MacBook :: Uni Late 09 Liquid Damage - Upper Case Replacement
Sep 23, 2010
Being the poor college kid that I am, and knowing a bit about hardware repair, I've been buying macbooks on craigslist, etc. and reselling them. I just got a Polycarbonate Macbook that had liquid spilled on (she said it was iced tea). It wouldn't turn on so I checked out the logic board and I cleaned it with alcohol although it seemed clean. I noticed during this that the LED on the power adapter was green, though very dim. When I unhooked the cable connecting the upper case, it turned bright green. Basically what I'm wondering and now that I think about it its probably a stupid question, since I have no way of testing this until I buy a new upper case is do you think it's worth it to try and fix or should I sell it?
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Nov 16, 2009
My MacBook Pro suffered from a overdose of some delicious red wine. Apple Care said it needed a new logic board and graphics card (i think that's what it called). I want to sell it as is on eBay. is there a way for me to retrieve pictures and videos from the machine?
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Apr 22, 2010
I sent in my MBA for repair last week to a repair depot, and they say that there is corrosion on the motherboard from liquid damage. The problem with me is that the computer has never had any contact with liquids, especially in the area where the motherboard is. Can anyone show me where the corrosion is on this?
(attached photo is from repair depot)
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Jul 1, 2009
I work at our university support desk, and the other day we had a girl bring her macbook pro in. The twist is that she did not shut her mbp off and carried it over open in a downpour. Needless to say it was absolutely drenched. Fortunately the computer suffered no side affects. I personally have spilled a drink on mine (I proceeded to turn it off and remove the battery) but I suffered no side affects. So out of curiosity, do MBs/MBPs have sealed keyboards to prevent against liquid damage?
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Jan 15, 2010
I've notice the bottom arrow on my arrow keys, located on the bottom right corner of the keyboard doesn't have as springy of a bounce as it once did. About 3 days ago I got the impression it kinda felt a bit sticky. Having a baby brother I'm fearing the worst. The performance of my MBP hasn't changed at all, however having only 4 months left allowed to purchase and extend AppleCare I wouldn't want to buy it for no reason. That and I always like to rest assured my Mac is in pristine condition.
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May 5, 2012
I spilled about a tablespoon of windex onto the keyboard of my 1.66 i7 MBP. Of course it was on when it happened. I turned it off and flipped it over for a few hours. I was getting ready to go out of town when it happened so I had to close it up and take it on a plain with me. When i got to my destination the next day I tried to start it up and it was dead. I have since read all of the I should have done, but didn't.
I was looking to get an idea of the different cost scenarios to get it fixed. Like if it needs a new logic board, etc... I understand it might be better to get a new computer but I don't have 2800 for another 17'' MBP.
macbook pro 2.66 i7, Mac OS X (10.6.4), memory 4 GB
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Nov 9, 2009
I have about 50 *.mp3's on my hard drive that have the file names in all upper case. When looking at them in itunes it drives me nuts....Is there a way to convert the uppercase file name to lowercase? I have googled but can't find anything. I do not want to do it manually, that would take a long time =( thanks, I'm crossing my fingers
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Nov 5, 2008
I shut it down, popped out the keyboard and sopped up what I could find. When I started it up again, it started fine but in safe boot mode.
Keyboard is fried, obviously (which is how I got the machine in the first place, from someone who did the exact same thing and bought a new one rather than replace the keyboard), and I'm getting no airport detected and no sound output device detected.
My question is, does this mean the airport and soundcard are fried, or is there something else going on? I need help figuring out what parts to replace other than the keyboard.
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Mar 22, 2010
My problem stems from spilling milk on the keyboard of my mid 2007 white Macbook, and being forced to turn it back on a few hours later because I had to turn assignments in. So, luckily the hard drive and data seem to be fine, but the keyboard has widespread problems of keys not working or phantom sticking. Typing is possible but just too bad for continued use as. What I was wondering is my best option now that I'm here. it seems like my choices are getting my keyboard replaced, using a usb keyboard, or waiting another 24 hours and hoping they dry out, though I'm assuming they're shorted. None of these ideas seem great, and I couldn't find reliable information on how much a Macbook keyboard replacement costs. I'm downright terrible when it comes to disassembling and reassembling computers, but if nothing else is palatable can give it a try. Just looking for the best possible option terms of convenience and cost.
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Jul 17, 2010
My MacBook Pro (core 2 duo, A1211) has been taken apart for a fan cleaning, but I'm having trouble reattaching the upper casing. I cannot properly attach the front. Does anyone have some suggestions about getting this attached properly?
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Jun 17, 2014
How to set up an automatic upper case at the beginning of each sentence. I am doing huge amount of writing and just got fed up with it.
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Mar 22, 2012
Not sure how or why this happend, but my upper case i is not working, when i click SHiFT i nothing shows up, anyone know why? or how i can fix it?
Apple TV
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May 10, 2012
I was trying to fix something with the tabs in Safari (they kept reloading/refreshing every time I clicked back on one) and so I unchecked "Use multi-process windows" under the debug menu. However, now a lot of the links on websites appear as a bunch of A's inside little boxes (that sounds weird so I've included a picture below as an example) I feel like maybe trying to fix the tabs issue simply complicated things and now it's difficult to navigate on some sites
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Aug 31, 2014
Since upgrading from Mountain Lion to Mavericks (10.9.4), I've noticed that I am no longer able to sort files by name and get one list in alphabetical order. I now get two, as Mavericks seems to be sorting out files beginning first with uppercase letters and then following with all lowercase letters:
Naturally, this makes it difficult to efficiently scan a directory for a file with a known name, as I'd have to look in two places. Terminal is showing file lists in the same manner. I have made sure that grouping is turned off, so as to not confuse the view while sorting. A related issue that I am dealing with is drop down menus in Apps or on websites where one can typically type the first few letters of an entry and snap right to it. However, typing "tim" will not bring up an entry in a font menu, for instance, if the thing I'm trying to get to is "Times New Roman" with an uppercase T. In this case, I would have to hold the shift key to get a capital letter and then let it go, so that the rest would be lowercase.
I don't remember any Mac operating system before this being so insistent on separating letter cases.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jul 6, 2008
Yesterday I did something stupid and accidentally flattened my powerbook while it was open. This caused the casing around the left hand side of the monitor case to separate.
The part that frames the screen itself. Do you think the whole monitor is shot or will it just be an easy and relatively simple issue to fix. The screen works fine in fact I am using it right now, I just am afraid of dirt and don't like that it looks this way.
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Jul 3, 2009
I recently picked up a MacBook Air for a great price. The only problem is that it was dropped and has significant denting and disfiguring to the aluminum case that is behind the screen with the glowing Apple logo. I got a quote of $650 from the Apple store to send it out for repair. That is way beyond what I am willing to spend for cosmetic damage. I started searching and found the bottom of the case as well as the top of the case and keyboard but have had no luck finding a replacement for the backing of the screen. Dies anyone know where I can pick one up?
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May 7, 2009
I replaced the bottom case of my macbook pro with a new one I ordered off ebay. I followed the instructions from very meticulously and thought I had everything right upon completion. But when I hit the power button all the computer did was illuminate the sleep light and make a faint whirring noise (not as loud as it normally does). Does anyone have an idea of what I might have done wrong?I know there's probably a million things that could have gone wrong, but I am just seeing if anyone has any past experience with the same thing.
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Aug 8, 2009
I just had my top case replaced because of a hairline crack. Now that I have it back my MB feels a lot heavier than before.
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Dec 1, 2010
I was just rummaging through my cupboard looking for me certificates when I found it. And it fit's pretty alright. It will have to do for now. It a case for my Razer mousepad, the Destructor. It's hard on the surface and it'd do a nice job of protecting it over minor bumps but nothing major. What I like about it is that it's slim. When I first bought the Destructor mousepad couple of years ago, I remembered thinking the case would be a good case for laptops. Had a 15" HP that time and it wont fit. Not to mention, it was too thick. Well, I snapped a few pics. And oh, its a 13 MBA if anyone is wondering.
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Dec 28, 2009
Since then I've replaced the HDD, NIC, and a cracked topcase, which is now cracked again - I'm careful with it, but strong magnets + plastic + time = crack. It's not my primary computer, but it's still nice to bring to school with me.So my question is, does anyone make an aluminum replacement case and topcase for the plastic macbook? Only the topcase is damaged but after however many years with the same laptop I'd like a change (not a huge fan of plastic in the first place).
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Mar 13, 2010
I have to replace the bottom case of my peryn 2.4ghz macbook pro. I was wondering if anyone bought from and if this model would fit my computer? I will just order this part and go to my apple university shop where a friend of mine works there as a techy and he can change the bottom case.
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Aug 16, 2009
I have a late 2006 macbook and had the issue with the cracking case repaired today, however, Apple only repaired half of the issue. The 'top' half of the case was fixed (new keyboard, trackpad etc) was replaced and I am more than happy with it. The bottom half of the case (section with USB ports, bottom of the MacBook etc) still has cracks in it and clearly hasn't been replaced. Is this something that should be replaced as a manufacturing fault as they have done with the keyboard, palm rest, trackpad etc?
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Oct 17, 2009
What are my options for a third party wi-fi card/device for my MacBook Pro. I voided the warranty when I replaced my Superdrive with a second HD.
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May 19, 2009
I was wondering if it is possible to have the non-Unibody MBP top case sit flush with the bottom after replacing the HDD. On a couple previous generation MBPs, I, nor my local Apple Authorized Repair Center were able to replace the hard drive without leaving a noticeable gap between the top case and the bottom. I would really like to put a SSD in my computer, but would not like my machine to have that terrible looking gap. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions on how to prevent this gap, if it all possible?
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Sep 8, 2014
How do I format a new (replacement) hard drive without a disk for a 2012 13" Mac Book Pro? I was running 10.7.5 Lion.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), iOS 7, Just replaced a failed hard drive.
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Apr 9, 2009
I got my refurbed 2.4 unibody MB less than 2 weeks ago and just took it to the Apple Store because the very far right side of my spacebar stopped working, and I had a few slanted keys in various places on the keyboard too. The genius at the store told me they needed to replace the top case (metal chassis w/keyboard & trackpad built-in?) and it would take 3-5 days.Anybody else had problems with slanted keys OTHER than the function row? Anybody else had a top case replacement for this or other reasons?I'm nervous that I'm going to get my MB back and the new top case will be installed crooked or worse than the old one. Or the hard drive will be wiped and I'll have to re-install all my programs and iTunes/iPhoto libraries. I was loving the MB, with the spacebar failure being the only real problem... worried it's going to come back more messed up than it was. Am I just being paranoid?
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Aug 7, 2008
I seem to be having trouble with the new HD that seagate sent me when I returned my old HD under warranty.I got back a 60gb Momentus 5400.2 back from seagate that I use in an external HD case. I formated the HD as Mac OSX journaled but whenever I try to copy anything onto it it just freezes my whole finder. Is this HD not compatible with my mac? I have a 12 inch 1ghz pBook.
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Oct 26, 2009
I was wanting to know how hard it is to change top and bottom case and keyboard area? I would like to know that if anything was to happen to my soon to have macbook I could change it. Also this on the older macbooks. And if I have Apple to change it how much would it cost? And yes I know that they should replace keyboard case area for free because of the defunct cracking issue.
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Aug 12, 2008
Where i can replace the aluminum case, is it possible?, i search for spares and didn't find any.
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Aug 31, 2010
Something reasonably priced, so i can take it safely out in the car with me! Also will be looking for a car charger for it!Decided against getting an iPad coz of the limitations so im gonna get a dongle, looked around & I like the look of TMobile deal of ?40 for 90 days.
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