MacBook :: Running Windows And Protection From Viruses

Dec 29, 2009

I will be running windows on my macbook and wanted to know if I will now need to install a anti virus program to protect it when running in windows mode? Also if yes I do need an anti-virus program, which is the best to run.

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MacBook Pro :: Viruses Infections Running Windows With BootCamp

Aug 5, 2010

While running Windows with Boot Camp on a Mac can I get viruses?

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Windows On Mac :: Running Win2000 Under VMWare To Avoid Viruses?

Jan 22, 2009

I'm currently running XP under VMWare just to run a few old apps, like Lotus 123, without any need for the internet. It's now dead though after too many viruses and everything else the internet put on it without me knowing. Being primarily a mac user now, I don't want to have to learn about, and keep up to date with, antivirus software just to run a few old macros. So I was wondering if I can install an older operating system, such as Windows 2000, without ever telling it about the internet so it will have no connection with it and hopefully not die on me.

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OS X :: Mac With Windows And Viruses

Jan 12, 2010

While I am so happy with my Macs, and will never go back to Windows, I've come to realize that I just need to have it in order to do proper schoolwork. I have been toying with the idea of installing Windows, but I know it opens up for all the Windows viruses. Though, can I get infected with these viruses while working in the OSX partition? Except for downloading a few apps onto Windows, I won't be online.

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Applications :: Getting Windows Viruses Off Mac OS X

Jan 6, 2011

I am running OS X and own several external hard drives, some of which are infected with windows viruses. This obviously is not a problem for my mac but I would like be able to use the hard drives interchangeably between mac and pc and my pc being as old as it is, it probably isn't a good idea to let it find the viruses itself. I am wondering if there is an anti virus for mac (preferably free) that can detect and delete/quarantine these inactive windows viruses.

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Windows On Mac :: Partition Got Infected With Several Viruses?

Aug 30, 2010

I have a bootcamp partition on my mbp. Recently, my partition got infected with several viruses. I was wondering how I would go about reformatting the partition, also would you guys recommend installing windows 7. Secondly, I was wondering if it would be possible to increase the partition size without having to reformat my OS X partition.

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OS X :: Parallels Allow Windows Viruses To Infect MBP?

Jan 18, 2010

I have Windows XP on my uMBP, and I really hate rebooting the computer to start in it. I've been thinking about buying Parallels (Desktop 5), but if it allows Windows viruses (by virus i mean all the bad stuff. Malware, trojans and whatever else these things are named) to infect my computer, that is a total no-go.

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Windows On Mac :: VMWare Fusion On XP Viruses?

Apr 24, 2010

Okay, so my friend lent me VMWare Fusion 2. And it works perfectly. But my mother, is concerned that it may receive Viruses. Is it likely that it will recieve viruses? I have a firewall and AVG Free Virus Protector on it.

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Applications :: Best Antivirus For Mac To Detect PC / Windows Viruses

Jan 13, 2011

I have been using Macs for a good few years now and have never had a problem with viruses. However a lot of my friends run Windows on their PC's and want me to get a virus programme to scan my files & downloads before I share them. Can anyone recommend a good virus software (preferably freeware) that scans all viruses, not just those harmful to macs. Currently I use iAntivirus, but from what I can see it only finds those relevant to macs.

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OS X :: Choosing Antivirus Software - Detect Windows Viruses

Oct 23, 2009

i know that there are no viruses for mac, and that i dont need an antivirus program, but i need the antivirus program that makes it so it detects windows viruses, so i dont spread them to pc users over email.

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Applications :: Can Windows Viruses Acquired In OS X Infect The Boot Camp Partition

Jan 6, 2011

The title says it all. I have searched, and can't seem to find a situation exactly the same as mine. I have Paragon NTFS installed, so OS X CAN write to NTFS drives (namely my Boot Camp partition). I do not have any antivirus on Mac, as it is simply a waste of system resources. I DO have MSE installed on my Boot Camp partition (which is running Windows 7 64 bit by the way). Could I inadvertently pick up a virus in OS X and have it somehow infect my Boot Camp partition?

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OS X :: Run Any Virus Protection On A Mac Unless You Run Windows?

Mar 15, 2010

I am new to the Mac and I just want to make sure before I do anything. I have a friend that wants me to download the MSN CHat program so we can instant chat. Will that open me up to possible any virus stuff? I know you do not have to run any virus protection on a Mac unless you run Windows.

Also if it matters my friend is on a PC.

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Windows On Mac :: Finding Spy And Virus Protection

May 20, 2009

I was advised by the Apple store that I need not worry about spy/virus intrusion issues on my Mac mini. However, do I need to worry about spy and virus intrusion when activating the Parallel program and using the Windows XP side of my Mac mini .... i.e., similar to the threats that I had to protect against on my IBM PC computer???

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Windows On Mac :: After Installing 7/do I Need More Virus Protection?

Apr 8, 2010

I have a macbook pro (late 08). When i install windows 7, will i need to have more virus protection? I have clamXav installed already. Will that cover mac and windows? What settings should i have to cover both systems?

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Windows On Mac :: Using Best Virus Protection/fully Updated?

Jul 13, 2010

I will mostly use it for PSD, Final Cut, Logic, Entourage and iTunes.

However, I am also planning to use Fusion/Parallels to run, exclusively, Microsoft Excel, PP, Word and Acrobat. I will NOT use the Internet or play games while in Windows mode. Does the following setup reasonably protect my mac from viruses?

1. Bootcamp
2. Fusion/Parallels
3. Install anti-virus software on Microsoft side
3. Do not operate Outlook or Internet on PC side
4. Receive all e-mails on Mac (Entourage or G-mail)

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OS X :: Virus Protection Software Essential For Windows Partition?

May 16, 2010

After I partition my IMac and install Windows, will I need virus protection? If so, what does anyone suggest?

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MacBook :: How To Get Rid Of Viruses

Mar 29, 2012

How do i get rid if viruses on my mac?


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MacBook Air :: What To Use To Keep Computer Clean Of Viruses

Mar 13, 2012

I dont wnat to get a virus on my new computer what should i use for a Macbook Air?

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MacBook Pro :: Transferring Itune From Pc - Viruses In Music?

Mar 27, 2010

If i transfer music from my pc to my macbook and if the are viruses in my music will the transfer also?

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OS X Yosemite :: Scan MacBook Pro For Viruses And Malware?

Dec 1, 2014

How do I scan my mac book pro for viruses and malware?

MacBook Pro, iOS 6.1.4

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OS X :: Running Windows 7 On MacBook Pro?

Oct 9, 2009

I am switching from a dell pc running XP home media sp3,to a Macbook Pro.I have not ordered it yet, but I am planning to get the 15" 2.66, 4 G Ram, and upgrading to the 500GB/7200 rpm. I will mostly use the Mac side of things but I do plan to install either VMWare 3 or Parallels and then run Windows 7 there. I have pre-purchased the Windows 7 Professional upgrade software from MS. So, when I receive my mac, and install the virtual machine,do I then just do a clean install of the Windows 7 upgrade software and simply insert the registration key of my old XP operating system when prompted? Or do I need to go to the trouble of installing the MS XP operating first and then deleting it's partition during the clean install process? Are there any other things to watch out for in this process?

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Windows On Mac :: Macbook Pro Gets Really Hot When Running 7

Mar 26, 2010

I know macbookpros typically get hot running OS X, but it seems to get really hot really fast while running windows (bootcamp). Not sure if its something that should be fixed on my notebook or if everyone else has the same thing.

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MacBook Pro :: Purchased A Which Is Currently Running Windows 7?

Apr 15, 2012

i have just purchased a macbook pro and it is currently running windows 7. how do i restore it back to apple software?.

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Windows On Mac :: Way To Get The Wireless Mighty Mouse To Work In Windows 7 Running Via Bootcamp?

Sep 12, 2009

Is there any way to get the wireless mighty mouse to work in windows 7 running via bootcamp tried to pair it but no luck.

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Windows On Mac :: Open Up Bootcamp Partition (running Windows 7) In VMWare

Sep 4, 2009

So I am trying to open up my bootcamp partition (running windows 7) in VMWare and I get this error message: Cannot open the disk '/Users/brandonquirarte/Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion/Virtual Machines/Boot Camp/%2Fdev%2Fdisk0/Boot Camp partition.vmwarevm/Boot Camp partition.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on. It was working just fine before the upgrade to Snow Leopard but I am not sure if that has anything to do with it. I had to reinstall Windows 7 after I tried installing the Bootcamp 3.0 drivers so that may be more of the issue. I didn't test to see if would work still when I upgraded to Snow Leopard.

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MacBook Pro :: When Running Windows, Bootcamp 2.0, No Mic Will Be Recognised?

Jun 7, 2008

Ok so I've got a MBP bought back in november, with Mac OS X Leopard. My problem is, when running windows, Bootcamp 2.0, no mic will be recognised. Neither the built-in, nor any one you connect will work. Doesn't matter if it's usb or jack, it won't work (even though it's recognised).

I'm working with Realtek HD audio drivers, as I didn't even have sound after installing Bootcamp.

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MacBook Pro :: Running Windows - Battery Life?

Oct 27, 2009

if I'm going to be running windows 7 through bootcamp almost full time.. would it better to get the 15" with 9400m only since the other models I've heard default to 9600 under windows. I don't play games and want to have good battery life while using windows.. so does the 15" w/ 9400m only seem like the better option for this?

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Windows On Mac :: Running Dos With Parallels Or VMware On MacBook Pro

Jan 13, 2010

I am having a very hard time installing doss 6.22 on my Mac. Why would I want too? Well cause of work, we have some a lot of old data at work that was collected over the years using dos programs and I need to go threw it and pull out what I need, when I need it. So having it on my laptop would be great. I have tried both Parallels & VMware with no luck. I can't get them to realize that I have a floppy drive, it's a usb floppy drive. I have 6gig of memory running snow lepoard. I have been thinking of trying the Sun Microsystem software but thought I would ask here first.

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MacBook Pro :: Use Current Windows 7 Key On New Running Parallels?

May 7, 2010

I am planning on installing Windows 7 on my new macbook pro. have a windows vista install cd and then a windows 7 pro upgrade dvd. If i install it on my new mac will it automatically block my laptop??? i have searched online and there are conflicting responses to this? Do i need to uninstall it? is it automatic?

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MacBook Pro :: Running WillMaker In Mac Using Windows Emulator?

Apr 19, 2012

At some point I would like to use a Windows ONLY program called WillMaker by Nolo Press.  But it is Windows only.  If it is not graphics intensive would this be a good candidate to run in some Windows emulator window?  Does OS X Lion by any chance have any Windows emulator built into it or are emulators the domain of 3rd parties? 

1.  Anyone successfully run WillMaker in OS X Lion?

2.  Assuming a separate Windows emulator is necessary (either Apple or 3rd party) are there any consider most robust?

3.  If a dedicated Windows 7 or 8 (when it comes out) is the only way to successfully use WillMaker do tell but I will certainly hold off longer. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Still struggling to make the 'leap'

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