I had use my laptop hour ago and suddenly the wifi connection is gone and I try a lot to connect it but the message on the screen is your wifi card is off then I will try to do on it but it wasn't?
I've had this computer for many years and it has been trouble free. Recently, however, it's been losing the wifi signal. It'll keep it for a while, but then I'll see it fluctuate and eventually die. I can't seem to bring it back to life. I have an iPhone, apple tv and a laptop that all seem to have no trouble pickng up the wifi signal. Would this be a software or hardware issue? Could my airport card be dying? If so, is it fixable?
How certain are we that (physical?) interference between the airport card/wifi and the graphics card can be cured with a download, and not actual hardware fix/repair? I mean, I know technology is advancing rapidly, but I'm not sure I can believe that a download can solve the issue that the 4850s are experiencing.
I just did the firmware update from my late 2011 Macbook Pro 13" (running 10.7.3) which all seemed to go fine, except I can't connect to my wifi any more. There is another 13" macbook pro, a 13" macbook air and 2 android phones which can all still access the wifi. I keep getting a message that my password is invalid (I know it's not). Everything I have tried has been done with the power supply connected.I have:
-rebooted the wifi router
-rebooted the mac
-shut down, waited for 5 minutes and rebooted
-repaired permissions
-deleted the keychain and tried to make a newconnection
-tried reinstalling the EFI firmware update from a .dmg (it won't let me)
I have been facing many problems on connection to wifi with my MacBook Pro Retina (mid 2012)
I'm using mavericks and updated to 10.9.4.
My wifi is working well , when I am outside of home , but when I am at home wifi list will not display anything.
Even my iPhone wifi hotspot is not being displayed at home , but out side of home it's ok!!!
When I select join other network , after entering wifi name and password sometimes it can connect , and some times I need to reboot my Mac to connect.
I also installed Windows 7 using bootcamp , And every thing was working very well in windows.Â
for Solving problem I tried removing wifi Preferences files , create a new location , clean re-installing OS, but none of them worked.Â
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
My computer is connected to my wifi, and all other devices are working, but my macbook air is not sending any i messages, connecting to the internet, or the itunes store
I have a MacPro 1,1 2x2 GHz Dual Core Intel purchased in 2007. No airport card, no Bluetooth.Is there a compatible wifi card that will work with this machine to add wifi functionality?
I have a MPB early 2011 and I have talktalk internet. I have absolutely no problems with my wifi up until the last week. I can use the internet perfectly fine downstairs when I am in the living room (where the router is located) as I am typing this using it, however when I go upstairs i.e. to the bedroom directly above where the router is situated I am still connected to the internet at the wifi symbol is black however i lose internet connection and I am not able to use the internet at all. This is a new issue as before, I was able to use my MPB anywhere in the house without any problems. Â
I don't believe it's the router as my iPhone connects fine upstairs and we also have a MPB late 2013 and that works perfectly fine upstairs. Â
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have a USB all in one card reader that doesn't seem to work when I connect it to my Macbook. It's an aluminium Macbook running snow leopard.
Ordinarily I would suspect that my �2.99 card reader is faulty and just buy a new one...however I also have an iMac, and it works perfectly with that.
My wife's Mac Book Pro (around 18 months old) gets an error message when she hooks up our Canon camera. It says the USB is drawing to much power and has been disabled. She has downloaded 1000's of pictures without problems and now that message pops up. And she doesn't have anything extra plugged in since the last downlaod around a week ago. Also the SD card reader isn't working. When the card is plugged in nothing happens and we can't find the card in iphoto. So now she has no way to get the pictures on iphoto. It's not the cord or the card because I can download them without any problem on my Windows computer.
So here's a weird one. I have a Macbook Pro 15" (MacBookPro 8,2). SD card reader reads my SD cards just fine on the OSX side of things. I have Windows 7 x64 installed as well, with BootCamp 4.0 drivers installed, everything is fine (including device manager saying that SD card reader drivers are perfectly fine), except the card reader absolutely refuses to read any SD cards. I've tried several of them. The laptop isn't even aware that a card has been inserted. Anyone have any ideas? I'm stumped (which rarely happens, give the fact that I am an IT consultant by day). I've reinstalled the drivers for the SD card several times.
I move into my new place next week and find that the only source of internet will have to be through a wireless router. So now I am need of a Airport card. I have a 2005 iMac G5 (the generation right before the built-in iSight). I know that I need a Airport Extreme Card and an antenna, but I was wondering if somebody could fill me in on the exact part numbers I need for iMac. I've seen lots of different airport cards and do not want to buy the wrong one. If anyone can help me, that would be great.
I'm running a PowerBook G4 15" FW800 (running 10.4.11) which has only ever connected to the internet via an Orinoco WiFi card, and I'm trying to upgrade it to a better card whose signals aren't stopped by a couple inches of walls. So I bought an AirPort Extreme card on Ebay and hooked it up, but it's not working right. I'm hoping for some advice. Note that I don't have an AirPort base station; I have a Linksys router, which the Orinoco card was able to communicate with fine. Anyway, I got the AirPort Extreme card (no software CD included), and hooked it up as demonstrated in this video. My laptop already had some AirPort software on it, which refused to acknowledge the existence of the card.
I then I installed the software available here, which seemed to overwrite the previous set of software; I also ran Software Update. No matter what, the laptop refused to acknowledge the existence of the card. Applications->AirPort Utility, AirPort Admin Utility, and AirPort Disk Utility all turn up blanks. AirPort Utility, for example, just says it's "unable to find any Apple wireless devices". The software that was there before I installed the software linked to above gave a different message. if I do get the laptop to recognize the card, will I even be able to connect to the Linksys without an AirPort base station or something?
I use a 4G Galaxy Nexus to broadcast a private WPA2 network. The 4G signal is always strong, and I've verified that the internet is active on the broadcasting device, and that other non-Apple devices maintain a solid connection. However my macbook pro does not lose the network connection, the internet stops working only on the macbook pro and I must "turn Wifi Off" and back on using the top right menu icon in order for the internet connection to resume working on the laptop. It will stop working every 5-10 minutes.
i Have a late 2013 Mackbook air since upgrading to Yosemite 10.10.1 Serial No CO2LXR9SF5V7 my key board has stopped working. Can login with key board but then that is it does not work thereafter. Wi FI keeps disconecting.Â
First of all, I have a Unibody MBP 2.4 GHz from October 2008. Today my sound card died. Or half died. My left speaker doesn't work anymore, and the sound card must have fried my headphones too, because the right speaker in those also doesn't work anymore (with any ipod / computer).
But this is only one of the many problems I've had with my logic board. I've had my logic board replaced twice for graphical issues, and now I'm experiencing even more issues. Every once in a while, the top 1/4 of my screen flickers black for a couple milliseconds. This happens on only the 9400. But, when I'm playing games using the 9600, it will overheat and my screen will go black and the sound will start looping. To fix this, I have to manually adjust the fan speed before I start playing. And finally, I've had some USB problems too. Whenever I plug in a USB device into my computer, it doesn't get recognized, get powered on. NOTHING happens. I have to wiggle it around for a couple minutes to find the "sweet spot" where it will connect.
All of my problems have been with the logic board.I'm going into the apple store tomorrow. I'm pissed. I shouldn't need to get my logic board replaced every couple months.
Any suggestions? Should I ask for a new MBP all together? Should I just keep putting up with this BS? Anybody have any permanent solutions to any of the problems I've mentioned?
My usb slots and sd card slot is no longer working in Windows 7 on my macbook pro. I've tried reinstalling the bootcamp drivers but it doesn't help. My firewire 800 works fine with my lacie external hard drive. Anyone got any ideas how to fix this?
I have the aluminum iMac from around 2007 and the WiFi card seems to not be functioning correctly. It seems to time out often and is non-responsive many times. When it is working, it only gets about 1/4 the speed of what my macbook is getting.
I have a 2008 Mac Pro. I am wondering whether its a better idea to go for a WiFi internal card,or is it better to get the airport extreme for wireless internet with router? My knowledge of WiFi/setup is quite limited.
I need a wifi card for my MacBook Pro (preferably N, but G is OK), and an ExpressCard version seems the best choice, however I'm having a really hard time finding one in stores, much less one that I know is Mac compatible. It seems the PC-world's reluctance to move on from PCMCIA is slowing down progress in this area.
There must be an expressCard wifi card out there that works with a MBP running leopard. Does anyone know of one?
My MacBook Pro 15' Early 2011 model's SD Card slot stopped working after the 10.7.4 supplemental upgrade. I "zapped" (or reset) the PRAM and reset the SMC, and it worked for a minute but can't get it to work again. Its still under it 1 year manufacture warranty and was wondering if this would be, Apple Phone Support or an Apple Store Genius.Â