MacBook :: How To Get Rid Of Viruses
Mar 29, 2012How do i get rid if viruses on my mac?
How do i get rid if viruses on my mac?
I dont wnat to get a virus on my new computer what should i use for a Macbook Air?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI will be running windows on my macbook and wanted to know if I will now need to install a anti virus program to protect it when running in windows mode? Also if yes I do need an anti-virus program, which is the best to run.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIf i transfer music from my pc to my macbook and if the are viruses in my music will the transfer also?
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow do I scan my mac book pro for viruses and malware?
MacBook Pro, iOS 6.1.4
While running Windows with Boot Camp on a Mac can I get viruses?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI live in Taipei, Taiwan and saw some of these mac commercials on youtube (I went looking for them, and I'm from the USA). I've seen several commercials of mac attacking PC on the viruses thing so I went on the net and did some research. I found there results (which I'm not saying are right or wrong): "One of the reasons mac's don't get viruses is because no virus maker is going to make a virus for a computer that holds such a small market." I can see this making some sense since I rarely see any apple computers/laptops throughout all my travels over the globe.
View 24 Replies View RelatedWhy is it that leopard doesn't get viruses? I've always heard that it's just because Leopard is not used by as many people as windows and virus designers have a larger incentive to go after windows. Does Leopard ever get viruses? Will there be a tipping point where we all of a sudden get a massive wave of Mac viruses? Should I install an anti virus program on my gorgeous, beautiful new MBP Classic?
View 24 Replies View RelatedDo Viruses Exist On Mac? I just wondered since this PC Virus Scan Pop-up opened and said i had 127 Viruses. My Computer hasn't shown signs of anything wrong.
View 24 Replies View RelatedWhile I am so happy with my Macs, and will never go back to Windows, I've come to realize that I just need to have it in order to do proper schoolwork. I have been toying with the idea of installing Windows, but I know it opens up for all the Windows viruses. Though, can I get infected with these viruses while working in the OSX partition? Except for downloading a few apps onto Windows, I won't be online.
View 22 Replies View RelatedI am having trouble trying to get down to the bottom of this. I cant get a direct reason why. does anyone know? and can you explain it well?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI am running OS X and own several external hard drives, some of which are infected with windows viruses. This obviously is not a problem for my mac but I would like be able to use the hard drives interchangeably between mac and pc and my pc being as old as it is, it probably isn't a good idea to let it find the viruses itself. I am wondering if there is an anti virus for mac (preferably free) that can detect and delete/quarantine these inactive windows viruses.
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy router has a firewall on it.
I use gmail and follow the usual precautions against opening strange documents, etc. (I also have a supplemental fan sitting under it)
I have no virus or malware or spyware protection on either the mac or the PC, although I do run occasional checks for them and have never found anything suspicious.
so lately after switching from windows to mac i've been suffering from Virus paranoia, running scan after scan every day on my pc. now i ask myself, should i have an antivirus for mac?i realize there are only trojans for mac and you have to type in your password to get them but should we run antivirus software as good cititzens? to protect windows users? to stop the spread of viruses? Voice your opinions and what antivirus is best for mac and if we even need one.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWith all the new software partitions available for the mac for users to be able to utilize any Windows OS on their Mac, many ask what about all the viruses that comes from windows? Will the Mac still be protected even though Windows is running on it? does the Mac saying "114,000 viruses, not for a Mac," still stand? Give me your input.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a bootcamp partition on my mbp. Recently, my partition got infected with several viruses. I was wondering how I would go about reformatting the partition, also would you guys recommend installing windows 7. Secondly, I was wondering if it would be possible to increase the partition size without having to reformat my OS X partition.
View 4 Replies View RelatedFor the last few days I've been buried under an avalanche of bounced undeliverable emails I never sent.
Question:Could I have some sort of virus,or has someone "spoofed"my address?
How does spoofing work and is there a way around it short of changing my address?
My son has an iBookG4. Sophus has detected 7 viruses. I'd name them but we're unable to access further info because (presumably) the viruses have blocked his access to the web.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have to say it is the worst virus protection program. I use a thumbdrive in my mac often and always scan it after using it on a PC I plugged it into my computer running windows 7 and kaspersky, it detected a trojan immediately. Is there a good virus protector for Mac, not such as for it but so i can get rid of sharing the PC viruses around?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have Windows XP on my uMBP, and I really hate rebooting the computer to start in it. I've been thinking about buying Parallels (Desktop 5), but if it allows Windows viruses (by virus i mean all the bad stuff. Malware, trojans and whatever else these things are named) to infect my computer, that is a total no-go.
View 21 Replies View RelatedI am pretty sure the answer to this is no, but my email was hack last night, and I have yet to retrieve it. I hate hotmail. This has happened once before a very long time ago, when I was in Junior high. The powermac i have is a used g5 but has all of his data in it, and he didn't care to reformat it for me. Is it better to wipe it and start over or try to run applejack and defrag the hard drive? Also how can I check to see if the programs are legal are not?
View 8 Replies View RelatedOkay, so my friend lent me VMWare Fusion 2. And it works perfectly. But my mother, is concerned that it may receive Viruses. Is it likely that it will recieve viruses? I have a firewall and AVG Free Virus Protector on it.
View 7 Replies View Relatedmy hp desktop crashed because of viruses. When I get it restored and whatever i want to install mac osx on my pc. but i dont know how to do it and i dont know what version i could install.its a 2005 hp with intel pentinium 4 3.0 ghz processor, 1 gb of ram, 500 gb hd.
View 8 Replies View RelatedThis "support" process is all very strange to me. How do I find out if my 2011 Mini has any viruses or malware in it?
Mac mini (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have been using Macs for a good few years now and have never had a problem with viruses. However a lot of my friends run Windows on their PC's and want me to get a virus programme to scan my files & downloads before I share them. Can anyone recommend a good virus software (preferably freeware) that scans all viruses, not just those harmful to macs. Currently I use iAntivirus, but from what I can see it only finds those relevant to macs.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI know that Limewire is bad all around, but isn't that just on PC's? They can't give macs viruses, can they? If they do what are some other alternatives to Limewire?
View 21 Replies View RelatedI just bought my macbook a second hand black one from ebay and currently loving it Basically i wanted to download handbrake and was wondering will my mac be at risks of any viruses ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI read once in a forum that windows has 200,000+ viruses Mac between 40 and 80 and I am not sure about Linux. Anyone can indicate the statistics with a well trusted source.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat is the best program to purchase for Malware or other viruses.
iMac, iOS 5.1.1
I'm currently running XP under VMWare just to run a few old apps, like Lotus 123, without any need for the internet. It's now dead though after too many viruses and everything else the internet put on it without me knowing. Being primarily a mac user now, I don't want to have to learn about, and keep up to date with, antivirus software just to run a few old macros. So I was wondering if I can install an older operating system, such as Windows 2000, without ever telling it about the internet so it will have no connection with it and hopefully not die on me.
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