OS X :: Virus Protection Software Essential For Windows Partition?
May 16, 2010After I partition my IMac and install Windows, will I need virus protection? If so, what does anyone suggest?
View 2 RepliesAfter I partition my IMac and install Windows, will I need virus protection? If so, what does anyone suggest?
View 2 RepliesMy girlfriend downloaded a bunch of programs and I noticed her Windows installation was a lot slower than when it was fresh. She has an antivirus program called "Uniblue RegistryBooster" and I was wondering if that was a reputable antivirus program or something malicious.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am new to the Mac and I just want to make sure before I do anything. I have a friend that wants me to download the MSN CHat program so we can instant chat. Will that open me up to possible any virus stuff? I know you do not have to run any virus protection on a Mac unless you run Windows.
Also if it matters my friend is on a PC.
I was advised by the Apple store that I need not worry about spy/virus intrusion issues on my Mac mini. However, do I need to worry about spy and virus intrusion when activating the Parallel program and using the Windows XP side of my Mac mini .... i.e., similar to the threats that I had to protect against on my IBM PC computer???
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a macbook pro (late 08). When i install windows 7, will i need to have more virus protection? I have clamXav installed already. Will that cover mac and windows? What settings should i have to cover both systems?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI will mostly use it for PSD, Final Cut, Logic, Entourage and iTunes.
However, I am also planning to use Fusion/Parallels to run, exclusively, Microsoft Excel, PP, Word and Acrobat. I will NOT use the Internet or play games while in Windows mode. Does the following setup reasonably protect my mac from viruses?
1. Bootcamp
2. Fusion/Parallels
3. Install anti-virus software on Microsoft side
3. Do not operate Outlook or Internet on PC side
4. Receive all e-mails on Mac (Entourage or G-mail)
Is Virus barrier x6 any good for virus protection?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI got Win7 on my BootCamp partition and OS X 10.6 on the Mac side, I was wondering if I do get a virus on the Windows side is there a real possibility of it effecting the Mac side? I have Microsoft Security Essentials running on the windows partition.
View 6 Replies View Relatedi just bought my macbook pro 13" aluminum body. do i need any virus protection?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI plan on getting a Mac soon and i know that you don't need virus protection but I heard there still are some nasty viruses out there so what's the best program for it?
View 6 Replies View RelatedSo I was thinking...as Leopard gets older and Apple eventually stops updating the security features, will there be more need to go out and buy a program like Norton Antivirus for mac? We mac users take pride in NOT having to have antivirus programs like the PC market, but is it advisable?
I'm wondering if I should buy Norton for mac (only $50, which I thought was reasonable,) to install on my PM G5. What are your guys' thoughts?
I've just purchased a MacBook Pro and wondering if I should protect myself against viruses etc? If so, what should I use? I've yet again recently had to format my laptop PC hardrive after a virus attack, and I'm hoping all this will now be a thing of the past.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'll probably get banned for asking this but I will anyway. Yes I did use the search tool but all the posts I was reading where old.
Here goes. I just bought a new i5 iMac and was wondering if i should buy virus protection software?
i got my macbook pro a few days ago and i'm enjoying it. the only concern i have is that it might get a virus and and i don't want to put 1.5k of US dollars to waste just like that. i always thought a mac could never get a virus so thats why i bought it but i read that there is a chance that getting a virus might happen. so i am wonder should i pay for a virus protection or does it already come with a virus protector and i don't have to worry?
View 24 Replies View RelatedIf i install bootcamp on my iMac. Does it come with any anti virus protection or do i have to buy it myself?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI've just ordered my first Mac (ever) 27" i7 8Gb 2Tb. I figured if I'm in... I'm going all the way in, so now I have to wait 10 days (build time I'm told). I have owned a PC since about '78 or '79ish ? when I bought my first TRS80 (for all the old timers out there) and I think I'm pretty good with em, however apples, I haven't a clue .... Anyway my 1st question to the brains trust out there is do I need internet security/antivirus software on my new iMac.
View 10 Replies View Relatedi heard its almost impossible for macbookpro to get viruses but its possible still?? I want to make sure i never get viruses or anything like that so do i need some kind of virus protection? I have a pc and it keeps getting viruses and getting fixed and getting viruses again all cuz im a comp noob lol . This is gona be my first mac..i just bought it on apple online store... And i wana do stuff like stream anime from random sites and my pc got spyware and totally messed up when i streamed anime and accidentally got tricked into clicking an ad..and i also wana download stuff from limewire and stufff like that..would it be safe to do that kind of stuff without protection on a mbp?? Had anyone even got a virus on their mac ??
View 24 Replies View RelatedI need to know whether I need virus protection for my MacBook Pro. if so, can I use AVG, or which would you recommend.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
what Virus Protection I need for my MacAir and where to get it.
MacBook Air
I run Windows 7 on my Mac using Parallels Desktop and the virtual machine is protected by Kasperky. My question is, will this virus protection conflict with ClamXav or Norton 11 if I were to put either into my Mac or should I remove the Kaspersky first. In addition, if I did have to remove the Kaspersky, would any AntiVirus/Spyware specific for Mac also protect the virtual machine?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI remember seeing reports of it a few days from the SL release, but I havent seen anything recently... Or any signs of it on my mac.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI recently purchased my first Mac, an i5, it's supposed to arrive on Thursday. Anyways, I was wondering if there's any recommended virus protection software I should be using for the mac?
View 13 Replies View RelatedIs there a 'preferred' virus protection for Macs?
View 4 Replies View RelatedDo I need to download/purchase virus protection for my iMac?
iMac (20-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
What program is the best or what do u use that has protected u the most? Im going to need to pick one up soon.
View 31 Replies View Relatedi bought a macbook pro and was just wondering is it worth buying anti virus protection for it, since macs dont usually get virus's or so iv heard. any one have any advice on it?
and which is best antivirus out there for a mac?
I checked yesterday and didn't have any software updates, but today I had one for Java, so I updated it.Does this mean I'm protected? I've read the links but don't understand how to determine if I'm currently infected, or if the updated Java will protect my iMac in the future.Should I download something else from Apple's site?
imac, Mac OS X (10.5.4)
Im a new Apple/imac convert.
Got tired of windows crashing and the viruses.
-can I play windows games on my new imac? (a company of heroes) -I dont fully understand how the anti virus works...i feel like i need to download something?
I bought this Hard and I did install it on my Macbook pro and I did it into 2 parts
but when I tried to copy some movies from my mac to my windows through my hard! it doesn't work on windows ?
How can I make it works with both systems whatever if mac or windows
I will be running windows on my macbook and wanted to know if I will now need to install a anti virus program to protect it when running in windows mode? Also if yes I do need an anti-virus program, which is the best to run.
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