive read that MBPs should have quad core by February.
I've also read that this isn't going to happen for a little longer. What's everyone's thoughts on this?
I own a PC and would like to switch over (finally) but am concerned about the $400+ premium. My thought is wait until the new quad-core MBPs come out and just get a standard duo-core (hopefully MAC will drop the price a few hundred).
However, I don't want to wait much longer than 2 months. Thoughts? Suggestions?
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Oct 24, 2009
I read some articles that stated the new 3x3 AEBS and TC were only capable of 300 Mbps, those reporta are wrong, I bought a new AEBS and have that setup as my new router and I have a new TC setup to extend my Wireless N network they are showing in the Airport Utility speeds between 400 and 450 Mbps look at the first device in the list.
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May 9, 2010
After waiting sometime for the refresh, I plunged to buying a 17" MBP. Now I'd assumed all along the way to sync data was well planned out, since many have a Mac and a MBP (in my case it's two MBPs). But after much Googling I'm left disappointed. I want my two MBPs in sync. If I drag and drop a file on one, I want that reflected on the other automatically and vice versa. Both will be on same LAN most of the time. Essentially one is left connected to a 24 inch LCD with wireless k/board and the other is left in living room and I expect to be able to interact with either and the changes will show up on the other (and vice versa). To handle iCal and AddressBook I went for MobileMe (and found it disappointing yet again, failing to work and costing relatively a lot). But the real problem is files. As the machines will not each change files whilst be on a different LAN I don't see why an Internet based sync is necessary, but I'm not entirely opposed. The more I look into syncing two Macs the more I'm surprised at the lack of robust solutions. I'm hoping I'm wrong and someone can tell me how easy it is. I imagined I'd use Chronosync but when I look at apps I use and what they say, (e.g. 1password, OmniFocus, DevonThink, Curio), they seem to recommend using the likes of DropBox. But DropBox is not a great sync tool and I only see it as good for limited number of files, besides I've got Gigs of stuff to keep in sync so it seems mad to be going via the cloud. (I looked into iTunes and ended up deciding on a network drive for it as my iPod will have what I want to listen to on the go.)
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Sep 23, 2010
I have late 2008 MBP that run on leopard and I was using fan control (I forget the name) but now I cleaned install SL and I don't have that app. If I keep my MBP on for hours it become hot (around 60-73 c) and before it was cooler (around 40-55 c). Is there other app better then that?
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Mar 31, 2012
The iMac having a maximum wattage of 350w, would it be better to plug it in a 110v outlet or a 220v outlet. Which outlet has cleaner electricity/less noise and which will make the iMac work better, last longer or operate better. Which will save money? I heard 220v is better for hight powered gadgets and appliances, at 350w, is this iMac a high powered or a low powered machine?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iMac Late 2009
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Apr 18, 2010
There's a lot of people wondering if the 13" MBPs would have been a lot better with a Core i3 processor, but everything has been just hangups over perceived old vs. new technology, and really the only thing the Core i3 adds is Hyper-Threading, but it doesn't have Turbo Boost, which helps the Core i5/i7s tremendously. Let's compare using Geekbench since it is cross-platform and one of the few available sources of info...
Core 2 Duo P8600 2.4GHz (~3362)
Core i3 330m 2.13GHz (~3472)
Core 2 Duo P8800 2.66GHz (~3700)
Core i3 350m 2.26GHz (~3680)
As you can see in both cases, the difference is pretty minimal indeed, and in single threaded applications, the C2D will easily outdo the Core i3 which lacks Turbo Boost and runs at lower clock rates.
And you get a 320M instead of Intel HD graphics with the new 13".
The Geekbench results from the old 15/17" to the new 15/17" are quite an order of magnitude better.
So unless people are expecting Core i5 processors in the 13", sticking to the C2D was actually a good decision, and given the differences between 2.4 and 2.53 isn't so large, one is far better buying the base 13" and then putting the money saved towards a good 7.2k HDD or SSD.
Note - I took averages of the 32-bit numbers and added them.
Note 2 - The C2D Pxxxx are 25W TDP processors, which are more efficient than the Core i3 which are 35W TDP processors. Less heat, better battery life from C2Ds.
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